River City Girls: New Girl in...

By ghost-writer-0000

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Ever since she was little, Y/n L/n has been homeschooled online. However after her brother gets a job in a ne... More

Chapter 1: First Day at River City High
Chapter 2: School House Rumble
Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu
Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai
Chapter 6: Not Breaking, but Still Entering
Chapter 7: Boss Battle! Yamada
Chapter 8: All in the Mall
Chapter 9: Uptown Funk
Halloween Omake
Chapter 10: A Quick Break for Tea Time
Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown
Christmas Omake
Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning
Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari
Summer Omake: The Beach Episode
Chapter 14: Downtown Dropoff

Chapter 4: Y/n Makes a Bet

693 11 4
By ghost-writer-0000

Kyoko and Misako waved goodbye as they ran off to continue their search for their boyfriends Kenny and Richy, or whatever their names were. You didn't really focus to much on what they were saying as they ran off, their jogging pace doing wonderful for your ability to shamelessly ogle their asses as they left. The sight of their shapely rears bouncing as they left put a smile on your face as you plopped down onto the bus stop bench and watched your new "friends" run off. Though as they got out of sight you couldn't help but wonder.

Y/n: Wonder why they aren't taking the bus, would have been faster? Meh, not my problem.

After only a minute or two of waiting the city bus pulled up, it's door opening with a hiss as you jumped to your feet and boarded. The busses were much less packed this time of day now that the time for early morning commutes and students was passed, so you spent awhile taking your pick of the available seats, eventually selecting on a seat in the back with lots of legroom, also out of sight for what you needed to do.

Looking around conspiratorially you eyes the other passengers as you made your way to the back of the bus, several of them looked weirded out by some random girl glaring at them suspiciously but most just ignored you as they went about their business. Sitting down and happy that you weren't being watched you planted your purse on your lap, idly noting in disgust that it was stained by some of the food thrown by those douchebags in the gym. Grumbling you tried to wipe some of it off, but the stain had dried and set in already.

Y/n: Oh come on, I spent like twenty bucks on this thing. Could have been worse, at least Kyoko and Misako helped clean off my jacket.

Sighing in frustration you ignored the ugly stain for now and took one last scan of the bus, smirking when you saw no one looking at you. Sneakily you zipped open your purse and began emptying your pockets, collecting all of your well earned lootings into your bag for easy storage and counting. Leaning over the purse you began counting the money, and despite math being child splay for you you found yourself double and then Triple checking your counting only to slump back in shock, a dumb smile spreading ear from ear as you began squeeing and kicking your legs in happiness!


Several bus goers looked at you, some glaring in disapproval and some weirded out by your sudden outburst, but you ignored the extras as you processed what you held in your hands. A thin trail of Drool escaped your mouth as you reveled in it, quietly whispering to yourself in awe

Y/n: two hundred.

Your knees felt weak as you sat their, thoughts loss in just how much you had pocketed from today's fights. It didn't make sense at first, but from the students in the classrooms, the cheer girls, and those mega bitches in the cafeteria it somehow all checked out, which meant it was all yours. Your eyes went to your purse, now stained and ugly. It was just a cheap thing you picked up from a thrift store last month, so it was easily replaceable unlike your jacket.

With a dopey smile you placed up and left the bus, a spring in your step as you jumped off and breathed in the fresh air. You had money and means, which meant you only had one thing you could do.

Y/n: Shopping here I come, but first donuts.

The bus had dropped you off at the crosstown stop right out front of the mall, a large nice looking building that you had seen through the window on the way to school. You remembered generally where the donut shop was, and using this landmark you easily were able to get on the right path.

Skipping happily it only took a couple moments for you to find the big cardboard donut sign of the shop, and not wasting a moment you dashed inside, running up and all but pressing your face against the glass showing all of the different pastries available for purchase. The heavenly display had more sugary freedom then you had ever seen, donut holes with various glazes like chocolate or strawberry, full size donuts with frosting and sprinkles, pudding filled, and even specialty donuts covered in candies and unique toppings. A coughing drew your attention up to the awkward looking guy who had been watching you eye fuck the donuts.

Cashier: Can I take your order ma'am.

Immediately straightening up you thought carefully.

Y/n: Oh yes, I'd like a bottle of milk, a dozen mixed donut holes, half strawberry half chocolate. With that I'll take that Reese's peanut butter donut, that Oreo with cream, and what's that?

You pointed at a chocolate donut with bright red frosting, a small puncture inside dripping some weird red jelly. The cashier glanced at it before turning back to you.

Cashier: New product just came out this week, called the Devil's dong.

Y/n: Why the heck is it called that?

Cashier: it's a devils food cake based donut filled with a jalapeño jelly.

Y/n: Who would make that kind of donut and who would order it. Put it in the bag but please explain.

The cashier gave you look you couldn't quite place, honestly you thought it was a reasonable question. He got your order packaged up into a bag and You gave him the ten dollars price and happily sat your self at a window adjacent table. Unwrapping your breakfast You arranged it all before you with glee. Was it overboard? Yes! Did you care? No! It wasn't often you or Piers had the money to treat yourself to stuff like this, so if your gonna do it your gonna over do it.

Plopping several donut holes into your mouth, you moaned in pleasure as the sweet delicious flavors hit you at once. Strawberry and chocolate glaze melting on your tongue as you chewed the fluffy pastry, popping several more in your mouth as You shivered in delight. Your thighs rubbed together as you eagerly bit into the Reese's donut, rabidly biting into it with reckless glee until it was gone. The peanut butter frosting and Reese's candy swelling with nutty flavor as it slid down your throat.

Breaking off half the Oreo donut you consumed voraciously, the cookie and crepe flavoring perfectly contrasting the peanut butter flavor of the reese's donut. The two mixing together as you chewed and popped the lid off your bottle of milk, washing down the delightful treats. After a bit you completely consumed the last of the two donuts, leaving only a couple donut holes and the devils dong left.

Y/n: That was good, now guess your the only one left aren't you devils dong.

Picking up the chocolate and red donut you eyes it warily knowing that the cashier called it hot, so gingerly yo unit the end of it and were surprised by the rich devils food cake that was complimented surprisingly well by the jalapeño jelly. Not immediately noticing anything to bad you began eating it joyfully, taking bite after bite as you enjoyed the unique blend of chocolate and jalapeño. Not the best, but surprisingly well done for such clashing flavors. Within a minute the thing was gone, and as you began reaching for another donut hole it hit.

Y/n: *cough* IT BURNS! *cough*

You grabbed your milk bottle and chugged it, downing gulp after gulp of cold milk in an attempt to quell the feeling of your mouth melting in Hellish heat. The heat had just kicked in and it hurt, it was a there was a fire in your mouth that was licking the roof of your mouth. Milk dribbled down your chin as you slammed the empty milk jug down, eyes watery as you groaned in pain, the milk helped lessen the heat but it was still there if only manageable now.

Cashier: Told you it was spicy.

You glared at him while you wiped your eyes and chin off with a napkin. Getting up you shoved the last handful of donut holes in your mouth and left the shop, walking slowly back towards the mall as you chewed the last of your breakfast. You passed many pedestrians on your walk, briefly you saw some of the cheerleaders and schoolgirls from the highschool walking and talking on the other side of the street, glaring at you as you passed them by. You just flipped those focused the finger before carrying on your marry way.

After a couple minutes you found yourself before the mall entrance, rifling through your stained purse you double checked that yo still had the money and then pushed on the doors prepared for the shopping spree of your life.


Your face fell as the door refused to budge, merely rattling as it remained ever motionless. Slowly you pushed it again, receiving the same result. Huffing in frustration you Narrowed your eyes and tried the next idea to enter your mind, and with determination you pulled on the door.



????: It's not open yet

Startled you turned to see some blonde guy lazily laying on a nearby bench, idly reading some comic book as her looked at you from the corner of his eye. You blinked before turning to address him.

Y/n: When will it be open?

Hitoshi: *shrug* the Security guy in charge of unlocking it hasn't come by yet this morning, probably slept in or something. I've been waiting for him, but it's been awhile.

Y/n: How long have you been waiting out here?

Hitoshi: Since 9. Either way, I'm sure it'll open soon, if you want to wai— and your leaving.

You grumbled in disappointment as you ignored him and went on your un-merry. As you walked away you felt the heat swelling back up, the encroaching burning sensation getting worse as you felt yourself start sweating lightly.

Y/n: Ughhh, that devils dong just won't go away! Really need to grab something to drink, the bus went by a Fasteez earlier, so it should be around here somewhere.

You walked down several streets, keeping your eyes out for the convenience store you saw during the bus ride. It didn't really take long, only a couple minutes of mouth burns agony later and you found the shop. Entering through the doors you saw a tired and grumpy old guy behind the counter checking ringing up stuff for customers.

(Misako and Kyoko aren't there, but it's the same store and I thought they looked cute here.)

You quickly dashed your way to the refrigerator section and began browsing the shelves for something to slake your burning thirst of the cursed devils dong. Eyeing your choices carefully you swiped a big liter bottle of that fancy name brand brand water stuff and lugged it over to the counter for check out. The store worker grabbed the water and scanned it.

Worker: Will that be all?

Y/n: Yes now give me!

You tore the bottle out of his hands and uncorked the lid, drinking it down fast and heavily as you mouth felt like it was on fire. The worker looked annoyed but just asked for the ten dollars you owed, you fumbled to pass it over one handed while maintaining your attempts to drown the hotness out of your mouth. The vitamin water was weird, wasn't even that good compared to cold tap water, but the expensive price did a lot to sweeten it.

Walking away from the counter you went to sit at one of the tables for customers to chill at, just sitting there as you alternated between chugging and gasping for air. However after a couple minutes your ears perked up as you heard two familiar people walk in talking to each other.

Mami: Did you see what Carol was wearing?

Hasebe: I wish I could forget, what an eyesore.

Mami: I thought the skirt was rather cute.

Hasebe: Oh I know, I was talking about Carol

Near the front of the store you saw Mami and Hasebe casually stroll in, the two girls chatting as they began browsing the aisles. Your face heated up in the good way as you watched them from the other side of the store, eyes trailing along their hot slender legs and their cute faces as they snickered in that hot Regina George way that got your engine running.

Noticing that hey were coming your direction you threw your half drank bottle of water to the side and panicked on what to do. Flailing about aimlessly for a moment you settled on leaning coolly against the slurpee machine and trying to play it off chill as the the two cuties approached.

Y/n: Sup, longtime no see

They looked at you in confusion, Mami tilting her head to the side as Hasebe pursed her lips in thought.

Hasebe: Have we met?

You stumbled and sputtered for a moment, confused by their question.

Y/n: I'm Y/n, we met earlier today at school.

Mami: I don't think so.

Y/n: I was with Misako and Kyoko.

Hasebe: Oh now I see it, didn't recognize you since your all red and sweaty.

You felt sweat drip down your forehead as the fiery revenge of your breakfast resurfaced, the heat burning hotly as You tried to suppress the discomfort in favor of looking cool in front of them. They snickered as your face was bright red from the heat consuming your throat, but you pressed on somewhat thankful that the heat was disguising the blush you were developing as you subtly smelled their scent.

Y/n: Oh this, that's just because I was Uh, working out after breakfast. Yep, I'm athletic like that.

Hasebe: That's nice.

Mami: Was your purse also "working out"

Looking down you saw that they were referring to your purse which was out in the open with the massive dried ketchup stain plainly visible. Embarrassed you kicked it under your table and tried to play it cool, but your voice came out hoarse as the heat built up.

Y/n: Oh that, psshhhh Nah, just some minor accident in the cafeteria earlier. No biggie since I was planning to stop by and get a new one today anyway, I have lots of money, like several hundred lots.

You winked at them flirty, but they just ignored you and carried on.

Hasebe: Oh I heard about that, heard there was a real "dumpster fire"

Mami: Wasn't Reina involved?

Hasebe: You should probably wash your hands Y/n, after all playing with trash like that isn't very clean.

Your eye twitched for a moment, their bitchy reminder about this morning almost outweighing their hotness for a moment. The fact that they called that bitch Reina trash helped assuage your indignation about their snippy remark. You could handle an equal opportunity bitch if they were super hot, and luckily for your fantasies these two were working the mean girls vibe. Plus they didn't get a bunch of cronies to gang up on you and mention your mother, so you could ignore their barbs a lot easier. Still, it was good to know that most people didn't like this Reina, good to know for when you were legally allowed to have matches again.

Y/n: So You two come here often?

Hasebe: Every once in awhile, easiest place to grab a slurpee after school.

You realized as she spoke that you were still leaned against the machine they had wanted to use. You made to move out of the way, the heat in your mouth causing you to cough as you speak

Y/n: *cough* Oh sorry, I'll just move

Mami No need, you've already dropped your sweat all over it. Wouldn't want to catch what you have.

Y/n: oh I'm not sick *cough* I just ate the devils dong.

They both looked at you oddly, their eyes going between you and each other before they voiced their confusion

Mami: What?

Hasebe: Is that some weird nerd sex thing?

Y/n: No it's a weird new jalapeño jelly donut I got at the shop several streets down. But let's say hypothetically it had been a sex thing, would that have sounded like you'd want to know more?

They both looked at you and the each other before bursting out in giggles, their cute giggled turning into full on laughter that lasted for almost half a minute. As their cheerful giggled died down they looked at you mockingly. You wondered what was so funny as you reached for your bottle of water and took a swig to quench the heat.

Hasebe: No, no. We wouldn't want to get between you and your girlfriend

Mami: Yeah, it's be hard losing your hand.

You lightly glared at them, now that the heat was gone your voice was returning to normal and immediately it went hot in righteous indignation.

Y/n: Now I'll have you know that If I wanted a girlfriend they would be very real and would be the full body. Besides I could get a girls number any time I wanted, it'd be super easy.

Mami: I doubt that.

Hasebe: The only date you could get is a court date for harassment.

Y/n: I so could get a girls number, and I'd bet on it!

Hasebe: Oh really? Then I'll take that bet.

Y/n: Huh?

Hasebe: Let's make a bet, you have one hour to get a girls number, if you do you win, if you don't don't we win.

Y/n: Win what?

Mami: You said You had lots of money.

Y/n: *wincing * I did say that,

Hasebe: Good, so meet us at Merv burger in one hour with either a girls phone number or the hundred dollars each.

You looked at them in panic, not having expected the t I try and rope you into something like this. You just got rich and you didn't want to risk it all so soon, but then An idea hit you. And as soon as the words came out of your mouth they looked shocked.

Y/n: You have to kiss me.

Hasebe: What?

Mami: Hwy would we do that?

Y/n: It's a bet, and when I win you have to make out with me. One minute each!

Hasebe: You know what, sure if you somehow win we'll kiss you, just be sure to have our money for when we win.

Y/n: sure thing, but you be sure to bring your lips for whenI win. Because I want to remember this when I win.

You smirked smugly and swaggered pst them, picking a pack of breath freshening gum and a disposable camera off the shelves as you walked by and paid for them, staring at the two cute girls as you did so. They rolled their eyes dismissively before heading towards the door.

Hasebe: Ready Mami?

Mami: Byyyyeeee Y/n

You blushed as Mami drew out her good bye in That weirdly cute smug manner, but that moment quickly passed because as soon as they left you felt utter excitement fill you as you left the convenience store and began looking around for girls to win the bet with. You only needed to get one phone number after all, and the sooner you got it the sinner your first kissed was secured.

Your eyes immediately honed onto a cute girl wearing an unfamiliar school's uniform who was leaning against the side of the convenience store with her eyes glued on her phone. Drinking in her appearance, from her long black knee socks covered legs, to her thin petite body wrapped in her school blazer, red tie completing the image. Her cute face was framed by black hair tied back into a long pony tail.

Y/n: All right, here I go.

With your target locked you approached, smoothing out your jacket and dress, moving your purse so the stain wasn't visible. With a deep breath you adopted your most suave smile you could, and leaned back against eh wall next to her, one foot planted on the wall while you played tried to look cool.

Y/n: Hey there.

Girl: . . . *stares at phone*

Y/n: It sure is hot out this morning, or is that just you?

You clicked your tongue and seductively made a finger gun at her, your well rehearsed pick up line getting her to finally look at you. She seemed to be suppressing a smile, and you knew you had her hook line and sinker. Growing in confidence you went to reel her in.

Y/n: So it seems like I've misplaced my the number in my phone, guess it leaves room for yours.

You winked at her, and just as you thought you had won her over with your pick up lines she burst into laughter, shaking her head as she walked away chuckling. You watched her go with disappointment, wondering where your practice went wrong.

Y/n: I was imagining that going very differently. Welp still got Most of an hour, should be plenty of time for me to get this right. Should start heading towards the mall, always some people loitering their and for sure one of themselves a cute girl.

Not letting a little set back dissuade you, you began walking down the street back towards the mall, eyes scouting any potential girls to ask out. Along the way you plotted how to seduce them into hands over the digits. Lost in thought you kicked a pebble and watched it fly, barely caring where it's trajectory took it.


Picking up speed you ran away, putting distance between you and the clearly unrelated incident. You didn't stop running until you were a good block or two ahead and closing in on the mall. Luckily those helped you spot your second chance to get a girls number.

Near the bus stop waiting patiently was a brunette girl with long braided hair, she was clutching a school purse as she eyed a map of bus routes. Taking a moment you smoothed out your hair and pondered how to approach her. Your flirting attempt with convenience store girl didn't go as planned, her lackluster response to your straightforward pick up lines floundering completely, and no matter how you replayed the events in your mind you couldn't figure out why.

Y/n: Think Y/n, if your gonna get her number you gotta figure out where your going wrong. Maybe you didn't say the lines confidently enough, I did read confidence is the most attractive quality.

Your monologue quieted as You saw the brunette sigh in frustration while reading the map of bus routes and times, she seemed to be struggling with something. The metaphorical lightbulb turned on as her plight caused a new strategy of engagement to enter your mind, perhaps helping her would demonstrate value and therefore raise your attractiveness in her eyes. Confident in your plan you walked forward, respecting her personal space as you coughed into your hand to get attention.

Brunette: Huh?

Y/n: Excuse me, I'm sorry to bug you but I couldn't help but notice you seemed to be having some issues?

Brunette: It's nothing, just read the next bus won't be here for another twenty minutes. Just what I needed today?

Y/n: Oh, yeah that's never good. Missing anything important?

Brunette: I'm supposed to be meeting someone at Ocean Heights for lunch, now I'm late and can't even call ahead because my phone is dead.

Y/n: Well if you need I could let you borrow my phone so you can a call ahead and explain?

Brunette: Really, thank you so much!

You smiled at her, she sounded so relieved as you handed her your phone and she stepped away to make her call. The gratefulness on her face was palpable and you felt confident in your ability to woo her when she finished her call. You pumped your arm in excitement knowing your victory was imminent. As she finished up her call and returned your phone you saw her smiling widely.

Y/n: So how did it go?

Brunette: Good good, they're gonna wait for me awhile. *gasp* Oh I just realized we never introduced ourselves, my names Sarah its nice meet you.

Y/n: I'm Y/n, it's been my pleasure.

Brunette: Well thank you Y/n, you really saved me there. I wish there was someway I could repay you.

Y/n: Oh that's not necessary, I was just doing the right thing you know.

You zoned out slightly as you rubbed your head bashfully, your face blushing as she looked at you with earnest appreciation. It felt nice knowing that even if it was part of your bet you had helped her. She seemed nice and cute, maybe when you got her number you wouldn't kiss Ma—

Sarah: . . .You really helped, I would have hated having my boyfriend think I stood him up.

Y/n: Huh?

Sarah: It's our anniversary and thinking that I could have missed— Where you going.

Y/n: I uhhh, got a hair appointment meant I gotta get to. Hope the anniversary goes well.

Your face frowned despondently as you slumped away with your head held low, your heart aching painfully as your short lived fantasies died an agonizing death. Behind you Sarah looked confused before she shrugged off your behavior and went back to looking Delighted with how things turned out. Her ability to be happy after unknowingly crushing you made it slightly worse as you went to sit in on a bench near the mall.

Idly you checked your watch and noted that you only had about twenty five minutes till the wager ended, and you would be forced to hand over the number or your hard looted money. Leaning back and dropping your purse onto the ground behind the bench, you breathed deeply, exhaling heavily as you wondered what to do. You rubbed your face to try and rub out the stress

Y/n: What am I gonna do?

With despair filling your body you slumped back, being laughed off and heart crushed by a taken woman began to weigh heavily on you. It seemed as if all the videos and practice to teach You how to pick up girls had failed, al lethal time wasted. Maybe it was time to throw in the towel you thought.

As you wallowed in sadness someone sat beside you, at first you paid them no heed but an accidental brushing of her hand on your side caused your back to go ramrod straight and your face to heat up. From the corner of your eye you saw a hot blonde cheerleader had taken the seat next to you, giggling and typing into her phone. The small bench causing her to be within less than a foot of you, and you could practically feel the body heat off of her, some weird shampoo scent you couldn't quite recognize wafting over as you gulped nervously from the proximity.

Linnea: Hi there! I'm Linnea

Her cheerful voice startled you, causing you to jump in your seat as she leaned towards you. From this distance you could practically feel her breath tingle against your rapidly reddening face. Her introduction left you stunned and clamoring for something to say, her impromptu greeting tearing away any chance you had to Start this encounter anything close to prepared.

Y/n: H, Hi I'm Y/n?

Linnea: I haven't seen you around before, do you go to River City Prep?

Y/n: N—no I just enrolled at River city high, today was my placement tests.

Linnea: Tests gross, But hey that means we're totes classmates now! I'm on the River City High Cheer Squad.

Eyeing her tight and very form fitting cheer uniform you nodded.

Y/n: I can see.

Linnea: Oh yeah I'm in uniform, duh. It's like super fun though, me and the team do all kinds of fun stuff after practice. I'm actually meeting them for sushi later today to celebrate us going to regionals.

Y/n: Congratulations, that's quite the accomplishment. I think

Linnea seemed to puff up proudly, the motion doing wonderful things to her bosom you mentally noted. Her cheerful demeanor had helped you calm down the longer the two of you talked, and the more you heard her voice the more you enjoyed the conversation. Her smile and cheer was downright infectious.

Linnea: It is! Our team captain Midori thinks that if we keep up how were going well be a shoo in to win regionals. And If we win regionals we go to state, and if we win state we go to nationals!

Y/n: that sounds pretty cool I guess. Gotta be pretty exciting.

Linnea: Yep! But it's like super hard work too. We gotta have have cheer practice every, every girls gotta know how to dance if we're gonna be successful. But most of us give it our all, at least captain says so when in the showers.

Y/n: Hard work ethic is pretty good to have, I don't think I could see myself committing— Wait what was that?

Linnea: We give it our—

Y/n: No after that part! Something about showers?

Linnea: Oh that. After practice we're usually pretty sweaty and worked up so we have to shower and change afterwards. The school has showers in the locker room, and I know what your thinking. Showers at school, ick, I avoided PE to not do that right. It kinda made me nervous at first but after the first couple team showers you get used to it.

Y/n: That sounds—

Linnea: I mean it took a lot of getting sued to not having any stalls or curtains or anything. Felt so exposed being naked in front of the rest of the team, but meh you get over it pretty fast. It kinda became a team building thing after awhile, just helping each other clean up after a long sweaty day of—

Y/n: How would one go about joining the cheer squad, you've convinced me?

Linnea and you both shared wide ear to ear smiles as you looked at each other excitedly. She seemed ecstatic that you were interested in joining, mentally patting her back for finding an eager recruit. Meanwhile in your mind you were fantasizing about naked cheerleaders and showers, your face burning atomic ready as you bounced in your seat eagerly waiting for answers on how to join.

Linnea: You want to join?

Y/n: More than anything!

Linnea: That's great! Captain Midori has been saying we might need another member or two. I was actually talking with her and she was telling all the team to try and recruit someone. They'd be delighted to have such an eager girl like you. Heckler me get you my number so we can talk about this later and schedule some try outs.

Your heart pounded faster and faster as Linnea pulled out a scrap of paper and checked her phone as she slowly wrote it down. The excitement pounding on your chest was rapid and euphoric, not only were you being given the golden ticket for daily chances to ogle naked girls without need of internet, hot cheerleaders at that. Not only that but Linnea's number meant you'd win the bet and claim a Kiss from both Mami and Hasebe, truly your luck was turning around.

Y/n: Really! You don't know how happy I am to hear that.

Linnea: Your happy, Im happy! We needed another cheer girl since some psycho broke my teammate Shannon's leg.

Y/n: Huh?

A cold feeling of dread pierced your heart as you felt the consequences of your actions appear, the accident from the gym threatening to tear away voyeur shower heaven from you and the feeling of two girls' lips upon your own. Linnea didn't seem to notice your sudden sweating and nervous look.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Linnea: Midori and some of the other girls have been texting me all day, apparently there's this new girl at school we should watch out for. Beat up poor Sharon and then Broke her leg, right before regionals too. That's why I'm meeting up with the girls, we're gonna get some lunch then Track this psycho down to give her what's coming.

Y/n: Oh.

*buzz BUZZ*

Linnea: Oh that must be Ashanti, apparently she got a pic of the bitch were going after.

The vibration of Linnea's phone distracted her from giving you her number, instead she began scrolling through her messages as dread filled your heart. You slowly crept to your feet, wincing as Linnea's eyes narrowed as if looking intently at something. You had good idea what it was as she held up her phone to look at you and it side by side. Sweating bullets you dashed away, pumping your arms mercilessly as you ran far and fast.

You didn't stop running until you hit Merv burger, throwing the fast food chain's doors open as you ducked into one of the corner booths, and slumped in defeat. You gave up at this point, your phone's clock saying you only had five minutes left before you had to give your money to Mami and Hasebe. Sighing in defeat you decided to get it over with.

Mami: Hey Y/n

Hasebe: How's the cruising for girls numbers going, you get any?

The two girls snickered smugly as they slid into the opposite side of the booth, you didn't see them come in but it made sense you guess. Of course they'd come early to get their winnings. Wearily you looked at them in self shame.

Y/n: No

Hasebe: Oh were so sorry, rejection must have been so bad.

Mami: Not that we'd know.

Y/n: Yeah you wouldn't. So I gues your here for your winnings from the bet.

Hasebe: *fake gasp of hurt* Can't we just be here to check in on a classmate who's been so brutally rejected.

Y/n: I never said it was brutal.

Hasebe: You didn't need to. But since we are here already and you brought it up.

Mami: Cough up loser.

Y/n: Fine

Your voice was tired and defeated as You went to grab for your purse to give them their money. It physically hurt to lose this bet, but you were a girl of your word usually so you had to give them what they've won. No use making an ass of yourself by petulantly refusing, especially after the brutal defeats your love life had suffered in the past hour. Your hand didn't meet the fabric of your purse, instead it ended up patting your hips where the garment bag should have been laying.

The two girls seemed to catch on quick, their eyes narrowing dangerously at you. Their gaze pierced you sharply, making you feel like an ant that was starting to burn under a kid's magnifying glass. Your voice cracked and you laughed nervously.

Y/n: So about that money I promised you. I don't seem to have it on me.

Mami: *glare* Oh shocker, the crazy poor girl lied.

Hasebe: Honestly if you didn't have the money to lose you shouldn't have taken the bet, especially trying to leverage a kiss out of us. It's super creepy.

Mami: Totes creepy.

Y/n: Hey I have the money! I just put it in my purse, which I don't have. And it's several streets down.

Hasebe: Righhhhhht.

Mami: It's really a bad look to lie after shirking off your side of a bet, really not good for your reputation.

Y/n: *growling* Hey I'm good for what I promised! I'll just go grab my bag and then I'll get you your money. Just wait here and I'll be back in like ten minutes with what I promised.

Mami: No thanks

Hasebe: Unlike you we actually have plans.

Mami: We'd invite you to come along, but it looks like it'll be a bit outside your price range.

The two girls snickered as you slumped down in both anger and defeat. It seemed these two hadn't thought that highly of you, anticipating your inability to pay. It kinda ticked you off that they just assumed you were lying about paying them, but without your purse you couldn't do shit. Still there weren't many things you'd hold yourself to, but crazy claims in an attempt to impress a girl was something you'd damn well try to back up, especially for failing to do so threatened al future attempts to get a girlfriend by painting yo has someone girls couldn't trust.

Y/n: Listen I'll get you the money, I'll go get my purse and I'll call you to see where you want it dropped off. Anywhere you want, my buss pass can get me most places.

The two girls seemed to consider for a moment before rolling their eyes at you and making a grabby motion with their hand. Obliging their obvious request you gave them your phone, Mami and Hasebe gagging in distaste at the older design of your crappy flip phone. Still Mami punched her number into your phone before handing it back, your contact lists now clearly showing her and Hasebe right at the top just under the clock. Wait?

Mami: There, call us when you actually have our money.

Hasebe: So never.

The two of them went to get up and leave, but you snapped out of your stunned state and scrambled to get in front of them. They looked annoyed, but stopped. Your face was smirking wide as you held the phone up in front of them. They looked at it and then back to you in confusion.

Mami: What?

Y/n: I win.

Hasebe: What are you talking about?

Y/n: I won the bet. There's one minute left on the clock

Mami: *snicker* You don't seem to remember, you needed a girls number within an hour to win remember. Hours up.

Y/n: I know, we made the bet 59 minutes ago though. I had a minute left.

Hasebe: So what, You really think any girl in here would be dumb enough to give you her number in less than a minute?

You scrolled on your phone, opening your contact list so they could see it.

Y/n: Contact List. Mami Shimada.

Mami: So what?

Y/n: You are a girl, I have your number. Therefore I got a girls number. Ergo I win.

They scowled at you, Mami looking incensed at your implications. Hasebe also looked angry, though she also shot Mami a dirty glance.
Mami: That doesn't count.

Y/n: Your a dude?

Mami: No!

Y/n: So I win.

Mami: That's cheating.

She grit her teeth as her eyes burned into your soul, but it did nothing to diminish the massive smug grin stretched across your face. The blonde looked ready to throttle you for "tricking her" but before she could do anything in her rage Hasebe snapped at her. The purple haired girl didn't look happy, her hands clenching and unclenching as she growled in defeat

Hasebe: Shut up Mami!

Mami: What did I do? She's the one who cheated

Hasebe' stare was clipped as she glared annoyed at both of you. Mami looked startled that Hasebe was taking your side, but you didn't really care if they got pissy with each other. Victory flowed through your veins, and you intended to collect.

Y/n: So I believe it's time for me to collect my prizes.

They glared at you, giving you the stink eye, pushing you back into the booth and sitting on either side of you. Their slender feminine bodies were pushed almost plush against you as they tried to push you out of eyesight from the rest of the restaurant. You didn't care enough to be offended by them trying to hide what's happening, instead your mind was fixated on how their attempts accidentally pushed their clothed chest almost grazing your arms, your face exploding in red as you smirked happily.

Hasebe: Let's get this over before anyone sees us, can't believe we lost thanks a lot Mami.

Mami: Oh shut up Hasebe.

Hasebe: No this is your fault.

Mami: If I go first will you drop it?

Hasebe: Yes!

Mami: Fine, just keep track of the time. And you Y/n! Don't get any bright ideas about getting handsy.

Y/n: If you if you start feeling uncomfortable, you can just pull back

Mami: Just shut it!

The blonde looked you in the eye as her hands balled up your collar and crashed her lips into yours. Your mind melted as you felt her soft succulent lips melted into the kiss, your thoughts in heaven as you blushed and leaned into the lip lock. Your body felt tingly in pleasure as you groaned in delight, your hand snaking into your jacket pocket to pull out the video camera you bought to snap a picture of you making out with Mami.

After a couple seconds you began doing what you had studied for, several years of doing that stupid cherry stem tying exercise, watching "educational videos" and how-to-videos on how to kiss a girl as you did your best to recreate what you watched. You adjusted your position, tongue running along Mami's lips as you kissed her deeply. You suckled on her bottom lip, getting the previously reluctant blonde to moan in sensitive pleasure. Her soft cry of pleasure was music to your ears as you continued, tasting her completely as your tongue slipped into her mouth mid moan, brushing against and suckling on Mami's tender tongue.

When the minute came to an end it was all too soon, Hasebe pulling you back roughly as both you and Mami were dazed and blushing heavily. A stupid smile was plastered on your face while Mami panted and subtly licked her bottom lip as her eyes glared holes into you.

Mami: No one said you could shove your tongue down my throat.

Y/n: I said if you got uncomfortable you could stop. Did you like it? I did.

You didn't get to hear Mami's reply as a growling Hasebe gripped you by the face and kissed you, her lips roughly mashing into yours as she decided to get it over with. You smirked and reapplied what you did with Mami. You placed an arm around her shoulder and leaned in closer, hungrily deepening the kiss as You felt pleasant tingle trail all over your body.

Hasebe tensed as your arm wrapped around her shoulder, but she smirked and pushed her body against you, reversing the situation as she began dominating the kiss. Her eyes blazed competitively, refusing to give you the pleasure of controlling the pace with her like you did Mam, so she took the choice from you and intensified everything. Not that it made you have less fun, you found her taking control to be pretty fucking hot actually. Her tongue wrapped around yours and explored your mouth, the pink muscle overpowering you as you melted in joy.

Her hands gripped your collar and pulled you closer, forcing you into a more submissive position that you happily took. Her tongue caressed every nook and cranny of your mouth, sending waves of pleasure through you as you almost went limp in euphoria. You barely had the strength to snap a few pictures of your lips kissing Hasebe.

After another minute of sheer heaven you crumpled back into your seat as Mami and Hasebe got up. Both girls were blushing heavily and not looking as pissed as they were earlier. Chewing their lips they shot you confused glances, but refused to look you in the eye lest their cheeks heat up.

Hasebe: There you go perv. We're done here.

Mami: Bye Y/n, have a bad day.

The two girls left you there as you remained smiling uncontrollably, sheer happiness filling your body. You waited several minutes for the immense heat in your lower body to learn before you got up and left the burgeria, face not changing a single shade of red as you practically skipped off in joy. Your first kiss had been better than you ever hoped, nothing could bring you down as you ignored almost everything you saw. You didn't pay attention to where you were going, your mind to busy remembering the feel of two beautiful girls kissing you to remember meaningless directions.

Your zone four state persisted for several blocks, nothing being able to break you out of your happiness. Not even when some people from school tried to jump you for revenge or something, you just smiled and slipped on past them. It wasn't until several blocks later that something of equal beauty finally got your attention.

Y/n: Hey Kyoko! Misako! How you girls been!

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