River City Girls: New Girl in...

By ghost-writer-0000

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Ever since she was little, Y/n L/n has been homeschooled online. However after her brother gets a job in a ne... More

Chapter 1: First Day at River City High
Chapter 2: School House Rumble
Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu
Chapter 4: Y/n Makes a Bet
Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai
Chapter 6: Not Breaking, but Still Entering
Chapter 7: Boss Battle! Yamada
Chapter 9: Uptown Funk
Halloween Omake
Chapter 10: A Quick Break for Tea Time
Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown
Christmas Omake
Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning
Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari
Summer Omake: The Beach Episode
Chapter 14: Downtown Dropoff

Chapter 8: All in the Mall

379 11 10
By ghost-writer-0000

It wasn't long after the fight with Yamada and already the quest had hit another road bump as the three of you stood outside a large red shingled Asian themed building. The girls had taken advantage of your enamored focus on reading your new magic Grimoire to lead you to the crosstown dojo without your awareness. Now the three of you were in a stand off in front of its doors as Misako stared at you with crossed arms, with Kyoko backing her up while you gave the two a small disinterested glare from over the top of your book.

Y/n: No!

Kyoko: We didn't even say anything.

Y/n: You don't need to, I can smell the stench of exercise from here. I refuse to go into this gym.

Misako: It's a dojo not a gym and you are going in because we're going to teach you how to fight.

You gave her a bored look before slowly turning the page of the Grimoire.

Y/n: No thanks, I'm good.

Kyoko: Come on Y/n it'll be fun, and don't you want to be able to defend yourself?

Y/n: I know how to defend myself perfectly fine. I think my performance in all our fights today should show that.

Kyoko guffawed in disbelief, as a vein on Misako's forehead pulsing in annoyance as she watched you continue to disregard their idea.

Misako: You weren't fighting you were flailing.

Kyoko: And when not doing that you were running.

Y/n: Hmmm, my belt begs to differ.

You tapped the wrestling league belt that served as your makeshift purse strap. Your attractive black haired friend rolled her eyes in annoyance before planting her fists on her hips and leaning in to scowl menacingly. But as you were just finishing up the introductory chapter of the Grimoire, you didn't really pay any mind to her anger.

Misako: Oh, so you kick one furry in the dick and now your a badass. Well tell me miss badass, what would you do if I punched you right now?

Y/n: In order, drop to ground, curl into ball, scream like a bitch until help arrives to bail me out. If that fails run away.

Your friends stared at you in disbelief of your shameless admittance.

Kyoko: At least your honest.

Misako: And you don't think it'd be a good idea to get some better options? Ones that don't make you look like a weak little bitch.

Y/n: Meh, I am what I am. Besides what's the book is for, soon I'll be a witch and can use spells to punish my enemies and people that talk in movie theaters. Here watch this.

You flipped through the first several pages until finding a picture of a decently badass looking spell. Your eyes burned as you tried to read along and mumble out the incantation, your hand fumbling to replicate the hand gestures shown in the picture. Then with a dramatic thrust of your palm you aimed the spell up towards the sky.

Y/n: Eldritch Blast!

Kyoko and Misako struggled to not laugh out loud as your spell produced nothing except getting several people from the adjacent street to eye you oddly. You looked at your hand in disappointment before turning your gaze back to the book to see where you had made a mistake. The girls didn't feel like giving you a second chance though as they pushed the book aside and made you look at them.

Misako: Your learning how to fight so suck it up. With all the fights we've been in already, its for your own safety that you learn how to throw and take a punch.

Y/n: But I don't want to.

Kyoko: Oh come on it'll be fun! Me and Misako stop by here every once in awhile and it's a pretty fun time. Well except for the being aggressively manhandled by Misako part, or the getting sweaty and having your clothes get super clingy, or having to use the communal shower in the women's lockerroom. Those parts kinda suck. But other than that it's fun!

As she was talking you tried picturing the experience she was describing with a perverted grin, your thighs rubbing together subtly as your cheeks were dusted pink.

Y/n: Girls I just had a great idea, you should teach me how to fight! It'll be totes fun!

Despite Kyoko looking excited by your totally original and amazing idea, Misako looked far less enthused as she threw her hands up with a cry of frustration.

Misako: Seriously!

Y/n: Well Misako, with all the fights we've been in already, its for my own safety that I learn how to throw and take a punch.

She punched her nose in anger.

Misako: Screw it fine whatever gets your pervy ass inside.

It was now that Kyoko butted in embarrassedly.

Kyoko: Um this sounds fun, but we don't have work out clothes?

You and Misako shared a brief glance before face palming in realization that the plan was doomed from the start. After all neither of you were in the mood to get your favorite outfits all dirty when there was still a long quest ahead. But then you remembered the fat wads of money in your bag, and you had a perfect idea to solve this problem. One that totally wasn't inspired by the want to see the girls in skimpy workout tights and sports bras.

Y/n: I got the money if you want to hit the clothes store at the ma—

Kyoko: SQUE!

You were cut off as a happily squeezing Kyoko glomped you, her arms wrapping tight around you as she accidentally pressed your arm between her breasts as she jumped up and down excitedly. A scarlet blush flooded your face as you felt her soft chest bounce and wobble against your body. After several moments Kyoko broke the embrace and began excitedly dragging you and a sighing Misako towards the mall. As you were pulled away none of you noticed the shattered remains of a small ugly statue on top of the dojo crackle with dark energy.

One street over you went back to reading your book in an attempt to distract yourself from the fact that Kyoko's hand was holding yours like a vice. Blushing pink, you tried to focus on the magic book and not on how soft Kyoko's skin was, though it was always in the back of your mind. It was difficult but you slowly got to work identifying why your spell failed, your attention latching onto the text for the whole trip their.

Misako on the other hand wasn't quite as enthusiastic to be dragged around by her excitable friend.

Misako: Kyoko!

Kyoko: Yeah?

Misako: You mind letting go of our hands?

The redhead glanced down to see her fingers coiling around your and Misako's hands, and then as she saw Misako's annoyed glare and your shy blush she quickly let go with pink dusting her cheeks.

Kyoko: Heh sorry, I got excited.

She embarrassedly resumed heading towards the mall with Misako on tow, with you burying yourself deeper into your book. Between Kyoko's excited chattering about what stores she wanted to hit and Misako exasperatedly yet fondly listening to her bestie, neither noticed as someone took advantage of your zoned out state and led you away. Without realizing they were leaving you behind, Misako and Kyoko carried on their merry way.

From your perspective you were snapped back into awareness by the sound of a jingling bell. You looked up only to be confused by your surroundings, instead of a mall clothing store you were standing in line at what looked like an ice cream store. So technically an upgrade. As you were pondering your circumstance you felt someone pressed against your arms, and by tilting your neck side to side you found Mami standing close to you with her arm coiled around your own. On her other side stood Hasebe. Putting your book in your bag, you looked towards them in confusion.

Y/n: Um it's nice to see you girls, but why are we in an ice cream store? Last time I checked I was heading clothes shopping with Kyoko and Misako. Did you girls kidnap me?

The two burst into giggles, and after feeing left out by whatever the joke was you awkwardly joined in. They smiled like a pair of smug snakes, their voices dripping with a sense of haughty superiority.

Hasebe: Don't be stupid Y/n. Why would we bother with kidnapping you.

Mami: Your not kidnapping material.

As they giggled for some reason you didn't quite get, you just rubbed your head in confusion before shrugging off that silly feeing that they might be laughing at you.

Y/n: Well that's a good thing. I think.

Hasebe: Feel free to think that.

Y/n: Will do, so care to explain this?

You gestured broadly around the whole shop before turning back to the girls. They looked amused, and Hasebe went to explain.

Hasebe: Oh that, don't worry just stand there and act like you and Mami are a couple.

You and Mami both blushed red, though the blond glared at her friend while you stood ramrod straight with a big dopey smile. Your heart beat a mile a minute as you dared to hope.

Y/n: Are we on a date?

Mami: No!

And just like that you visibly deflated. Mami smirked smugly as she watched your disappointment, though she quickly explained what was going on.

Mami: There's a new promotional red velvet sundae special being sold only this week and todays the last day. Unfortunately it's for couples only, hence you.

Y/n: So you want me to pretend we're on a date so you can buy ice cream?

Her face was the poster of smugness as she tilted her face up and looked down at you mockingly. You folded your arms defiantly in front of you as she spoke, your eyebrow twitching

Mami: Yes and in exchange you'll get to pretend for just a little bit that a girl like me would be interested in you.

Y/n: Okay first thing, if you think that I have so little self respect as to stand here and fake being your girlfriend just because you'll throw me some fake pity attention, you are absolutely correct. Second, I'll be damned if I'm gonna stand here and disrespect myself just so you can buy ice cream! Your my date so I'll of course be paying.

To show your seriousness you jammed a finger in Mami's face. The blond and purple haired girls looked at your determined glare and burst out laughing. You wondered what was so funny but quickly forgot about it as Mami once again hugged your arm to her side as if this was really a date. Your face went beet red, getting further giggles from the girls. Wiping a tear from her eye Hasebe stepped away to give you and Mami some space.

Hasebe: Well it looks like you two got this covered so I'm going to bounce. When your done meet me at the mall. Oh and Y/n, if you still feeling like pretending your on a date I'll let you buy me something nice.

She waved goodbye while laughing at Mami's heated glare, but just as she was about to leave the store you called out to her. She turned around, hand on the door handle.

Y/n: Wait Hasebe, how come your not doing this with Mami?

Hasebe: Because I'm allergic to peanuts and you, bye!

She waved goodbye before exiting the store, leaving you in the fake loving embrace of your fake date. It felt really nice. The wait to reach the ordering counter went by in a flash as you drank in the feel of Mami's body lightly pressed against yours, her body heat alluring as you tried your hardest not to screw this up. God you felt nervous, is this what a real date felt like? It felt like your stomach was doing back flips every time you so much as looked at Mami. Taking a deep breath you approached the counter to order.

Y/n: U-Uh h-hello, me and my girlfriend would like the—

Mami: Red Hot Lover's Sundae extra peanuts.

She cuddled against your shoulder, sending a whole new swarm of butterflies into your stomach as you looked away with a happy smile and pink blush. You still peeked back at Mami with dreamy eyes. This may have been fake, but it felt nice. The ice cream store girl looked at the two of you and saw the picture of an adorable lesbian couple.

Ice Cream Girl: Ah aren't you two just the cutest couple.

Y/n: She really is.

Mami: Thanks, I know I am.

The ice cream girl let out a long "Aww" as she watched Mami playfully poke you on the nose.

Ice Cream Girl: You two are just totes adorbs. It's a good thing you stopped by to get the special today, cause corn tomorrow it's gone. So I'll be sure your given the best one we've made yet. Now that'll be $12 unless there's anything else you'd like?

You reached into your bag to grab out a twenty, and upon seeing that you were honest about paying Mami took the opportunity to add a large drink to the order. After that you both sat down in a booth to await your order, the blond promptly ignoring you as she pulled out her phone. Nervously wringing your hands you tried to get her attention.

Y/n: So um, how's your day been?

She ignored you in favor of messing around on her phone, but you didn't let that deter you.

Y/n: So I guess we're attending the same school now. It's been kinda rough for me so far what with everyone wanting to kill or attack me, but you seem like the type to be doing well. You do any cool extra curriculars?

She finally deigned to pay you some attention, looking at you with narrowed skeptical eyes that had you sweating in anxiety.

Mami: What are you doing?

Her question caught you off guard, leaving your voice slow and unsure as you explained yourself.

Y/n: Um asking you about yourself and trying to get to know you?

Mami: But why?

You rubbed the back of your head nervously as the blonde stared at you in confusion and suspicion.

Y/n: Because we're on a date and that's what people in my position are supposed to do on dates. Show interest in your life so that you know I care and am interested in you.

Mami: That doesn't seem right, Kunio and Riki hardly does any of that on our dates. Besides this isn't a date so you can stop pretending to listen.

Y/n But I am interested?

Mami gave you a confused glare before she began to ease her way into telling you a bit about herself, and as she noticed you were listening intently she began enjoying talking about herself more and more. You listened to her all the way until the ice cream showed up, learning slots of interesting things about her, such as she's lived in River City all her life, attends River City High, and has been on the Hanazono High cheer team her since freshman year. You had to stop and think about those last bits, because you didn't quite get how she could attend one school but also be cheer leader at another school.

Luckily though you were stopped from that rabbit hole of logic by the arrival of the sundae. It was a big one, red velvet ice cream with cream cheese flavored drizzle and all manner of whip cream and peanut butter toppings, with a big cherry right on top. Your lesson on the life and times of Mami Shimada stopped as the blonde grabbed a spoon and took a big bite of the sundae, savoring the delicious creamy treat. You blushed hearing the somewhat erotic sounds of her moans of pleasure.

Y/n: How is it?

Mami: Delicious.

You watched her scoop up another bite when a nefarious idea crossed your brain. You knew it would probably get her to slap you, but you couldn't pass up the opportunity to get her to confirm something you've been dying to know.

Y/n: Is it as delicious as our kiss was?

The blonde choked on her ice cream, coughing furiously as she managed to swallow it down. Her cheeks were bright crimson as she glared at you venomously, but even then you saw her unconsciously lick her lips as if fondly remembering what the kiss felt like. You just smiled back cheekily and took a bite of the sundae. Her voice was panicked and confused, but you you just reveled in how utterly poorly she was at denial.

Mami: Me enjoy kissing you, that's ridiculous. Only you would ruin a date by asking something so pervy.

Y/n: So this is a date?

She stabbed her spoon at you threateningly, but the effect was lost on you by her adorable blush and cute angry eyes.

Mami: Shut up! I have a boyfriend you know. Plus I don't even like girls.

Y/n: Except for kissing them right.

She stared at you in shock from the audacity of it all, but there was a bright suspicious blush blown across her face as she looked at you. She tried multiple times to speak, each time fizzling out as she tried to stammer out a denial. But each attempt failed use the words got caught in her throat and she glared at you, even if she was refusing to look you in the eye.

Mami: I only kissed you because you cheated on that bet!

Y/n: Hmm I don't remember cheating, in fact I'm pretty sure you and Hasebe let me win all on your own. Can't say I blame you, you seemed to enjoy my prize quite a bit with how you were moaning and blushing.

Mami: That meant nothing!

She slammed her hands on the table, the commotion getting a brief glance from everyone in the store before they proceeded to reasonably ignore the drama of two teenage girls. You leaned in and gave Mami a teasing flirty smile that had her looking away with a meek blush.

Y/n: Your pretty quick to deny. Guess I'm a pretty good kisser.

Mami: I didn't say that. It As if I'd want to kiss you. Even if it was a good kiss it was a one time fluke for a loser like you.

Y/n: You want to make a bet on that? it'd be pretty easy to check if Im a good kisser.

As you wiggled your eyebrows suggestively you saw Mami flush and for a brief moment you could see that she was surely tempted to agree, but she quickly caught herself and glared daggers into your skull. Though even if she was denying it, she couldn't help the intrigued nibbling of her lip. Her voice was fierce, yet undermined by a sense of reluctance.

Mami: Ye— I mean no I don't.

Your chest nearly burst in joy at her slip up, and it seems Mami realized what she was about to saw as well from how she glared at you.

Y/n: Aw too bad, welp I hope you don't mind If I take your cherry.

Mami reeled back with a scarlet flush as you picked the cherry off the top of the sundae and plopped it in your mouth. You bit down and swallowed the fruit part, leaving the stem in your mouth. Opening your mouth you began doing a trick you've long since mastered. She tried to hide it, but Mami's eyes were glued on your lips and tongue as you sensually tied the stem into a firm knot using only your talented mouth. The normally smug blond was bit her lip as she watched your tongue expertly work the stem, her cheeks bright red and her eyes glazed over slightly the whole time.

When you stuck your tongue out to show the tied stem she snapped out of her blushing daze and refused to meet your eyes during the whole time you shared the sundae. You caught her occasionally trying to forcefully keep her eyes off of you, and so you smirked proudly and you suggestively licked at a spoonful of ice cream, each time successfully getting a beautiful blush from her as she spat unprompted denials.

When the ice cream was all finished Mami refused to look at you, and every time she did see you she would frantically look away with pink cheeks. Getting bold you decided to try holding her hand on the way to the mall, and except for some venomless comments about this not being a date and you being a pervert she allowed it. Her hand was soft under your grip, and you smiled like an idiot all the way to the mall where you both met back up with Hasebe as the girl was browsing a purse kiosk.

When the purple haired girl saw the two approach hand in hand she used her hand to stifle her giggling, her eyes alight in amusement as she saw you beaming happily and Mami looking like a confused blushing schoolgirl.

Hasebe: Hey girls how was the date?

Smirking you pressed yourself against Mami and playfully nuzzled her on the cheek, sending the poor blonde into deep panicked breaths as the blood rushed all the way back to her face. Mami's legs wobbled like jelly as your hot breath hot she face with every word you spoke.

Y/n: Oh it was spectacular, we talked and some ice cream. And in the end we both learned some very valuable things about each other and ourselves, right Mami.

Mami: P, p, pardon me I need to go freshen up.

Hasebe quirked an eyebrow in confusion as she watched Mami walk away while taking deep breaths as if to calm herself. Normally she'd be worried about her friend but Mami didn't seem threatened or anything, and if Hasebe didn't know better she'd say Mami looked similiar to when Riki first asked her out. But that was ridiculous so Hasebe threw that out. Chalking up her friend's weird behavior to probably something she ate, Hasebe turned to you with her typical smug alpha bitch smile.

Y/n: So what have you been up to?

Hasebe: Oh just been shopping around for a new purse, my old one has a broken strap and I just couldn't be caught carrying around something around a handbag with a home repaired strap. I'd look like a complete loser.

She smirked venomously as she eyed your broken nurse and it's makeshift belt strap, but her insult completely flew over your head as you approached the kiosk and began looking through several options. Hasebe gave you an odd look as you held up a cute purple one that complimented her hair.

Y/n: You should try this one it matches your hair.

Hasebe: Didn't you hear me? I said I'd look like a loser wearing some broken piece of trash.

Y/n: So not this one then? That's okay that red one looks nice when paired with your eyes.

You switched out the purple bag for a nice red one. And upon realizing that you wouldn't rise to her bait, Hasebe shrugged and took the offered bag and tried it on. She gave you an odd look between trying on different purses you offered her, admiring how they looked on her in the mirror. Eventually she settled on a small but cute purple purse that you thought barely looked big enough to hold anything, but eh it was Hasebe's choice. As Hasebe went to pay for her purse you budged in front of her and had it rung up. Hasebe was then further confused as you bought her the purse and then proceeded to start browsing for a purse that's look good on Mami

Hasebe: What are you doing?

Y/n: You said you wanted the bag so I got it for you. Now which of these do you think Mami would like

She squinted at you as if it would help her in trying to decipher your intent.

Hasebe: But like why?

Y/n: Because I wanted to. And besides does a girl need a reason to buy a gift for her hot friends.

She stared at you for a bit longer before smirking as if she'd just cracked some puzzle.

Hasebe: Oh I get it, the pervy lesbian feels bad for tricking us is that it? Buying us something nice to soothe your mind.

You rolled your eyes, seriously these two have some bad memory of their thinking you tricked them. You won that bet fist and square, so why would you feel bad. Maybe their projecting, cause they have boyfriends and now their making out with a clearly superior option, you!

Y/n: First off you lost the bet fair and square, it's not my fault you have bad memory. Second, hell no the kiss was freaking amazing. Ten out of ten would do again. Third, I'm buying you stuff because I like you and want to do a nice thing for you, now do you think Mami would like the cream or the blue purse?

Your blunt honest answer surprised Hasebe enough to keep her quiet for several seconds, but not much later she was back to bitchy glory.

Hasebe: Cream. And you know we have boyfriends right

Y/n: Yeah well the more I learn about this Kenny and Richie the more I think you and Mami could do better.

The purple haired beauty grit her teeth as you said the boyfriends' names, her eyes narrowing as she immediately went to try and correct you.

Hasebe: First off they're names are Kunio and Riki.

Y/n: See your refusing to use their actual names. That could be a sign of some resentment.

Hasebe sneered at you, her eyes staring venomously into your soul. But then just as she looked ready to verbally tear into you, her angry facade cracked and her eyes lit up in realization. She burst out laughing at you.

Hasebe: Oh my god you really are that stupid!

Y/n: If it's stupid to think a wonderful girl should be with someone who would value and respect them like the treasure she is and spend every day trying to make her happy, instead of with some jerk that disappears off the face of the earth, isn't interested in her and her life, and probably cheats on her with her equally hot rivals then yes I am the stupidest person on the planet. And I'll bear that title proudly!

The purple haired girl stared at you in silence, a pink dust across her cheeks as she heard the utter earnestness in your voice. She placed both the purse for her and the one for Mami on the kiosk counter so the worker who had been there the whole time could awkwardly get back to his job.

Hasebe: You know you almost sounded romantic there for a moment, but just for the record Kunio and Riki aren't cheating on me and Mami, Kyoko and Misako are just crazy. Also the whole treat women like queens so each works a lot better when you haven't actively been trying to hit on four girls simultaneously.

Y/n: Hey! The I'm not a cheater, I'm an open polyamorous lesbian and I don't hide it. The difference is that I respect the girls I hit on enough to be open and honest about it, giving them ample opportunity to bring up if that kinda relationship isn't for them. It's about respect!

Hasebe: Your kinda the worst aren't you?

Y/n: Huh my prior officer said the same thing. Either way I should probably be spying for the purses now.

Kiosk clerk: Please do, your making my job really weird.

Stepping up you hummed to yourself as you began pulling out several hundred dollars worth of twenty dollar bills, getting the wide eyed state of both an impressed Hasebe and annoyed clerk who'd have to count it all up. After several moments you and Hasebe were walking away with your purchases, and she turned to look at you with a critical eye.

Hasebe: So you weren't lying about having the money earlier? You did have the three hundred bucks.

Y/n: Oh I did, but then it got stolen by a furry.

Hasebe: What?

Y/n: Some girls from the cheer team are mad at me cause somebody called Shannon used me to break her leg on purpose so she could get out of cheer nationals or something. They hired this big furry to try and break my legs in misplaced retribution. After I beat him up he gave me this fancy belt and stole my money.

Hasebe gave you an odd look as if asking for elaboration on any of the nonsense that just came out of your mouth. But she quickly thought better of it.

Hasebe: Okay so you were mugged by a furry, but where did you get the money to buy the purses then?

Y/n: Oh you know taking the wallets of the people Kyoko and Misako have been beating up. But most of it came from taking down this major creep that was living on top of that construction site. His name was Yamada did you know him, he really sent me some stalker vibes with how he talked about you.

The purplenette's face scrunched up in disgust as if she had smelled something truly repugnant. She quickly began tapping at her phone until she shoved a selfie of her and Mami into your face, and it took you a moment but you soon recognized Yamada in the background staring menacingly at Hasebe.

Hasebe: This roof guy was he dirty, kind of crazy looking, spouting off a bunch of nonsense about some hokey dark magic, and just all around makes every woman in a five block radius feel unsafe?

Y/n: Well the magic thing turned out to be real, really need to find the time to finish that existential crisis. But yep that's the guy. Real creep, with how he went on about loving you and hating you. Really uncomfortable listen, and I'm very proud to have pushed him off a roof.

What happened next caught you completely off guard as Hasebe gave you a deep hug, squeezing you so tight that you could hear your ribs crack. But the potential life threatening injury was nothing compared to the feel of her soft chest pressing tightly against your own boobs, a sensual thrill running down your spine as your knees felt weak. When she pulled away and left you struggling not to swoon, she clenched her hands onto your shoulder and looked at you with an unexpected mix of relief, gratitude, and admiration.

Hasebe: Thank you so much for dealing with that creep! He's been stalking me on and off for years, and no matter what I did I couldn't get him to stop. It felt like every other week I'd see him glaring at me or checking me out. One time I was on the bus and I get a pinch on my head, and I turned around to find it was him plucking a lock of my hair and raving about using it in some ritual for his vengeance. I called the cops but they did he hadn't yet crossed the line into illegal territory yet, and Kunio wasn't a help because apparently they're old friends and he didn't want to beat up his friend. Of course that didn't help when next week the creep was staring at me from a neighbors roof. I know me and Mami could have just kicked his ads, but I just felt dirty and wrong being near him and just lookin at him was nauseating!

You cut her off by pulling her back into a comforting hug and sitting her down at the edge of the mall fountain. You rubbed her back soothingly while being very careful to not accidentally do anything that might make her uncomfortable. Hasebe's ranting soon calmed down as she took several deep breaths and collected herself. When she had cooled off

Hasebe: Sorry for going off on you like that, I've just been dealing with that creep for years and it's just cathartic to hear someone's kicked his ass.

Y/n: Do you want to hear the details?

Hasebe: it'd be the best gift I've gotten today! You know, maybe your not the worst. Still close though.

Smiling you went into vivid detail of your battle with Yamada, and while Hasebe looked disturbed as you explained the backstory he gave you, she was soon smiling sadistically as you retold of how you with minor assistance from Kyoko and Misako beat Yamada's ass nine ways to Sunday.

The relieved and exhilarated glint in her eye made you feel proud to have helped her with her issue, however accidentally it may have been. Thriving on the attention of a pretty girl, the story soon got more and more in the beating of the creep. Hasebe listened to you describe giving her stalker a concussion with rapt attention, but your focus on storytelling kept you from seeing the pink blush glowing across her face as she stared at you.

Several minutes later Mami returned, with only the few water droplets on her shirt collar as evidence of the water she splashed against her face. As Mami approached you and Hasebe turned to face her, and you held out the purse you bought her.

Y/n: Surprise! I got you something, I hope you like it.

Mami blushed stunned at the surprise present, but a moment later her brain rebooted and she realized she was being given a new cute purse. Smiling she tried it on and modeled it for Hasebe, who gave her best friend an approving nod and thumbs up.

Y/n: Do you like it?

Mami: I suppose it's kinda cute. What's the occasion?

Y/n: Because I felt like it.

She looked at you as if you had just told her aliens were real and there was concrete evidence of their rampant meddling throughout ancient history. Which they were and there is, the guy on history channel proved it. But that was besides the point, she was looking at you weirdly is what your brain was trying to say.

Mami: But why, actually not gonna question it. Thanks for the purse.

Y/n: Ah no problem, I'm glad you like it.

Mami: So what have you two been up to?

Hasebe: Y/n's just been telling me about how she beat up that creepy guy that's been staking me.

Once again you found yourself the recipient of a hug that had you feeing all warm and fuzzy inside. Mami didn't hold you as long as Hasebe did before pulling, but it felt wonderful regardless.

Mami: Thanks, that guys been a real problem for awhile.

Y/n: It was my pleasure, I'm just glad that you girls can feel safe now.

Mami: Safe? We could have kicked his ass if he tried something, we just felt gross being near him.

Hasebe: I felt like I had to take three showers every time we saw him. I appreciate you dealing with him.

You blushed as she smiled a you, and as you gazed back into her eyes you didn't properly hear Mami's grumbling. Though Hasebe's eyes widened as she caught some of it.

Mami: So I guess your good with more than just your tongue.

Hasebe: What was that Mami?


The blonde's face was a furious red as she spat out denials at Hasebe, the purple haired girl giggling as her blonde bestie shook her and growled threateningly. If he sight of the quarreling friends was heartwarming, but as you watched them you realized just how late this meet up was going. Nervously you stepped between them.

Y/n: So um, sorry. I had a really good time with you two today, and I hate to bail but I should really be getting back to Kyoko and Misako about now. They're probably wondering where I am. They'll probably be annoyed if they think I ditched them to hang with you.

Mami: Ah really what a shame, but are you sure you want to downgrade?

Y/n: Hey stop it, Kyoko and Misako are cool. They helped beat up Yamada after all.

The two looked as if they swallowed a bitter pill at that reminder.

Hasebe: Fine, I'll keep that in mind. But I'm not getting along with them.

Y/n: Thanks. And while I'd love to hang some more, I kinda promised to help them find their Kenny and Richie.

Mami: You mean Kunio and—

Hasebe cut her off by placing a hand on her shoulder and shaking her head.

Hasebe: Just leave it alone Mami

Mami: Fine, but the offers open if you'd rather hang with the cool girls instead.

Y/n: Thanks! Now I should get dashing before they find us together, man if they saw me skipping out on them to go on a date with Mami and hang out with you Hasebe they'd probably freak out.

Mami: They'd get jealous would they?

Hasebe: That'd be so horrible wouldn't it.

Y/n: Yeah doubly so if they saw the purses. Nope it's best to avoid that when possible, so see you girls aro—


All three of you turned to see  Misako and Kyoko approach. It was really easy to picture stems coming out the sock haired girls ears. You erupted into nervous sweats as you stared down the woman you accidentally jilted.

As the girls got closer Mami and Hasebe shared an evil smirk and leaned together so you couldn't hear as their devious plan to make Kyoko and Misako jealous was formed. Without warning Hasebe cuddled up against your arm and coquettishly rested her head on your shoulder, her eyes taunting Kyoko and Misako as she dangled her new purse from her hand.. This girls looked confused by the weirdly affectionate action, their confusion only worsening as they noticed  the very nice and brand new looking purse she and Mami had. You quickly realized Hasebe was trying to get a ride out of the girls, and suddenly yo I felt your nervousness skyrockets.

It was then that Mami shocked everyone by grabbing you by the sides of your face and crashing her lips into yours, her tongue shoving it's way down your throat as you reflexively hugged her around the waist and reciprocated the kiss. Mami moans softly as your tongue wrestled with hers, and everyone looked at the surprise make-out session in shock. None more so than Hasebe who was wondering how Mami had misinterpreted the plan so much.

Everyone blushed as Mami's arms coiled around your neck and pulled you deeper into the kiss, and as the blond's fists balled into your dress you began dominating her mouth and giving her the same treatment you gave that cherry stem. Mami practically melted into your arms as you didn't waste your chance and once again explored every inch of her mouth. By the time the kiss broke apart, both of you were panting and were connected by a short lived saliva trail.

A satisfied looking Mami turned to smirk victoriously at Kyok and Misako, only to blush and stammer at seeing them not looking jealous or angry. Blushing like a schoolgirl she clutched Hasebe's arm and meekly retreated m as she burned in embarrassment. As they left you and the girls could overhear their loud emissions whispering.

Hasebe: What was that?

Mami: I, I, I thought that was the plan?

Hasebe: That wasn't my plan

Several meters away they stopped as Hasebe turned and glared at a Misako and Kyoko without the usual venom. She grit her teeth and reluctantly started calling out to the girls

Hasebe: Hey Kyoko and Misako,thanks for helping beat on that Yamada creep. I know you left most of the work to Y/n, but still. I guess your not completely loser trash queens, just close.

Without another word she and Mami left in a scurry, one embarrassed over "accidentally" misinterpreting their plan, and the other embarrassed over having actually said something nice about her rivals. When they were gone and out of sight Misako summed up both hers and Kyoko's trains of thought quite eloquently.

Misako: What the fuck just happened?

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