River City Girls: New Girl in...

By ghost-writer-0000

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Ever since she was little, Y/n L/n has been homeschooled online. However after her brother gets a job in a ne... More

Chapter 1: First Day at River City High
Chapter 2: School House Rumble
Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu
Chapter 4: Y/n Makes a Bet
Chapter 6: Not Breaking, but Still Entering
Chapter 7: Boss Battle! Yamada
Chapter 8: All in the Mall
Chapter 9: Uptown Funk
Halloween Omake
Chapter 10: A Quick Break for Tea Time
Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown
Christmas Omake
Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning
Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari
Summer Omake: The Beach Episode
Chapter 14: Downtown Dropoff

Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai

379 11 2
By ghost-writer-0000

You stepped over the downed body of some smug generic looking guy that was groaning in pain on the pavement. The scene on the street was a vast departure to the typical quiet suburbia it was earlier, bruised and beaten bodies laying and thrown about while Kyoko and Misako looking only slightly worse for wear. The People who had watched in confusion and interest from windows and lawns as two cute school girls beat up a bunch of guys in broad daylight returned to their mundane lives.

You were briefly concerned as your new friends dusted themselves off and fixed their hair, sure they were tough but this much fighting was worrying. Not that concerns lasted long as Kyoko's head perked up after You called to them, waving at your approaching figure excitedly, a wide infectious smile on her face the whole time.

Kyoko: Hey Y/n!

Y/n: Hey Kyoko!

You and Kyoko waved enthusiastically at each other, the redhead smiling widely as you walked up to the pair of girls. However Misako's voice shouted over both of you as she looked at you demanding answers. Looking at her You saw she looked annoyed and confused about something.

Misako: Hold on, we left the school before you. How did you get here before us?

Y/n: I took the bus.

The black haired girl slumped down, looking rather disappointed with herself in that moment.

Misako: Damn why didn't we think of that.

Y/n: I don't know. So what you two been doing? Any of these guys give you any trouble.

The two girls looked at you oddly before Kyoko giggled and gestured dismissively. Misako shook her head in exasperation at you while also looking smug as she planted her hands on her curvy hips.

Kyoko: Nah, we beat them up pretty easily. Kinda slowed us down though.

Y/n: Why did you fight them?

Kyoko: They started it!

Misako: These losers got pissed after hearing we showed their friends back at school who's boss, so they thought they'd do better.

Y/n: Why is everyone from your school so violent?

Kyoko: I don't know why did you break Shanon's leg?

Y/n: That was an accident that she probably deserved. Not my fault everything at school went to hell.

Misako: Yeah well. It's just nice to be outta that crappy school.

Y/n: I know right, we got like the entire day to do stuff now. Like in the past hour I've already crossed like two things off my bucket list. Weekends are great.

Kyoko: For sure. Wanna go see a movie?

Y/n: Yes!

Misako: We're looking for our boyfriends remember.

Y/n:. Kenny and Richie?

Misako: Kunio and Riki

Y/n: That's what I said.

Kyoko: Oh yeah, we should ask if they want to go to.

Y/n: Is their presence negotiable?

Misako glared at you in annoyance, but you brushed it off with Indifference. After all they ain't your boyfriends, and if Kyoko and Misako weren't hot and a good source of looting money you'd probably just fuck right off back home and get a poptart and watch Youtube with Ziggy. You shrugged at her, causing the black haired girl to sigh in annoyance.

Misako *sigh* let's just go find that creepy guy.

Y/n: K, but we'll circle back to the movie discussion later then.

Misako *ughhh* fine.

The three of you continued on your merry way, strolling deeper into Crosstown in search of this mysterious "creepy guy" that Mizuzu talked about. It seemed ridiculous trying to use such a vague description to find someone, but the girls seemed fully intent on it being some kind of perfect descriptor.

It was about half an hour walking around the streets before you hit your limits. In that time all that had been accomplished was your legs getting tired and Misako and Kyoko glaring suspiciously at every other person on the street. It was dreadfully boring, and about halfway through you stopped looking for the guy and defaulted to subtly staring at your friends asses. Though after awhile even that couldn't help as You walked backwards slightly ahead of the two, talking to them as you walked.

Y/n: You know If we left now we could get to the movie theatre as it opens for first showings. And the new sharktopus movie is out, let that sink in.

Misako: No Y/n, we're looking for the guy Mizuzu told us about. Not going to the Movies.

Kyoko: Plus I've never seen the first one.

Misako: That too, so Y/n How about you focus on finding our guy instead of movies.

Y/n: I'd love to but I don't know who we're looking for.

Kyoko: The creepy guy

Y/n: So what does this guy look like?

Kyoko: He's creepy!

Y/n: That's not a description, it's a single adjective with no context. What are we supposed to be doing, interrogating every suspicious guy we see?

Misako: Well it's all we got so if you have any better ideas, I'm listening

Y/n: I'm not saying I have any better ideas, I'm just saying it's not like some creeper is gonna jump out and—

????: Oh Hey There!

You screeched In Fear as a stranger spoke up from right behind you. On instinct you leapt forward in an attempt to get away from whoever this was, hopping off the grounds and latching onto an equally startled Kyoko, though she kept her cool slightly better then You, though still visibly freaked out by the random creeper.

Your red headed friend squeaked in surprise as she instinctively wrapped her arms around you to support your weight. At first the surprised carry caused her legs to buckle, but she quickly gained firmer footing. Beside you both Misako looked ready to fight as she bared when teeth in surprised anger.

Y/n: Creeper!


Misako: Watch it creep! I almost tore your head off.

????: Oh, I'm no creep I'm Godai!

You looked back at the surprise creeper, seeing him to be an unsurprisingly creepy looking guy with bluish hair and a face that made you feel queasy just looking at. Despite his claim of not being a creep he did not do himself any favors looking like that.

Misako: Is that supposed to mean something to us?

Godai: We've been neighbors since third grade.

Kyoko: Oh yeah! Hey Misako it's that creepy guy that lives down the street from you.

Misako: Oh Yeah

Kyoko: Didn't you get kicked out of your school for taking secret photos of the girls volleyball team.

This Godai fellow started sweating bullets as Kyoko mentioned his past activities. You felt even more uncomfortable being near this guy now, but you felt at least safe knowing that if he was any threat the girls would kick his ass. Still some creeper shouldn't have pictures like that. You couldn't help but think that pictures like that should be in the hands of someone trustworthy, Like you.

Godai: Who Me? Haha. A-anyway. How's the weather right? You catch that recent sports game?

Misako: What do you want Godai?

Godai: I've been watching you two?

You and Kyoko both shivered in disgust and panic at such a weird and disturbing statement. Seeing her look a bit disturbed, you climbed out of Kyoko's surprisingly strong arms with a pout of disappointment, stepping slightly in front of her protectively. Both Kyoko and Misako looked at you for a moment before gently pushing you behind them.

Kyoko: See, Eww!

Godai: And I think I can help. Your looking for Riki and Kunio right? Well I keep tabs on EVERYBODY.

Y/n: Why did you say Riki's name fir—

Kyoko: You know who took my Riki-Poo

You were interrupted as Kyoko clapped her hands together and looked hopefully at Godai, her voice fawning over this riki guy even if he wasn't here. Your stomach tightened and your eyebrow twitched as she sounded so dreamily when thinking of this guy. Riki-poo sounded about right to you, but probably not for the same context Kyoko used it.

Godai: Not yet, but I will, SOON, in the meantime you help me and I'll help you.

Misako *gritting her teeth* What do you want Godai?

Godai: For starters, I'm pretty hungry. Go get me a Double Merv Burger.

Y/n: Oh come on I've already been there today.

Misako: Stop being lazy!

Pointing a finger at you and then Godai you looked at Misako in confusion, wondering which had it had been meant for.

Y/n: Me or him?

Kyoko: Yeah it's just down the street.

Godai: Exactly! Bring me a Double Merv Burger and you will HANDSOMELY rewarded m'ladies. Because I'm so handsome. Get it?

Y/n: I'm vomiting in my mouth.

Misako: Ughh

She grabbed you by the arm and dragged You away from this shady Godai fellow, Kyoko was close behind you as she made certain to keep a hand to smooth down her skirt while giving the creeper a side eyed glare. The three of you kept a fast pace until the twist and turns of the streets removed him from your sights.

Y/n: So we're not actually getting that weirdo his lunch right?

Misako: Don't really have a choice right now, he's the only lead we have right now on finding Kunio and Riki.

Y/n: Your right, finding Kenny and Richie is obviously important. But on the other hand and just hear me out, Sharktopus.

The two of them looked at you unimpressed before beginning to walk away down the street. Scrambling after them you soon fell in place by trailing slightly behind them. The silence lasted a couple minutes as your friends set a fast pace towards the mall area, paying little mind to their surroundings as they travelled. From the corner of your eyes you couldn't help but appreciate your friends slender figures, long legs, and round asses as they walked. Your resolve to not ogle your friends eroded very quickly as you continued to sneak appreciating glances at their figures every now and then.

At a sharp turn of the street you had to hurriedly look away as Misako's eyes seemed to have caught yours staring at her ass. Desperate and frantically you shifted to look around looking at anything else in sight besides her. Your eyes raced across the area for anything to comment on, going from two guys tapping away at computers, some baseball enthusiast highschool guys glaring at you with their bats in hand, an older woman lugging groceries into her house, anything but to meet her eyes.

After several minutes of Misako not slapping you you felt comfortable going back to business as usual (IE: ogling) and training your eyes on Kyoko's smooth long legs. Your gaze was intense as you blushed slightly at the sight of her juicy thighs mid walk, so intense in fact that you missed the annoyed roll of the eyes from the blushing Misako.

Not even watching cute girls could keep your mind occupied the whole walk to Merc Burger, as your legs grew tired from this mornings nonstop walking and your stomach laid heavy with food Interfered with your ability to focus on what matters. Your mind drifted as you wondered what to spend all of your money on when the mall finally opened, several hundred dollars could get quite a lot.

Maybe get Ziggy a new friend? Perhaps see if any new manga, comics, or games worth a buy had been released? Would creating a sugar stash be a good idea, Piers did find the last one. You snorted loudly at the memory of how he reacted. Only for your friends looked at you curiously.

Y/n: Sorry I was just remembering something funny my brother did awhile back.

Kyoko: Oh what happened?

Y/n: Well I was hoarding a new bag of those hostess powdered donuts, I hid them under my bed and put them in an old shoebox so he wouldn't be getting into them. But one day he was doing some vacuuming and found where I hid them, but they had gotten all mashed up by them so it looked like a big bag of white powder. So as soon as I get home he's standing there with this concerned look and starts going on about the dangers of drugs. Took everything I had to not laugh as he went on to describe cocaine and why and how to avoid it.

Misako: Wait? How did he get crushed donuts confused with drugs? Wouldn't the pastry part give it away, because I'm pretty sure that's more yellow than powdery white?

Y/n: He explained quite thoroughly why using drugs cut with other stuff was even worse and that why I shouldn't buy from the guy behind the library in my old hometown. Side note, if your ever in Michigan I now know where to buy this stuff.

Kyoko: Your kidding

Y/n: Nope, right out behind the library every Tuesday and Thursday, bring a twenty and boom you got them.

Kyoko: Did you ever?

Y/n: Ever what?

You all had stopped walking as you looked them confused, but the girls didn't seem to want to elaborate further. Instead they looked at you expectantly, stepping slightly closer and huddling in ever so closer as if to block off any onlookers. They looked deeply curious as Kyoko whispered.

Kyoko: You know.

Misako: Did you ever buy drugs?

You burst out laughing at them, clutching your knees as you used all your breath giggling at their question. The two of them flushed bright red before covering their embarrassment up with annoyance. Wiping a tear from your eye you looked at them and fought down your mirth, your chuckling not helping to defuse the glares they were giving you.

Y/n: That would imply I had drug money.

You couldn't help it as another fit of laughter rocked your body. Misako face palmed while Kyoko nodded, though they soon burst in slight giggles as well. The three of you quickly resumed the walk towards the mall area but this time you were standing side by side with them for ease of conversation.

Kyoko: You know I don't think we asked but you said your new to river city right?

Y/n: Yep, moved here last month because my brother got some new job or something.

Kyoko: What does he do?

Y/n: Heck if I know.

Misako: You can't be serious.

Kyoko: You don't know what your brother's job is?

Y/n: Not really no.

Misako: HOW?

Her disbelieving glare didn't lighten up as you shrugged your shoulders dismissively.

Y/n: Meh never really asked about it and he's pretty evasive about his job whenever it comes up. So I figured it's not my problem especially now that I have school to worry about now, still angry that he enrolled me.

Misako: Not happy about switching schools Huh.

Y/n: No I'm upset about having to go to school in the first place! I've been doing just fine without it.

Kyoko: Oh my gosh, your a drop out!

The ponytailed girl gasped as if she had solved the worlds hardest puzzle, Misako lookied at you appraisingly and nodding along with Kyoko's idea. You felt self conscious as the two girls eyes you, and your face flushed red in defiant anger. School sucked but no way in hell you were gonna be called a drop out, so with a firm voice you got their attention.

Y/n: I am not a drop out, I'll have you know I was expelled.

You puffed up in pride and slammed a fist to your chest proudly, eyes closed to bask in their attention. After several moments you peaked and immediately deflated at their unimpressed faces. Although Misako looked more unimpressed compared to Kyoko who had some sympathy in her eyes. The redhead put a hand on your shoulder comfortingly.

Misako: You really shouldn't be so proud about that.

Kyoko: Don't worry Y/n, I got expelled once too, had to change schools and everything.

Y/n: Really?

Kyoko: Yep!

Y/n: I just went to online classes

Her smile was infectious as you stood up straighter and gave her a smile back, though you also couldn't help the coil of curiosity springing up inside you.

Y/n: Why were you expelled?

Kyoko: Oh, I stole all the basketball hoops?

Y/n: part of me wants to ask why, but I feel like the answer might just be more questions. So I'm good.

Kyoko: That's cool.

Misako: So why did you get expelled?

Y/n: I didn't do anything!

The two girls eyed you with suspicion, their gaze digging into you with doubtful daggers as you tried to remain calm. After several moments though it became to much and you glared at them.

Y/n: Seriously I didn't do anything wrong. If anything I was unfairly targeted.

Misako: Sounds pretty suspicious, huh Kyoko.

Kyoko: Righhhhht, must have been pretty bad.

Y/n: First off, just because I was the only other person in the room doesn't mean I'm guilty. Second, what teacher leaves kids alone with matches. Third of all, Carol Fletcher deserved everything she got.

Their eyes were wide as they looked at you in shock, Misako going to say something before snapping her jaw shut in favor of looking at you in shock and befuddlement. It made you uncomfortable as you shifted in place.

Y/n: What?

Misako: Did you light a girl on fire?

Y/n: No I explicitly didn't say that, and whether that happened or not doesn't matter anymore.

Kyoko: Sheesh

Y/n: Oh right Kyoko can steal basketball hoops but I supposedly light a bullying bitch on fire and suddenly it's a whole thing. Honestly double standards here.

Misako: Those are radically different things.

Y/n: Agree to disagree, besides I can see the Merv burger up ahead. So we should drop this fascinating conversation and let's get that burger for that Godai guy. You know save Kenny and Richie or something like that.

Kyoko: Your right!

The three of you dropped the conversation as you began waking faster, making your way quickly to the Merv Burger. The rest of the walk was mostly silent as you fell into a quiet but comfortable pace, Misako and Kyoko taking the lead again as you fell a step or two behind.

It wasn't long until your group were walking through area and passing the handfuls of people milling about at the entrance to the mall. From there it was mere minutes to get past the various stores lining the street and see the large Merv Burger sign hanging above the burger joint's door.

The fast food chain was just as you left it half an hour ago, but this time much busier. Seats were filled and a line of customers formed up before the counter, forcing you all to wait at the back. While waiting Kyoko looked annoyed as the people in the front took their sweet time doing their business. Misako pulled out her phone and began clicking through it disinterestedly to pass the time.

Y/n: So you girls come here often?

Misako: Yeah sure

Kyoko: Yep

They barely noticed you as they either stared ahead or down at their screens.

Y/n: So looks like we'll be waiting for awhile, either of you have any good topics of conversation?

Misako: We have a few minutes so check your texts and social media, that's what I'm doing.

Her dismissive words caused you to look down at your simple flip phone and grimace only to turn jealous eyes at her better smart phone. The line moved forward slightly as you watched her scroll through the internet. She didn't really notice and your envious gaze didn't last long as Kyoko tapped you both on the shoulder.

Kyoko: Hey so who's paying?

Y/n: Eh I can. So go ahead and get what you want.

Kyoko: Thanks Y/n! Although are you sure, it can get rather pricey.

Y/n: It's a burger how expensive can it be?

The line cleared up and all three of you found yourselves looking at the guy running the counter, he leaned back casually and made a gesture towards the menu as Kyoko began looking at the various foods and drinks in interest, Misako continuing to briefly scroll through her phone.

Cashier: Hello there, Welcome to Merv Burger what can I get you three today?

Kyoko: We'll take a Merv Double, a Merv Single with a Merv Shake and side of Fries. You girls want anything?

Misako: Nah

Y/n: Not really hungry just had breakfast, how much will al that cost me?

Cashier: Let see, you ordered a double plus a single, side of fries and shake— Uh $78.

Y/n: Okay let me just get that out of my, what?

Cashier: $78

You did a double take before glaring at the indifferent looking cashier.

Y/n: That's outrageous!

Cashier: No that's the price.

Y/n: We're getting like four things how is all that worth $78?

Cashier: All prices are found on the menu and are nonnegotiable.

You looked up above the cashier counter and saw the menu, and could only drop your jaw and eye twitch at the ludicrously overpriced food. A basic burger costing $21 dollars, regular fries for $15. The sheer robbery of it all baffled you on how a place like this could stay in business with such blatant rip offs, were those high prices even legal? Your eyes narrowed as Kyoko tried to cautiously walk back her order to only Godai's Merv Double.

Kyoko: We'll only take the double actually, nothing else.

Y/n: No no, it's fine just seems like a scam is all. I have the money. Just gotta get my wallet out of my bag.

Misako: What bag?

Y/n: the bag I'm wearing.

Misako: Your not wearing a bag.

Y/n: Of course I am, I've been wearing it all day and haven't taken it off—

As you talked you for the first time noticed a distinct lack of weight on your shoulder. Moving your arm a bit you failed to find your bag and your mind immediately flashed back to earlier today when you had placed your bag down beside the bench outside the mall while speaking with Linnea. Briefly you felt terror at having lost it, and everything inside. As you looked at your friends in panic they sighed and Misako pulled out her own wallet before handing a handful of bills over to the cashier.

Misako: Here we just want the Merv double to go.

Cashier: Coming right up.

He left immediately to go get the food as you looked embarrassedly towards your friends, who for their credit didn't seem upset at your unintentional flaking on paying, but nonetheless you felt awkward about it and still upset about your lost bag.

Y/n: Sorry about that, I left my bag over by the mall. I'll make this up to you.

Misako: Not a big deal, really don't care.

Kyoko: Totes not worth worrying about.

Y/n: I'm serious, I'll make this up to you guys. As soon as I pick up my bag I'll have the money to make up for this whole misunderstanding.

Kyoko: the thought is appreciated but really not a problem.

Misako: Still don't care

You breathed a sigh at relief at their nonchalance over the matter, even if you still couldn't help but feel nervous. Kyoko looking completely unfazed while Misako hasn't looked up from her phone the entire wait through the line to now.

Kyoko: So where did you leave your bag?

Y/n: Outside the mall. Should be right on our way.

Kyoko: Oh that's right on the way.

Misako: If it still there.

Y/n: Thanks, you two are the best!

Even with their confirmation of going back for the bag you couldn't help but feel slightly anxious, that bag while ugly and intending to replace it had not only your money and stuff but Ziggy. Your breath hitched as you imagined losing the precious little stuffed raccoon, the thought caused you to tap your foot frantically as you desperately wished for the food to come out faster. Seeing your distress with a confused eye, Kyoko patted your shoulder comforting. It didn't help much, but for her peace of mind you pushed it down and restrained your nervous energy for the moment.

The burger came out after a beat and the three of you made your way out of the restaurant and headed towards the mall entrance to find your bag. You tried to keep them at a brisk pace, but they weren't in the same rush you were. Eventually you gave up in herding them along and fell in line beside them, mind focused on getting your bag back.

Along the way the tense and silent atmosphere you felt during the walk was broken as Misako scrolled through her phone and burst out laughing, jostling Kyoko on the arm. The black haired girl looked absolutely overjoyed as she shoved her phone In Front of Kyoko

Misako: Kyoko you got to check this out!

The redhead hummed to herself as she leaned over to get a better view of her friend's phone, only for her face to widen into a jovial smile as she joined Misako in giggling. You tried to lean over their shoulders to see, only to be headbutted by Kyoko after she laughed too hard. You yelped in startled pain as the redhead immediately turned to fuss over you as you rubbed a hand against your lip.

Kyoko: Sorry Y/n.

Y/n: It's fine. Is my lip bleeding, almost felt like I bit it.

Kyoko: Let me see

She gently pulled your hand away and closely examined your face, her other hand caressing your cheek and pushing your head from side to side to let her see you better. The proximity caused your cheeks to flare up as you gazed into her blue eyes.

Y/n: You have very pretty eyes.

Kyoko *blush* Thanks. Luckily it seems like your lip is fine, sorry again for bumping into you. Does it feel bad, anything to help it feel better?

Y/n: Kinda sore, maybe you should kiss it and make it better.

You leaned closer to her, but unfortunately your luck for the day seemed to have run out as she playfully slapped you on the arm and laughed playfully. The pat on the shoulder nearly knocked you off balance until you caught yourself with a sigh.

Kyoko: Your funny.

Y/n: I'll take it.

Misako: You two done?

Y/n: Yeah, so what were you two laughing about?

Misako: Oh some guy from school was posting on Facebook about having seen Mami and Hasebe on a date with some girl.

Kyoko: They kissed a girl and they liked it.

The two of them high fives happily as they burst into another round of victorious laughter while you stood still in realization of the misunderstanding being spread around. Whoever saw you collect your prize from Mami and Hasebe must have jumped to all sorts of conclusions after seeing you kiss them.

Y/n: You two seem very happy for them, and I thought you didn't like them. That's pretty mature of you.

Misako: Screw that, if those two are gay it means they were lying about dating Kunio and Riki. They must have made it up to mess with us.

Kyoko: Ughhh those two so get on my nerves. Still guess it's cool they found someone or something.

Misako: Yeah that too, Though it's kinda weird they're apparently dating the same girl.

Y/n: I mean I've read literature that the harem lifestyle can be rewarding for both the haremee and haremettes. And besides that how do you even know they're dating this girl, might just have been a normal date or a friendly kiss.

Misako: Nope, the post makes very graphic description that their was tongue involved and that they were definitely enjoying it judging by their faces.

Y/n: Your damn right they did.

Misako: Oh there's a picture, Hold up.

She clicked on her phone screen only to look baffled. She stepped closer to you and held her phone beside your face, her eyes knit in confusion. She eyed you intensely and you couldn't help but flush under her intense gaze, though your reddened cheeks only got brighter as Misako motioned for Kyoko to grab your face and lean in very close, face mere inches apart. Idly you noted it would have looked like you were kissing her from the right angle, but that flew over your head as you felt your brain short circuit from the feel of her hot breath on your face. Your breath hitched as you closed your eyes and leaned forwards.

Misako: Oh my god your the girl in the video.

Kyoko: Really?

You felt yourself begin to fall as Kyoko let go of you in order to look at the photo again. Your eyes snapped open as you fell fast, just barely avoided landing harshly on your knee. Standing back up you dust your self off and turn to meet the two's eyes as they gawked at you in bafflement.

Y/n: Yeah it was me.

Misako: What the hell? You were gone for like an hour, and now your dating those two.

Kyoko: Yeah that's really fast.

Y/n: For the record we're not dating, we just made a bet and I won. Besides why do you care? I thought you hated them because they were trying to hone in on your boyfriends or something?

Kyoko: We do.

Y/n: So if anything you should be happy that I kissed them. This way I have starting ground to actually getting them as girlfriends, which would help you with Kuki and Rinio.

Misako: Kunio and Riki

Y/n: That's what I said.

The black haired girl facepalmed and fixed you with an exasperated glare, her eye twitching at you in annoyance. She took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

Misako: Okay whatever. But seriously Mami and Hasebe, those two suck.

Y/n: And I repeat, why do you care? Unless your jealous?

Misako: Of you, get real. I wouldn't touch Mami or Hasebe with a ten foot pole.

Y/n: I think your misunderstanding what I was trying to say.

Kyoko: I mean come on, Seriously, with them? So gross.

Misako: Plus we have boyfriends remember.

Y/n: Painfully so.

Misako: Yeah so we're not really looking to down grade for the two most obnoxious girls we know.

Kyoko: Rather date a rock

Y/n: How about someone who's brother has called them out for having the common sense of a rock once in a joking manner?

Misako: Anything would be better than those two.

Kyoko: I'd kiss them if it meant not having to deal with Mami and Hasebe.

Y/n: Noted! Now let's go get my bag!

You happily marched on ahead as the mall came into view, your two friends following close behind, Misako shaking her head exasperatedly while Kyoko seemed to just enjoy the upbeat vibe you were putting out. The three of you got to the mall after several minutes more of walking, only to slow down as all three of you saw a duo of cheerleaders with a handful or two of school boys and girls around them. You winced seeing Linnea as one of the group laying in wait. From behind you Misako groaned as Kyoko cracked her knuckles.

Misako: You know we can just walk past them right, I kinda just want to get this burger to Godai and be on our way.

Kyoko: Plus, and No offense, but your bag was kinda ugly anyway.

You rolled your eyes at them before fixing the two with a sharp look.

Y/n: Yeah I know it's an ugly bag, but Ziggy is in there!

Kyoko: Who?

Misako: I thought you said you weren't on drugs?

Y/n: First, Ziggy is my stuffed raccoon and best friend. And if they've hurt him I'll set them on fire. Second, the only drugs I'm on are doctor prescribed.

They fixed you an unimpressed look as they slumped in place, their entire bodies radiating with an "you serious" energy. You sheepishly tapped your foot as you fell under their gaze.

Y/n: Plus there's like three hundred dollars in it.

Misako: We have to get your bag back!

Kyoko: So not cool of those cheerleaders to have taken it.

Y/n: My heroes! Now what's the plan.

Kyoko: We'll I think we should—


From across the street you could see the familiar blonde cheerleader wave at you enthusiastically as her companion facepalmed and crossed her arms. You turned to look at Misako and Kyoko, the redhead shrugging as Misako raised her eyebrow questioningly.

Y/n: That's Linnea, we've met.

Misako: Well guess we should all go say hi then, not like we have a choice now that they've seen us.

Kyoko: Oh Misako we always have another choice.

Y/n: Not one that gets you some of that three hundred dollars.

Kyoko: There is no choice.

Letting them take the lead, you three made your way to confront Linnea and her posse at the mall entrance. The blond looked happy to see you even as the others looked ready to fight. Beside Linnea was another cheerleader chewing a wad of gum, she had pinkish hair and a venomous look in her red eyes

You glared at Linnea and eyes the bag held in her arms.

Y/n: Linnea.

Linnea: Hi Y/n! I'm guessing our here for your bag right, well before that Ashanti wanted to have a word for you. Oh this is Ashanti by the way.

She gestures to the pink haired cheerleader, who gives you a quick look over before scoffing. She stalked forward, trying to get in your face even as you placed Misako and Kyoko between you. Her eyes looked as if they pierced into your soul, she didn't say a word instead just chewed her gum with her eyes looking into yours. After several seconds it annoyed Misako, getting her to place her hands on her hips and glare at the offending cheerleader.

Misako: Just give Y/n her bag back so we can all go back to our lives

Kyoko: Yeah we're kinda in the middle of something.

Ashanti didn't reply instead blowing a big pink bubble in Misako's face, popping it as Misako threw her hands up to keep it out of her face. The cheerleader sauntered back to her group with a swing in her hips and twirled to look condescendingly at you, a disgusted Kyoko, and an angry Misako.

Misako: Hey watch it! You almost got your gum in my hair.

Kyoko: That'd be so gross

Ashanti: You two can leave, we just want Y/n. So just hand her over and we can be done here in like five minutes.

Misako scoffed as Kyoko pounded a fist into her palm while looking defiantly at Ashanti and her posse. You slid slightly more behind Misako.

Kyoko: Not happening.

Ashanti: I'm gonna give you two one last chance to walk away.

Misako planted her hands on her curvy hips and leaned forward with a taunting look on her face as she retorted back at Ashanti. Her current posture accidentally caused her ass to bump into you, and you blushed a storm as you felt her round perky ass brush against you. She didn't seem to notice so you decided it wasn't a big deal and just went along and enjoyed it. Misako's voice taunted Ashanti.

Misako: What you gonna do if we say no? Last I checked Me and Kyoko have already beaten up several dozen of your groupies already.

Kyoko: Yeah so just five Y/n her bag back

Misako: Yeah so what makes you think your gonna do

Ashanti: This *snaps fingers* Oh Dwayne!

As she snapped her fingers all of her posse shuffled out of the way, revealing that they were blocking sight of a bench. Something large crawled out from behind the bench and hurled itself over it with a mighty shouting roar, it's movement like an orange blur as it landed beside Ashanti. You looked in wide eyed terror at the hulking muscle bound figure of a tiger themed luchador stood before you all.

Misako : What

Kyoko: The

Y/n: Fudge?

Your choice in curses got a few weird looks from the girls before everyone's eyes turned back to Ashanti, who looked sickeningly excited as she cheerfully introduced the massive mountain of a man behind her

Ashanti: So this is Dwayne.

She patted the large and very excited wrestler on the arm, the tiger themed man pumping his arm son excitement and pointing at your trio in an obvious taunting fashion.

Ashanti: He's in town for some wrestling convention and we paid him to break Y/n's leg.

You watched the massive mountain of a man crack his knuckles, your face paling with each sickening pop.

Kyoko: This seems like your putting too much effort and money into this.

Ashanti: oh don't worry, it's our pleasure and costs us nothing.

Linnea: I thought it cost three hundred dollars?

Ashanti: Like I said cost us nothing.

You glared at her as you realized what she was implying. Pushing your way past Misako, you strode up and got close to her while pointing a finger angrily at her. Ashanti merely raised her eyebrows in amusement as you looked at her in indignant rage.

Y/n: How dare you! That was my money! Why if I didn't still have a shot with you and the cheerleaders I'd give quite the piece of my mind missy.

A shadow loomed over you and you could hear Misako and Kyoko's facepalm in disappointment. Ashanti's smug smile filled you with dread as you slowly turned around to see the massive figure of the tiger dressed man standing over you, his muscles arms flexing as he looked down at you.

Y/n: Oh fu—

You didn't have time to finish as Dwayne tried to swipe you up with his arms, and you scurried away as he followed after you. Ashanti watched your dodging with a cruel giggle, Linnea beside her looking as upbeat as ever. Dwayne lunges at you and you tried to run down the street to evade him, but Ashanti stuck her foot tripping you. Harshly tumbling to the ground, you laid there disorientated only to snap out of it as Dwayne shouted in victory and leaped to slam onto you.

You barely managed to roll out of the way to avoid the several hundred pounds of wrestler crashing where you once laid, and with heavy you crawled away and back onto your feet. Ashanti and her posse laughed and cawed as you did your best to bravely run away. Growling you shouted over your shoulder as you barely jumped away from another swipe from Dwayne

Y/n: What did I ever do to you guys!

Ashanti: You broke Shannon's leg.

Y/n: That was an accident!

Linnea: That doesn't change the fact we're down a person for regionals.

Ashanti: Enough, girls hold her down.

Ashanti snapped her fingers and motioned for all her cronies to charge at you, but before they could Kyoko punched Linnea in the face as a harsh reminder that she and Misako were still there. The redhead picked up the downed Linnea and tossed her at Ashanti, knocking both girls to the ground. The school girls and guys tried to go after you, but Misako quickly knocked several on their asses, forcing the rest to get through her before they could get to you. You watched as they expertly beat up their classmates, but unfortunately there were to many on them for one of them to split off and help you as Dwayne charged at you once more.

Without any people moving to block you, You managed to run past Dwayne as he went to grab you by the arm. You kept running down the street as he chased you, your arms pumping in a vain attempt to go faster before he could pounce and catch you. A whoosh of air alerted you as a trash can flew over head and crash landed in front of you, a loud voice sighing In disappointment behind you. You turned around to glare at the tiger man who was rubbing his head.

Dwayne: Oh shoot, you mind quitting the run around? I have a title match later and I really shouldn't be burning energy like this.

Y/n: Oh boo hoo, your the one chasing me!

Dwayne: Hey three hundred bucks for breaking one girls leg, that's a steal!

Y/n: That's my money!

Dwayne: We'll if you want to break your own leg, I guess they'd pay you?

Y/n: Ughhhhhhhh!

Without thinking you grabbed the lid off the trash can lid and charged at Dwayne, rage and fury at the injustice of your enemy using your hard stolen money against you clouding your mind as you ran at the confused Dwayne. When you reached him you began bashing the trash can lid against him with all your might, causing the man to flinch away as he threw up his arms to block your blows.

Dwayne: Hey that kind of stings!

Y/n: DIE!

Dwayne: OW!

You kept whacking him with he metal lid until he grunted in exertion and pushed out with his arm, knocking your weapon away as he stood up to full height and shook off the damage you did to him. You could see him glare at you through his tiger mask. Feeling scared without something to even the odds you scrammed and ran away, only for him to catch you by the narrowest of margins. His hand gripped the back of your jacket and held you up off the ground as your arms flailed at his chest and face. Your feeble blows barely dazed him as he reader back a fist to crash into your face.

You winced in preparation of the hit, but before it came you felt his grip release and you crashed to the ground painfully. Shaking the disorientation off you looked and saw a smug looking guy had been thrown into Dwayne, knocking him to the ground. Looking in the direction he came from you saw Kyoko giving you a big smile and thumbs up while she stomped on a school girl who was laying on the ground.

Y/n: Thanks!

Misako: Pay attention to your own guy!

You turned to look at Misako who was fighting several opponents on the side of the area. She had one picked up and threw him painfully into the others, causing them all to fall onto and break the bench and collapse in a groaning pitiful pile of beaten bodies slowly struggling to stand backup. Her victory didn't last long as one of the downed guys got to his knees and reached into his pocket, pulling out a handful of sand that he threw into Misako's eyes.

Misako; Oh Come on!

The fight became more even now that Misako was blinded, and they managed to get her on the ropes. The three ganged up on her and while Misako got some good hits in still, it was clear that she was no longer dominating the fight. Kyoko delivered a last stomp to her opponent before rushing to her best friends aid.

You watched all this for a moment before the heavy breathing behind you reminded you of your own fight, and so you did the tried and true method of running away from him. Your legs were fast but Dwayne was surprisingly agile for his size as he stayed on your tail without effort. His fist slammed into your shoulder, sending you careening off onto the ground.

Your groaning pain ridden body was filled with grogginess as you tried and failed to stand up, only managing in leaning against the wall as the big tiger guy stepped forward to loom over you menacingly. He huffed and puffed and raised his foot over your knee ready to bring it down on you.

In that moment you felt anger and adrenaline course through you as you lashed out, bringing your knee up into his crotch with all your strength. Your knee cap collided with something and a sickening crunch was heard as Dwayne's eyes went wide behind his mask and his hands flew to cup his injured groin, his knees buckled as he collapsed onto the ground whimpering pitifully. Not feeling merciful you kicked him again, this time in the chest. You did this repeatedly, your foot battering at him until you were to exhausted to hit him anymore.

Panting in exhaustion you turned around to see a slightly rumpled looking Kyoko and Misako sprucing up their appearances and straightening their clothes as the least injured of their classmates dragged the most injured away. You waved at them tiredly and approached.

Y/n: How are you guys.

Kyoko: Nothing we couldn't handle.

Misako: How about you?

Y/n: I won!

Kyoko: I wouldn't say that just yet.

She pointed behind you to where Dwayne was limping closer, his hands still cradling his wounded manhood. You and the girls all tensed until he raised a hand in surrender. He got within several feet and stood there panting in pain and tiredness. Misako went to talk but he just held up a finger as if to ask for a minute. He wheezed for several moments before doing his best to stand up straight.

Dwayne: Whew I'm beat. Well congratulations young girl you have defeated the mighty Dwayne, entree of the River City Tiger League Tourney, in an official bout!

Y/n: How was this official?

Dwayne: I was paid. Irregardless, for defeating me it means you've earned this!

He took off his belt emblazoned with a golden catlike belt buckle and held it out for you. With a confused expression you took it, giving him your best WTF look as you did.

Y/n: Thanks for the Uh, belt?

Dwayne: That is an official tiger league belt, signifying your victory over me, Dwayne!

Y/n: Why?

Dwayne: As I have faced the shame of defeat I cannot rightfully hold onto that belt, so take it and bear it proudly in my place.

Y/n: Why?

Dwayne: I must be off now, for I feel as if something has torn. Good day young fighter!

He began trudging away, and you and the girls watched on in Bafflement as he limped down the street. Your eyes went between him and the weird belt not knowing what to do. As he was almost out of sight he began dashing away and you realized something.

Y/n: That son of a— he still has my three hundred bucks!

Misako: Ughhhh great, please tell me you at least got your bag back so this wasn't for nothing.

Y/n: Ummm.

Kyoko: I got it! But be careful the strap is broken.

Kyoko held up your bag and handed it over to you. Upon getting it back you rushed to open it and check its contents, only to breath a sigh of relief as you withdrew the soft cuddly body of Ziggy from it. You clutched him tightly and looked him over for any sign of damages, only stopping when you were certain of his pristine condition. Misako rolled her eyes while Kyoko Awwed at seeing you fuss over him. Happy that your most prized possession was safe, you placed Ziggy back in your bag before looking at the broken strap and having an idea.

Y/n: Okay the important stuff is still here, just give me a moment to fix the strap and we'll be good to go.

You got to work pulling the broken Strap out of its loop, tossing it aside as useless. With the loop now freed you began feeding the end of your new belt through it and then fastening it up to make an improvised strap. You sling your newly repaired bag onto your shoulder and showed it off to your friends.

Y/n: How's it look?

Kyoko: Not sure if the big golden buckle really fits?

Misako: Yeah it kinda clashes.

Y/n: Hey it was a rush job cut me some slack.

Kyoko: Nah

Y/n: *rolls eyes* Thanks. So ready to deliver Godai his lunch?

Misako: Let's get it over with.

The three of you made your way back to Godai's location, no more trouble stopping you along the way so you were able to enjoy a peaceful stroll. The conversation was lacking during the trip, the tiredness from the fight not encouraging any rousing conversation as you all just stretched your muscles and rested now that the danger was passed. Without any further interruption it wasn't long until you saw the unfortunately familiar sight of Godai waiting for you. Misako held out the Merv Burger bag for him before looking at him expectantly

Misako: Here's your burger.

Godai swiped the bag and eagerly tore it open to get his burger out, littering the trash on the ground as his hands tore the burger wrapper off.

Godai: Ahhh, broiled beef of the gods!

The creepy guy savagely tore into his burger in an utterly disgusting display, food splattering his cheeks as his open mouth chewed the sandwich like it was his last meal. You silently retched as Kyoko gagged, and Misako took a step back.

Kyoko: I'm never eating fast food again.

Misako: We got your dumb burger, now what do you know about Kunio and Riki.

Godai: Boy that hit the spot. Okay so you mentioned they were looking for somebody creepy looking.

Misako took another step back as she gave Godai a simultaneously suspicious and creeped out glare. Her arms crossed over as she grew wary.

Misako: No we didn't actually

Kyoko: How did you?

Godai began sweating and his hands folded together nervously as he looked away. You gently placed yourself in front of Kyoko and Misako protectively until they pushed you back behind them.

Godai: Well you know, word gets around. ANYWAY. . . My guess is they were talking to Yamada

Misako: Who's that?

Godai: A kid from Reiho Highschool. Or he used to be anyway, before he started practicing the DARK ARTS.

You rolled your eyes at his attempt to growl out the words "dark arts" as if they meant anything. Though you couldn't see it Misako did the same.

Misako: That's not a thing

Godai: It's totally a thing

Y/n: Oh please, I went through a phase like that when I was younger. Trust me when I say the dark arts are just sitting in a room with a candle stabbing a butter knife into a voodoo doll of the girl who stole your brownie at lunch.

Godai: You have problems. Either way, Yamada usually hangs out at the mall. Go see if he's there.

Kyoko: Thanks!

She turned to you both and whispered lowly so Godai couldn't hear.

Kyoko: Let's get out of here girls

She ushered you both away and all three of you began moving away from Godai, pointedly not looking back at the creepy guy even as he kept talking.

Godai: Good luck! And keep an eye out for your old pal Godai. Maybe we can help each other out again, I'll be around.

No one paid attention to him as you briskly walked in the direction of the mall until he was out of sight, only when he was gone from view did you turn to your cute friends with visible disgust.

Y/n: Please let's never meet him again.

Misako: Deal now let's get to the mall.

Kyoko: Yay!

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