River City Girls: New Girl in...

By ghost-writer-0000

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Ever since she was little, Y/n L/n has been homeschooled online. However after her brother gets a job in a ne... More

Chapter 1: First Day at River City High
Chapter 2: School House Rumble
Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu
Chapter 4: Y/n Makes a Bet
Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai
Chapter 6: Not Breaking, but Still Entering
Chapter 7: Boss Battle! Yamada
Chapter 8: All in the Mall
Halloween Omake
Chapter 10: A Quick Break for Tea Time
Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown
Christmas Omake
Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning
Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari
Summer Omake: The Beach Episode
Chapter 14: Downtown Dropoff

Chapter 9: Uptown Funk

368 12 4
By ghost-writer-0000

Stepping out onto the streets, you and the girls got your first look at Uptown, the busting heart of River City where flashing signs decorated buildings that rose higher than anywhere else in the city and cast a neon haze over the shadowy streets below. Taking a deep breath of the fresh city smog, Misako let out a deep relieved sigh as the mall's automatic doors lid closed behind her.

Misako: Finally we're out of there. Felt like we were stuck in there for months.

Y/n: And yet in all that time we never got to hit the clothes store.

Kyoko: Yeah. . .

Scowling Misako turned to face you as you gave her the stink eye while clutching a large chocolate shake in one hand, and Kyoko slumped over depressed beside you.

Misako: Hey! The deal was you'd stop complaining if we got ice cream, so cut it out!

You grimaced at her unfair factual statements, and turned away in a huff to sourly slurp down another delicious mouthful of cold creamy chocolate goodness. Leaving Kyoko to watch jealously as she glanced wanting it between your XL cup and her bone dry popsicle stick.

Misako: Kyoko focus! We need to find our boyfriends.

Kyoko: Oh yeah, that's right! That creepy guy said Riki Poo should be here in Uptown.

She perked up immediately at the reminder, and the two girls were soon back off on their quest with you lazily trailing behind and drinking your shake. Wading through the streets of Uptown, Kyoko and Misako's eyes were wide as they took in the sights of shiny streets, towering glass windows, flashing neon signs for the ultra high end stores that dotted the streets, and crowds of passerbys all wearing expensive designer label clothing.

Kyoko: So this is Uptown, huh?

Misako: Seems pretty fancy.

Kyoko: And expensive

Misako: And judgy.

Kyoko: We don't belong here, do we?

Misako: No, we do not

Y/n: *SLURP* Congratulations your not a rich butthole.

The girls blinked owlishly before smiling, their bout of self consciousness forgotten as the reminder they weren't elitist dicks quickly cheered them up and got them looking fired up to continue the quest for Kenny and Ritchie.

Kyoko: She's right! Let's find Kunio and Riki and get out of here.

Misako: Yeah forget this trash heap, let's keep looking Kyoko

The two excitedly grinned at each other with a fist bumping high five before turning on their feat and taking off down the busy street, leaving you in their dust as you blinked and drank the last sips of your shake. Panicking you chugged down the remaining mouthfuls of your XL sized chocolate shake and shouted for them to wait.

Y/n: Girls hold up, wait!

Stopping on a dime, the girls pivoted around sharply to look back at you. But as they turned around their shoulders immediately went sock as they baffledly watched you dangle your empty cup

Y/n: My cups empty, you mind holding on for a sec so I can throw it away?

Kyoko: We were in the middle of searching, can't you just carry it for a bit?

Y/n: But I'm empty, and my arm will get tired

Misako: From jus- Ughh you know what fine, but make it quick.

The girls patiently stood and waited there as you looked around for somewhere to chuck your trash, but after a bit without finding anything you started Sweating nervously as the girls eyes bored impatiently into your back. Hesitantly you turned back around towards them with an nervous chuckle.

Y/n: So um, you girls see a trash can anywhere?

Kyoko: I haven't seen anything

Misako: Just throw it on the ground someone will pick it up later.

Y/n: Nuh uh, give a hoot don't pollute Misako.

Kyoko: Hey what about that dumpster?

She pointed over to a large filth stained dumpster sitting at the entrance into a dark alley, it's lid was halfway flipped open and a weird liquid seemed to be dripping out of a cracked seem near the bottom. Seeing a rat crawled out and scurried through the alley way sent a cold shudder down your body. Even just looking at it made your skin crawl and left you wanting to run home and curl up under your bed with hand sanitizer. Your face was tinged greens as you turned towards your friends with a desperate look.

Y/n: But it looks so gross.

Misako: But don't you give a hoot.

Y/n: Darn you Misako, darn you to heck.

Grumbling you turned back towards the dumpster and hesitantly inched your way towards the filthy cesspit. Flies were circling up above it and the closer you got the more gross details you could make out, but the worst part was when you got close enough to smell it. The stench hit you like a brick wall of stank, a foul rancid odor that made your sinuses burn the closer you got to it. From behind you could hear Kyoko trying to suppress at your disgust, Misako wasn't as subtle with her chuckling at your disgusted retching.

Pushing down your disgust, you sucked it up and walked over to the damned thing to get this over with as fast as possible. Getting right next to the dumpster, you went to toss your empty cup over the empty lid and—

Godai: OH HEY! It's you three again.


Acting reflexively you chucked the empty shake at Godai's face, the paper cup smacking him right across the face and bouncing harmlessly off as he stared blankly at you before bursting into a too widely grinning laugh.

Godai: Oh I'm not a garbage monster it's me, Godai.


Godai: Ah, your funny Y/n.

Y/n: I don't remember telling you my name!

You took a frightened step back and we're about ready to bolt for the hills when the girls arrived next to you looking exasperated at seeing Godai again. Immediately you ducked behind Kyoko's back and bravely cowered behind her, only slightly poking your head out to keep an eye out and make sure the girls didn't need your help to deal with this creep, yep that's the reason.

Misako: What do you want Godai?

Godai: I got another mission for ya.

Misako: Can't we don't have time. We're trying to find find our kidnapped boyfriends remember.

Kyoko: Yeah, my Riki could be in danger! We need to save him, especially now that Y/n got Mami to back off.

Godai: I know, I've seen the pictures of Y/n and Mami circulating online. Very nice.

His creepy smile caused a cold shiver to go down your spine as you cowered even further behind Kyoko, who moved protectively in front of you. The girls being the lovely and super pretty badasses they were cracked their knuckles threateningly while giving the creep glares filled with enough violent intent to get him backtracking.

Godai: So that mission I got for ya. This time it's that pompous MAYOR of ours, always acting like he RUNS River City pshhhh.

His face burned such a bright angry red that for a moment you were staid it'd ignite all the grease and sweat his features were drenched in. But taking a deep breath his facial color palette returned to its normal sickly pale as he stared intensely at the three of you.

Godai: You seen that hideous, golden statue they built of him? Well I want it gone. Destroy it, and I'll reward ya.

Misako: Well we'd love to help but as we said—

She didn't have time to finish before being suddenly pushed to the side as you barreled your way forward with an excited manic smile, the promise of destruction like a siren song to your soul.

Y/n: We're in! Let's fudge this government blowhard up!

Godai: I LOVE your energy right now. The statue is a block or two that way, come back here when your done and I'll give you your fair reward.

He wasn't even done pointing you in the right direction before you were skipping happily down the street with an eager grin, leaving Kyoko and Misako confusedly watching you go with befuddled expressions. Godai leaned over the side of the dumpster, stepping his fingers as he tried (and failed) to smile noncreepily.

Godai: If you help destroy the stature, I'll keep an ear out for Kunio and Riki.

Misako: *Groan* God Dammit, HEY Y/N WAIT UP!

Kyoko: I'm coming too!

Like that they were off chasing down the streets of Uptown, not that it took the pair of athletic girls to catch up to you, especially because after excitedly sprinting the first fifty feet you were out of breath and feeling like your lungs were on fire. The girls found you leaned against against the wall of a video rental store gasping for breath.

Kyoko: Wow your really out of shape

Y/n: N-*wheeze*-no I'm not.

Misako: Yep, your the picture of health alright.

Y/n: Just *deep breath* one moment

The girls groaned but otherwise obliged, waiting patiently as you breathed in and out to get some oxygen back into your lungs. After a minute of some deep inhaling and exhaling, you pushed yourself off the wall and gave the girls a thumbs up.

Y/n: Okay, I'm good. Now let's get going, that statue ain't gonna smash itself.

Misako: Fine, but no more running off without us like that.

She fixed you with a stern look, but her scolding went over your head as you focused in on the more important aspects, like how pretty her red eyes and how she was indirectly saying she wanted to spend more time with you. Blushing lightly, your heart beat just a bit quicker as you gave her a goofy grin.

Y/n: What miss me already?

Misako: Don't get your hopes up, it's for your own safety.

Y/n: Safety from what? Come on Misako, admit it, you like having me around.

Kyoko: Isn't there a roaming pack of cheerleaders trying to break your legs.

Her reminder hit you hard, but you quickly recovered from the existential threat to your knee caps as you realized something.

Y/n: Oh yeah. . . Wait if your worried that means you do care. I knew I was growing on you.

Misako: Like a fungus.

Y/n: I'll take it!

Misako's eye twitched as you gave her a wide beaming smile, but but rubbing a hand down her face as she shrugged exasperatedly.

Misako: Whatever let's just get going, that statue can't be far from here

Kyoko: Actually I think I can see it from here even.

Y/n: Alright what are we waiting for, let's roll out!

Without further ado you charged off ahead without the girls again. Misako's made a sow of being annoyed, but even as her eye twitched in annoyance she held a soft fond smile on her lips which didn't go unnoticed by Kyoko. Smirking, the redhead teasingly nudged Misako with her elbow and a shit eating grin, prompting an eyeroll from her bestie.

Kyoko: Aw, is that a smile I see. Has Misako made a friend?

Misako: Yeah yeah, just get moving.

Smiling the two girls raced off and quickly caught up with you the next time you had to stop to catch your breath against the side of a building, this time a convenience store. Together the three of you continued your stroll through uptown.

Walking through the rich part of town left you feeling completely out of your depth as you gazed at the countless flashing signs and expensive stores that filled the the streets the further you went. But even the. You couldn't help but be enthralled by some of what you saw, like the giant arcade, the video store advertising hit new games, or even the sight of the giant collectors Lego sets visible through the toy store window. It all made your hand itch closer to the big stack of money sitting in your purse, and multiple times the girls had to physically pull you away from a store to keep going. And Kyoko one time as the electronics and toy stores started transitioning into more and more designer clothes stores.

But after making it past the siren call of all those stores with your money intact, your odyseey soon began bearing fruit as the statue you'd been searching for came into view, making all your jaws drop upon your first look at it.

It was almost fifteen feet tall, towering over everything else in the street as the sun and neon lights of uptown glinted off its gilded surface. The monument itself depicted the mayor of the city misstep as he cheerfully held his hand high as if greeting. It was a marvel how much detail had gone into it, every face wrinkle and crease of the suit captured in so much detail that one could feel the same smug aura of the real politician it was based on. The three of stepped up to this golden monument to the city's highest official and gazed at in varying states of morbidly awed curiosity.

Y/n: It's it's so. . .

Kyoko: Ugly.

Y/n: Yeah. . . Alright let's smash it!

You got a manic grin on your face as you stepped forward ready to do some quick and dirty demo work on this gaudy piece of crap, if only you had your lighter too it would be perfect.

Stepping up onto its golden pedestal, you pressed you back against one of the statue's golden legs and placed your feet to get the best leverage you could before pushing with all your might. The metal was hard against your back as your leg muscles worked overtime flexing and exerting as much force as you could muster against this thing, only to not even make it nudge an inch.

Not one to give up an act of governmental property destruction halfway you pushed harder, straining yourself to the limits. Your face was red and scrunched up in pain as every muscle in your body protested, and soon it became too much for you as you slumped over defeated and gasping for air. You could hear the girls giggling behind you as you turned to fix them a pouty glare.

Misako: Don't stop your doing great!

Y/n: *wheeze* This is tougher than it looks.

Kyoko: Sorry, but it might help if you weren't standing on the base of the statue

Blinking in confusion you looked down at and stared at the block of gold you were standing on, letting your eyes follow it as it rose up into the statue itself as one continuous piece. The sheer embarrassment caused blood to rush to your blushing red cheeks as you awkwardly jumped off the statue and pointedly looked anywhere besides the girls.

Y/n: Oh yeah, it's attached to the base. I knew that.

Your blush intensified as Kyoko gave you a reassuring one armed hug and pat on the shoulder before she rolled up her sleeves and stepped forward with a confidant smile.

Kyoko: Don't worry I got this. Just move aside, let me handle it.

She rested her fist back ready to punch the statue to smithereens—

Misako: Kyoko no!


Kyoko: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

She shrieked in pain as her knuckles collided with the solid metal statue. Wincing in sympathy you and Misako stepped forward to soothingly rub Kyoko's back as she rocked back and forth cradling her painfully throbbing hand while looking on the verge of tears. Not that that stopped Misako from giving her an exasperated unimpressed look.

Misako: What we're you thinking, It's metal.

Kyoko: But everybody always says gold is a soft metal.

Misako: It's still metal!

Kyoko blushed and looked away sheepishly until she winced as her knuckles erupted in another fierce stab of pain. Softening her gaze, Misako carefully helped her to sit down on the base of the statue while whispering in a warm comforting tone.

Misako. There there, let me take a look.

Reluctantly Kyoko held her hand out towards Misako. Wincing as, as ravenette gingerly took her hand and looked it over carefully. You continued to comfort her as Misako very delicately pushed and pressed on her hand in different

Misako: Okay, luckily it's not broken. However we should probably still get an ice pack to be safe. Y/n can you stay with her while I go find one?

Y/n: Of course.

Misako: Thanks.

She kneeled down to give Kyoko one last concerned glance over before getting up and heading out to find something to treat Kyoko's injury, leaving you alone with Kyoko. Standing there feeling nervous and unsure what to do, you sat down next to her with a worried look. You wanted to help but just felt useless as you watched her face scrunch up in a sharp painful wince while she clutched her hand tightly to her chest. Awkwardly you reached over to give her a comforting pat on the back.

Y/n: Hang in there, Misako will be back real soon with an ice pack. In the meantime can I get yo anything?

Kyoko: Thanks but I'm okay, the worst parts over I think. It's just a little sore.

Her voice was strained as she gingerly rubbed her sore hand, grimacing as another aching pain shot through her arm. You looked down and felt your heart drop at seeing how her red and painful looking her knuckles were. The feeling of sitting next to your hurting friend and being unable to do anything about it ate at your insides, especially as inwardly you couldn't help but feel guilty that your enthusiasm for destroying led to all this. You felt useless as you just sat here incapable of helping your hurting friend, while guilt gnawed at your insides. Pointedly looking down at your lap, you bit your lip and mumbled out an apology, your tongue feeling heavy and clunky as you spoke.

Y/n: I'm sorry.

Kyoko: Huh, what for?

Blinking, she tilted her head and gave you a big confused look as you shrank in on yourself.

Y/n: Well it's kinda my fault you got hurt isn't it. If I hadn't been all excited to destroy this stupid statue this wouldn't have happened.

She had a look of dawning comprehension on her face, which quickly confused you as it morphed into a cheeky grin.

Kyoko: Oh, your kind of a dummy aren't you?

Y/n: Huh? W-What's that supposed to mean.

Despite the situation you felt your cheeks flush in mild indignation, which only made your friend giggle in amusement as she watched you indignantly sputter and blush bright pink.

Kyoko: I mean you didn't force me to punch a solid metal statue, so feeling guilty about it is dumb.

Y/n: I-I'm not dumb!

Kyoko: Then stop being dumb.

Y/n: Fine I will!

Steam was practically coming out your ears as you glared heatedly at Kyoko and that cute infuriatingly cheeky face of hers, but after a few moments you couldn't help but feel a smirk slip out, breaking the tension as the both of you broke into giggling fits. Your prior guilt was forgotten as you and her leaned into each other and just laughed. Your cheeks were bright atomic red as you listened to her cute laugh and felt her soft feminine figure press against you.

A minute later the two of you were dying down your giggling, your bodies leaned back and slumped together against the gold statue as you. Wiping a tear from your eye, you turned towards her and gently touched her shoulder with a caring look.

Y/n: Still I wish there was more I could do to help you. Your hand must still hurt like heck.

Kyoko: Kinda, but there's nothing we can do about it.

Y/n: Yeah *sigh* it just sucks there's no magic word to make it go away. . . hang on one second!

A light bulb went off in your head as you began hastily rummaging through your purse, only to smile wifey as you pulled out and slammed the literal magical Grimoire down onto your lap. Kyoko blinked in confusion as she watched you begin to rapidly flip through the pages one by one until you found what you believed was what you were looking for. Smiling you intensely read and memorized every word to heart, memorizing it all to heart before turning back to Kyoko and giving her a reassuring smile while delicately taking her injured hand into your own.

Y/n: Here this should help, *clears throat* Eruc sdnuow

Sweat leaked down your brow as you put everything you had into doing the spell, mentally praying for it to work as you slowly and carefully enunciated each syllable of the cthonian speech. Your eyes clenched shut as you felt something indescribable yank at your innards, like a pointed crook hooking your intestines and trying to pull them out through your belly button as motes of sickly green light began emanating from your hands.

A wave of soothing relief flooded over Kyoko's injured hand as the eldritch lights illuminated her soft skin, making the redhead moan softly as her pain melted away into the ether. Her eyes twinkled in awe as the redness began fading from her knuckles, but halfway through healing her hand you were assaulted by a nauseous feeling of putrid vile welling up within your stomach. The lights of your magic snapped out of existence as you slumped over and fought to keep yourself from vomiting all over the sidewalk.

When the sick feeling died down you turned to see the spell's results, only to feel crushed as you saw Kyoko's hand was still looking rather red and painful. Your shoulders fell as you slumped over feeling depressed by your failure, even if beside you Kyoko was still marveling over what had just happened.

Kyoko: Wow, that was so cool.

Y/n: But it didn't work.

The feeling of an arm wrapping around your shoulders startled you out of your negative funk as Kyoko gave you a tight reassuring hug. You froze with a pink blush as you felt her warm body press against your side, your brain overloading as her soft chest squished against your arm.

Kyoko: Yeah, but I appreciate you trying. I'm sure do you keep at it you'll get how to use that book down.

Gulping nervously you turned to face her, only for your blush to be cranked up to full body atomic red as you saw her beautiful beaming smile. Melting into her embrace, you felt every bad thought evaporate as you enjoyed being so close to one of the prettiest girls you'd ever met, your body body trembling happily as she held you tightly in her bone crushing embrace.

????: You two, freeze and put your hands where we can see them!

Startled by the shout, you and Kyoko leapt to your feet and frantically looked for the source, only to panic as you saw two police officers approaching looking not too friendly.

They stopped about ten feet away and gave you and Kyoko a quick look over, sneering as they took your decidedly out of place appearances in comparison to everyone else in Uptown. Subtly you leaned over and whispered to Kyoko.

Y/n: Psst, make no sudden movements, their vision is based on movement and visibly apparent minority status.

Police (Nomura): I said freeze and put your hands up perp!

Y/n: But how can I put my hands up if I freeze?

He rapped his billy club against his hand, causing you to instantly shut up and raise your hands high above your head. Beside you Kyoko gave herself a heavy face palm. Seeing you looking nervous, the officer smirked and let his partner begin speaking.

Police (Onishi): We got reports of some hooligans messing with the mayors new statue, and it looks like we caught you two love birds red handed.

Yours and Kyoko's faces shared a bright blush at the insinuation that you were a couple, and while you were smiling and happy to let them think so, Kyoko rushed over her own words to try and explain otherwise. Not that her cute stutter and embarrassed blush made the police look anymore convinced.

Kyoko: W-were not actually a couple, I have a boyfriend.

Police (Onishi): Riiiggghhhttt. Sure you do.

Police (Nomura): Either way they two of you are coming down to the station for processing.

Y/n: What? Why?! Your arresting us over this ugly thing!

You angrily gestured over at the hideous and gaudy statue behind you before the realization of what you just said. Freezing up like a deer in headlights you slowly turned back towards the now smugly grinning police officers.

Police (Nomura): And that's a confession of I've ever heard one.

He went to reach for his handcuffs, but was topped by his partner as he grabbed his chin and looked inquisitively at you and Kyoko.

Police (Onishi): Hey wait a minute, don't these two look familiar?

Police (Nomura): Yeah, now that you mention it they match the descriptions of those bitches who attacked up Saito earlier.

Immediately you and Kyoko paled at the mention of the cop you beat up less than two hours ago in crosstown. Unfortunately the officers noticed your worried looks and quickly put two and two together, grinning evilly as instead of handcuffs they both pulled out their billy clubs and cracked hem against their palms.

Police (Nomura): Well well well, looks like the redhead's got a weapon! You see it right Onishi?

Police (Onishi): Yep clear as day, that's resisting arrest all right.

Police (Nomura): Let's teach these girls to respect our authoritah!

You could feel your legs trembling as a nervous sweat tolled down your forehead upon seeing the two armed and aggressive men approaching you and Kyoko. Seeing them slowly stalk forward you took a frightened step back only to feel your back bump up against the cold metal surface of the towering golden statue. Shaking, you panicked and racked your mind for anything to help you avoid the beating that you were about to get.

But luckily Kyoko had her own idea in mind, for as soon as the more unshaven of the two got near she growled and lashed out, landing a firm kick into the man's shins which she followed up by pouncing on him with all her fury. Her foot took the guy in his knee, knocking him forward enough that she could crack her elbow right across his nose, leaving his face bloody as he reared back in pain. You cheered for your friend as she began laying into the cop with everything she got, not giving him a chance to even use the bully club he was wielding.

Y/n: Yeah go Kyoko! Kick his butt!

Police (Onishi): You should be more worried about yourself brat.

You whipped your head around to see the other officer now looming over you ready to break his billy club over your adorable head. Gulping in panic, you reflexively swung your purse at him only for him to casually push it away as he pulled his billy club hand back and took a wide swing. Seeing the bludgeon hurtling at you in slow motion, you cowered faster than you'd ever cowered before, turtling in on yourself just fast enough to duck underneath. His club grazed your pigtails as it sailed over your head and clanged against the solid metal statue behind you.

Police (Onishi): Fuck!

The officer cursed as a throbbing jolt of agony reverberated up his arm, knocking his club to the ground as he clutched his hand in pain. Not feeing like waiting till he recovered, you turned tail and threw yourself over the ledge of the statue's base and began hastily crawling over it.

You got about half way over before he noticed you scurrying away and grabbed you by the purse. Your hand clutched the opposite edge when you felt him yank on your purse strap. Panicking you desperately began clawing at the smooth gold as he dragged you back towards him with a cruel smirk. Feeling his hand clamp around your ankle, you rolled over and began futilely kicking him with your other foot until you managed to land a lucky hit on his face.

Shouting in pain, he pulled back to clutch his bloody crooked nose. You used the opportunity to roll off the statue, land on your feet, and book it. Growling, the cop pushed his dislocated nose back into place with a audible crack then swiped up his billy club before chasing after you.

Years of online home schooling and cheating on your P.E. courses began to catch up to you in the form of the cop quickly catching up to you, his tall adult physique easily outpacing your shorter and much more out of shape body. You had to carefully duck and dodge out of the way as he tried to grab you by the jacket while taking big wild swings at you with his club.

In a bid to buy some ground you grabbed a nearby trash an and threw it behind you to trip him up. The distraction gave you some breathing room as the can barreled into the cops legs, knocking him on his ass and covering him in days old trash. A shiver went down your spine as he glared at you more venomously than ever, and desperately you called out for help.

Y/n: Kyoko help!

Kyoko: Kind of busy right now!

She spared you a sorry glance before going back to locking her cop in a chokehold as he tried to shake her off his back. You only had a moment to glare enviously at the cop before you were back to running away from the snarling policeman trying to bash your skull in. But that moment of distraction cost you as you without warning you felt the cold wood of the officer's billy club crack against your temple.

Sprawled on the ground, your ears drowned in a loud ringing noise as you groaned painfully and rubbed your sore head until a sadistic "tsking" drew your blurry gaze up to the bruised, bloody, trash covered, and absolutely pissed off cop standing over you cracking his bully club into his palm with an eager smile.

Police (Onishi): End of the line bitch.

His lips stretched into a wide cruel smirk as he raised up his billy club, his arm muscles visibly bulging as he brought it down with all his strength. The wind whirled in your ear as it sailed at you. Clenching your eyes shut, you whimpered and curled up to try and brace yourself for the pain.


You heard the sickening crack but the pain never came. Hesitantly you opened your eyes only to jolt in surprise at seeing the your attacker unconscious on the ground as Misako stood above him holding a big bag of ice and looking as beautiful as ever. Blinking in confusion, your face quickly brightened up as you leapt to your feat to hug the life out of your savior.

Y/n: You saved me!

Misako: What the hell Y/n! I'm gone for ten minutes to buy ice and you get into a street fight with the police

A pink blush dusted your cheeks as you embarrassedly rubbed the back of your head and looked away bashfully. But then your attention shifted curiously to the several pound bag of ice she was holding.

Y/n: . . . Um why did you get such a big bag?

Misako: Ughh, the cheapskate store owner only sold in bulk.

The two of you were interrupted by a cry from Kyoko's direction as the remaining police officer managed to throw the redhead off. She landed on the ground clenching her still bruised hand with a painful hiss as the cop went in to attack. Seeing her friend in danger, Misako growled and smacked her fists together before charging in.

Misako: Hang in there Kyoko, I'll be right there! HEY PIG!

The officer was caught off guard as he was hit in the back with a several pound bag of ice, but unlike his cop buddy he remained standing up for the girls to lay into. He kicked the bag out of Misako's hand and sent the countless ice cubes skittering across the asphalt while also doing his best to block the attacks from both girls. Kyoko and Misako did their best to beat him to a pulp, landing hit sheets they could and avoiding his mad swings, but that club of his proved a pain in the ass.

The fight dragged on for a bit as the officer refused to go down, blocking with that club of his and using it to leverage some space between him and the girls lest they try tanking a blow to the head. Knowing you'd just get in their way, You settled for watching the fight from the sidelines and cheering the girls on. But as the fight raged on you took note of something on the periphery of your vision.

From the corner of your eye you noticed the officer's police car parked beneath large flashing sign advertising the name "Hibari" with the keys on the ignition. And sitting right next to both the store and car was another one of those ugly man statuettes that seemed to be littered all over the city.

The sound of battle phased out as you tilted your head and glanced back between your friends beating up the officer, the car, and golden statue, you felt a plan formulate in your mind. Carefully creeping your way around the two v one brawl happening in the middle of the street, you sneaked your way over to the car without anyone noticing and got to work.

Smiling you bent down and scooped up the ugly statuette into your arms, grunting as you struggled to carry its heavy weight over to the police car. You plopped it down in the driver seat and eyed the big statue while slightly adjusting the angle of the steering wheel. After a quick glance over to check your angles and make sure no one important was in the way, you turned the ignition key and crawled out of the car, then gave a mighty grunt as you pushed the ugly statuette off the seat onto the gas pedal with a manic cry.



The engine roared as the car barreled down the street full throttle towards the towering golden statue of the mayor. Everyone stopped what they were and stared completely stunned as they watched the patrol car crash into the statue's legs, it's front bumper crumpling inwards as the statue crumpled over off balance. A terrible metallic creaking piercing the air as the statue collapsed under itself, falling top first and shattering against the ground, scattering golden chunks all over as the crushed shredded remains of the car burst into flames.

Kyoko and Misako stood frozen in shock as they tried to process what just happened as you began scooping your purse full of gold chunks while laughing maniacally. Next to the girls, the last standing cop collapsed to his knees in horror as he watched his car get utterly destroyed. His eyes flickered between the burning wreck, the girls who were looking ready to throw down again, and your slightly manic grin before he slowly set his billy club on the ground and backed away with his hands up.

Police (Nomura): I ain't see nothing, I ain't say nothing.

Immediately he turned tail and Boole sit down the street while cursing about violent thug girls and their psycho girlfriend. The girls watched him run away with a shrug before turning to see you approach with a cheerful smile while struggling to carry the weight of your bulging purse.

Y/n: Well I call that a mission completed!

You held your hand up for a high five, but neither Kyoko or Misako took the offer as they stared at you in shock.

Y/n: Come on girls, don't leave me hanging

Misako: What the hell was that?

She stared at you accusingly for some reason you just couldn't fathom, but then you took a glance back at the burning cop car and golden statue shattered all over the street and had a momentary flash of realization. Looking at them you gave them a small noncommittal shrug.

Y/n: Well I mean you wanted to complete the mission right, how else were we gonna get Godai to tell us about Kory and Rodney

Misako: Its Kunio and Riki.

Tilting your head, you blinked and looked at her genuinely confused

Y/n: Isn't that what I said.

Kyoko: Not even remotely.

Misako: Whatever, let's just go talk to Godai.

There were no arguments from you or Kyoko. So after Misako snapped a quick picture of the broken statue, the three three of you were off to report your successful mission to Godai. Luckily this time you all knew the road back pretty well having walked it once already, so it took almost no time at all for the girls to find their way back to that grody old dumpster outside the mall, and you weren't far behind, though you did receive some curious looks as you came huffing and puffing while struggling to carry your purse.

Kyoko: You doing okay there Y/n.

Y/n: Oh wh— *gasp* me, I'm *inhale* I'm doing great.

Misako: What's in the purse.

Y/n: Nothinnnngggg.

Your long suspiciously drawn out denial didn't inspire much confidence as Misako narrowed her eyes suspiciously at you, but as you nervously shoved the bulging gold laden purse behind you she rolled her eyes and sighed.

Misako: You know what I don't care.

Kyoko: Me neither, can we see what Godai knows about Kunio and Riki now?

Misako: On it.

She strolled on up to the dumpster and waited a beat for the creep to show up before she resorted to kicking it repeatedly.


Misako: Hey Godai!

Godai: WHAT?!

As the loud heavy metal clanging tore through the air, a red faced and utterly pissed Godai burst from the piles of garbage clutching his ears. Her glared angrily and looked ready to start screaming obscenities before he recognized the three of you and calmed down to his normal creep self.

Godai: Oh hey it's you guys. So how's that mission going for ya? You destroy that statue yet?

Kyoko: Yeah and it was a real pain in the hand.

Misako: Look here.

She swiped her finger across the screen before holding it up or show him the picture of the shattered statue laying atop the burning police car wreckage. Godai's lips pursed as his cheeks puffed out and he ran a hand through his blue hair, only to quickly break into a raucous belly hurting fit of laughter. Taking a moment to get control of himself, he had tears in his eyes as he clutched his stomach.

Godai: That's perfect!

Kyoko: Great, so you'll tell us what you learned about Kunio and Riki now?

Godai: Oh I don't know anything.

He smiled sheepishly as girls stared open mouthed in surprise for a moment before their expressions turned angry. And to his credit Godai kept his cool rather well as Kyoko and Misako gave him the some of the most venomous death glares you'd ever seen.

Misako: What the hell do you mean, you don't know anything? You said if we destroyed that stupid statue, you'd tell us where Kunio and Riki are.

Godai: No, I said I'd keep an ear out. And I did, from this dumpster where I said I'd be.

Misako: You didn't even look!

Godai: I did so! . . . from this dumpster.

Misako: I can't believe this!

Kyoko: How are we supposed to figure out where Kunio and Riki now?

Godai: Hmmmmm, that sounds like a you problem. Here's your reward for breaking that statue. See ya laters!

He threw a bundle of money at the girls before sinking back down into his dumpster pile. The stack of green bounced off Kyoko's jacket as she and Misako watched in fury as he disappeared beneath the garbage while closing the dumpster lid behind him. Awkwardly you shuffled around the unresponsive girls to scoop up the money.

Misako: We wasted all that time, and we got nothing.

Kyoko: And my hand still hurts.

Their expressions looked like a mix between utterly distraught and angry at having lost their only lead. You may not have cared about these Kenny and Ritchie guys but seeing the girls look like this made your heart sink just watching. Your eyes flickered to the several hundred bucks Godai had given you for that little destruction public property job, and it put an idea in your head. Sighing you stepped u onto the girls and tried to get their attention in the most supportive and gentle tone you could.

Y/n: Hey girls, maybe it's time we took a break?

Their glares immediately snapped towards you, but you held firm and continued on in a comforting voice.

Y/n: I'm just saying your both stressed and heated, and that

Misako: We don't have time to be screwing around Y/n, we need to find them now.

Kyoko: Yeah, my poor Riki's kidnapped and in danger. Who knows what'll happen if we don't save him.

Y/n: And he'll still be kidnapped in an hour, but in the meantime I'd you really want to help them you should take a breather and rest a bit first.

Their glares sharpened and they'd didn't say anything as you looked at them with concern written on your face, but then Kyoko winced as her sore hand throbbed again. Misako watched her clutch her hand tightly before reluctantly sighing and fixing you with a softer but still firm look.

Misako: Fine maybe we could use a lunch break while Kyoko's hand heals up, but after that we're saving Kunio.

Kyoko: And Riki!

They weren't even able to finish speaking before you were glomping onto them. The girls grunted in surprise as you gave the girls a big bone crushing hug before dragging them by the hand off towards some of the fun and exciting Uptown shops you saw earlier with a wide excited smile stretching from ear to ear. Already you were planning out the best places to hit up and help the girls unwind.

Y/n: Thanks! You girls won't regret this!

Misako: I already do.

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