River City Girls: New Girl in...

By ghost-writer-0000

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Ever since she was little, Y/n L/n has been homeschooled online. However after her brother gets a job in a ne... More

Chapter 1: First Day at River City High
Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu
Chapter 4: Y/n Makes a Bet
Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai
Chapter 6: Not Breaking, but Still Entering
Chapter 7: Boss Battle! Yamada
Chapter 8: All in the Mall
Chapter 9: Uptown Funk
Halloween Omake
Chapter 10: A Quick Break for Tea Time
Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown
Christmas Omake
Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning
Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari
Summer Omake: The Beach Episode
Chapter 14: Downtown Dropoff

Chapter 2: School House Rumble

549 14 24
By ghost-writer-0000

Your cheek throbbed in pain as you plummeted backwards, falling into Misako's grasp as she shook you violently and picked you up. You flailed around, trying to dislodge yourself from her iron grip, arms and legs lashing out weakly at whatever you could reach. Misako growled as she powered through your uncoordinated and panicked blows, but eventually you landed a lucky shot by slamming your palm into her face. It unbalanced her enough to let you catch your footing and take several steps out of their reach, all for the price of enraging Misako.

Misako: Ughh! Your gonna pay for that!

Y/n: Screw you! You hit me first psycho!

You scooted a desk in front of you for a makeshift barrier against Misako's approach, and not a second to soon as she growled in rage and attempted to get at you. You kept hiding behind desks and chairs, throwing random stuff to try and force her to keep her distance. You picked up some random kids book bag and went to throw it, but as you held the bag over your head you realized your error. In your attempts to protect against Misako's attack you had ignored Kyoko who had been dealing with the last of the other students.

The ponytail terror had now joined the fight and started out by dashing up and kicking you in the stomach, causing you to double over in pain. You dropped the bag, it hitting you in the head as you crumpled down to the floor groaning in pain. With watery eyes you saw your opponents close in to finish it, and you gulped in fear.

You tried to scramble away but Kyoko was faster than you, catching up and overpowering you into a choking headlock with relative ease. As You attempted to pull yourself free you realized with horror that your face was in direct line with her knee

Misako: Get her Kyoko.

Kyoko: Gotcha!

It seemed like a hopeless situation, that there might be no way for you to escape without this girl slamming her knee into your face. Luckily you knew the second secret L/n Family Technique.


You sent your voice into its highest most pitiable state you could, eyes watering as you deployed the ancient art of begging like a little bitch. A last resort technique that sacrifices your pride and dignity in exchange for survival to fight another day. Mentally you prayed that these two psychos weren't utter sadists and would take mercy on you.

Misako: Anything Huh, well here's how this is gonna work. We're busting out of here and your gonna be helping us got it!

Kyoko: Or we hit your face!

You frantically nodded your head and fell to your knees as Kyoko let you out of the headlock. You sucked in air desperately, savoring the feeling of unrestricted air flow into your lungs. You stood on shaky legs and gave them a thumbs up.

Y/n: Sounds good, Y/n L/n at your service.

As you spoke Kyoko looked at you quizzically, her hand rubbing her chin as she turned thoughtful. You grew concerned for a moment before she spoke again.

Kyoko: I don't think I've seen you around here before, you new or something?

Y/n: Just transferred here from homeschooling. Today was my placement tests.

Misako: Besides you wouldn't recognize her because you don't go to school here.

Kyoko: Oh yeah, well sorry for ruining your tests new kid. Anyway I'm Kyoko, and this is my bestie Misako.

That would have been more convincing if she didn't say it so happy and peppy, but you weren't about to argue with them right now lest they snap back to beating you up. Honestly you couldn't understand how Kyoko went from beat em up mode straight to peppy girl mode, but at least now that she was distracted she wouldn't punch you hopefully. Right now it would be best to just play along with them. Although despite the fact you could see Misako growing impatient, your curiosity couldn't help it as you needed an answer to the important question.

Y/n: Yeah I overheard earlier, and It's cool about the tests I was done anyway. Say out of curiosity why is someone who doesn't go to school here sitting in detention here, at the school she doesn't attend.

She was about to respond, but Misako had had enough of the delay.

Misako: Not important, we've gotta save Kunio and Riki!

Y/n: Who?

Kyoko: Our Boyfriends, they've been kidnapped!

Misako: And it's up to us to go save them! So let's get going.

They look rather put out as they said it, Kyoko looked particularly worried while Misako smacked her fist into her palm clearly mad about it you nodded as a you realized a way to help them out and avoid reverting back into "in their way" status.

Y/n: I think I can help, I know just what to do in this kind of situation. Give me a sec.

They looked at you with hope, surprised and delighted that you might be able to help them on their mission. Without hesitation you pulled out your phone and began dialing, waiting patiently until you heard the voice on the other end. Kyoko and Misako watched with baited breath, wondering what you could be doing.

Y/n: Hello Police I'd like to report a kidnap—

You couldn't finish as Misako slapped the phone out of your hand, sending it clattering to the ground. You picked it up and immediately began assessing it for potential damages as Misako scowled at you and raises her hands threateningly. You didn't care at the moment, that flip phone was expensive.

Misako: The police that's your bright idea. We could have done that!

Y/n: Then why didn't you?

Misako: Stop wasting our time, we gotta get going if we're gonna save Kunio.

Kyoko: And Riki.

You were about to continue arguing in favor of calling the police, but the annoyed look on Misako's face said that probably wasn't the best idea. The lack of damages to your phone also helped quell your irritation at her.. Instead you meekly nodded and followed them as they left the room and entered the rundown hallways of River City High.

Unlike earlier you now took note of the other occupants in the hallway, and it seemed that they all had heard the intercom announcement and were looking to get in on the action. All around the hallway ruffians and students were eyeing up the trio of you, Misako, and Kyoko. You gulped in fright, but Misako and Kyoko weren't daunted. You stepped forward and nudged Misako on the shoulder.

Y/n: Please tell me we aren't going to start another fight.

She smirked and placed her hands on her hips, looking tauntingly at the group of students that were preparing for a fight.

Misako: We aren't starting anything, but if these morons want to get in our way they'll get what's coming to them. So how how about you bozos buzz off.

Y/n: That's not how you de-escalate a situation.

Kyoko: Sounded pretty good to me.

Misako: Thanks Kyoko, now let's smack these morons.

The students who had been polite enough to let you finish the conversation kept into action, but it didn't go well for them. Misako and Kyoko were too good at fighting for them, taking them down rather quickly with ruthless and brutal efficiency. Kyoko mostly switched between kicking and punching, occasionally stomping on those that were knocked to the ground. Misako on the other hand had picked up a nearby trash can and promptly used it as a crude bludgeoning tool.

You watched in horror and creeping attraction as these two hot girls savagely fought and beat down their opponents, your eyes taking the occasional glance at their slender legs and curves as they moved and jostled around. You whispered to yourself as you watched the fight.

Y/n: Huh guess I find strong women attractive. Good to know.

Kyoko: Hey Y/n take care of this one for me, thanks!

She surprised you by grabbing some guy by the arm and twirling around, kicking him in the back and pushing him at you. He tumbled towards you and you did your best to avoid him, jumping out of the way and letting him crash face first against some lockers. He crumpled down to the ground, out like a light. As you leaned down and began taking the money that had fallen out of his torn jacket you winced in sympathy for how painful that must have been. You went around the battlefield collecting your earnings and inserting them into your wallet as Kyoko and Misako finished up their brawl. You sighed in tried that it was now over.

Y/n: Please tell me that was the last of the fighting.

Misako: Probably not.

Y/n: Great, just great.

Kyoko: Come on lets go before more of these guys come!

Y/n: Hold on I want to wash my hands first, got a bit dirty in the fight.

The two girls slumped over and groaned, but made no motion to stop you as you approached the girls bathroom. You looked at your semi dirty hands, covered in dust from your crawling and bits of blood from all the fighting and looting. You shivered in disgust, never having been fond of having dirty hands. You pushed on the bathroom door, but it wouldn't budge. You tried again to the same result. Again and again you tried, growing more frustrated as it continued to remain closed despite you putting all of your, admirably not the best, strength into it.

Misako: Oh probably should have mentioned those are out of order.

Your head banged against the door and you had to muffle a scream of annoyance.

Y/n: This school sucks!

Kyoko: Yep!

You stomped over to the hallway water fountain, using your knee to press the side button as you placed you hands in front of the stream of drinking water. This got you off looks from your new companions.

Misako: What are you doing?

Y/n: I don't like being dirty okay!

Kyoko: Fair enough, but how are you gonna dry off?

You didn't verbally respond, instead as soon as your hands were thoroughly rinsed off you started to furiously flap them in the air, using the tried and true method of the doggy dry. Kyoko and Misako stepped away from you as water droplets flew everywhere.

Misako: Hey watch it.

Kyoko: That's so gross, and you almost got it on my hair.

Soon enough your hands were dry, and after a few last shakes you stopped and gave the annoyed girls a cheeky smile. You probably should have been more cautious about pissing them off considering how that went for the last twenty or so people that tried, but that little part of you that remembered being punched and them almost breaking your phone wasn't having any of that.

Y/n: All right after you two, let's go save your Richi and Konio.

Misako: Kunio and Riki!

Y/n: That's what I said.

Kyoko: Was it?

Misako: No Kyoko, I think she's just messing with us.

Kyoko: Oh, should I punch her.

Misako: Nah not yet.

You all shuffled into the stairwell and began descending, along the way you avoided touching the rail to avoid sitting your newly rinsed hands.

Kyoko: So what's the plan?

Misako: First we bust out of this school, then, We find whoever took our boyfriends, and then we beat the LIFE out of whoever took em'

Kyoko: Good plan!

Misako: Thanks I just came up with it.

Kyoko: Wow you are like crazy smart Misako.

Y/n: I have some questions about this plan. First of all, how de we find these people that took them. Second question, do I have to help you?

Misako: It'll be easy to find them, we just have to ask around and surely someone will know something. And if they do we get them to tell us everything they know.

Kyoko: And you said you'd do anything we wanted remember.

Y/n: I did say that didn't I.

Misako and Kyoko: Yep.

You slumped over in defeat, cursing the drawbacks of the second secret technique.

Y/n: Frick my honest ass, okay Let's just get this over with.

The next hallway had several students standing about minding their own business. For a moment you sighed in relief and trailed behind Kyoko and Misako as no one approached or tried to stop them. You thought that perhaps there wouldn't be anymore fighting today.

The intercom had other plans in mind however as it blared to life.

Intercom: Today's lunch will be vegetables with rice. Don't let those girls escape.

That probably means nothing, you told yourself as you all made your way into the chemistry classroom. On the way into the room Kyoko posed an interesting question.

Kyoko: Who would kidnap Kunio and Riki?

Y/n: Do they have any enemies?

Misako: Probably, there's those kids from other schools, police, the mob.

Kyoko: It could be anyone!

Y/n: What was that about the mob?

Misako: And who sent that text message?

Y/n: I'm gonna guess the text is how you found out they were kidnapped. But can we circle back to the mob thing.

Misako: Check your phone Kyoko

Kyoko: For what?

Misako: To find out who sent us that text.

Kyoko: Oh yeah! One sec.

Y/n: So no context for the whole mob thing for me I guess.

Misako: Are you still on that.

Y/n: Yes!

Kyoko: Got it! It says blocked caller, that's a weird name.

Misako: Dammit, of course it would be blocked

Kyoko: Oh you know him?

You slapped your hand against your face, almost knocking your contact out as you looked at Kyoko in befuddlement.

Y/n: it means it's a blocked number, not a name.

Misako: C'mon.

Inside the chemistry class you were unsurprised to find that the students who had been attending remedial sessions had been preparing an ambush for you three. The teacher didn't even seem to care as he just pulled out a newspaper and leaned against the wall.

Teacher: Be quick about it students, I have more to my lecture I want to finish.

Y/n: Oh god no, not again.

Just like before the students lunges at the three of you, your new companions leaping into it as the fighting commenced. They handled themselves well and you had no worries for them, yourself however was a different story. Three of them surrounded you and cracked their knuckles.

Y/n: Now let's not do anything hasty. Surely we don't want to fight. Let's start over, my names Y/n and I'm new here.

A smug looking guy wearing nice clothes with blond hair showing brunette roots from his bad dye job spoke up.

Smug guy: Well we do want to fight, after all it's not everyday the principal declares open season on some bitch.

Everyone in the room stopped for a moment and glared at the smug guy, even his own allies turned and gave him the stink eye. The teacher put down his newspaper and glared at him.

Teacher: Kaitsu go to the office! We do not tolerate that kind of language in my class, this is a respectful learning environment.

Other student: Yeah get lost Kaitsu.

The smug guy slumped over in disappointment and left the room mumbling while his former allies jeered and heckled him.

Smug guy (Kaistu): But we were fighting it's not fair.

As soon as the door closes behind his retreating figure the teacher gave a stern look to everyone still left in the room.

Teacher: Now please proceed with what you were doing, but remember to keep it respectable. This school has a reputation to maintain.

You looked at him in confusion, wondering where the heck the line was and just how curved and weird of a line it was. Your distraction almost proved your undoing as the two remaining students attacking you went for the surprise attack, and you barely noticed in time to evade. Not interested in being hit anymore you began running round trying to escape them, throwing books and anything you could at them to try and slow them down.

Eventually they backed you against the teachers desk, and you desperately grabbed at the biggest thing you could find. You hefted this weird head statue thing of some ugly guy that the teacher had on his desk and strained your self to chuck it at your pursuer, nailing one in the chest and causing them to fall back into the other. The statue broke as it cracked against the guys head, and you felt an odd sort of achievement as the statue broke and shattered over your opponent. Your foes were both pinned beneath the rubble of the small statue as you ran to the other side of the room and opened the door. All the while your arms were sore from picking up the heavy stone bust.

Y/n: Come on let's go!

Misako and Kyoko move past you, giving you encouraging pats on the shoulder as they looked at you impressed.

Kyoko: That was really good Y/n, You totally nailed those guys.

Misako: Didn't know you had it in you.

Y/n: Thanks, but I'd prefer to never do that again.

The three of you continued on your mission to exit the school, making your way down the hallway in order to reach the next staircase needed to get downstairs. Along the walk you rubbed your arms to soothe their soreness, the strain eventually disappearing after a couple minutes. Idly you mused that today had been the most physically active you had been for the past couple years, and you briefly considered whether you should start exercising.

That thought disappeared as you found yourself several steps behind the girls, giving you a good view to check out Misako and Kyoko's asses. You smiled dumbly as you shamelessly yet subtly watched the slight jiggling of their asses as they walked. It was easier to see the tight perky curvature of Misako's rear in her tight shorts, but your perverted mind found Kyoko's short skirt similarly tantalizing. Now that your initial fear of them was slowly subsiding, you found your attraction to them renewing. They were scary girls, but hot as fuck scary girls. Although Yo I did grimace slightly, because while they hadn't crossed the threshold of too crazy to counterbalance hotness, so far they seemed near the tipping point.

As you all approached the stairwell You where stopped as a voice called out and drew your attention to a pair of girls that looked to have been getting something from their lockers until they stopped to speak with you. As soon as you laid eyes on then you blushed, they were just as hot as Kyoko and Misako. What was even better was that there skirts were rather short, giving you a wonderful look at their smooth skin and lovely thighs. One had purple hair, and she wore a grey vest over white shirt with her red miniskirt and bow. The other was a blond who wore a grey sweater and blue skirt.

Hasebe: Oh look it's THOSE girls.

Mami: I thought I smelled something.

Misako visibly slumped over as she turned to look at these two. Meanwhile you mentally filed they're names away to your permanent memory, not wanting to forgot these two. There voices came off kinda smug, but you you thought it was in a hot way. You began working up the courage to speak.

Misako: Hasebe. Mami.

Mami: Heyyyyy Misako

Hasebe: Shouldn't you two be in detention or something?

Misako: We broke out.

Hasebe: OMG seriously I was joking.

Kyoko: And I'm ditching school to hang out here.

Y/n: Why though!

You asked her baffled still. Still, now having spoken You stepped forward and butted awkwardly into the conversation, holding your hand out to greet Mami and Hasebe..

Y/n: Hi there. I wasn't in detention, I was actually taking placement tests. I'm Y/n your soon to be new classmate it's nice to meet you.

They didn't shake your hand, giving you odd looks before snickering to themselves. After a bit they spoke. Eventually they turned away from you and looked at Misako and Kyoko again, leaving you slumped over in disappointment at having been passed over by the hot girls. They all gave you weird looks as you did this.

Misako: Any way, have either of you seen Kunio and Riki?

Hasebe: Just like everyday.

Mami: Every night actually.

Hearing this you let out a groan of disappointment as the dagger was twisted even deeper. You didn't really care to notice that it caused the four to look at you again with confused expressions.

Mami: What's wrong with her?

Kyoko: I kicked her in the gut.

Hasebe: Of course you did.

Misako: Back to Kunio and Riki, They've been kidnapped!

Kyoko: I got a text!

Mami: That must be so special for you.

Hasebe: Sorry girls haven't seen them, but we'll like so let you know when we do. Right Mami.

Mami Oh for sure.

Misako: Thanks! We gotta go beat up more people now

Hasebe: Laters

You all left after that, separating from Mami and Hasebe as you made your way down the stairs. As you walked a metaphorical rain cloud hovered above your head.

Kyoko: Those girls seemed nice

Misako: Yeah but they're crazy

Y/n (mumbling): Crazy hot.

The two of them turned to you for a moment before going back to their conversation.

Misako: Yeah they think they're dating Kunio and Riki.

Kyoko: WHAT! They better not be.

You groaned in depression as they unknowingly dug the dagger deeper into your heart. They gave you weary glances but continued on.

Misako: Relax they're brains are just broken.

Y/n (mumbling): Just like my hopes and dreams.

Kyoko: Well they're gonna be a lot more broken if they touch my Riki!

Y/n (mumbling): Just like my heart.

Misako: Did you say something Y/n?

Y/n: Just lamenting that every attractive girl in this school seems to be spoken for. What's the point of going to school if I can't get a hot girlfriend. It's like the only reason to attend school.

That seems to outrage them, as Misako gripped by the front of your clothes and both of them got inches from your face. You blushed from the proximity and the feel of the breath on your face.

Misako: Hey I'll have you know we are just as good as those two!

Kyoko: Yeah, we're definitely cuter than those two.

Y/n: Don't worry I included you on the hot but unavailable list.

They both blushed as you just threw out that you found them hot. They let go you and continued on, embarrassed at having you so openly compliment them. The silence continued as you finished descending the stairs and began traversing the hallways once again. The two of them casually punched aside everyone that got into your way as you made your way back through into the sex Ed classroom. The film from earlier was still playing, informing about the wonders of puberty. However you as You walked through you couldn't help but be confused on where everyone was? Usually when you three entered a room there was at least five people waiting to try to beat you all up. The odd silence continued into the next hallway and staircase, not an enemy in sight as you travelled.

Y/n: So where are we gonna escape from? What's the route?

Misako: We're gonna bust out through the front gate.

Y/n: What?

Kyoko: Great plan!

Y/n: That's not an escape route, it's just leaving.

Misako: Eh same thing. I just hope Mizuzu isn't here today.

Y/n: Who?

Kyoko: Oh geez, what if she is?

Misako: Your gonna let a 300 pound security guard stand in between you and Riki?

Kyoko: N-no

Y/n: That's all the context I'm gonna get isn't it?

As this conversation took place you all managed to make your way into the pool area, where to your disappointment the swim team was gone. Well even if the eye candy was gone at least you wouldn't have to fight them you thought. On second thought you considered being wrestled to the ground by several girls in swimsuits, the preferable scenario not being so clear right anymore. Shrugging it off you began descending the ladder, followed by Kyoko then Misako. About halfway down the accursed intercom blared to life again.

Intercom: Today is spirit day. Show your school spirit start by destroying those girls!

Y/n: Well that's just great, are we still heading towards the fro—

Kyoko: Don't look!

As you talked you made the mistake of looking up at the girls, forgetting that as you were on the same ladder that you could see right up Kyoko's skirt. You blushed heavily as you saw her white and blue striped panties and her shapely ass, the sudden flashing stunned you for a moment as you were struck dumb by the glorious sight. Unfortunately Kyoko got panicked by your mistake and kicked at you in reflex, knocking you off the ladder several feet.

Kyoko: Sorry.

You slowly picked yourself off the ground and gave her a thumbs up, muttering how it was worth it as they joined you on the ground. Kyoko and you couldn't look each other in the eye, something Misako found hilarious as she kept laughing at both of yours embarrassments. She leaned on your shoulder, pointing and chuckling all the while. The feel of her breasts against your arm didn't help your blushing, not that either of them noticed.

Misako: Okay that was funny, now let's blow this joint.

Kyoko: Y-yeah sure. Sorry again Y/n, reflex.

Y/n: No worries.

From the corner of your eye you sighted another statue of that ugly guy that was identical to the one in the chemistry room. Misako and Kyoko watched confused as you walked over to it and smashed it onto the floor while chuckling.

Y/n: That was fun.

Misako: You good now?

Y/n: Yeah I'm good, let's go!

Throwing open the pool doors into the gymnasium all three of you stopped dead in your tracks at what you saw. Packed into the gymnasium was a lot of students, luckily most were seated on the bleachers with snacks and drinks appearing to look uninterested in fighting you. Unfortunately a large group of cheerleaders stood assembled in the center of the gym. Alongside the cheer team was a handful of strong looking guys and girls. You didn't have time to admire their uniforms though as they stared menacingly at you. Worst of all they seemed to be cheering.

Cheer Team: Give Me a K, give me an I, Give me an L L, what does that spell KILL!

Y/n: Oh no.

And just like that the chaos began, cheerleaders cartwheeling at you with menace while the less agile students approached with fists raised. Kyoko and Misako did their thing. Your pony tailed friend kicked a guy in the stomach and then promptly began beating him senseless while Misako caught a cheerleader by the leg and and swung her around until she flew off to the side. Their next attacks didn't do much good though, as the cheerleaders were far more evasive than normal foes, they cheered and cartwheeled their way out of danger while getting in cheep potshots and insults. Your friends were winning, but it wasn't as quick as before now that the opponents had learned the third secret technique, dodge and don't be hit.

During the fight Kyoko picked up a hockey stick from somewhere and began using it to bludgeon and smack people in the face, sending several of the bigger oops one to to the ground where Misako promptly stomped on their face. Together they began tearing through enemies left and right to the fright of the crowd who relished in the blood sport.

Meanwhile you began bobbing around the battlefield, collecting fallen money and using your favored combat technique of throwing random shot at people not looking. You proudly hit several people in the face with various round things, you think they were sports balls or something. However part way through the conflict a cheerleader cartwheeled behind you and kicked you in the back. She sent you to the ground, and promptly floated over your body.

Cheerleader: Now that's another win for River City High Cheer Squad!

The crowd clapped as she kicked you in the stomach, and you curled inwards due to pain. The cheerleader was showboating as she stood over you and kicked you in the stomach, relishing in being victorious. Kyoko saw you were in trouble and told Misako who was closer, but when she tried to come over and help you fend off the cheerleader she was intercepted by this thug with a stupid pompadour. And it wasn't even a good one.

Seeing that your chief allies in this fight were unable to aid you, you slinked to our feet while the cheer girl was distracted. You pulled your arm all the way back and popped her right in The jaw as she turned around, reversing your positions so you were on top of her and she was sprawled on the ground. You fell on her with all of your fury, punching at her and pinning her to the floor. She didn't take her beating lying down though, smacking her hand into your heading and pulling on your hair as you both rolled about clawing and snarling at each other. You scratched and she thrashed, she bit and you kicked. Your pain was filled by your single minded desire to get some payback on at least one of the fuckers that had been attacking you today.

Your single mindedness payed off, as after a struggle you managed to kick her in the knee and knock down and out, leaving her a groaning pile on the floor as you stood victorious over your defeated foe. Around you about two dozen people lied brutalized by Misako and Kyoko. The crowd clapped as the battle came to an end.

Y/n: Girls I got one! See, I got her!

They gave you congratulations as you jumped up and down in excitement from your victory. This might have been the first fight you had been in where you won by punching, and it felt great to stand over your defeated foe. You made your way to join Misako and Kyoko, but as you did a rattling sound filled your ears as a stray jump rope tripped your foot and you found yourself stumbling backwards to the ground followed by a sharp crack.

Dizzily You got up and looked around, seeing your opponent crying as she cradled her leg. Dread filled you as you realized you must have landed hard on it.

Y/n: Oh crap, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I just fell and—

From halfway across the room another cheerleader saw what happened and yelled out.

Cheerleader: Hey she broke Shannon's leg!

Cheerleader 2: And just before the big pep rally today!

The crowd erupted in boos as some kids tried to throw stuff at you. You dodged a plate of nachos sent at you and began running for Kyoko and Misako.

Y/n: It was an accident I swear!

The cheer squad stared daggers at you, their eyes blazing with fury.
Cheerleader: this is personal now bitch, We're coming for you!

Y/n: It was an accident and you all attacked us first!

A stray hamburger from the bleachers hit near your feet and you had to dodge the ketchup splatter. A bag of chips hit you dead on and you had to brush the chips and crumbs off of you as you glared at the crowd. Your glare was interrupted as a plate of French fries hit your head, getting several stuck in your hair. Seeing the ketchup soaked wedges splatter on your jacket pushed you over the limit, your face went red with incandescent rage as you began angrily pointed and screamed profanity at the people at everyone around you.

Y/n: Eff Off! You all want a piece of this I'll burn all You crapholes like the last jerks who crossed me!

That didn't help as even more began pelting stuff at you, getting you to run away, flipping everyone off while grabbing stray money off the ground on your way to regroup with Kyoko and Misako and left the gym. You were lucky that nothing bad seemed to hit you, and that everything that did was easily brushed off. Still as you all three left and began entering the cafeteria Misako plucked a French fry from your hair and dropped it to the floor while wincing in disgust.

Misako: That one had ketchup, you might wanna go get cleaned up.

Kyoko: Wow that escalated quickly.


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