The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB...


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Vergil has risen after defeating the almighty Mundus he has taken the throne of Hell next to him Charlie Magn... More

Report: Vergil
Report: Charlie
Report: Octavia
Report: MISC Characters
Ch.1 Sparda Life
Ch.2 Trial of War
Ch.3 Sleepover
Ch.4 New Group
Ch.5 Training
Ch.6 Rising Tensions
Ch.7 Declaration of War
Ch.8 Overthrown
Ch.9 Sister of Charlie
Ch.10 Sibling Battles
Ch.11 Alliances
Ch.12 Hideout
Ch.13 Ambush
Ch.14 The Old Tower
Ch.15 Rise of the Dark Emperor
Report: Dark Emperor Vergil
Ch.16 Return to Hell
Ch.17 The Knight of Darkness
Ch.18 Imminent War
Ch.19 The Spark Ignites The Fire
Ch.20 Human Collaborators
Ch.21 Return of the Qliphoth
Ch.22 A New Army
Ch.23 The Hunter
Ch.24 Alliance
Ch.25 Preparations
Ch.26 The Battle
Ch.27 True Power


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*Months later

Vergil: Umbra should be home with her soon.

Griffon: How was she when you last saw her?

Vergil: Terrible.

Griffon: I'll get the others up.

*Griffon flies off

Vergil: *Sigh.

*In Octavia's room

Silver: It's been too quite he should be-

*Griffon crashes through.

Silver: Here.

Griffon: Rise and shine ladies! Your new born sister is almost here and it's time to get up and meet her.

Octavia: GET OUT!

*Griffon flies out

Silver: Have you though about locking the door?

Octavia: Tried that he broke it once.

Silver: See you out there.

*In the living room

Silver: Ready for this?

Vergil: Been ready for many years.

*Silver, Octavia, Amphorn, Neos, Shadow,Griffon, Lady, and Trish all wait in the living room for the new arrival.

Umbra: Where here!

Silver: Here she comes!

Octavia: I'm excited!

Credit: Owlenne

Charlie: Here she is. Little Roseanne Sparda.

Silver: She is so CUTE! Can I hold her?

Umbra: Let the father go first.

*Charlie give Roseanne to Vergil.

Vergil: Our own child.

Charlie: Never thought this would happen in centuries.

Vergil: Fate is very strange but rewarding.

Trish: So at what age can I start training her?

Vergil: When I say so. She needs to learn one thing at a time.

Trish: Eh guess so.

Lady: She's only been in the world for a few days or whatever this place is for a few days.

Trish: It's a dimension.

*A phantom of Dante appears as he tries to grabs Roseanne.

Vergil: While I would like everyone to see you; you look very tired. You need rest.

Dante: Come on.

*Vergil looks at Dante and smiles.

Dante: Whatever.

*Charlie heads begins to head to her room

Sparda: You have made quite a journey Charlotte.

Charlie: It was a journey just to get home.

Sparda: I can only imagine. I remember when Eva bore Vergil and Dante.

*Charlie begins to sleep while standing.

Sparda: You need rest more than my stories. I'll take you to your room.

*Sparda helps Charlie get in bed.

Sparda: I am very proud of you both, for many things.

Henceforth the war came to an end. Zegan was defeated and everything returned to a new normal. Vergil returned to the throne and reunited the royalty. The family of Sparda was reunited and transformed as Octavia and Silver Moon have been titled dark knight by the hand of Dark Emperor Vergil. Charlie and Umbra accepted one another again. Amphorn managed to snag a new girlfriend, the one being Octavia and later marry and bear a child and the same occurs with Silver and Neos.

*You have reached the end of the story. Hope you enjoyed the story of the Alpha and Omega. Expect some bonus chapters for this story as well


Owlenne: Amphorn, Neos, Silver Moon, Roseanne, Eligos, Baal, Zegan, Umbra

TREVORVADER: Dark Emperor Vergil

Capcom: Army of Sparda demons. Vergil, Dante, Sparda, Eva, Nevan,  Cerberus, Agni and Rudra, Griffon, Shadow, Nightmare.




Gilgamesh as a Boss art source:

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