River City Girls: New Girl in...

By ghost-writer-0000

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Ever since she was little, Y/n L/n has been homeschooled online. However after her brother gets a job in a ne... More

Chapter 1: First Day at River City High
Chapter 2: School House Rumble
Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu
Chapter 4: Y/n Makes a Bet
Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai
Chapter 6: Not Breaking, but Still Entering
Chapter 7: Boss Battle! Yamada
Chapter 8: All in the Mall
Chapter 9: Uptown Funk
Chapter 10: A Quick Break for Tea Time
Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown
Christmas Omake
Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning
Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari
Summer Omake: The Beach Episode
Chapter 14: Downtown Dropoff

Halloween Omake

455 11 2
By ghost-writer-0000

Ominous green light illuminated the otherwise lightless room as you knelt and cradled your Grimoire in your lap. Before you scrawled in chalk on the floor was a massive ritualistic circle embossed with cthonic markings and inlaid with a seven pointed star, a single glow stick flickering at each point. Flipping the page you continued the chants, the temperature growing cold and unnatural as you repeated the eldritch words.

Y/n: Stirips fo dlrowrednu, raeh em llac dna esir ot—Aghhhh!

You shrieked in surprise as the lights flipped on without warning, your arms flailing and knocking the cheap glow sticks all across the floor as you clutched your Grimoire to your chest. Eyes bigger than a deer's in headlights, you turned to see your Piers standing in the doorway, finger still perched on the light switch as he looked at you blandly. Huffing, your cheeks puffed out as you angrily pouted at your big bro.

Y/n: Piers! I told you not to interrupt me when I was in the middle of my ritual.

You fumed petulantly as he shrugged it off, stuffing his hands in his pockets nonchalantly as if he hadn't just ruined several hours worth of magic prep work.

Piers: Yeah well you also told me to come get you when your girlfriends got here.

Y/n: But bro, if the ritual is interrupted or the protection circle broken the cos equinoxes for the world could be di— Wait they're here already? What time is it?

Piers: A bit past seven thirty.

Your face fell as it the reality crashed down on you, tonight you and the girls were planning to hit up the Halloween haunt party at the mall, but amid your magic practice and ritual you must have lost track of time. Looking down at your shorts and tank top you cringed at how totally unprepared you were.

Like a blur you were scrambling to your feet. You frantically dashed over to your closet, knocking a glow stick over in the process, and began hurriedly pulling out your costume and tugging it on.

Y/n: Crap crap, I'm not ready. Can you go tell them I'll be a minute?

Piers: Yeah sure. But please clean up your mess there before you leave?

Y/n: Thanks bro, your the best!

You replied back quickly, not really paying attention past him agreeing. He fixed you with a suspicious look before shrugging and closing the door behind him on the way out. Now alone you undressed, slipping your clothes off so that you could comfortably slip into your Halloween costume.

After a quick suit up montage you proudly stood in front of your mirror smirking happily at how your costume came out. Under your signature jacket you were dressed in a brown dog suit onesie, your hands slipped intro cute paw shaped gloves and all of it topped off by an adorable wolf ear headband. Playfully growling at your reflection you burst into giggles.

Y/n: Girl you looking good, now time to get out there.

Grabbing your grimoire and stuffing it in your handbag, you switched the tiger wrestling belt buckle out for a wolf themed one before merrily skipping out of your room, paying no mind to your incomplete ritual circle. As such you failed to notice the green glow darkening into an unearthly blood red.

Out in the living room you blushed bright pink as saw your girlfriends Mami and Hasebe waiting for you in full costume. You felt yourself gulp as you eyes trailed over their bodies, hungrily devouring the sight of how their outfits hugged their slender figures. You and your girlfriends had all gone in together on a polycule's theme of the classic movie monsters, with you being the wolf man, or girl in this instance.

Hasebe had chosen to go as the creature of the black lagoon, donning a semi revealing blue green swimsuit that hugged her slender figure like a second skin. Your breath hitched as your eyes trailed over the several strategic cutouts that showed off your girlfriend's her hips, navel, and inner thighs.

If Hasebe's costume and made you flush, Mami's had you hot and bothered. The blonde had gone with something simpler but as equally sexy to represent her chosen creature, the mummy. Her slender body was wrapped tightly in bandages, and only bandages as far as you could tell. The white gauze coiled around her slim waist, juicy thighs, and modest bust, several gaps in the fabric revealing tantalizing hints of her smooth blemish free skin underneath.

The two minxes smirked as they watched your brain shoot circuit, leaving you sputtering and staring at them with an atomic red blush. They too looked you up and down in appreciation, cause while your costume wasn't sexy like theirs the two girls flushed pink seeing how adorable and cute you looked in your werewolf costume. In particular the way your bright red face and wolf ears left you looking more like a puppy than a feared wolf girl as you stuttered out a greeting.

Y/n: H, h, hey girls your costumes look great!

You gave them a shaking thumbs up and tried very hard to not stare at the hints of exposed thigh and or how tightly there outfits hugged their bosoms, but you proved weak willed. The girls giggled as you gawked at them, smirking teasingly as they stalked up to you with swaying hips and pecked you on the cheek. Your knees nearly gave out as their soft lips pressed warmly against your cheeks, Hasebe's finger trailing teasingly down your chest while Mami hugged your arm tight against her chest didn't help.

Mami: Heeeey Y/n. See something you like?

They chuckled as you nodded enthusiastically, giving them a goofy grin you wiggled your hips to get your costumes fake tail wagging.

Y/n: Y/n likey very much, very very much.

Hasebe: *giggle* down there girl

She pet you on the head playfully, giggling as Mami joined in on the head pats while you basked in the affection. But an abrupt and obviously fake coughing got your attentions, the three of you blushing in embarrassment realizing Piers was still in the room. Your big brother was casually leaning against the door with his guitar case slung over his shoulder.

Piers: We'll I'm gonna head on out, me and my mates got a gig down town. You girls good or do you need a ride, cause I can make a stop on the if you need?

Y/n: We're good. We were planning on heading when Kyoko and Misako get here. They might be awhile so you should probably go ahead, we'll walk or take the bus.

Piers: Alright then. I can get down around midnight if you need someone to pick you up.

You almost stumbled forward as Hasebe latched onto your back like a limpet, crushing your waist in a bone crushing hug, her breasts pressing softly against your back as she rested her chin on your shoulder.

Hasebe: Thanks Piers, but we'll be okay. We're all actually planning on crashing at Mami's place tonight. If that's okay we mean.

Your brother looked skeptically at you and the girls, his eyes narrowing even as you stared at him with your biggest most innocent eyes. Sighing he smiled warmly at you while throwing his guitar case and other bag over his shoulder.

Piers: Very well. Stay safe girls, oh and Y/n, stay safe and listen to Mami and Hasebe. Girls your in charge, and if Y/n starts acting out just there's a newspaper in the kitchen, just roll it up and swat her on the nose.

You flushed red as everyone else burst into laughter, your girlfriends leaning against you for support as your brother shot you a taunting brotherly smirk. Grumbling and glaring at him didn't do anything but intensify his and the girls amusement.

Y/n: What's that supposed to mean!

Hasebe: Will do Piers.

Mami: Bye Piers, and don't worry we'll keep her in line.

Y/n: hmmmph, good luck at the concert I guess bro.

Waving goodbye you watched him head out, leaving you alone with the girls as they made themselves at home. They peeled off of you to make themselves at home, giving you an opportunity opportunity to once again ogle their choice of costumes, blushing as you eyed how Hasebe's swimsuit bottoms tightly hugged her ass and how Mami's bandages wrapped around her perky boobs. As you looked up from their lithe figures you found them looking dead at you with knowing smirks. Caught red handed and blushing in embarrassment, you sputtered for a reply.

Y/n: You girls are looking really nice tonight, your costumes came out really well.

Hasebe: We know.

Mami: Yours came out pretty good as well Y/n, I really like the ears.

Hasebe: Yeah they're like super adorable, I just want to pet you.

They giggled as they lifted their hands up and pat you on top the head, rubbing your hair like you were their pet puppy. Bashfully looking away did nothing to hide the atomic blush or stave off their amusement.

Y/n: Heh Heh, yeah. Oh Hasebe did you do something different with your hair?

The purplette blushed stopped petting you as she ran her hand through her violet locks, smiling happily as she sent you an appreciative glance.

Hasebe: Yeah I'm using a new conditioner. Thanks for noticing.

Y/n: No problem, it really gives it a pretty shine.


You felt your bag shake a bit as the familiar buzzing of your phone blared. Digging your hand into grab it you pulled it out and tapped the screen, immediately seeing the notification of a message from Kyoko. Excited you flipped the phone to show Hasebe and Mami.

Y/n: It's Kyoko!

Mami: Don't keep us in suspense what does it say?

Y/n: Lets see. . . They're waiting for us at the bus station.

Hasebe: About time, come on girls we got a party to get to.

Slinging your handbag over your shoulder, the three of you headed down stairs in good cheers. Outside your apartment building night had set in on River City, the thigh rises wreathed in dark purples and blacks of the Halloween night with small lights of store fronts and street lamps dotting the ominous gloom.

The bus stop was about one block down the street from your building, and on in the twilight shadows that seemed to stretch on for miles. Silently you felt Mami and Hasebe entwine their hands into yours, locking their fingers in a firm grip and pressing closely against you as you walked the quiet streets until you were standing beneath the lights of the bus stop. However despite your girlfriends' texts, Kyoko and Misako were nowhere in sight. Much to your favorite blonde and purplette's chagrin.

Hasebe: Ughhh were are they, we're gonna be late.


Y/n: I'm sure they'll be here soo—ARGHH!

You shrieked in terror as you felt two hands grip your shoulders followed by two thin pin pricks along your neck. Eyes wide you flailed forward screaming your lungs out. Fearing this random night creeper you panickingly threw yourself in front of Mami and Hasebe, small pinpricks of fire dancing along your finger tips as you threw them up protectively despite your uncontrollably shaking knees. But your fear quickly faded as you caught of the your "creep" and instead found Misako curled over and laughing her lungs outs, Kyoko leaning against her also mirthfully chuckling at your expense. But before you could do anything more than pout unhappily at them you heard the girls behind you giggling along with them. You watched Misako wipe a tear from her eye and throw her hands up as she let about a big playful hissing.

Y/n: *Panting* What the heck Misako? I nearly had a heart attack.

Misako *giggle* Sorry but you really should seen the look on your face.

Kyoko: It's like super funny and cute, you were all like "arghhh!"

Y/n: I didn't find it funny! Why did you do that?

Kyoko: Oh come on Y/n, it's Halloween. Getting a little scared is all part of the fun.

Misako: What she said. Also felt like a waste of my costume to not pull that prank.

She gestured down at her costume, immediately halting your startled rage as your train of thought took a long detour to pervy city. Misako was dressed as the stereotypical vampire, with a fine suit that hugged her curvy body and an evil looking cloak that billowed slightly in the night air. Her already beautiful face was enhanced by a thin touch up of gothic makeup and eyeliner, her pearly white smile replaced by a set of fake vampire teeth. Thinking on it that's probably what poked your in the neck.

Then you looked at Kyoko and felt your mouth dry up as she was rocking a waist pinching, bosom pushing corset like a queen. Sling over her shoulders was a big red pirate coat with a matching captains hat sitting atop her head. Her shapely legs were covered by thigh high brown leather cuff boots, leaving a thin strip of her creamy thighs exposed between her boots and almost knee length black skirt. Under her corset she wore a frilly white blouse that hugged her bust like a glove, giving a mouth watering view of white silk stretching taught over her round breasts.

Your girlfriends chatted amongst each other as you eyed up their costumes with a pervy eye.

Kyoko: So what took you girls so long?

Mami: Excuse me?

Hasebe: We're not the ones who showed up late.

Your blonde and purple haired girls were glaring accusingly at Misako and Kyoko, who were giving as good as they got with heated looks right back at Mami and Hasebe.

Misako: Late? Us? We've been here trying to get ahold of you for twenty minutes. I've been trying to call you the whole time!

Kyoko: And I texted Mami and left her like a ton of messages. How could you not have gotten any of them?

Hasebe: We didn't have our phones.

Misako: How can you not have your phone on you?

Mami: Do we look like we have pockets?

She and Mami gestured down to their costumes, which while extremely sexy and complementary of their good looks left zero room for pockets on the skin tight outfits.

Misako: Huh so that's why Y/n was the only one picking up.

Kyoko: No wonder you didn't get all my texts.

The blonde of your merry band slumped forward at the idea of her inbox being packed to the brim with countless texts. Groaning she shuddered and asked the obvious.

Mami: I'm gonna have to clear my voice box aren't I?

Kyoko: Yep!

Mami: Just great.

You blinked as you heard Mami's annoyed teeth grinding from where you stood, signaling it's time to change conversation topics.

Y/n: Moving on, your costumes look great girls.

Misako: Thanks-

She swished her cloak dramatically, wrapping it around her all mysterious like as she peeled over its edge with just her eyes showing.

Misako: I'm a vampire!

Kyoko: And I'm a pirate.

The redhead curled her fingers like shook and leaned forward with an exaggerated wink.

Kyoko: Arg! Ahoy me matey! *giggle* pretty good costume right?

Y/n: It's super good! Love the boots.

Mami: Didn't we agree you were gonna be our invisible man?

Hasebe:I do remember that being thrown around during the couples costume planning date last week. Your kinda breaking the theme here.

Kyoko: Pfft, You two are being silly. I couldn't use that costume because I can't turn invisible.

Mami and Hasebe stared blankly as Kyoko shrugged them with a dismissive wave. The three of you all turned to Misako for answers since she was supposed to go costume shopping with Kyoko, but all the black haired tomboy could give for an explanation was "what can you do" shrug of her shoulders.

Y/n: Well I for one think Kyoko is looking fantastic. Plus I really like the sword.

Kyoko: I know pretty cool right. Its real you know, found it at a garage sale awhile back. Check this out!

She gave it an experimental swing, the metal whirring as it cleanly sliced through the air. Excitedly she slashed it several times, giggling as the street lamp light glinted off the swinging cutlass. One overexcited swipe forced Hasebe to step back, as the blade nearly got her on the arm. Seeing the close call the redhead ceased immediately and weathered the girl's annoyed glare apologetically.

Hasebe: Watch that thing!

Kyoko: Sorry!

The five of you waited silently for the bus, idly chatting about what to do first at the party. Everyone had their own vote, whether it be food, game stalls, or checking out the competition for the costume contest. The last one got you several knowing looks as the girls nodded doubtfully when you tried to say it was just for research and that the cheerleaders social media bragging about their costumes played no part.

Thirteen minutes later and the bus still hadn't arrived, leaving the five of you waiting cold and irritated. Mami and Hasebe in particular were visibly shivering as the night chill wafted across their barely covered bodies.

Hasebe: Ughh, why won't this bus get here already. I'm freezing.

Mami: Maybe we should cal la cab the go back and wait in Y/n's apartment for it to arrive.

Kyoko: What! But then we'll be super late to the party.

Hasebe: Ad we won't have hypothermia.

Misako: It's just a few more minutes can't you tough it out.

The girls glared heatedly at each other, and sensing the oncoming argument you stepped between them. Sliding your jacket off, you draped it around Mami and Hasebe's shoulders before giving them a tight bear hug. The girls blushed as they were pulled flush against you, their lithe figures pressed intimately tight around you, your fur costume and jacket warming them like a blanket. Moaning in relief at the source of warmth they snuggled in closer to you, their chests softly squishing against you as your arms rubbed along their lower backs soothingly. Blushing brightly you smiled as their faces nuzzled against the crook of your neck.

Y/n: How's that?

Mami: Mmmmm that's much better

Hasebe: You know Y/n for a werewolf you make a good teddy bear.

Kyoko: No fair I want a hug too!

Mami: But you have that jacket, and we're just so cold without our Y/n to warm us up.

You smiled happily watching the girls get along, but while the three were having some fun playfully bickering at each other you saw Misako looking off down the street and wincing uncomfortably. Concerned you quieted down the girls and shuffled the group cuddle over to her.

Y/n: Something wrong Misako?

Misako: Yeah but don't look now. Druggie down the street.

Automatically without breaking a beat you, Mami, Hasebe, and Kyoko all turned to look in the direction Misako pointed and immediately saw the guy she was talking about. His clothes were all torn and faded and his skin an unhealthy grey as he shambles out an alley way and into the streets. Before you could get a better look though Misako furiously rounded on all of you and turned you back to face her.

Misako: What the hell? I said don't look now!

Y/n: Yeah but that's like the universal phrase to look.

Misako: No it means literally the opposite of that.

Mami: You really shouldn't say do t look if you don't want someone to look.

Hasebe: It's pretty basic reverse psychology reverse psychology, you say not to do it so we do want to do it.

Misako: I can't believe what I'm hearing, Kyoko back me up on this.

Kyoko: I always look when someone says not too.

Misako: Fine well I hope your all happy with yourselves because now he's coming over here.

You all winced and turned to see the disheveled man slumping towards you with his arms outstretched, lurching unsteadily like a corpse on legs. Up close he was more unkempt than you previously thought, his hair was stringy and falling out by the clumps and skin seemed to be almost falling off in discolored patches. The girls and you all gagged in disgust and stepped back, but he still kept stumbling closer with ugly gasping groans. You glared angrily as he tried to swipe out and grab onto an uncomfortable Kyoko, luckily she managed to dodge out of the way before he could get her. Your eyes narrowed watching Kyoko shiver in disturbed disgust, immediately you tightened your fists until your knuckles turned white.

Kyoko: Eeegh!

????: Braaaaiiiiinnnss

Misako: Hey creep fuck off!

She slammed her fist into her palm threateningly, glaring at him as Mami and Hasebe peeled off from you to crack their knuckles. The shambling man ignored Misako and the girls threats, and instead took another lurching lunge at Kyoko. Snaring you interposed yourself between the creep and Kyoko, throwing your arms out protectively.

Y/n: We said get lost!

You threw out a sloppy haymaker that struck him dead across the chest, knocking him back onto his ass with a painful sounding thud. But as his head snapped back his neck split like wet paper, sending his head rolling down the sidewalk leaving a trail of discolored decaying green sludge. Everyone blinked and stood over the severed head stunned for a moment before—




Startled you leapt into Kyoko's shaky arms, while Mami and Hasebe clutched each other tightly as they screamed their lungs out. More courageous in the face of a screaming severed head then the rest of you, Misako kicked the damn thing off into the distance. Its screaming and groaning echoed quieter and quieter as it disappeared down the darkened streets of River City. With it gone Kyoko set you down and you all tried your best to take a deep breath and calm down.

Y/n: So not to downplay the fact that we just got attacked by a zombie, it doesn't count as murder if they're already dead right?

Kyoko: I don't think so, I mean yo I can't kill something if it's dead.

Mami: It'd probably be treated as self defense anyway, he did attack us first.

Misako: Not to interrupt but I don't think this the most pressing issue.

Y/n: Look at me Misako, look at me. I can't survive prison, I'm too soft and cuddly! What could be more important than keeping me out of prison.

Hasebe: Them.

She pointed down the streets and alleys where your screams of fright had drawn a crowd, tens of the living dead hobbling across streets and out of alley ways on route towards you. Their limbs looked about ready to fall off as they reached out towards you to the groaning chant of "Brainsssss." Paling you all whipped around to look down the other side the street, where another horde was slowly assembling.

Y/n: Anyone else feel like a quiet night at home?

Hasebe: Sounds good to me.

Kyoko: You had me at quiet.

Mami: I'm not really a fan of parties anyways.

Misako: Less talking more walking people.

That kickstarted making a break for your apartment building with a pack of zombies hot on your trails. The undead popped out of seemingly everywhere, dodge one from the alley there, circle around the group clawing at a store front, and pushing those in front of you out of the way. Unfortunately despite pumping your legs as hard as you could, you were still the most unathletic member of the group. As such you slowly lagged behind the others.

You were just barely managing to keep ahead of the pack as they clawed and lunged at your back. Though a swift kick knocked a few of them back they were quickly replaced by more of the ravenous undead that were slowly gaining on you. Looking back at the drooling flesh falling off faces sent a shiver down your spine that had your hair standing on end.

Turning back around you nearly had a heart attack seeing the others were gone. Panicking you ignored the zombies slowly gaining on you and stopped in the mouth of an alley way to frantically search for you missing girlfriends. Wide eyed and hyperventilating you whipped back and forth desperately hoping for a sign of them, but then a hand reached out and covered your mouth as it dragged you deep into the shadowy alley.

Squirming and struggling fearfully you tried to break free of your captor, your terrified screams muffled by their cold discolored blue green hand. It wasn't until some time after you watched the horde had lurch past the alley mouth that your captor acknowledged you, Hasebe's stern tone immediately recognizable. It was then that you realized the discolored zombie hand muffling you was actually just her glove.

Hasebe: I'm gonna let you go, but you better not scream and alert those things where we are. Understand.

Nodding yes, you gasped for breath as her hand pulled away. Now unrestrained you were able to look around and find that the others were all here with you hiding in the alley way. Teary eyed you flung your arms around them in a big hug. You could feel their hands rubbing soothing circles on your lower back.

Y/n: Your all here and okay?

Kyoko: Yep! We got away just in time to hide. And good thing we did, they almost caught you. I've been telling you you need to be more active.

Flushing in embarrassment you coughed into your hand and tried to hold yourself all chill and smooth like, as if you hadn't just been about to break down in panic.

Misako. if your gonna cry please don't do it on my costume, I'm borrowing this cape.

Y/n: Well I wouldn't say that, I was actually about to bust out some sick magic to get away. But Uh thanks the hand

Mami: Yeah sure yo users. Anyways we saw it this alley empty and jumped in so they couldn't see us, and boom the moment they couldn't see us they forgot all about us.

Hasebe: Turns out having your brain in the process of decaying doesn't help with object permanence.

Y/n: I was so scared there when I couldn't see you, I'm just happy your safe.

You were then enveloped in the arms of your girlfriends, your face going beat red as their soft breasts squished against your arms and head as they packed you into a comforting four way hug. Their hands ran reassuringly through your hair, but you couldn't focus on that as every bit of thought and fear was smothered out of you by the marshmallowy feel of their boobs. By the time they pulled away and held your shoulders comfortingly you were a pervertedly grinning fool.

Misako: You feeing better?

Y/n: Hmmm one more hug?

Mami: Yep she's fine.

Misako: Good glad that's handled. Now. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?

You rested back in shock and outrage as Misako jammed an accusing finger at your chest, your eyes staring defiantly at hers.

Y/n: What I didn't do anything!

Misako: Uh Huh, try that again I might believe you.

Y/n: You think I'm responsible for these zombies?

Misako: Yep.

Y/n: That's crazy, tell her girls.

You looked at Kyoko, Mami, and Hasebe for support, only gawk as they all betrayed you and stood behind Misako in glaring scoldingly at you. Huffing indignantly you crossed your arms and turned your back to them, not dignifying this witch hunt with any legitimacy.

Y/n: I'll have you known that it's impossible for me to be responsible for this, because I was busy all day performing my ritual to. . . summon the spirits of the dead. Oh, yeah that.

Your arms fell limply to your sides as your brain connected the dots. Turnign around and facing the very unhappy girls, your posture wilted as you tapped your fingers together nervously. You flinched as they did their level best to make you spontaneously combust.

Hasebe: Why were you summoning the spirits of the dead? What posses you to think that was a good idea?

Y/n: Well not the spirits cause they weren't summoned yet.

Chuckling weakly you winced seeing Hasebe, Kyoko, Mami, and Misako all glaring disapprovingly at you. Bowing your head you shot them apologetic glance.

Y/n: Sorry not the time for jokes. Now can quit with the looks, your making me feel like I'm in the doghouse.

Your mastery of comedy went unappreciated in this moment as their glares hardened, leaving you feeling extremely awkward as you nervously rubbed your neck and apologized.

Y/n: I'm done I promise.

Misako: Answer the question Y/n.

Y/n: Ughhh fine I'll tell you. So you know that history report due Tuesday, the really long and boring one about some old dead guy. I kinda forgot about it till this morning and realized I didn't have the rod to read the book on him, so I was gonna summon his soul and make him do it for me.

Misako's face palm echoed through out the alley as the others' unimpressed gazes weighed down on your shoulders like four heavy anvils. Hasebe looked down at yo y with narrowed eyes and spoke through bared teeth.

Hasebe: You know when I think of date night being ruined because of home work there is significantly less zombies involved.

Y/n: I'm sorry, but it still can't be my fault.

Kyoko: How is it not your fault.

Y/n: Because my protective containment circle would have ensnared any spirits conjured by my ritual, whether accidentally or intentionally. So long as the circle is intact and I finished the ritual. . .

You paused and put your hand to your chin ponderously, fragments of memory bubbling to the surface with dawning recollections. The girls looked grim faced forwards you as you took a deep teeth clenched breath and sighed.

Y/n: So about that

Misako: What did you do!

Her voice was a low growl as she grit her teeth together and clenched her fists against her hips. The tense atmosphere thickening as the others soon followed her example.

Y/n: It's more like what I didn't do.

Kyoko: Oh dear.

Mami: Explain.

Hasebe: Now!

Y/n: I may have left the ritual unfinished, and accidentally kicked over the circle's protective markers while getting ready for the party.

Self preservation instincts kicked in watching them all narrow their eyes in anger looking about ready to start shouting. And with speeds that's astonish Olympic athletes you waved your arms distractingly and tried to wave them down from their feminine fury so that you could beg for mercy.

Y/n: But don't kill me yet because I can fix it!

Relief flooded you as they wound down from their incoming rant and impatiently crossed their arms. You were briefly distracted by how their arms pushing up and emphasizing their boobs in exciting ways, from Kyoko's corset making her breasts almost pop out, Mami's bandages leaving nothing to the imagination, Hasebe's swimsuit giving a tantalizing peak at her cleavage, or just Misako's jacket stretching tighter against her buxom chest.

But you shook yourself back to attention before you could get fully caught up in admiring your beautiful girlfriends, putting all your focus on explaining how to fix this mess and avoiding your girlfriends wrath that your little peak had only made incensed.scrambling you pulled out your Grimoire and flipped over to the bookmarked ritual page and showed it to them, running your finger along the lines of cthonic texts as you hastily started talking.

Y/n: This passage right here is the specific ritual I was using. I got to about here, the summoning portion. We're in luck because despite the containment circle being broken, I should be able to banish all the spirits back by re-establishing it's integrity and skipping ahead to the final incantations which are meant to return the disturbed spirits to rest. So we just gotta get back to my apartment and I'll fix this in like five minutes tops.

Hearing that you were able to fix it dispelled a large amount of the tension in the air. Their shoulders visibly slacked in relief knowing that this zombie apocalypse could be put back in the box so to speak. But Hasebe chose that moment to come in like a wrecking ball and start talking logistics of wading through a crowd of zombies to reach an apartment several stories above ground.

Hasebe: Um not to be a downer but how are we planning to get there? The streets are crawling with those things.

Y/n: I can try to draw a teleportation circle!

The girls: NO!

Shrinking in on yourself you pouted grumpily and kicked a can down the alley.

Y/n: It was just a suggestion.

Mami: A bad one. Now are there any good ideas.

Misako: We're just gonna have to push our way through.

Kyoko: Oh! I got something for just for that kind of situation!


Misako and Mami leaped back as the redhead eagerly drew her cutlass and held it aloft proudly. But she quickly changed her tune after Misako found a slight cut on her cape, furiously glaring at Kyoko for damaging her rental. She held the sword behind her back and tried to play it off coolly by whistling innocently.

Mami: Careful with that thing!

Kyoko: Oops sorry.

Mami: Let's just get this over with.

Misako: You heard her girls, we're heading out.

The five of you shared a determined nod and began heading towards the exit of the alley. On the way you geared up, snatching up some loose boards, debris, and trash can lids for defense before facing down the undead hordes.

The streets were littered with the shambling corpses, their rotten decaying faces twisting around their rotten necks to stare hungrily the moment you stepped onto the streets. A loud groan ripped through the night as they shambled towards you, arms outstretched to the croaking hungry cry of "brains" They were absolutely everywhere, coming at you from all sides with gnashing jaws and swiping claws.

The girls didn't give them the chance to get within mauling distance though, Misako lashing out with a loose wooden board and bashing the closest pair of zombies on the heads to give the rest an opening to start running. Everyone took off sprinting towards your apartment building, charging straight through a bank of zombies congregating in the way.

Mami held up a trash can lid to solve off the incoming swipes of the undeads' grasp, knocking them off balance so that Hasebe could sweep their legs with her golf club. The zombies shrieked as their knees exploded into bone meal and exsanguinated pulp, their torsos falling to the ground legless but arms still lashing out.

Hasebe reared back just in time to keep the grimy decayed fingers from gripping her ankle. With a big gag of disgust she jabbed the living corpse in the face with her club, pushing it back to bowl into the legs of several other members of the horde.

Bringing up the rear you and Misako were hard at work fending off the few zombies with enough functioning leg muscles to keep up with your max dash through the streets. Leveraging the length of her weapon, Misako made big sweeps to push the brunt of the pack away while you bludgeoned the more determined of stragglers.

At the front of the charge Kyoko was laughing up a storm as she used her cutlass to go to town on the zombies ahead. Her blade cut through the undead like butter, severing the barely connected limbs and slicing straight through the old brittle bones. With her at the lead your group inched their way down the block, cutting a clear path towards the safety of your home with steel and pirate puns.

Ducking and weaving between tangled of undead limbs, your group eventually managed to turn the block and come within eyesight of your building. But as you looked to see the goal in your sights you wilted, for standing at the door clawing to get in was an enormous palpable mass of rotten flesh and ghastly moans. Tens at the monsters at the least, and more coming down the street.

Sniffing the air one of the walking dead's eyes latched onto you and the girls, it's tongueless mouth opening as if to lick its lips before pointing and screeching "brains." Looking back at the creeping crowd of hungry zombies, you realized that at this rate you'd be overwhelmed. Narrowing your eyes determinedly you began digging through your bag to snatch up your grimoire and start flipping frantically through its pages.

Mami: Y/n we don't have time for this.

Y/n: Just buy me a minute, and I'll clear us a way to the door.

Hasebe: That's easier said than done!

Misako: Hey less complaining more fighting. Kyoko we need to— KYOKO!

The redhead was one step ahead of everyone else, having grabbed a trash can from a nearby alley and payed it down on its side. Taking a step back she ran up and kicked the aluminum can, sending it barreling down the road and toppling a large swathe of the zombies clustering the door.

Kyoko: Come on let's get in before they get up!

She didn't wait for you girls before dashing off ahead in a mad sprint for the door, stabbing and cutting her way through the remaining zombies like a machine. After shaking yourselves out of being stunned by her ingenuity, the four of you scrambled to catch up to her.

As the most exposed members of your group, Mami and Hasebe hugged the halls of the buildings for protection. The blonde's trash can lid clanged as she shoved away the grasping appendages of her attackers, teeing them up for her purple haired bestie to bury her five iron deep in the skulls. They quickly caught u with Kyoko, but kept their distance as the redhead's cutlass swung wildly through the air decapitating zombie after zombie.

Severed limbs and hands pawed arms your feat as you trampled over the bodies of the dead. You nearly hurled as you felt the filthy fingers grazing your ankle, but you swallowed it down and furiously kicked the offending creep in the face, sending their jaw flying off onto the sidewalk. You were about to run forward when you heard Misako's scream.

Turning around you saw that amid bashing one of the living dead's faces in, several crawling zombies had snagged their claws in her costume's cape. Your black haired love desperately lashed out, catching several of her opponents with a brutal swipe of her makeshift weapon, but as they were knocked back down more merely climbed over them to claw at her cloak.

Glaring furiously at the creeps trying to attack your girlfriend, you opened your grimoire to a dog eared page and began reciting the incantations. Your voice was quiet as it came out in low eldritch whispers. Your muscles tightened and your lungs burned as you channeled mystic energies, the otherworldly might draining your stamina as you pushed them out in accordance to your will. Your eyes turning only blacker with each word, the temperature dropping rapidly as you held out your hand and made a wiggly grasping gesture. Immediately an inky blackness spread across the floor beneath Misako's assailants, followed by writhing black tendrils coiling around everything within reach, crushing the weak decrepit zombies beneath their slimy grip.

Amid the commotion caused by your spell, Misako pulled herself free from the undead's clutched and ram to where you stood panting exhaustedly on wobbling knees as you mentally concentrated on commanding your conjured tendrils. She picked you up princess, clutching your tired body close to her chest as she ran to join the others by the door. You felt the blood rush to your head as your face was smooshed against soft jiggling tit.

At the door to the building Kyoko and Hasebe were trying desperately to clear a safe perimeter for Mami as the blonde frantically pushed against the doors. Kyoko's was dual wielding her sword and a trash can lid as she fended off a crowd of zombies, sweat rolling down her forehead as she held the aluminum lid out in front of her like a shield and took potshots whenever possible. Hasebe was stuck in a worse position, back flush with Mami as she tried her best to leverage the reach of her golf club to keep the monsters off her best friend. Said blonde's breath was tagged under the pressure as she rattled the doors feverishly, ramming her shoulder into it vainly trying to brute force the damn thing open.

Misako reached them just in time to kick over a zombie sneaking up behind Kyoko, pushing it into a couple that were advancing on Hasebe and sending all three sprawling onto the pavement. You took several cheap shots from her arms, firing tiny conjured motes of magical elements to pick off the pesky undead one by one. Turning to Mami you shouted loudly to draw her attention.

Y/n: Mami it's a pull door!

The blonde stopped everything she was doing and tried pulling, which opened the door effortlessly.

Mami: Oh.

The five of you piled inside the building's lobby, Misako setting you down to join the others as they struggled to pull the doors closed behind them. Zombies were doing there best to slip through the crack in the doorway, just a try held at bay by Hasebe and Kyoko's efforts. Seeing Misako go to help out, you got to your feet and went to cal the elevator down, furiously slamming your finger on the button to try and make it get here faster.

Several seconds passed before the elevator doors slid open and the girls broke off from the door to cram themselves beside with you. You waited until the last of you were halfway inside then clicked the button to close the doors. The doors latched shut just before the zombies could reach through and grab at Mami.

Everyone let out a deep sigh of relief as the elevator rose up the floors to the chorus of the tedious jingle. You clutched your knees panting tiredly and took a glance around at your girlfriends. Kyoko and Misako were leaning exhausted against the walls, their costumes disheveled as they took a moment to catch their breath. Hasebe was checking herself for any injuries or filth, sighing happily noting nothing blemishing her flawless skin. Looking towards Mami you saw—

Mami: What?

Your entire brain crashed as blood drowned your face and your loins throbbed seeing Mami. Her costumes bandages had gotten caught in the elevator doors as they closed, causing her mummy wraps to slowly unravel inch by sexy inch as the elevator went up. Brest hitched you stared transfixed as the bandages around her top had been fully removed without her noticing, leaving her modest but perky boobs on full display.

Drawn by her question, the others turned to Mami and immediately blushed. Everyone stood speechless as they drank in the sight with varying levels of embarrassment and brazenness. You were the most blatant in your ogling, but Misako, Kyoko, and Hasebe all took long admiring looks at the blonde's lithe figure. Kyoko respectfully turned away while Misako sputtered and Hasebe smirked.

Subconsciously rubbing your thighs together you licked your lips and watched her chest rise and fall with her breathing, rosy pink nipples hardening in the chilly air and teasing you by looking so perfect and suckable. After mentally engraving the glorious image into your mind with the assistance of a memory enhancement spell, you shakily took off your jacket and held it out to the confused blonde.

Mami looked at the offered garment in befuddlement, however seeing your blush she looked to the others for explanation, only to tilt her head quizzically seeing them also staring at her bright red with varying levels of bashfulness and perverted glee.

Hasebe: That's a pretty bold costume you got there Mami, looks kind of chilly though.

Seeing her purplette bestie and girlfriend snickering prompted Mami to look down, only to freeze completely stunned as she saw her own perky nipples sitting out in the open for all of you to see. Slowly she looked back up to find everyone staring at her exposed bust, even Kyoko sneaking quick peaks now and then. First thing that happened was that her face flushed atomic red, second she shrieked and frantically snatched your jacket and hastily threw it on closed all the way up,inch to yours and the girls disappointment.

Mami: You don't tell anyone about this. Ever!

Her short clipped tone brokered no arguments as you all hurriedly nodded in agreement. Just as she finished intimidating you all the doors slid open behind her and you all exited into the thankfully zombie free hallway. Exiting last you couldn't help but mumble euphorically under your breath.

Y/n: Best elevator ride ever!

Catching back up to them with a skip on your step was easy without the hordes of undead chasing you down, and after quickly fishing out your keys you threw open your apartment door so everyone could shuffle in. Whence everyone was safe and inside you closed the door and plucked a key and needle out the nearby bowl. Pricking your finger with the needle's point, you dropped a single drop of blood onto the key and pressed it against the door, brilliantly glowing blue sigils briefly lighting up the wooden frame before fading into soft barely noticeable engravings.

Y/n: There just in case they shamble their way up the stairs, the wards should keep them out.

The girls brightened up hearing that. Their bodies visibly relaxed as they plopped themselves down in the living room to sit to catch a breather. The four of them all slumped together on the couch, tiredly falling into place as their bodies rested after such an exhausting experience.. Letting out a deep well earned sigh of relief before turning to look you in the eyes, Misako's voice was equal mix tired and exasperated.

Misako: Finally, now will you please go do whatever magic shamgic you need to do to fix this.

Y/n: Sure thing, but first can I get you girls anything?

As one cohesive unit they all turned to glare at you, eyes twitching as you stood there smiling cheerfully. Their exasperation with you flew straight over your head as you began counting what you could offer on your fingers.

Y/n: We got some snacks I can make real quick, like microwave hot pockets and pizza rolls. Any of this sounding good?

Mami: No.

Y/n: Well if none of that sounds good I got this new air fryer thing, really good for cooking chicken wings. I can throw a few in to cook while I'm doing my thing.

Misako: Go do the ritual.

Y/n: Of you don't want anything heavy we have some chips and crackers. Think here's some barbecue Lays and Ritz, I have peanut butter and cheese fizz for the latter.

Hasebe: Every second you continue doing this bit, zombies are rampaging through the streets.

Y/n: How about drinks? We got some Fanta, Sunny D, orange juice, lots of orange flavored stuff surprisingly. Oh also milk, regular and strawberry

Kyoko: If your offering I'll take a—

The redhead stopped as the others turned on her like a pack of wolves, staring her down into submission until she withdrew in on herself and meekly changed her request.

Kyoko: On second thought you should go do the magic thing.

Y/n: Sure thing!

The girls all smiled as you started walking towards your bedroom while flipping through your Grimoire to the right page. But they're expressions turned sour as you stopped at the doorway and pivoted on your heel to face them.

Y/n: I might be awhile so please make yourselves at home, and feel free to help yourselves to whatever's in the kitchen.

The girls: JUST GO!

The immediate rounding on you left you quaking in your fur suit, knees shaking uncontrollably as your eyes looked across at your four angry girlfriends who were all staring venomous daggers at you. Sweat rolled down your forehead as you gulped nervously, and fearing angering them further you nodded submissively and rushed to do what they said.

Y/n: Right sorry!

Meekly running away you scurried into your room with your grimoire clutched tight against your bosom. Slamming the bedroom door behind and you took several several deep slow breaths to try and calm yourself down. Only after managing to calm down did yo Ugandan yourself to try and tame the furiously burning blush spreading across your cheeks

Y/n: Damn they're kinda hot when they're mad. Now what to do to fix this.

Flipping the grimoire open to the ritual page you reread the passages on the ritual circle and compared the sketches with the current state of your ritual chamber (bedroom). Your furniture was pushed to the sides to make room for the chalk circle which sat perfectly it act on the ground, but then you noticed the five unholy red glow sticks having fallen on their sides and rolled out of place. Smoke blacker than night and billowing in the shapes of damned screaming souls billowed out from the center the seven pointed star, and wafted through your open window.

Y/n: Hmm I see the problem, the evil ghost smoke is supposed to stay in the circle. But this should be a simple fix.

Gathering up the glow sticks you sat them back up on each of the seven points. The moment the last was set back in its proper place they their hue intensified to near blinding levels until settling back down to their proper green color. The excess light seeped down into the circle before beaming up into an ethereal cylinder that trapped the ghastly cthonic fog within its confines. The putrid dark cloud billowed and battered agains the edges of its prison, but the green glow burned it at the touch. Humming to yourself you sped read the last sections of the ritual's description detailing how to reverse the flow and banish the conjured spirits, and after several mental recitations for practice you held your hand out and began chanting.

Y/n: Stirips fo dlrowrednu, ruoy ecivres si enod. Won kcuf ffo.

With the last word uttered the circle's seven pointed star burnt with infernal light that began sucking up the hellish smog in its totality, screams of the damned ripping through the air as their poor souls were forcibly dragged back into the depths of the lost planes. The lights warped and flickered ominously, shadows dancing as if alive as the room shook under the accumulated malice of so many sinful spirits, windows rattling and bed frames shuddering as they futility tried to claw away from the eldritch gate to the realms of the baator. But within seconds it was over and the room settled back down to normalcy.

Smiling excitedly you rushed over to the window to see the zombies in the streets falling over lifeless as the magic animating them dissipated. Letting out a ecstatic squeel you latched the window shut, you wiped the sweat from your brow and turned to head on out and tell the girls about how you heroically saved the day with your awesome magic skills.

Y/n: Phew glad that's over.


You turned sharply to the source of the noise, only to blanche seeing another wisp of the hellish soul fog being slammed against your window by a greenish glow. Hesitantly you turned to see the circle was a still swirling vortex, and dozens of not hundreds of conjured souls throughout the city were pouring in from the over the horizons. Panicking you unlatched your window and leapt out of the way just in time to narrowly avoid being bludgeoned by the first soul to be sucked down into hell. You stared in fascinated horror a constant and seemingly unending stream of the previously released souls poured in through your window, only to be swallowed up by the spinning cyclone of banishment magic.

Y/n: Huh this might take awhile.

Standing up you brushed yourself off and cautiously tiptoed around the corner of your room, being extremely careful to avoid contact with the screaming clouds of ghosts and demons. Quickly slipping out you shut and activated the locking charm behind you then went to rejoin the girls, wiping your hands with a satisfied smile the whole way there.

The moment you re-entered the living room you were met with four pairs of eyes all gazing at you expectantly. Puffing out your chest with pride you relayed the good news in your most humble (IE self congratulatory) voice.

Y/n: Well you'll all be glad to know I've successfully saved the city.

Misako: You me a you cleaned up your mess.

Y/n: Yep! But it'll still take an hour or two for all the released souls to be banished. Now scooch over I want to snuggle in.

The girls shuffled around the couch to make room for you, but due to limited space you found yourself being pulled into Misako's lap with Hasebe and Kyoko pressed tightly against your sides. You could feel your black haired girlfriend's breasts push softly against your neck as Hasebe and Kyoko rested their head son your shoulders. Blushing brightly you tried to remain calm despite the four beautiful girls cuddling you, like a teddy bear.

Y/n: So you girls still feel like hitting the mall party later.

Mami: We can't it's been canceled.

Y/n: What why?

Misako: Because it was attacked by zombies.

Kyoko: Yeah it's like all over social media. You should see the selfies coming out of there.

Y/n: Oh, well that's a bummer. Guess we're spending the night inside tonight Huh.

Kyoko: Nope! After the mall party got shut down, Ashanti started posting all over social media to announce the cheerleaders were hosting a last minute party at her place.

Mami: They need a bit to get it set up, but word is it's gonna be a sting until morning.

Y/n: Nice! Guess we're still gonna be able to get our party on tonight after all.

Feeling excited you leaned back and enjoyed the feel of Misako's round breasts squishing against your head, and of Kyoko and Hasebe lithe frames hugging your arms tightly, their red and purple hair nuzzling the crook of your neck as they snuggled in closer to you. Mami shifted in her seat to drape her slender legs over your lap, teasingly running her foot along your thigh in a fake stretching motion. It was everything you could ever want, but after a bit you felt something unfamiliar nagging at you that you just couldn't ignore.

Y/n: You know for some reason it almost feels like it's my fault.

Hasebe: Maybe that's because it is your fault, since you know, you made the damn zombies

Y/n: Now wait a minute we don't know it was my zombies that attacked the mall.

Hasebe shifted out of her seat and into your lap so that she was straddling you and looking deep into your eyes. A shiver ran down your spine as you looked up into her stern dominating eyes. You felt your body temperature rise as her bubbly ass sat on your thighs, her swimsuit like costume pulling tight against her slender curves as she leaned against you and gripped you by the chin.

Hasebe: Sometimes you get up to the stupidest things. Maybe we need to keep you on a leash.

A weak moaning gasp slipped past your lips as your entire body blushed scarlet red at the mental image she conjured in your mind. The picture of your stunning girlfriend tugging you along on a leash like the dog you were dressed as sent your body into overdrive, your breath hitching as you get moist heat drip between your thighs. Your quick eager nodding earned a chuckle from your purple haired mistress, her mouth widening in a salacious grin as she pat your cheek lovingly.

Hasebe: Oh my god you'd enjoy that wouldn't you. Your such a perv Y/n.

Suddenly you get your arm be pressed between the soft mounds of Mami's breasts, and from your periphery you saw that the thirsty blonde had unzipped your jacket and cuddled around your arm, trapping your limb in the marshmallow prison of her bosom as she leaned in close enough for her breath to tickle your neck.

Mami: But your lucky cause your a cute perv.

Speechless and redder than a tomato you tried not to panic as your girlfriends played you like a fiddle, but your composure felt near the breaking point as Kyoko jumped onto you, wrapping her arms around your waist as she delivered a wet smooch across your cheek before pulling back to smile cheekily.

Kyoko: And you owe us for this zombie nonsense.

You squirmed in pleasure in as you felt Misako's surprisingly busty chest squeeze against your back she dragged her tongue along your neck in slow exhilarating licks, her fake vampire teeth removed as she kissed her way up to nibble at your earlobe. You shuddered as her teeth caressed your earlobe, her tongue running teasingly behind your ear as her warm breath blew across your scarlet face. Her sensually dominant tone nearly had you climaxing on the spot as she whispered directly into your ear.

Misako: And you got until we head out for Ashanti's party to make it up to us. So you better start kissing up.

They didn't wait much longer than that before descending on you like a pack of sexy wolves. Misako's hugged you around the waist, pulling your ass tight against her hips. She then leaned down and latched her mouth onto your neck and in a move reminiscent of costume she sucked hard at your sensitive skin, the feeling of her almost violent suckling and nibbling at your nape made you gasp in pleasure.

Seeing her chance Hasebe lunged forward and ensnared you into a wet sloppy kiss. Her tongue shoved its way past your open lips and shoved it down your throat as far as she could, the dexterous pink muscle swirling against the roof of your mouth and playfully wrestling with your tongue. You moaned into the kiss as your tastebuds devoured the taste of her mouth, your lower regions growing hot and wet as suckled her tongue like a lollipop and greedily devoured her lips.

Pushed on by your list, your hands snaked around her waist to slide beneath her skimpy bikini like bottoms and take two big handfuls of her perky ass. The purplette broke the kiss with a long sigh of ecstasy as you groped and massaged her plump butt between your fingers, palming her soft squishy rear like it was clay. The using your grip on her you repositioned her so that your knee could brush against her pussy, rubbing her lower lips through the thin fabric of her costume. When you started bouncing her on your knee, she gripped your shoulders like a vice before slumping over with a moaning ahegao.

With your lips unoccupied Kyoko threw her arms around you and swept you up in a kiss of her own, her pink lips melding against yours in an affectionate passion fueled lover's embrace. Your eyes closed as you savored the soft feeing of both your lips pressing against each other, her tongue trailing teasingly before she bit down gently on your bottom lip.

Groaning pleasurably into her, you removed on of your hands from Hasebe's softy bouncing ass and reached around Kyoko's shoulders to hug her flush to you and dig your fingers deep into her big perky tits. You felt her body shudder as you squeezed her boob through her tight white blouse. It gave you the opportunity to stick your tongue in and tongue fuck her tight throat. She let out a soft pleasure filled squeak as your fingers played with her breast, eventually settling on pinching and tweaking her nipples to elicit the cutest sexiest noises out of her.

Mami clutched herself against your other arm and buried her face in the crook of your neck. She pulled down costume just far enough and bit you gently on the collarbone, making you winced in slight discomfort before it transitioned to nonstop euphoria as she suckled and slurped at your skin thirstily. The blonde's hands then snuck around your body to paw at your ass and chest, her fingers giving both a firm squeeze that made you gasp in surprise and lose your tongue battle with Kyoko. But you were fine with that, cause it was only the first of many for the night.

It took three hours to get them to forgive you for the zombies debacle. Needless to say you all arrived late to the Halloween party.

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