By BND__ZB1_

21.6K 802 329

the three youngest of the Theerapanyakun and kittisawat family has suddenly disappeared what happened to th... More

new friends tough times
almost reunited
reunited at last
reunited at last pt 2
family chart
childhood storytime pt1
childhood storytime pt2
suprise news
family dinner
1 year

life support

469 19 17
By BND__ZB1_

Vegas pov

After speaking to pa I made a decision

It was a tough one but I know what to do

I walked to macaus room to talk about what I found out

Only when I arrive I saw niran there

Right I forgot he was gonna check up on them

Macau lit up when he saw me "hia hia guess what, he cleared me of having ice-cream and I'll be discharged tomorrow"

I shot Niran a look and he shrugged
"Why not, he was brave for taking all those medications even though he was afraid of needles" he teased

Macau pouted "im not afraid just a whimp"

I chuckled "thats the same thing cau"

Macau rolls his eyes

I smiled at his mini pout and then I saw Niran looking at me with a knowing look "so did you make a decision, I kinda have to know by tonight, forgot about that"

I nodded then glanced at macau looking curious "what decision"
He said looking at the both of us

Before either one of us could speak Macau gasped loudly "hiaaaa how could you, what about pete, I like him though this guy is cool too" Macau whined

I rolled my eyes "its not that" I gritted my jaw

"Hmm you did do a tiny bit of flirting"

I glared "that was your fault for saying I'm not your type"

Macau gasped again and look at the doctor "hia's everyone's type, why did you say that, it hurts his pride" he said dramatically

I smirked while niran glared

"Anyway whats going on then"

"I like to know that myself" a new voice entered

I slowly turned to see pete standing by the doorway with his arms cross

"Hi baby" I grinned

Pete made a mock smile "hi wegath, so whats happening here"

"He was about to inform Macau about a certain patient i was in charge of"

Then pete looked worried "who is it kim?? Chay??"

He shook his head "they're fine don't worry but it is a guy name kan Theerapanyakun"

Pete and macau looked at the doctor in shock

"Wait what!?"

"Pa's alive!?"

Then they both looked at me at the same time

I nodded "yea he's alive"

They shouted in disbelief

Then I thought about it again and made a little grimace face
"Semi alive"

Pete looked at me confused "what does that mean"

"It means he is in a coma but on life support, he doesn't have much time left if he's off of it, which is why now that vegas knows, he need to decide whether or not to keep him on life support" niran explained

Pete nodded as he listened

I sighed and look at macau and made sure the doctor heard my decision

"I want to take him off" I said quickly

Both pete and macau just stared at me

"Look he might have tried save you macau but this guy was the source of our trauma and who knows, he could just betray us again later in the future" I said sadly

They stayed silent for a bit and then niran spoke up "I'll give you a few moments"

Then he left the room

The room was completely quiet until pete finally said something

"I think you did the right thing, he could've betray us later so it's better to be safe right"

I nodded as he grabbed my hands

I looked at macau "cau, what do you think"

He nodded "I think you did the right thing hia, when I was gone all I could think about how pa left trying to be a hero to me and thats what I still want" he said tearfully smiling

I looked at the both of them "do you want to come with me to see him one last time"

Pete shook his head "I'll let you have your moment"

Macau declined as well "I want to keep thinking that the last time I saw him was that night everything happened"

I nodded as I hugged them one last time before heading to pa's room

As we reached, niran looked at me "do you have any last words"

I looked at the door then back at the doctor and shook my head "not really, just I hope he's a better guy next life"

Niran nodded as he went in to take him off life support

A few minutes later he came out "it is done, it is only a matter of time before he flat line" he sigh

I nodded

"Time for me to go check on other patients" he said

I nodded "it was good knowing you"

He nodded "maybe next life you will be my type"

I chuckled "yea maybe"

Then we went our separate ways as he headed off and I went back to macau's room


Finally!! Kan is officially dead lets celebrate *cheers*

Well that was the last of niran, back to my imagination he goes lol, where he and vegas ends up together
I have a wild imagination lol

Let's see what happens next
See you soon

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