River City Girls: New Girl in...

By ghost-writer-0000

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Ever since she was little, Y/n L/n has been homeschooled online. However after her brother gets a job in a ne... More

Chapter 1: First Day at River City High
Chapter 2: School House Rumble
Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu
Chapter 4: Y/n Makes a Bet
Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai
Chapter 7: Boss Battle! Yamada
Chapter 8: All in the Mall
Chapter 9: Uptown Funk
Halloween Omake
Chapter 10: A Quick Break for Tea Time
Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown
Christmas Omake
Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning
Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari
Summer Omake: The Beach Episode
Chapter 14: Downtown Dropoff

Chapter 6: Not Breaking, but Still Entering

489 9 2
By ghost-writer-0000

Several coins rolled over to your feet as you walked and flipped through a stack of bills, the sound of carnage and violence behind you as you counted your newest collections. Behind you pedestrians casually strolled round the public violence that was Kyoko and Misako's latest beat down on the various greasers and mooks that had assaulted the three of you on your way to the mall. The sound of a trash can banging against a punks skull preluded your friends catching up with you.

From the corner of your eye you ogled their busts as they yawned and leaned back, their stretching causing their perky breasts to jut out for your viewing pleasure. As you shamelessly ogled them, Misako caught your gaze and crossed her arms as she glared at you with a blush dusting her cheeks. Ignoring her glare you gave her your best charming grin and a thumbs up, causing the black haired girl'to huff and walk on ahead. However, you saw her blush intensify to a deep atomic red as she turned away, getting a dopey smirk to light its way across your face. Meanwhile Kyoko looked puzzled at her friends behavior.

You and Kyoko followed closely behind Misako as you returned to the mall entrance. Luckily this time there weren't any ambushes to keep you from leisurely strolling up to the door past that vaguely familiar guy sitting on a nearby bench. Stepping up, Misako waited for the automatic doors to swing open, but after several moments nothing happened. Giving the door a testing push only for it to not budge no matter how hard she tried. Misako hummed in consideration as you and Kyoko huddled around her to examine the door together.

Y/n: Try pulling it.

Kyoko: But there's not a handle

Y/n: Good point. Pull the edge of it.

Shrugging Misako put her fingers on the edge where the doors met and tugged, but still nothing budged except for a small rattling sound that drew all your attention down to stomach level, where a small lock sat innocently. Realizing it's locked you began fishing around in your backpack for a loose hair pin or something similiar. Your friends had felt differently as Misako growled in frustration and Kyoko grit her teeth aggressively.

Misako: Dang It! It's locked!

Kyoko: Kick the door in!

Hitoshi: Whoa there, hang on. That may not be necessary.

Your riffling through the bag was paused as some blond guy tried to get between Misako's raising foot and the door. His hands were up placatingly as he tried to make calming motions. Briefly you wondered who he was, something familiar nipping at your memory as he stood there.

There break in attempt interrupted, your two friends / crushes turned to look at the new guy. Their frustration quickly gone as they looked him over, Misako planting her hands on her hips as she looked at him unimpressed, Kyoko grinning a wide cute smile that got you blushing as she replied to his attempts to defuse the situation

Kyoko: Yeah but it's fun.

Misako: Your names Hitoshi right?

Hitoshi: You remembered me?

As the guy sheepishly laughed and rubbed his head your mind snapped in realization that you had met him earlier. When he had told you that the mall was locke— Oh yeah. Shit!

Misako: I took your lunch money once!

Hitoshi: Yeah, hehe. .  Water under the bridge.

She and Kyoko giggled as they remembered something you weren't there for, your face reddening as the sound of their soft laughter filled your stomach with butterflies. Still you shook yourself away from gushing over your cute friends to focus. You threw your arm around Kyoko's shoulder and joined in the laughter, everyone's eyes turning to you as your perfect fake laugh totally blended right in as face saving mode initialized.

Y/n: Yep we totally remembered you! Totes remembered about meeting Hitori.

Hitoshi: Hitoshi

Y/n: Yep! Honestly what did you expect us to forget you existed the moment we stopped looking at you. Don't be silly Hikoshi.

Hitoshi: No, but now I am.

Y/n: Don't be ridiculous

He gave you the side eye before turning back to Misako, ignoring you completely. Silently you pumped your arm in success at another perfect execution of face saving mode.

Hitoshi: Anyway the mall is SUPPOSED to be open, but that security guard Pattinson must be asleep at home again. Didn't Y/n tell you? I'm pretty sure I explained this to Y/n when she was here earlier.

Both Kyoko and Misako turned to look at you, their faces stone cold with unimpressive glares as their eyes burrowed into you. Adopting your best neutral pose, you nodded along.

Y/n: I totally remember that. 100% remember what's your face telling me that.

Grinning under your breath you gave yourself a metaphorical pat on the back.

Y/n: Nailed it.

Misako: *sigh* Y/n your the worst sometimes.

Kyoko: Totes.

Kyoko soon faced Hitoshi with a curious look, her shoulders slumped as she looked confused.

Kyoko: How do we get inside?

Hitoshi: Just hang out here for awhile. He'll eventually wake up and come to work.

Misako smacked the door in frustration as she bared her teeth in anger. The glass doors rattled dangerously under the blow. The sudden show of aggression snapped you out of face saving mode as you resumed sifting through your bag for a hair pin as Misako growled dangerously at this guy, Hikoshi. . . Hitomi? Something like that probably.

Misako: WHAT? No! We need to get in their now!

Kyoko: We have reasons! Important ones!

With a hum of excitement you pulled an old hairpin from your bag, stepping over to the door and carefully examining the lock as you tentatively prodded it with the pin. Biting your lip you began working the the lock slowly and gingerly, working the delicate mechanisms piece by piece.

Hitoshi: Hey me too. The latest issue of Cosmic Mega Babes just got released, and if you think I'm gonna download the digital manga version, Hehe, you are sadly mistaken.

Kyoko: I don't know what any of that means.

Y/n: I do!

Abandoning your work you zoomed over and got up in Hitoshi's face, your arms on his shoulders as a steely gaze clouded your eyes. The poor guy sweat nervously as you shook him ferociously

Y/n: Is this the issue where Kamen Starburst finally kisses Aqua Sakura? Is there a limited edition swimsuit edition? TELL ME!

Before you could make What's his face spill the details two strong hands picked you up from under the arms and pulled you back, your feet dangling as Kyoko held you like a naughty kitten. Tentatively you squirmed in her grasp, appreciating the way her deceptively strong hands felt gripping your body so dominantly. You clenched your legs together and blushed as heat flushed through your body as her fingers practically groped (in your opinion) your weaker arms.

Y/n: This is nice.

Kyoko: Okay?

The redhead blushed as you moaned approvingly at her touch. Nearby an uncomfortable looking Hiroshi tried his best to direct his attention at the face palming Misako.

Misako: Where's this guard live?

Hitoshi: North Ravine Lane. But I wouldn't recommend waking him, I uh . . . tried that once.

Kyoko: Thanks Hiroshi, We'll be right back.

With only minor grumbling from you as they dragged you off on another side quest, Kyoko and Misako led the way towards destination some guards house. Putting the hair pin back in the bag you settled back into your group's informal marching order of the two in front and you a step or two behind so that you could sneak the occasional glance at them as you walked.

The streets were quiet this time, no random smug school guys or cheerleader gangs to bug you. Absentmindedly you noted it was most likely due to the police cars parked at the convenience store you passed along the way to North Ravine Lane, the presence of the law discouraging any overtly hostile reprisals from the usual suspects. Perfectly fine for you, after all less violence meant more time to vibe and ogle.

Security Guard Pattinson's house was surprisingly nice, bright red brickwork with a tall fenced in bamboo garden dominating its side. The location on a quiet suburban street was just another sign of how weird it was that a mere security guard could afford such a good looking place. You shoved down the pang of envy as Kyoko went up to the door and rapped her knuckles on the brightly painted wood.




After several moments of no reply Kyoko went to knock again only to be greeted by further silence. Growling in frustration Misako jiggled the door knob, furiously trying to shove the door open, but as the door rattled and refuses to move she slapped it and turned away in a huff.

Misako: Oh come on! What's this guys problem.

Y/n: Well with crime rates as they are—

Misako: Not helping Y/n. *sigh* So anybody got any ideas? It seems like this guy isn't gonna be opening the door anytime soon.

Kyoko: Kick the door in!

As the redhead reared her foot up to do just that, you stepped in front of her with your arm up and hands waving frantically. Seeing you intercept she paused her attempt at first degree dooricide, though she kept her foot raised to continue the moment you moved. Your face heated up as you noticed the angle of her shapely leg was perfect to give you a tantalizing glimpse of her panties. Gulping and eyes occasionally darting down to glance you began to speak in your most diplomatic voice.

Y/n: Maybe we shouldn't commit a felony? Hmmm.

Kyoko: But we need to get in there and he isn't opening the door

Misako: We get what your saying Y/n, but if we want to find Kunio and Riki we need to find Yamada. And if we want to find Yamada we need the keys to the mall.

Y/n: And the keys are in the house, and the door is locked I know. Plus I'm pretty sure their names are pronounced Kenny and Richie.

Misako: What? No their names are—

She growled in frustration, sputtering about their boyfriends names for some reason beyond you. You quickly dismissed that though, after all Misako and Kyoko really should just be consistent with how they pronounce their boyfriends names. After several deep breaths to calm herself Misako continued.

Misako: You know what let's just get to it.

She made to move past you, but you intercepted and shuffled in front of her with your arms spread wide. Misako's face morphed into a frown as she tried to go around you, but as your arms waved and you shuffled back and forth to body block her she started getting annoyed.

She tried going left and the right, but it didn't matter as you always slid right in front of her. The taller girl looking down at your frowning face. Soon Kyoko joined in and tried to flank past you while Misako stared you down, but before she could get to the door to bust it down you raised your leg right in front of her and propped it against the brickwork. The girls glared as you stymied their path.

Misako: Y/n what are you doing?

Y/n: Not letting you get me involved in a felony that might get me back on probation.

Misako: Y/n we are going inside, so move or I'll make you move.

Y/n: That would be assault!

Kyoko: Haven't we been doing that all day?

You and Misako turned to look at the pretty redhead who had her finger to her chin in thought

Y/n: Those times were self defense. And none of us will say otherwise.

Misako: We were sitting innocently in class when everyone went crazy, Got that?

Kyoko withered under both of your stink eyes, though unlike you Misako you spent a moment surveying around for any one who could have overheard her and her plausible deniability breaking suggestion. It took several moments of both her friends staring at her intensely for Kyoko eyes to light up in realization.

Kyoko: Oh I get it, yep they all totally started it.

Misako: Good, now where were we. Oh yeah, MOVE Y/N!

Y/n: NO, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! Plus if you try to move me I will scream. and it'll be like a whole thing.

Misako rubbed a hand to her face in frustration, the growl on her lips morphing into a deep sigh of frustration as Kyoko pulled her back. They huddled together and began to whisper conspiratorially. You couldn't hear what was being said from your position, but as their eyes occasionally darted at you, you had a strong idea it was about you. Misako's whispers were a bit heated at the start until Kyoko managed to say something that not only calmed her down, but put a smug smirk you couldn't help but find adorable on her face. When the two were done planning they stood up straight and stood in front of you. Misako's hands were planted on her hips as Kyoko looked grinned.

Misako: So your not gonna let us go inside?

Y/n: Nope

Kyoko: You surrrrrreeeee?

Y/n: Yep

Misako: You really sure?

Y/n: Quite positive.

Misako: Why don't you think on that for a moment.

Kyoko: For us.

She clapped her hands together and leaned forward, eyelashes batting cutely as she entered your personal space. Face heating up from sheer cuteness proximity you felt your legs go weak, her silky red hair flowing behind her as her sparkling blue eyes glittered. Your resolve was not at all helped when Misako leaned forward as well. The black haired girl arched her back slightly as she leant into your space, her breasts straining her shirt, her curvy hip jutting to the side seductively. You gulped as your legs rubbed together, hand twirling a lock of hair to try and calm your body from growing ever hotter. In the back of your mind you knew you should stand your ground and avoid giving the law any reason to screw You over unreasonably. But as your face flushed atomic red and your voice quivered you lost the battle.

Y/n: O, O-okay.

Just as your will to stand strong broke and you acquiesced to the power of the cute and sexy, you felt two arms clomp you around the shoulders. The girls gave you a quick ruffle of your shoulders, the brief friendly hug sending you into a moment of contact high euphoria as their wonderful bodies pressed against you. Your heart pounded in your chest from the brief second of feeing their breasts brush against your arms. However, as they made to move past you and kick the door in the moment broke and with jittery step you slid back in front of them. They slumped in annoyance as their eyes glared at you.

Y/n: BUT! how about we check for a key first. I'm sure there is a spare under a rock or door mat or something. We get that and we can at least hide the evidence of us committing a felony here. Because I don't know about you, but I seriously don't want to have another felony on my record.

Misako: *groan* If we do that will you quit blocking us.

Y/n: Yes

Kyoko: Cool, so step off the mat so we can look.

Y/n: Huh?

Looking down you realized you were standing on the door mat.

Y/n: Oh yeah.

Stepping off it you watched as Kyoko kneeled down to pick it up by the corner. You and the girls gagged as the doormat peeled off the cement with a gross slicking sound, old mildew and damp spots that had accumulated and sat for years undisturbed laid beneath. Sitting in the middle of the gross pile was a rusty key, it's luster lost under the years of sedentary existence. Looking up and sharing a look of mutual agreement all around, Kyoko gingerly laid the doormat back down and held out her hands as you passed her some wipes from your bag.

Y/n: Or I can pick the lock.

Kyoko: Please do.

Y/n: Yeah just keep watch and cover me so nobody see it.

You laid some wipes down so that your knee didn't directly touch the doormat as you knelt to begin working on the lock. Taking your hairpin out from your bag you put your ear to the lock and began working. Behind you Kyoko and Misako were bent over and watching with interest as you slowly but surely slid the locking mechanism open.

Kyoko: So why do you know how to pick locks?

Y/n: You know, I was in elementary school and wanted to get into the locked cabinets for candy, glue, lighters, the usual stuff you know.

Kyoko: Why did you need a lighter?

Y/n: To use with the gasoline duh.

Misako: Better question, couldn't you have picked the mall lock so we didn't have to walk all the way here.

Y/n: What's with the twenty questions, I thought I told you to keep watch?

Kyoko: Oh please, no one's gonna notice—


Slowly in mechanical synchronization all three of you turn to see a lone beat cop standing there with a coffee in hand, eyes trained on what must of been a sketchy sight.

Sweating nervously you turned around and faced the door, refusing to give anymore time to memorize your face than necessary. Quietly you whispered to the girls in fear.

Y/n: Get rid of him!

Misako: Oh hi there officer! Don't mind us, our friend just forgot her house key is all. Right buddy?

She elbowed a anxiety stricken Kyoko, the redhead's stiff body taking a few moments before noticing the nudging. Gulping loudly she spoke up with a slight stutter.

Kyoko: Y, y-yeah that's right. Lost my key so my friend here is just helping me out.

Officer: Your house? You Pattinson's kid then?

Kyoko: Yep.

Kyoko punctuated the last letter with a long popping, her posture relaxing as the situation began to defuse as the officer chuckled. Awkwardly joining in she and soon Misako laughed alongside the police, meanwhile your sweaty hands made the process of picking the lock go slower.

Officer: Well I'm glad to meet you, since were apparently neighbors and such. I'm Saito and I live right over there. And if I can be rude for a moment, Pattinson ain't got no kids. So how about you three girls put your hands up and come down to the station to have a talk while someone calls up your parents.

Freezing up for a moment at his words, you exhaled deeply to calm yourself down reminding yourself that he didn't know shit about you. Biting your lip you continued picking the lock out of spite for this police asshole, having a decent idea what exactly your friends are gonna do to him. Though you did venomously whisper to them words of encouragement.

Y/n: We've already done one felony why not another.

Kyoko: What was that? We can't hear you from over here!

Misako: Kyoko get his club!

A bright grin spread on your face as you looked over your shoulder to see them way ahead of you and already having the jerk on the ground, Kyoko tearing the billy club from his hand and whacking him with it. Chuckling evilly you turned your back to them as they fucked up the police, the sounds of violence serving as motivational victory music as you finished unlocking the door.

Y/n: Girls I got it.

Kyoko: And we got him!

The two of them finished punching the officer's ticket to unconscious ville and returned to you. Ushering them to enter quietly you closed the door behind you, giving the prone form of the asshole one last flip of the bird before joining the girls inside. You were about to step past them to start the search before Kyoko's hand flung out to stop you taking another step inside. It didn't take long for your attention to join Kyoko and Misako as they looked on in confusion and a bit of unwilling awe at the sheer mess before them.

Scattered across the room, every inch and every speck of floor was absolutely crowded with various toys, trinkets, and Knick knacks. No rhyme or reason could be seen, just a hap-hazardous mess for the record books. The three of you gaped in stunned silence, unable to comprehend the sheer amount of random junk scattered here and there. And there in the center of it all was a large blue couch with an equally large man splayed across it and snoring away the day.

Tentatively Misako tried to scoot some stuff out of the way, her foot nudging a rubber giraffe chew toy that squeaked at the faintest touch. You all flinched as the noise caused the house's owner to rustle in his slumber. The security guard didn't wake up but clearly having at least subconsciously noticed the disturbance to his precious hoard of un-valuables. The tension was soon broken as Kyoko quietly got you and Misako's attention, her hand gesturing to the key clipped to the home owner's belt.

Kyoko: He's got the keys! Don't wake him up.

Y/n: Easier said than done. How are we supposed to get the keys with all this crap laying around? One wrong step and we risk waking him up

Kyoko: Drat!

Misako: Hold up I got an idea. See that desk over there by the wall?

Turning your head to the right you saw the aforementioned desk. Your stomach dropped as you noticed its positioning against the wall was close to that of a stereo system and a massive old tv with one of those big jutting backsides. From there it was a clear jump over to the other end of the room, where more furniture could be used to parkour to the guard and a door to the back yard. Giving Misako a look of utter refusal proved fruitless as Kyoko smirked and went over to climb on top of the desk.

Kyoko: Great idea Misako!

Y/n: No it's not.

Misako: Thanks Kyoko!

Y/n: Please don't turn this into one of the times you ignore me! I'm not graceful enough to do furniture parkour.

If they had heard you they didn't show it as they began climbing on furniture and precisely jumping and landing onto the small, barely foot holds, tops of stereo and Tv. Seeing them completely disregard you shrugged in dismay as you went to follow them, climbing carefully onto the desk as the girls effortlessly jumped from desk to stereo to tv and so on as they worked their way to the other end of the room.

Y/n: Welp guess the guards gonna wake up.

Taking a deep breath you eyes the first jump, from desk to stereo was only a couple feet but the difference in heights and the small surface to land on made it seem like a canyon. The distance seemed to go on forever, stretching before your eyes as a lump formed in your throat. The whispering voices of the girls were practically nonexistent as you stared ahead.

Misako: Hurry up!

Kyoko: You got this Y/n!

Gulping down the heavy wall sun your throat, you took several steps back and took off. Using the momentum on the last step to kick off into the air, you felt your hair blow in the air as you soared forth. You could barely keep your eyes open due to worry as you struggled to keep your legs under you, barely managing to plant your feet on top of the stereo while wincing in panic. Not thinking you immediately did the next hop, desperate to be done with this stupid parkour.

The jump onto the tv looked deceptively easier, but as you landed you felt your balance shift from sheer momentum as your feet stumbled several steps forward to the edge of the tv. Your arms flailing in a quickly losing battle to not tumble forward face first into the mass of toys and trash that littered the floor.

At the last minute before you plunged Misako's hand caught you by the jacket as she leaned precariously from the second stereo, her posture at a near 90 degree angle as she helped you. However, despite having kept you from falling and waking guard Pattinson up, Misako's footing was now quite visibly wobbly herself. Her much smaller platform not giving her any mercy as she relied on you for support, the shift in her weight making retreat impossible for you without sacrificing her.

Y/n: Oh fudge sickles.

Misako: You can say that again.

Y/n: Oh fudg—

Misako: Not literally!

Y/n: Sorry.

Misako: What ever you do don't move. I'm pretty sure that if I let you go I'll fall too, but I don't the stereo will keep standing if my foot continues to push on its edge like it is.

To illustrate her point the stereo creaked dangerously as it briefly tipped ever so slightly. In her attempt to catch you, Misako was forced to plant her foot on the very edge of the thing, her current position  pushing on the top of the stereo could force it to tip at any moment. Your quick hyperventilating breaths and sweaty palms didn't help you keep your balance as your body drowned in worry and panic. On the other side of the room Kyoko was practically biting her nails in concern, her mouth moving in silent encouragement as she nervously watched her friends peril. Luckily Misako, beautiful angle that she was looked you in the eye with a calming reassuring confidence. Immediately as she spoke you could feel yourself feel calm down.

Misako: Okay I have a plan

Y/n: Yeah!

Misako: Jump towards me.

Inner Y/n cranked the panic dial to eleven as she overheard Misako's "plan"

Y/n: WHAT!

Misako: If you jump into my arms and knock me back I can kick off the stereo and we should land on the other side safely.

Y/n: And break something on landing! Probably me!

Misako: You have any better ideas?

Her raised eyebrow taunted you as you poured angrily. Growling lowly you nodded your head in acceptance of this insanity.

Y/n: Fine. Count to three?

Misako: Count to three.

Y/n: K. One, Two, thre. . . Go on three or one two three go?

She barely managed to keep her footing as you paused the count, her annoyed looks were completely uncalled for though. After all this was important.

Misako: On three.

Y/n:Alright. One, Two, wait. Hey Kyoko, can you put some cushions down so we don't get hurt or anything?

Misako stumbled as you aborted the count, her eyes staring dagger sat you while Kyoko ran about in the background placing cushions down where you would be landing. Honestly it's like she wanted you both to get hurt.

Kyoko: Sure thing!

Y/n: Thanks Kyo—

Misako: Just count down Y/n!

Y/n: Sorry, no need to bite my head off. Plus I'm technically counting up, but whatever.

Misako's eyes could be classified as weapons of mass destruction with how they burned through your skull in that moment. By this point you wondered if it might have been something you said.

Y/n: One, Two, Three!

Kicking off you jumped into Misako's arms, your weight hitting her full force as she tried her best to stumble back and jump to safety. The stereo wobbled as your bodies sailed through the air. As you landed heavily you clenched your eyes shut in anxiety. For a long moment you sat there and winced, her arms wrapped around you as you both anxiously waited for the oncoming squeak of displaced toys and trash followed by angry shouting of the house's owner.

However, as you laid there you heard Misako let out a long sigh of relief while her strong arms stayed wrapped around you. Opening your eyes slowly you followed her example as the worry drained from your body as the sight of the cushions below your intertwined bodies clued you in on the success of Misako's plan.

Without the panic of being caught for home invasion filling you, you finally took note of how you landed and immediately felt your legs turn to jelly and your face catch a flaming blush. Misako's stronger arms were wrapped around you as you laid on top of her daintily, your petite frame draped over her suggestively as your head rested on her splendid boobs. Your hands had fallen onto her lean stomach, feeling the soft yet also delightfully toned core muscles. Any thoughts soon left you as you melted into the embrace, head nuzzling her bosom as your fingers abused the moment to caress her stomach through her shirt.

For her part Misako laid there catching her breath, her heart still pounding from the mission impossible parkour they'd been doing. Her back was only slightly sore from the crash landing, the cushions provided by Kyoko keeping her from being hurt but a rough fall is a rough fall. Beside her Kyoko scooted closer to check if she's okay.

Kyoko: Misako are you hurt?

Misako: Not really, just kinda sore. The cushions worked as intended. Good job Kyoko.

Kyoko: Thanks! Oh and is Y/n okay, she seems kind about of it?

They both turned to look at you, Misako's face heating up as you nuzzled your face into her boobs. Your soft quiet moans of content caused the two girls to exchange a look. Misako felt funny as your fingers trailed along her stomach with strange and pleasant jolts. Gently Misako jostled your shoulder, but in your state of happy cuddly high you failed to notice. As your face rubbed into her chest, sending light touches of pleasure through her Misako had to bite back a moan even as strange sensations flooded her body and replaced any soreness she may have felt.

Misako: PERV!

She violently shoved you off as her voice hissed out, sending you tumbling off of her and onto the floor beside her. The push sent you crashing onto your ass with a painful thump. It took you a moment of tumbling to snap you out of your delirium, but after a moment you sat up and saw a heavily blushing Misako standing up and dusting herself off as her legs were tightly clenched together. Groaning you got up to stand beside her and an awkward Kyoko. Idly you took note of your surroundings, from the back door to the window into what vaguely looked like a kitchen area at first glance.

As both you and Misako finished dusting yourselves off the redhead pumped her arm and grinned excitedly.

Kyoko: All right girls we made it to the other side, now it's time to grab the key.

Y/n: Question.

Kyoko: Hit me

Y/n: Seems like a one person job, two max. So You mind if I sit this parkour out? I'll get the back door unlocked so we can escape quickly, you know just in case he wakes up.

Misako: Good idea, me and Kyoko will get the key. Just get that door open.

Kyoko: Plus your not very good at parkour from what we've seen.

Y/n: Exactly!

Kyoko: All right, let get cracking!

The three of you raised your hands and slapped them together in a group high five, but the loud sound of flesh smacking on flesh dung through the house caused all your eyes to go wide and turn to the sleeping security guard in worry. The slumbering man grumbled in his sleep, but didn't respond any further to the noise.

Kyoko: Huh guess he only cares to hear things that touch his stuff.

Y/n: I can get that vibe.

Misako: Back to the plan?

Kyoko: Yep!

Y/n: Good luck.

You separated from them as they began climbing onto the nearby couch, using it as a foothold to jump onto nearby bookshelves on their way to snatch the keys. Turning away and letting them do their business, you stepped over to get started at unlocking the back door. Giving the door's screen an examining glance you  rubbed your chin and experimentally flicked the lock switch and tried to slide it open. Unsurprisingly it worked, as a crack of sunlight leaked through the small crack you opened.

Y/n: Huh, that was easy.

Looking over your shoulder back at the girls you saw Kyoko balancing precariously onto of the bookshelf as Misako tried to quietly and precisely scoot a box through the mess of toys littering the room in order to give the redhead the next platform to jump to. Thinking better of interrupting them, you turned your sights to the window into the kitchen, eyes trailing along the wall to the screen door leading in.

Without another thought you stepped through and immediately flinched from the disorganized mess it was. Everything was gross or chaotic, from magazine covered table to the spill by the basement door, from the fridge door clutter to the bottles half hanging out from the cabinet under the sink, everything reflected the slob of an owner. Ignoring the messy habits of the house's owner, you got to work opening and rifling through the cabinets and drawers to see what kind of food this guy had. Nothing you were seeing as you raided the cabinets was tickling your fancy, Cheetos and sugary cereals were good but to messy for right now. On the other end the various bags of candy didn't feel right either so soon after your donut feast.

The search of the cupboards failing you turned sights to the refrigerator, the cold air hitting you as you flung the door open. Inside wasn't much that appealed to you, various beers, cold cuts, and a half empty gallon of milk among other things. Still the longer you looked the more you felt the need for something, and so you pulled out some ham, cheese, and sauces from the fridge and pulled the bread out of the cabinets to make a sandwich.

While assembling your sandwich you took a moment to poke your head out the door to talk with Kyoko and Misako, the former of which was carefully standing over Pattinson's body and doing her very best to slowly slide the keys off his belt while Misako watched from her position standing on the couch. You whisper shouted at them.

Y/n: Hey Misako, you and Kyoko want a sandwich?

Misako: What?

Y/n: I'm making sandwiches you want one?

Misako: Why are you stealing his food?!

Y/n: We're robbing him of his keys might as well take his food while we're at it. Plus I felt like a sandwich.

Misako: Why aren't you unlocking the back door?

Y/n: We are inside, it was literally flicking a switch. Took me two seconds max.

Kyoko: What is Y/n saying?

Misako glared at her best friend who flinched away as the security guard twitched in his sleep from the sound of talking. The redhead's whispering became quieter after that.

Misako: She's making sandwiches for some reason.

Kyoko: Can I have one?

Y/n: Sure! What you want?

Kyoko: Does he have any turkey?

Y/n: I'll check just for you Kyoko.

Kyoko: Thanks Y/n

Misako *sigh* Screw it I'll take one too.

Y/n: K.

Stepping back in you got to work making sandwiches for three, laying out the bread, meat, and cheese before doing the work of layering them together. Humming to yourself you constructed the relatively basic meal together, applying some of the better looking sauces you grabbed from the fridge. Remembering pet way through you grabbed some turkey for Kyoko's. Using a paper plate to stack them on top of you collected your sandwiches and came out to see Kyoko and Misako looking victorious as the redhead held up the key proudly.

Misako: Keys acquired, let's get back to the mall.

Y/n: Ham and Cheese Sandwiches acquired let's get eating. Except for Kyoko who wanted turkey.

Kyoko: An article I saw on Facebook said its better for your figure

Blinking in disbelief, a curious expression settled on your face as you gazed at her already lovely figure and imagined her even slightly curvier. After a moment you used your sleeve to wipe a thin strand of drool from your mouth and gave her a resolves look.

Y/n: I will give you all the turkey you want.

Misako: When your done being a perv can I have my sandwich?

Y/n: Oh yeah here you go. We still have time of you wanted tur—

Her hand touched your jaw and gently closed your mouth, her finger shushing your lips as she took a bite of her sandwich, chewing it and speaking at the same time.

Misako: I'm gonna stop you right there. *chewing* Oh man, this is good. What kind of sauce is that?

From there the three of you exited the house through the back, fresh air filling your lungs as you walked past the pool and finished off your sandwiches. Reaching the property line fence, your friends immediately ran up and jumped it. As they did that you raised an eyebrow and went over to the nearby fence gate and stepped through it, staring at the girls who were looking at you while blushing in embarrassment. Kyoko rubbed her head and giggled sheepishly as you all walked and talked on the way back to the mall.

Y/n: Have fun?

Kyoko: We didn't see the gate?

Y/n: Rigghhtt!

Kyoko: Seriously we didn't!

Misako: We did see the mess in that guys house.

Kyoko: Like OMG what was all that?

Misako: I have no clue, maybe he was a collector or something.

Shaking your head in disagreement, you leaned your neck back and placed your hands behind your head. These girls obviously didn't understand the mind of a collector, and as a proud collector you knew no fellow collector would be so haphazard with their pride and joys. After all even if it was in the back of your closet, you made sure your special movie and comic collection was well maintained and cares for.

Y/n: Nah, if he was collecting stuff he'd keep it in nicer condition.

Kyoko: What makes you say that?

Y/n I'm something of a collector myself.

Misako: What do you collect?

Y/n: Not important. What is important is that guy was just a slob and a pack rat. I mean come on, that house was a WRECK! Like seriously you girls weren't in the kitchen with me, but it was nasty. First of all, who keeps stacks of magazines with letters cut out. They're practically unreadable by that point, and glueing random ones to paper doesn't count. Plus why pin so many car rentals to the fridge, it's one guy he only needs one van.

You continued walking forward oblivious as your companions stopped for a moment as they stared at you in shock. They looked completely baffled at what you described, with only Misako being the first to voice her confusion.

Misako: What?

Y/n: Oh and don't get me started on the way he kept his cabinets organized. Cheetos and chips in one, I get it. I think cheese puffs fall in that weird semi chip category. But you don't put candy bags in with your medicine bottles, no internal organization there. And don't put unwrapped candies back in and just bundle them up in the already opened wrapper, they'll go bad. Utterly gross.

Behind your back the two girls exchanged concerned looks before turning to you with  nervous eyes. Kyoko's body shivered as a chill flew down her spine.

Kyoko: Um Misako? She's joking right?

Misako: No I think she's utterly serious.

Y/n: Of course I am! Oh worst part is he didn't even close all his cabinets, the one under the sink was half open and I could have tripped on it if I was any less perceptive. The bleach and Sodium hydroxide were about to fall out. And another thing, if you spill your wine or Kool-aid or whatever by the basement door, clean it up. Don't just let it sit there and look crusty.

Kyoko: Uh Y/n I don't think—

You interrupted her by twirling around to face them, hands waving angrily as you recounted your next complaint about the guy.

Y/n: And why does some slob security guard get a pool? I don't have a pool and yet he does, how is that fair. He gets to live in some house and keep it messy while I live in a small apartment with my brother that I painstakingly keep nice and clean, yet he's rewarded with a pool. Nuh Uh, I call shenanigans.

Kyoko: Totally not what you should be focusing on Y/n.

Misako: I know it might be tough for you, but focus on what you just described in his house and think really hard about it.

Y/n: But I don't want to, that place was gross. Plus think about what I could do with a pool. It's be so much fun, and you two could come over, I Could invite Mami and Hasebe too. The five of us hitting the pool, can you picture it, because I am. It's a very nice picture.

Having turned back around to keep walking, you missed seeing the two make disgusted faces at hearing you mention their blond and bluenette rivals. Their distaste for the girls keeping them from joining you in picturing your wonderful fantasy pool party where they were all invited. You were getting quite ahead of them when you saw a big truck parked in an alley crisscrossing your path. Something about it compelled you to look even as you tuned out on your friends conversation.

Misako: Did you really have to mention those two?

Kyoko: Way to make this conversation worse, which was somehow possible.Misako would you call—

Misako: Way ahead of you.

Squinting to try and see better, you saw a familiar looking statuette sitting tucked between the truck and a dumpster. It looked identical to the ones you saw around river city high, and the ugly visage felt insulting on a personal level just as the ones you saw prior did. So while Misako and Kyoko talked empathetically to someone on the phone you dashed ahead and kicked the statue over. The sight of it smashing onto the ground and shattering into thousands of tiny pieces filling you with pride.

Y/n: That felt good

With head held high you rejoined your friends as you all soon came out onto the main street by the convenience store. From there it was relatively simple to get back to the mall. The walk there was quiet as neither Kyoko or Misako seemed their usual talkative selves.

Y/n: You girls alright?

Kyoko: Yeah we're good.

Misako: We just need a minute to process some stuff.

Y/n: What stuff?

Kyoko: It's best you don't know.

Y/n: M'kay

With that said you left them in peace the rest of the way, not wanting to interrupt what ever it is they needed to work through. Trying to think on what could have gotten them so worked up didn't help, because as far as you knew everything that just happened was a standard by the number breaking and entering. Luckily though Yo I didn't have to worry about them long, because by the time you got to the mall doors they seems to have some a deep breath and recollected their bearings. Kyoko in particular was back at full excitable swing by the time Hitoshi, Hikoshi, whatever his name was flagged you down.

Kyoko: We got the keys! See?

Hiroshi: Nice job. Now open these doors so we can start shopping.

Kyoko clasped her hands and started practically bouncing in place at the words "start shopping" her cries of excitement loud for all to hear. While Misako crossed her arms to fix Kyoko a reproachful scolding you stood back and watched. Specifically what aforementioned bouncing did for Kyoko's perky ass and bust, but you half listened to the other stuff too. Okay maybe one third listen.

Kyoko: *SQUEEEEE!*

Misako: No.

Her tone immediately deflated Kyoko's excitement, the redhead looking at her friend desperately.

Kyoko: But—

Misako: Kyoko.

The black haired girls eyes remained firm as she stonewalled Kyoko's attempts to beg her to reconsider. Kyoko slumped over as she futilely tried to get her to reconsider. While your friends were taking you shared a look with what's his face, (half sure it started with an H) who looked at the keys and then back to you. Seeing what he meant you snagged the keys from Kyok o while she was distracted and joking the guy who's name started with an H in unlocking the door.

Kyoko: Just a few stores

You could hear the exasperation in Misako's voice when she replied, her body slouching as she spoke. Rolling your eyes at the melodrama you put the key in the mall door and turned it, waving goodbye to H, H, HIROKI that was it.

Mission: Remember Riki

Kyoko: *sigh* Fine let's go find that spooky Yamada guy.

The two wrapped up their little argument debate on the merit of shopping while looking for their kidnapped boyfriends. On an unrelated note you made sure to add shopping to the list of topics to bring up whenever they start bringing up their loser boyfriends. Honestly the more you heard about those Kenny and Rukio guys the less you thought of them, what kind of a-holes would have A+ girlfriends like Misako and Kyoko and just ditch them. Seriously, those guys just irked you for taking such nice (and cute!) girls for granted.

Your unpleasant thoughts on your friends / crushes current significant others aside, you joined the girls in entering the mall. As you crossed the threshold into the capitalism central your eyes went wide in wonder, the interior decor of the mall was exceptionally well done and appealing. The fountain in the central entry way, the glass store windows displaying things you wish you could afford, the various kiosks with vendors shouting for attention, even cliques of cute girls roaming about giggling with each other as they inanely shopped around. Your mouth watered at all the opportunities you saw before you.

Y/n: Maybe Kyoko was right and we should visit a few stores. I'm sure Kurio and Richard can deal waiting a bit longer.

Misako: They are not waiting they are kidnapped.

Y/n: Yeah so it's not like they're going anywhere.

Kyoko: But what if they're in danger?

Y/n: Hm, your right this is serious. Let's look for Yamada over at the comic shop and then the food court!

Misako: You literally just had a sandwich

Y/n: But Yamada hasn't! Probably.

Kyoko: She's right!

Y/n: Alright so let's head— Hold on one moment.

Walking past them you made your way over to a plastic palm tree display that stood beside the large water fountain. The fanciful tropical display livened up the entrance to the mall, creating a relaxed atmosphere and pretty sight for the crowds of shoppers. But sitting beside the fake wood was another of those ugly statues you've been seeing all over. Without a word to anyone you picked it up, huffing in effort as the heavy rock weighed heavily in your arms, and chucked it into the fountain where it cracked in half. Already looking 20% better now that it was broken. Walking back to the girls like nothing happened, you ignored their baffled looks.

Y/n: Alright let's head out! Comic shop then food court.

Not waiting for a response you began walking in a vague direction that you get might have been correct, but before you could get more then couple steps away Misako grabbed the back of your jacket collar and forcibly dragged you a load she and Kyoko went in the opposite direction.

Misako: Stop Messing around and keep your eyes open for anyone shady.

Y/n: It's a mall there are statistically at least three drug dealers here at any given time.

Kyoko: Really?

Y/n: *sigh* I don't know, feels right though.

Misako: There's no drug dealers here, just annoying girls in leather jackets.

Y/n: What? I'm not seeing any one wearing a leather jacket.

Misako: Just stick with me and Kyoko and don't wander off.

Y/n: Ughh fine.

Groaning from the constraint to your freedom, you made sure to follow closely behind your friends, keeping an eye out for any shady suspects and that annoying girl who they mentioned was interloping on your style. Passing by various shops and stalls nothing really caught your eye, and if something did either Kyoko and Misako would grab you by the collar to prevent your running off.

The one successful sneak around you managed was to get into the comic store to purchase the latest issue of Cosmic Mega Babes. Kyoko and Misako had been distracted when they thought they saw someone sufficiently shady to be Yamada, so while they investigated *cough* threaten *cough* the suspect you had promptly walked away to purchase your prize. Their unimpressed looks as they caught you exiting the comic store nose in the comic about buxom women in space was totally worth worth it. Especially since you managed to slip the swimsuit issue into your bag for later "research"

Still despite your success in getting what you wanted, they had come no closer in finding Yamada. Most likely due to none of you knowing what he looked like beyond, shady, creepy, and guy. You reckon he was probably slim too, many shady people were.

By the time you had walked the perimeter of the mall and completely failed to find you target the girls were starting to get angry from lack of progress. None of the typical hotspots for creepy or dark arts kinda people had led to anymore clues. The hot topic had never heard of him, the weird sex store refused any questions under clientele privacy protection, and it kept going like that at every time. By now the three of you were just pacing into the food court, Kyoko slumped in defeat with Misako growling in frustration beside her.

Misako: Where is this guy!

Y/n: I don't know

Kyoko: We heard you the first time you said that Y/n

Y/n: It still hasn't changed from the first time you asked.

Misako: Well do you have anything new to contribute to the conversation? Anything to help us find Yamada wherever he might be in this place.

Y/n: Well you shot down the clothing store and candy kiosk, so not really. Though I guess we could try asking that Hitoki—

Kyoko: Hiroshi

Y/n: That's what I said. He's right over there we could ask him if he'd know where Yamada would hand out.

Misako: Why would he now anything?

Y/n: I dunno

Kyoko: Let's just try it Misako, we've already been walking around for like half an hour.

Misako: Fine

As you approached the man in question peered over the edge of his comic book. Even as you got closer he didn't set his book down, barely even acknowledging you as you stood there and greeted him.

Misako: Oh, hey Hiroshi

Kyoko: Did you get your space girls comic book thingy?

He raised his eyebrow as if offended by Kyoko's mispronunciation of the books title. In all fairness you had to give him that one, it was a really good book.

Y/n and Hiroshi: Cosmic Mega Babes?

The girls rolled their eyes as you and Hiroshi corrected them it's the same time.

Hiroshi: Yeah, but they only had the standard edition, ugh. . . I could barely bring myself to read it three times.

The despondent tone in his voice caused a smug smirk to tug at the edges of your mouth, your hand buried in your bag to caress the laminated ink of your prized Cosmic Mega Babes swimsuit edition. You've only had time to skim the spicy artwork, but damn this guy was gonna miss out. Sucks to be him you guess.

Misako: We can't find Yamada, any idea where he might be?

Hiroshi: He also hangs around the construction site. But, if you go there be careful.

Kyoko: Why?

Hiroshi: Because it's a construction site.

His voice was utterly deadpan as he looked over the she of his comic as Kyoko, and he was bluntly unamused by the redhead's frightful reaction to what should have been blatant.

Kyoko: Oh yeah

Misako Anyway, thanks and stuff.

Hiroshi: Anytime! I mean, like, literally anytime. My life is pretty boring.

The three of you were going to walk away after that dad end to the conversation, but right before you could make to turn around he called out to you. Groans you turned to face him, wondering why this Hitoshi guy was dragging you into another boring conversation.

Hiroshi: Oh and thanks Y/n for unlocking the door. Barely got in time to get my issue, I owe you one.

Your reluctance vanished as your mind immediately began memorizing every single detail of what he said, down to the exact wording used. As soon as your mental record was created you hyper focused on recording the rest of this for future remembrance. After all it's not every day someone acknowledges they owed you.

Y/n: So what like you'll do something for me in the future?

Hiroshi: That's the idea. It's a common expression.

Y/n: Nope that's a verbal contract. No take backs. All debts are final.

Hiroshi: Um, yeah sure?

Y/n: Cool, I'll remember that.

Giving Hiroshi your new debtee a smile and handshake, you decided he deserved some space to finish his cultured reading. So you and the girls turned around and made your ways off into the distance on your way to finally face Yamada, creepy guy and master of the dark arts. As you all ran off Hiroshi watched you leave, a bad feeing in his gut as if he had just sold his soul to the devil.

Hiroshi: I have a bad feeing about this. Meh, I'm sure it'll be fine.

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