River City Girls: New Girl in...

By ghost-writer-0000

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Ever since she was little, Y/n L/n has been homeschooled online. However after her brother gets a job in a ne... More

Chapter 1: First Day at River City High
Chapter 2: School House Rumble
Chapter 4: Y/n Makes a Bet
Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai
Chapter 6: Not Breaking, but Still Entering
Chapter 7: Boss Battle! Yamada
Chapter 8: All in the Mall
Chapter 9: Uptown Funk
Halloween Omake
Chapter 10: A Quick Break for Tea Time
Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown
Christmas Omake
Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning
Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari
Summer Omake: The Beach Episode
Chapter 14: Downtown Dropoff

Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu

468 14 1
By ghost-writer-0000

You took slow deep as you exhaled away your frustration at this god forsaken school. You hadn't been to an actual school in years and this place seemed custom built into deceiving you into thinking that it wasn't infested with annoyances and irritants. Breathing exercises and positive thinking could only do so much against a bunch of annoying classmates trying to punch you and then pelting you with food that still clung to your hair and jacket.

Your growing frustration had an unlikely ally in the growling emptiness in your stomach that punished you for skipping breakfast earlier this morning.Suddenly standing up straight and pushing down your frustration you marched towards the food line right past Kyoko and Misako, who for their part looked both amused at your frustration and confused as to where you were going. But they weren't important to you right now, you might be on the verge of uncontrollable rage and irritation, but an empty stomach was something you could fix.

Misako: Hey Y/n! The doors that way.

She had a hand on her hip as she pointed a thumb at the door out to the school lobby, but you didn't spare her more than a glance before placing yourself right in the food line.  Even as Kyoko got up and tapped you on the shoulder you stayed facing in the direction of the line, attention fully focused on the various items on the breakfast menu.

Kyoko: Um Y/n? We're kind on a time cru—

Y/n: Shushush

You placed a finger on her lips to shush her, staring at her dead in the eye. The ponytailed girl grew nervous at the dull lifeless expression you gave her, a feeling that grew as you stared at her silently for several seconds as the line moved ahead of you, and when you did speak it was with a monotone tone that wouldn't have been out of place in a murder scenario.

Y/n: I haven't eaten all day, I have not had breakfast. I have been chased, fought, and harassed today by a bunch of annoying people I'm now realizing I'll have to put up with all year. So now I'm going to eat, do you understand.

Kyoko shivered from the creepy dull lifeless tone of your voice, her head nodding furiously as the air around you grew dark and heavy.

Kyoko: Y-you sure you don't want to get clea—

Kyoko: Y-yeah, why don't me and Misako go get a table.

She walked away taking an annoyed Misako with her towards a table by the other end of the room. Meanwhile your bafflement over what just happened flooded you, snapping you out of your mood as you pulled your hands up. You looked at your appendages in awe and amazement. You had never felt such power before, and you scrambled to savor the feeling.

Y/n: How did I do that? I need to remember how I achieved this power, for with great power comes great chances to exploit it.

Coming off the unexpected power high you turned around to step forward in line, but as you did you slammed face first into the back of a wall of blue fabric. The collision sent you falling onto your butt as the person you slammed into turned to look at you. You looked up to find yourself looking at a tall guy dressed like a 90's greaser with a ridiculous pompadour.

Steve: Hey watch were your walking ya broad.

Getting up your brushed off your dress before fixing an unamused glare at this punk.

Y/n: First off cut it with the language, the 90's called and it's want your entire persona back. Second of all you cut in front of me.

Steve: *chuckle* So what if I did? It seems like I'm here now aren't I. So why don't you just step back and quiet down before I stop being such a nice guy.

The greaser laughed at his attempt to be witty, but it only made you ground your teeth in frustration. You glared at his back as he turned around and ignored your protests. Your hands clenched and unclenches in fury as you watched this guy not only cut in front of you but flaunt it, however a voice in the back of your head told you it wasn't worth it, that there had been enough fighting for today.

This voice was promptly taken outback and shot as you saw the greaser let several girls enter the line ahead of him, the girls only batting there eyes before the overgrown lump started letting the lot of them cut the line. Raising your voice you addressed the gaggle of girls and the greaser at once.

Y/n: Hey back of the line!

They waved you off dismissively, not even looking at you. One of them, a brunette spoke almost aggressive disinterest.

Reina: Yeah that's nice, why don't you go play somewhere else.

Y/n: You can't just cut in line, I was here first! Now scram!

Steve: She bothering you Reina? I can get rid of her if you want.

Reina: Nah I got this, now listen here new gir— HAHAHAHAHA Oh My God, girls look at this.

The girl turned to look at you, arms crossed at first. However as soon as she saw you she burst into laughter, and soon her friends were joining in as well. You didn't get what was so funny, but your furiously glared at them.

Y/n: What's so funny?

Reina: Where's you buy your outfit?

You sputtered in confusion at the radical change in topic

Y/n: W-what? My mother got me this, but I don't see why—

Reina: Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't realize she threw you out with the trash.

You froze up, trembling in rage as this bitch kept taking, your mind scrambled to see what she was getting at but the reminder about your mom hit a bit deeply and threw you off balance. So off balance that you merely stood there frozen as Reina reached over and plucked a potato chip out of your hair and threw it at your face, reminding you that you were still covered in pelted foods.

Reina: But hey at least she left you with something to eat while you live in your little dumpster with the rest of the trash, isn't that right dumpy.

You fumbled weekly for a retort, but snickers and muffled whispers around you undermined your thoughts as you scrambled for anything to say. Unfortunately Reina didn't give you any breathing room, poking you in the face as she continued her mockery.

Reina: Hey dumpy! What are you in line for? Your food is right over there.

She flicked you in the nose as she pointed at the trash can. You blushed red in indignation, but she just kept pushing, forcing you to take a nervous step back as she just kept talking over your weakening attempts to give a comeback. You tried to stand up for yourself, but kept getting steamrolled over as the more socially experienced girl gave no time for you to figure out a response. Her hands lightly pushed you in the shoulders, but when you desperately tried to push her back she just leaned sour of the way and made a disgusted sound.

Reina: Hey watch out! You can't just touch people without washing your hands first dumpy.

Y/n: M-my names not dumpy!

Reina: Oh what is it then? Trash girl, ketchup jacket, chip hair. Is your whole family named after garbage, oh are you the runt of your litter. Must be with that flat chest.

Y/n: W-what?

She shoved you down to the ground as she kept taunting you, but her continued insults to you and your family began to run together as your breathing got heavier. Worse was that even with her incessant taunts you could hear people laughing, pointing at you as they watched this.

Reina: Oh let me get that ugly thing off your face for you, oh wait that's your face

She swiped at your face, and you flinched away from her. Your breaths got faster and shallower as you were overwhelmed by everything around you, your ears pounding with the sounds of bullying laughter as the other girl tore you to shreds. Each attempt to get up or speak was thwarted as the girl's posse joined in, throwing more and more onto you without relent.

You felt your throat tighten and breathing get harder as you tried looking for someway to exit the room, but they had encircled you and left you with no choice but to stay there and take their abuse.

Reina: Hey girls, looks like dumpy here is still hungry after rutting through the trash, what say we give her something to eat.

You saw one of her sycophants hand her a plate and you curled in on yourself, using an arm to shield yourself as Reina dumped a plate of tester tots onto you. Your eyes welled with tears as they hanged up on you, memories of your past school mixing with the laughter echo in all around you to render you paralyzed in terror and humiliation as your tormentors kept going. Your throat felt tight as you had trouble breathing

Reina: There you go and it matches your outfit to. Now what do dumpy little bitches say to the ones nice enough to feed them, huh? She ain't talking, Steve show her some manners.

Steve: Sure thing Reina.

She pushed you with her foot, cornering you against the wall. She snapped her fingers and the greaser thug looked over you, cracking his fingers as he went to punch you. You winced even as he stopped the punch midway, and he kept doing it, taunting you with the threat of violence. Tears threatened vision as you cowered against the wall, your eyes clenched themselves tightly closed as you feared what was about to come.

A loud cracking sound echoed through the room and all the jeering laughter cut out immediately. Your heart beat excitedly as your body flooded in relief at the most glorious sound you ever heard.

Misako: What the heck is going on here? Who's face is getting beat into the street!.

You peeled your eyes open, and through blurry vision you saw Misako stand over the downed greaser while holding a dented piece of metal that used to be a cafeteria tray. Kyoko rushed to your side and helped you up, her hands consoling you gently as she led you away into the nearby bathroom. You smiled into her shoulder as the sounds of violence ramped up behind you.

Kyoko parked you in front of a mirror and grabbed a handful of paper towels that she lightly moistened. You were still trembling as she began gently wiping the food and gunk off of your clothes and hair. Your relieved smile grew wide as she cleaned you up.

Y/n: T-thanks, I owe you one.

Kyoko: Sorry we didn't intervene sooner, we stepped away to freshen up and when we got back everything was already.

You surprised her by hugging her tightly, your face pressing into her shoulder as your arms pulled her close. She gently returned the hug, patting your back soothingly as she did. Your voice was muffled by her jacket, but even then the relief and adoration for her in this moment shined through.

Y/n: Thank you! I-I don't. It was just like my last- and they mentioned my mom and then they called me names and—

As you voice faltered a bit she patted you comfortingly and wiped away your tears with a paper towel. You let her work in silence, holding her for a life line. After a couple minutes she coaxed you into loosening your grip and she pushed your face towards the mirror, seeing you at the reflection of your now spotless self. You blushed and looked away shyly, a smile on your face as you faced the Angel before you.

Y/n: Thanks Kyoko, I really appreciate it.

Kyoko: No problem, they mess with one of us they mess with all of us.

You felt warm inside as she said that, and meekly you looked at her questioningly.

Y/n: One of us? We just met.

Kyoko: Well duh, you've been helping us break out of here, and that makes you cool in my books. Plus you've been like totes more fun to hang around with then most of the girls that hang around here.

You embarrassed it tried to wave her off complement as you hid your reddened cheeks behind the collar of your jacket. It wasn't often cute girls consoled and complemented you like this, and the attention was really helping to brighten your mood.

Y/n: Oh your just flattering me.

Kyoko: Is it working?

Y/n yeah it kinda is

Your blush intensified as Kyoko's beamed at you with a wide smile, you felt faint as all the blood in your body rushed into your cheeks. You were enraptured by her, and you couldn't help but shuffle nervously and poke your fingers.

Y/n: Um Kyoko, can we be frie—

The door slammed open as Misako walked in, a triumphant grin on her face as she walked over to a sink and washed her hands. As soon as she was done she looked at you. Your breathing got quick as looked at her as if it was the first time, she was more beautiful than ever in your eyes.

Misako: You doing okay?

Y/n: Sorry to put you both through all this trouble for me.

Misako: Hey enough of that, let's just blow this place already.

Kyoko: Let's!

You took several deep breaths before your  face beamed in excitement, their energy was utterly infectious and you found yourself getting psyched up just being near them. Part of you still felt a bit down, but the more you talked to these two the more it helped get over what just happened. Having two girls like them stand up for you meant a lot, and them going through the effort made your heart feel just that little bit lighter

You didn't feel the need to ask them your question anymore, because at that moment you were overrun by desire to help them get out of this school. You lead them and faced the door back into the cafeteria. They were right behind you as your hand hesitated upon reaching for the handle, causing them to look at you concerned. Breathing deeply you steeled yourself, giving them a determined smile.

Y/n: I'm really tired of this school, let's ditch this place.

They returned the smile, their pretty features settling into confident smirks as you flew the door open and all three leaped out prepared for whatever trouble may be outside. Only for you to slump wide eyed at what you saw.

The place was littered with bruised and beaten students, almost no one was spared from Misako's wrath and those that were were either trembling or had fled already. The sight of such carnage caused a warm blossom to fill your chest, and you sent a thankful glance Midako's way. For her part Misako looked especially proud of the act of violence she had incurred with Kyoko looking on impressed.

Kyoko: Wow Misako, you really got them.

Misako: Thanks.

Y/n: You did all this for me?

The thought that she would do his for you even after having only hung out with you for about an hour made you feel weird, but pleasant. You liked the feeling even though it was hard to place. The warmth spread as Misako answered.

Misako: Wasn't anything to it, plus those girls had it coming for awhile if you ask me. But I'm sure they got the message now.

Kyoko: Yeah don't mess with us!

She pumped her arm in the air in a little cheer while you looked over the room of bludgeoned students in awe, your mind and heart thumping at the sight. Smirking you pumped your arm as well.

Y/n: Yeah don't mess with us!

Out of the corner of your eye you spotted several wallets and bills sticking out of various students pockets, and a vindictive part of your mind demanded one last act of payback on these girls who picked on you. With an evil smirk on your face you slyly looked at your two friends and steepled your fingers, getting odd looks from them.

Y/n: Actually do you mind if I have a minute, got something I need

Smiling to yourself, you began looting the bodies of they're cash while laughing vindictively. You left the bullies their wallets, but took every bill and coin you saw, and you saw quite a lot of them. By the end of your scavenging you had accumulated a modestly thick wad of cash. It might have been more money than you had ever held before, and you purred at the sound of rifling money as you flipped through it and Locke your lips. You turned to the two waiting for you, ignoring the slightly weirded glances they sent your little display of greed.

Y/n: Okay I'm good.

Misako: Right? Let's just go.

Kyoko: Yeah! Kunio and Riki were coming to save you.

The two girls looked pumped up as they began making their way towards the school lobby, determination filling them as they moved. Meanwhile You still didn't know who Kunio and Riki were, but you didn't really care beyond the fact that they apparently mattered to your new friends. So Shrugging unnoticeably you dashed to catch up to Kyoko and Misako, joining them in the heated moment of determination

Unfortunately the moment was ruined as a now unwelcome voice blared through the speaker, causing all three of you to stop and groan. Throwing your hands up, all three of you just stood there looking annoyed.

Y/n: Oh not again with this guy.

Intercom: You students are a disgrace. Oh well, at least she'll stop them.

Y/n: Who is he talking about?

Misako: Not important, let's just get going before more of his goons show up.

Y/n: Oh great, now that all the mushy stuff is done it's right back to normal isn't it.

Kyoko: Yep!

Y/n: I think I'd like that.

Nodding at each other, you all strode up to and threw open the door and stepped proudly into the school lobby, eyes alert for any would be thugs for Kyoko and Misako to beat up. The room was wide open space with four pillars, school colors and banners decorating every wall. However no one was in sight as you walked about the empty room and leaned against a pillar and sighed in relief.

Misako: No sign of security.

Kyoko: Maybe she's on break.

Y/n: Phew, I don't know about you but that's kinda relaxing honestly. I know we were all psyched up and stuff, but to  be honest I don't know how to fight so this is a huge reli—

The wall on the other side of the room began rumbling as dust and paint chipped off the wall and fell to the ground. You looked around in panic, only for horror to grow as you realized it was only that wall being leveled as dents began cracking from it. You turned to look at the girls, only to see a frustrated Misako.

Misako: Oh no.


Before Misako could elaborate, the wall exploded inward, filling the room in a billowing cloud of dust. Through cloud you watched in horror as a massive female figure with red hair shoulder slammed through the wall to emerge from the dust. The girl stood over six feet tall and was built like a semi truck, her bulging muscles stretching her uniform as she towered over you. Your jaw hung open as she smiled predatorily.

Y/n: *Gulp*

You slammed your jaw shut and immediately ran behind Kyoko and Misako,  cowering behind them as the giant girl approached. Unfortunately for you though Kyoko and Misako took up aggressive stances, looking defiantly at the giant lumbering towards all of you.

Misako: Out of our way Mizuzu!

Kyoko: Yeah! We don't want to hurt you.

Y/n: Wait that's Mizuzu? You girls didn't mention that she was so scary, or that she's bigger than ten of me!

Your friends ignored you as they glared at Mizuzu while the red headed woman laughed dismissively at all of you and smirked dangerously while holding her fist up. You felt your legs tremble as she was now with ing 5 feet of you and the girls, and from this distance you had to look upwards at her face.

Mizuzu: Hurt me? HAHA! You scrawny runts couldn't hurt a fly.

Misako: No way flies are easy to hurt.

Y/n: So am I!

Mizuzu: As part of the school defense force it's my job to keep idiots like you from sneaking out of class.

Y/n: Well it's a good thing we were in detention, not me I actually just finished a test. Please don't hurt me.

Like always your pleas were ignored as everyone else paid attention to Kyoko instead, making you sweat nervously.

Kyoko: But you don't even go to this school?

Y/n: Neither do you apparently Kyoko!

The pony tailed girl turned to you confused, and as you turned to look at her you failed to notice the growing annoyed expression on Mizuzu's face.

Kyoko: Why are you yelling at me?

Y/n: Stop provoking the almost 7 foot tall bodybuilding security guard!

Mizuzu: SHUT UP! I'm trying to earn extra money.

Y/n and Kyoko: *Eep*

As both you and Kyoko squeeked in fright you crouched down so that you were just barely peeking over Misako's shoulder, and in your head you prayed that Mizuzu wouldn't notice you. The vein throbbing on her forehead was a sign that her anger probably wasn't good for your health if things kept going like they were.

Mizuzu: Don't think your smarter than me, I've been in high school for seven years. Ain't no one smarter at school stuff than Mizuzu!

Y/n: We believe you!

Misako: We don't care how big or how dumb you are. We're getting out of this school right now.

Y/n: Please stop digging this hole deeper

Kyoko: Yeah we gotta save Kunio and Riki.

Misako: So go punch through another wall until you figure out how doors work.

Y/n: We are going to die, we are literally going to die right now.

As all hope left your body, the red headed giant growled in response to your friends continuing attempts to provoke her, and you could only watch on in growing horror as Mizuzu's muscles flexed under her sleeves in a rapidly successful threat display

Mizuzu: Grrrr, that's it you little turds. Time to get flushed.

Surprisingly it wasn't Mizuzu that threw the first punch, but instead it was Kyoko. The pony tailed girl dashed forward at full speed and punched Mizuzu in the chest, however to her and Misako's surprise the attack didn't even budge Mizuzu. Kyoko blinked in surprise, having expected at least something to happen but instead she found her fist impacting something that felt more like a solid slab of stone than a human body.

While Kyoko was frozen in surprise, Mizuzu cocked back her arm and punched her in the gut, sending her flying onto the ground several feat away. Mizuzu's sadistic chuckling enraged Misako, getting the black haired girl to repeatedly punch Mizuzu in the face. While she did that you ran over to Kyoko and checked on her.

Misako's blows barely dazed Mizuzu, and soon she went on the counter attack. She lunged out to try and slam a meaty fist into Misako, but she was to fast and dodged to the side before jumping up to crash a knee into Mizuzu's jaw.

Mizuzu roared in pain as Misako's knee slammed into her chin, knocking her to the ground as she rubbed her painful jaw. Misako just began wailing on the kneeling Giant that was Mizuzu, each moment was spent punching and kicking at her opponent's larger body. You even saw her head butt Mizuzu at one point. However Mizuzu's moment of vulnerability ended just a bit to soon, as she slammed her hands on the ground and rocketed back to her feet, knocking Misako back as she did. Mizuzu engaged the off balance Misako, and it took everything she had for Misako to dodge the giant woman's fists.

Kyoko: Misako!

As you finished helping Kyoko to her feet, she dashed off and kicked Mizuzu in the back of the knee. Together the two of them dealt some serious damage to Mizuzu, using their combined attacks to keep the larger girl off balance as they kicked and punched her.

Y/n: Good job girls! I'll provide moral support! Show her who's boss.

You pumped your arm and cheered them on as they kept fighting Mizuzu, and as yo watched Kyoko and Misako kick Mizuzu's ass you found yourself cheering them on. Caught up in the moment you picked up a chunk of rock from the broken wall and threw it at Mizuzu.

However  the tide quickly turned as Mizuzu flailed both her arms out and caught both of your friends in the side.  They were knocked off to the side of the room, leaving Mizuzu without any easy targets in arms reach.

Unfortunately that was when the rock you threw hit her, causing her to glare in your direction. She saw was you standing off to the side all alone, so with a snarl of rage she charged at you with her elbow guarding her face. Seeing her running at you full sprint like a raging bull, you briefly felt your heart stop and your life flashed before your eyes.

Y/n: Oh no.

Pumping your legs as fast as possible you ran away like your life depended on it.  Your breaths were labored as your body worked at 110%, and you felt fire in your lungs as you flailed your arms desperately in your attempt to escape.



Y/n: NO!

Getting desperate as Mizuzu's was drawing nearer, you slowed down slightly and scooped up a handful of dust.  You managed to do it and roll out of the way just in time, as Mizuzu nearly rammed right into you as your speed dipped. Getting back to running you turned around and threw the dust into Mizuzu's face, blinding her just as you ducked to hide behind a concrete pillar hoping to have lost her.

Mizuzu: I saw that!

You didn't have Time to react as the shout was only mere feet away from you, so without thinking you rolled away from the pillar only to watch on in shock as Mizuzu rammed into the pillar. Her charge against the hard concrete and to your fear utterly smashed the pillar, luckily though impact knocked Mizuzu down and left her dazed in pain. Your breathing got heavy as you Locked eyes with the more furious than ever Mizuzu, but just before she recovered your prayers were answered.

Misako: Take this!

The newly recovered Misako drop kicked Misako in the back of the head, knocking her down and vulnerable for Kyoko. Kyoko stomped on Mizuzu, leaving her beaten on the floor before both of them walked over and helped you up. Kyoko playfully punched you on the shoulder.

Y/n: Ouch

Kyoko: Oh sorry.

Misako: Good job there Y/n, couldn't have done that better myself!

Y/n: That's not true. You guys did all the work.

Bashfully you rubbed the back of your head, cheeks blushing as the two girls complemented you. They looked slightly worse for wear, but looked to be getting better as they massaged their sore spots.

Y/n: So can we just like leave now

Kyoko: Yep now let's go save Kunio and Riki!

Before you could leave though a sharp yell tore your attention back to where Mizuzu should have been lying, only instead of a defeated enemy you saw her leaping at you with utter ferocity. Without thinking you shoved Kyoko and Misako out of the way before stumbling backwards, leaving Mizuzu to fall on her ass stunned. Growling in anger you stepped forward and socked her in the face, your knuckles cracking against her face as you let loose your immense fury.


Mizuzu fell backwards as you clutched your painfully throbbing hand, you nearly bit your tongue in your effort to not scream in pain from your nearly broken hand. You leaned against the wall and suckled the joint of your thumb.

Y/n: Oh that hurts, that really effing hurts.

Kyoko and Misako carefully stepped around the tantrum Mizuzu was throwing at losing. Her arms pounding the ground as she screamed at you three to stop embarrassing her on the job, but considering she just tried to beat you senseless you didn't really care how it affected her job. Your two companions gripped your arm and inspected your hand, Misako looking more closely at your injury while Kyoko patted you on the back.

Kyoko: That was like so cool Y/n! She fell there and you just went BAM! Right in the kisser.

Y/n: Thanks Kyoko, I don't really know what I was thinking.

Misako pressed her finger test I fly against your thumb, causing a sharp pain to jolt up your arm as you pulled away from her and glared accusingly.

Y/n: Ouch! Why did you do that?

Misako: Did you keep your thumb outside your fist?

Y/n: Yeah so what?

Misako: Dumbass that's how you break your thumb!

Kyoko looked panicked as you suckled your thumb joint again, trying to make it feel better from the pain. Your mind began racing about what would terrible things that a broken thumb could cause. Hospital bills? Surgery? Having to tell your brother about the fight?

Kyoko: Oh no is her thumb broken?

Midako: No the bone isn't broken, but it might be sore for awhile.

Y/n: How can you tell it isn't broken?

Misako: I've been in a lot of fights, after awhile you get a feeling people's broken bones.

Y/n: That's not comforting.

Kyoko: Is there anything we could do to make it feel better?

Y/n: Kiss it make it better.

You gave her your best puppy dog eyes and held up your injured hand for her. Your cheeks were atomic red as you mentally prayed for her to say yes, but your hopes came crashing down as Kyoko laughed you off.

Kyoko: Your funny Y/n

You slumped over defeated as behind the two of them Mizuzu lumbered to her feet, glaring at the three of you. Her bruised and battered body wasn't quite as looming now that she was slumped slightly over, but you still were scared of what she could do even while injured. Misako and Kyoko glared right back as they got ready for round two and you began sneaking your way away from the fight. Luckily though Mizuzu held up a hand, signaling she was done fighting.

Mizuzu: You dweebs are tougher than you look. . . Gave me a real workout.

Kyoko: I'd rather give you a hug. FYI

Y/n: I'll take that hug. And your back to ignoring my comments aren't you.

Misako: Stay down.Don't make us fight you again

Y/n: Okay yep definitely informing my input here, it's like some toes rooted cutscene bull crap.

Mizuzu: Got a real mouth on you, must be why Kunio likes you.

Misako and Kyoko both looked excited as Mizuzu mentioned that Kinuo guy, leaning in closer and eagerly pushing Mizuzu for more information. You gripped your thumb tightly as the conversation went on, the pressure helping to numb the pain a little bit.

Misako: Have you seen Kunio?

Kyoko: And Riki!

Mizuzu: Yeah but not around here. I saw them around Crosstown yesterday. Talking to someone creepy looking.

Y/n: Of course it's someone creepy, why can't the person with the info ever be a cute girl who's single.

Mizuzu: Good luck finding your little boy toys. I'm surprised they'd be interested in a pair of twigs like you two.

Kyoko: Hey Is that a compliment or?

You patted her on the shoulder comfortingly.

Y/n: Don't worry I think your hot, now about that hug that was mentioned.

Mizuzu: Boys hate little bugs. They want a woman with meat on her bones And I got all the meat.

Y/n: I think they just the right amount of meat on their bones.

Mizuzu: If you find Kunio and Riki, tell them Mizuzu says "Hi" hahaha

Misako: Ew, cmon Kyoko.

Kyoko: Sorry for punching you so much.

Y/n: I'm not.

The three of you all left shortly after, leaving Mizuzu to dust herself off and head to the nurses office as you made your way out the school doors. The chill morning air was like Heaven as it filled your lungs, and you stretched your arms out wide to greet the open air.

Y/n: We're free!

Misako: Right now to get to Crosstown and find this creepy looking guy.

Kyoko: And then We make him tell us where Kunio and Riki are.

Y/n: All right I'm liking this plan, let's roll out. . . Actually, wait a bit, I just need one minute.

From the corner of your eye you had spotted another of those ugly creepy looking statue things, and you just felt compelled to smash it before you left. You struggled to pick it up, but eventually you managed to lug it into the street and toss it onto the pavement, where a car promptly ran over it and smashed it to pieces. As the vehicle swerved heavily and almost went off-road you walked back to Misako and Kyoko.

Misako: What the heck?

Y/n: Meh I don't know. They're fun to smash.

Kyoko: Really?

Y/n: Yep just give it a try next time you see one. Now let's go save Runio and Kiki!

Kyoko: Kunio and Riki.

Y/n: That's what I said!

You stepped forward and raised your hand to the sky, beckoning them on to adventure. The two of them shrugged and joined you as you all began running in the direction of Crosstown, but after a few steps your stomach grumbled furiously.

Y/n: Actually, is it okay if I meet up with you guys at Crosstown in like an hour? I still haven't eaten breakfast, so I'm gonna make a donut run.

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