The Missing Zip Tie | Bocchi...

Anwwwes द्वारा

21.9K 581 464

Kamisato Ichiro is a 17-years-old boy a former introvert who is one of the members of Five Times Rock, which... अधिक

Ch.1 : Unusual meeting
Ch.2 : Mysterious Bassist and Strange Vocalist
Extra: Valentine Day's special
Ch.3 : You are my friend?
Ch.4 : Stalker?
Ch.5 : "Shopping"
Ch.6 : Spying and some drunk girl
Ch.7 : Private practicing with "Kessoku Band"
Ch.8 : I don't need a girlfriend
Ch.9 : The exams
Ch.10 : Visiting Bocchi
(Fake Ch.) : Confession to Bocchi
Ch.11 : Visiting Bocchi part 2
Ch.13 : Back to Starry
About this story
Ch.14 : First performance
Ch.15 : They came to my house
10K Special
Ch.16 : Declassified?
Ch.17 : Last Days Of Summer [1] Date Or Not A Date

Ch.12 : Meeting with Bocchi's parents

742 23 15
Anwwwes द्वारा

By the way, there are 3800 words here.

(What the heck is this?) - I thought while looking at my piece of paper.

I used a whole sheet just to draw a T-shirt.Although the result was not a T-shirt, but an incomprehensible polygon.To be honest, it can't even be called a drawing.Even my younger sister would draw better than me even though she is only 7 years old!

I sighed and started thinking again : (If I ever have to worry about our band's merch, let Yuuki do it, he's surprisingly good at drawing.It's like his parents enrolled him in art school when he was a kid, he told us about it.Yes, maybe he can come up with a good merch for us someday.Why am I even thinking about this? There are more important things to do now.) - I looked at my drawing again and my mood soured.

"I'm done!" - Kita exclaimed joyfully.

"Oh, let's see it." - Nijika said and we all looked at her waiting for her to show us her drawing.

Kita showed us her design right away.Her t-shirt design could be seen on a piece of paper.It was painted purple and featured stars and inscriptions such as Kessoku Band, fight on! And win it!

"Um..." - I didn't have words to describe it.

"Concept - friendship, work, victory!" - Kita explained her t-shirt design to us.

"We have a concert, not a sports festival!" - Nijika apparently did not like this design, well, who will blame her for this.But after her words, Bocchi's pencil stem broke, which none of us paid attention to.

"So what? I think it's cute!" - Kita replied with a smile.

"Wait. What about the victory? We do not compete with others." - Nijika replied with a nervous smile, and I felt the atmosphere slowly start to build up but not seriously.

" in spirit!" - Kita thought for a moment and answered.

"What?" - Nijika asked with incomprehension. And I just watched the two of them, hoping that they would not ask me about anything.Just don't drag me into this please.

"Think for yourself! In these T-shirts, we really become one.Do you think so too, Ichiro-senpai?" - Kita looked at me and straight up started to glow.

(No! Why are you asking me??) - I could not answer her because she was sparkling while waiting for my answer.But I have to tell her the truth anyway.

"Well, that's good, but I would say that it's not suitable for a concert." - I explained to her and tried to avoid her aura.

"Hmm..What about you Goto-sa-" - Kita didn't finish as we all looked at Bocchi to see how she was shaking.

"Class unity!" - Bocchi cried out nervously and still shaking.

"Bocchi-chan, are you mentally traumatized by sports day?!" - Nijika asked her loudly.

"I think you hit the mark." - I said and after a few seconds the Bocchi literally started to melt.

"Looks like Goto-san is starting to melt." - Kita said in a cheerful tone.

"Well it's a hot day after all." - Nijika answered while we all watched Bocchi melt.

"No, she literally melts!" - I said and thought that maybe I'm the only one who sees this and I just have holucinations.

"Yes, you're right, it's quite hot today." - I calmed down and exhaled from the heat.

Within seconds, Bocchi was still melting. Kita looked flustered and Nijika had just eaten a pocky while they were both looking at her. As for me, I just watched videos on my phone.

"This week's Bocchi Time lasted through the whole commercial break." - Nijika said while eating pocky.

"Yes, you're right, I've already watched the 30 second non-skippable commercial ad." - After my words, I put the phone back in my pocket.

"Oh wow, that's too long." - Nijika said and was a little surprised how long Bocchi has been in this state.

"Did I say something wrong?" - Kita said thinking it was because of her that Bocchi is like this right now.

"Oh Kita-chan you are such a diabolic vixen!" - Nijika made a statement that left Kita a little shocked.

"Eh? Goto-san come back to us!" - Kita screamed, moving her arms from side to side.

"I don't think this will help. Maybe we'll have to wait." - I said but then suddenly someone opened the door to this room.

"Look! They are real!" - I recognized that voice as Futari's and the three of us turned around to see two adults staring at us from around the corner.I think anyone would come to the conclusion that they are Bocchi and Futari's parents right? They literally have the same hair color and eye color as Bocchi and Futari so...

They were surprised when they saw us but we were also surprised.

Then the man, as I suspect, Bocchi's father looked at me, then at Futari, then back at me and back at her.To get a negative shake of the head from Futari. After that, he sighed, whether from happiness or from sadness, it is not clear.Honestly, it took them two seconds. And what were those views from him anyway? Hopefully not what I'm thinking.And if so, then I wonder how this girl can be 5 years old?

Anyway,Kita and Nijika decided to greet them.

"Good afternoon!" - Kita greeted them with a smile.

"Hello!" - Nijika also greeted them and then I began to think that I also need to greet, I will not make a bad first impression as a guest.

"Greetings." - I greeted respectfully, as usual.

In the end, we were all called to dinner. We all went to the kitchen and Bocchi's mother was preparing food.And her father cooked food in the kitchen.The four of us sat on the couch. I'm to Nijiki's left, Bocchi and Kita to her right.Bocchi by the way is still not herself, probably still thinking about the sports festival. There were already a couple of dishes on the table and ... wait, is that pizza?

"I already have tears welling up! I was afraid that Hitori would never bring friends." - Her father began to speak, but he did not cry, do not believe it.

"Eat as much as you want." - Bocchi's mother called us to eat.She doesn't act like Bocchi at all.

"We will\Thank you so much." - Nijika and Kita thanked her.

"Thank you very much!" - I said and an aura went out from me, because of which Nijika and Kita had to close their eyes because it was so bright.

"Ichiro-senpai is too bright!" - Kita said while covering her eyes with her hands.

(Look who's talking.) - Nijika thought about it and remembered Kita's aura.

Actually I haven't eaten pizza in a long time so you can't blame me.I was engrossed in eating pizza so I didn't hear their conversation for a few seconds.

"She sometimes goes into her own world, doesn't that bother you?"

"Ah... No, no, it doesn't bother us at all." - Kita said with a smile and looked at Bocchi who was still emotionally traumatized.

"Yes, it's even more fun!" - Nijika also looked at Bocchi.

"Yes, I like that part of her too.It's fun from time to time." - I answered and started eating pizza again. I don't even know how I only eat one bite in a whole minute.

"I see." - Bocchi's mother said happily.

"All done." - Bocchi's father passed the plate of food to mother.

Then she took the plate in her hands and walked over to us. Bocchi was still emotionally damaged until her mom showed her the plate.

"Here is Karaage." - Her mother put the plate on the table.As soon as Bocchi saw it, she gasped a little and snapped out of her trance.

"Wow, looks delicious!" - Kita and Nijika both shouted in delight.

We started eating and Bocchi's mother started talking to us.

"When she said that she would invite her friends, I thought that she might have hollucinations.But then we saw the photo." - Her mother explained to us.

"Hallucinations?" - Nijika nervously asked.

"But you know, nowadays you can photoshop anything." - Her father also began to speak, thus even I feel the emotional damage from these words.

 "Photoshop?" - Kita asked without understanding.

"It means to change the photo as you want in a photo editor. Link in description by the way." - I tried to explain to her as simply as possible.

"Wow Ichiro-senpai you are so smart!" - Kita said while her eyes sparkled.

(It's just the base...) - I thought and started eating karaage.

"Just in case,you are one of those rent-a-friend services?" - Her father asked us, after which Nijika and I opened our eyes in shock, and Bocchi herself froze without eating a piece of karaage.

(Wow, how much they do not believe in their daughter.) - I thought about it and kept blinking my eyes in shock.

"We really play with her in the same band!" - Nijika said nervously trying to make them believe.

"Yes, and even though I'm not in their group, but I'm her friend." - I said the words. What else could I say? I'm not in their band, how can I confirm that I'm her friend?

"I see. Then I'm glad. She just brought friends for the first time!" - After his words he started laughing. Well Nijika and I laughed nervously too.

(Wow, even my parents reacted better when I showed them my friends.I made my friends as an introvert, but her parents reaction is something else.) - I thought and stopped my laughter.

"The last few days, Hitori couldn't sit still.She's been waiting for this day.She decorated her room, then she kept taking everything off and on.And so in a circle. She said that this was a rehearsal before the arrival of friends." - Her mother speaks in a cheerful tone.

"She also practiced playing Twister, in case you decide to propose it." - Her father took over and continued to talk about how Bocchi was preparing for our arrival.

"M-Mom, Dad! Don't spill everything!" - Bocchi nervously tried to stop them.

"But I didn't expect her to bring home a boy." - Her mother said as if she was still shocked, but she wasn't.

"I agree, if you don't mind, can you tell us how you met Hitori?" - The two of them looked at me waiting for my answer while Bocchi tensed a little.

"Okay so-" - I couldn't continue because Bocchi stood up abruptly.

"I-I'll be away for a few minutes." - Bocchi left the room nervously.

"I think she doesn't want me to talk about it." - I said, well, she obviously doesn't want to hear me say that she literally spilled soda all over me when we first met.I don't even know what her parents' reaction would have been.

"Okay, we won't ask about it anymore." - Her mother said and her father nodded.

(You know they are very nice.) - I thought now I'm completely calm.

A few minutes later we were talking and having fun, and Hitori stood at the door not knowing how to enter into such an atmosphere.As a result, for the whole day we played and watched a movie.The sky turned yellow and it was already evening.I'm not going to say how the day went.Therefore, during the film, Kita pressed against my arm twice. Once during the kiss scene.Do not even try girl, I'm absolutely dense.And besides, it was not even a horror movie!

"I really enjoyed playing Twister and President!" - Kita said while smiling.

"And me! It was super fun!" - Nijika yelled out her answer.

"I think you completely forgot why we came here at all." - I said and looked at Nijika and Kita.

"That's right, we need to think about the design of T-shirts. Wait." - Kita said and then looked at Hitori.By the way, she started trembling again. And for some reason, before that, she put on those mustaches again.

"Ichiro-senpai, Ijichi-senpai, Goto-san has another seizure!" - Kita screamed softly.

"And I even know why. A film about a beautiful youth is like a punch in the gut for her." - Nijika told us her opinion.

"Well,you can't argue with this." - I said and shrugged.

"So this is my fault again!?" - Kita screamed in shock.

Let's take a quick look at what's in Bocchi's head right now.

(For us introverts, films about youth are the most traumatic movie genre!According to Japanese Introvert-) - She stopped when Nijika began shaking her shoulders.

"Bocchi-chan we're running out of time! Come to yourself!" - Nijika continued to shake her shoulders, which didn't seem to help much.

"Nothing will come of it, she should soon calm down herself." - After I said this, Nijika stopped and then a notification came on her tablet.

"Oh Ryo sent in a bunch of design ideas!" - Nijika took the tablet in her hand.

"Really?! I want to see them!" - Kita said and she seemed to be very eager to see her design.

"For a person like Ryo-san to design...I just can't believe it..." - I muttered in disbelief, and prepared to see what she had sent.

Nijika opened the photo that Ryo sent and there was....what is it, curry?

"What it is?" - Nijika asked without realizing what Ryo had just sent.

"Well, it's curry." - I just gave the exact answer to her question.

"Yes, I know." - Nijika said and swiped the screen to look at the next photo.

The next photo was now with sushi.

"And now it's sushi." - Kita said and she did not understand anything.

"I don't know your opinion, but I don't think sushi suits this guy." - I said while looking at the screen trying to come up with at least something that could be a description of this design.

"I think so too." - Kita agreed with me.

"I don't understand." - Nijika said as she swiped again to go to the next photo. How many of them are there in general?In the next photo, she literally wrote what she would choose for dinner.

"Well, to be honest, it was expected." - I said because it was kinda foolish to hope that she would actually come up with something serious.Meanwhile, Nijika got angry and told her to choose for herself.After which Kita wrote to her that she would choose curry.

"You don't have to answer her Kita-chan!" - Nijika tried to convince her.

"H-Hey..." - Hitori called us nervously and we shifted our gazes to her as she finally came to her senses.

"Oh Bocchi-chan are you back?" - Nijika asked her to maybe make sure.

"Um,yes.I wanted to show you my design." - After her words, Hitori stood up and opened the album to show her design that she came up with.

After she showed us her sketch, we all gasped.


"So what do you think?" - She said in such a tone as if she was proud of her work.

(It sucks!) - Nijika thought while looking at Bocchi's design.

"It's too fashionable?" - Bocchi asked for our opinion, although it is clear here.

These fonts. I remember how Matsuoka wearing t-shirts with the same font in middle school.

"Around these fingers flows the strongest mana of the dark emperor himself. Obey my order pure angel! Do you feel this aura at your feet?Then you are the chosen one, you will help the dark emperor to take over the whole world!"

Yeah ... take away these memories already.

"These T-shirts are sure to grab attention during a performance." - Bocchi continued talking and she was clearly convinced that this was a successful design.

"Yes.You don't even know how much." - Nijika agreed with her, but that means something completely different.

"Yes, it will be very popular..." - I said and hoped Hitori would read between the lines.But in response to my answer, she only giggled a little, pleased with herself. She clearly did not read between the lines...

"Why are there zippers and chains?" - Kita asked as she pointed to them in the drawing.

"The zippers are for storing picks and the chain serves as a strap for the guitar." - Bocchi explained to us everything she came up with with this t-shirt.

"Suddenly very practical!" - Nijika was a little surprised by this.After that, Hitori began to giggle and move her body in place.

"Well I suppose all unanimously?" - She continued to move in place.

"But I have a question why there are more chains because everyone only has one guitar. But Nijika-san plays the drums, why does she need chains on her T-shirt?" - I asked her but she didn't listen as she went into her world for a while. Nijika and Kita were a little surprised since I said something other than just the look of the T-shirt.

"I didn't even think about it. Bocchi-chan, are your everyday clothes like that too?" - Nijika asked her carefully thinking that she would answer in the affirmative.

"My mom buys clothes for me, so no." - Hitori stopped moving and giggling and answered her.

"And by the way, I don't wear them. They're not my style." - She said and sat back down.But these two seem to have found it interesting enough.

"Eh! I want to see!\And me! Never seen you in anything but the sweatsuit!" - They approached her and began to ask her to try on clothes.

"Eh?!" - Bocchi was too surprised and blinked her eyes quickly.

"You also want to see her in something else, Ichiro-senpai, right?" - Kita turned to me and started trying to sling me over to them.

"Exactly, you are also not interested in how she will look in different clothes?" - Nijika also began to persuade me, because if I agree, then we will be in the majority.Well, I'd be lying if I said I'm not interested, but...

"Fine." - I agreed, whereupon Bocchi let out another cry of surprise, then they returned to coax her.

"Please please!" - The two of them speak at the same time and then looked at me and I understood what I had to do.

"Please please..." - I said usually without any pressure.

"Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!" - They continued to scream in her face in sync.My God, they look like Kei and Makoto at this moment...And by the way, that's not a compliment.

"I-I can do that..." - She said nervously, apparently she didn't really want to do it.

"Hurray!" - They shouted together again in unison.Well done girls, you just got her to change clothes through persuasion. This is something to be proud of,I guess.

She ended up changing her clothes.The two of them then froze in place in shock.

"You... you're so cute!" - They both shouted.

Well, I can agree that she's cute, but you can tell from her face that she literally doesn't like it.

"Awesome! Look over here!" - Kita's eyes sparkled and she pulled out her phone, ready to take a picture of Bocchi.

"N-No photo please." - Bocchi said very nervously.

"I knew it, Bocchi-chan is a cutie." - Nijika said and nodded her head in agreement with her words.What is actually going on here?? Where did I end up??

"Just because of her behavior, it's easy to forget about it!" - Kita said in a cheerful tone.

"Can I get changed now?" - Hitori said and man I can see how uncomfortable she is right now.

"No, wait! I have an idea! Let's move the bangs to the side." - Bocchi was shocked, but before she could do anything, Nijika had already moved her bangs to the side.

In general, at that moment something came to my phone and I opened our general band chat.I did not notice at all how the wind blew into the room, and some kind of music began, or that Bocchi began to melt.

By the way, this is a message from Naoto.And what's there?

Naoto: Look at this guy!

Huh?Is that a duck?Did he seriously just send a picture of a duck?

"Bocchi-chan is crumbling right before our eyes!" - Nijika said in a rather dramatic tone.

"You opened her face and her body could not withstand such emotional stress!" - Kita started to explain something, but somehow Makoto started talking about ducks.


"Bocchi-chan is dead..." - Nijika said sadly.

"We'll have to look for a new guitarist." - Kita came up with the idea and I thought what the heck is going on there? Why such drama?

But suddenly Nijika grabbed her head, which made Kita surprised and asked her

"What's wrong with you senpai?!" - Kita was very shocked by this turn of events.

"I have a sudden weakness! The room became so musty, as if all the oxygen was pumped out of here!" - Nijika started looking around the room.

"It got into my lungs!" - Nijika said weakly.

"Oh no! Me too!" - Kita also said weakly.

"I can't. The strength is leaving me." - Nijika said and fell to the floor exhausted.

"Could this be Goto-san's curse?" - Kita followed Nijika's lead and fell to the floor.

-_- "Huh?" - I looked at them dispassionately, what kind of drama they staged here, this is not a theater for you.

Nijika looked at me and started speaking in a weak voice : "Why are you still okay?"

....Should I play along? Well why not.

"Heh. As a former introvert, I am immune to this." - I said and made a smirk.

"You... traitor." - Nijika said and turned away from me.

-_- ?

"Guys,would you like some dessert?" - I heard Hitori's mother's voice outside the door and I started to get a little nervous.Imagine if she came in and saw Nijika and Kita lying on the floor, but I didn't.So I have to play along again.I thought quickly and fell to the floor.

And I accidentally pressed the button on my phone that turns on the voice message that Naoto sent.All I heard was duck sounds.This idiot recorded a full minute of duck noises!

"The sweets that Kita-chan brought..." - Then I heard her father's voice and the sound of the door opening.


Then the two of them screamed in surprise and shock.

(Sorry for always trying to be positive.) - Nijika thought apologetically to us.

(I'm sorry I never learned to play the guitar. I'm sorry for being so cute.) - Kita also apologized to us, but only in her head.

(Somebody turn this duck off!) - I'm seriously tired of hearing this duck even though it's only been ten seconds.

"They all became the same losers as the sister!" - Futri giggled while Hitori's father and mother was very nervous and didn't know what to do.

"Dear, bring salt and talismans!" - Her mother screamed nervously.

"S-Should we call an exorcist?!" - Her father replied as nervously as she did. I noticed that Nijika wrote something on the phone, I don't know what it is though.

Meanwhile with Ryo

She was sitting in a restaurant eating curry when suddenly a message from Nijika came to her phone.

Nijika: You will have to perform alone, Ichiro-kun will help you.

"Why?" - She asked without understanding.

In the end, we all went home. I called Yuuki and he answered the phone.

"What do you think about creating merch?" - I asked him while walking home.

"Huh?" - He answered a little surprised.

I finally finished this arc.Writing about anime events can be quite tiring ngl.

Speaking of which, what do you think of the harem route? Should I write it? This will be a separate route like the other four girls, so it won't affect anything.

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