Kcris & Jeena

By Kcristy_

675 114 39

Kcris is a businesswoman who also loves to dance and create music and so owns a studio alongside many busines... More

Jeena misunderstands Kcris.
Kcris helps Jeena.
Kcris meets Alex, the girlfriend.
Kcris has a daughter?
Jeena makes Kcris walk away for good.
Alex is in the hospital.
Jeena learns the truth.
Finally, both meet once again.
Jeena meets Mrs. Fabiola.
Jeena and Alex end up fighting.
Kcris takes Jeena to meet Casey.
Casey died 5 years ago.
Jeena learns about Kcris' past.
Kcris finally visits Casey.
Kcris saves Jeena from an accident.
Dinner at Fabiolas' mansion.
Jeena is targeted in college.
Jeena finds Alex cheating on her.
Kcris can't see Jeena hurting.
Jeena learns all about Alex's lies
I'll be your cocoon.
Jeena wants to gift a bulb onion.
Kcris and Jeena, to live together.
Jeena is pissed off at Kcris.
Jeena is booked as a suspect.
Alex surrenders.
Kcris and Jeena end up fighting.
Kcris meets an old college friend.
Kcris goes missing.
Jeena to stay with Ayesha.
Kcris and Alaric go drinking.
Kcris learns about Jeena's smoking habit.
Alaric kisses Kcris.
Kcris and Jeena have a moment.
Kcris sees Dr. Sammy.
Will Jeena agree to Kcris' proposal?
Kcris is rushed to the hospital.
A day to date.
Is it a one-day relationship?
Kcris is back from the UK?
Jeena meets Kcris' mother.
Both start living together again.
Na Bi likes Kcris since her college days.
Kcris' arm is the new pillow.
Cat is out of the bag.
Jeena is poisoned.
Neil visits Jeena in the hospital.
Jeena goes to Angelica's office.
Jeena wants a sugar-mommy.
Arson in Kcris' office.
Jeena defends Na Bi in front of all.
Neil is Kcris' new investor.
Jeena picks up Kcris from the airport.
Name it as you like.
One fine day...

Jeena tries to clear the misunderstanding.

5 1 0
By Kcristy_

"Can't we come to see our sister?"
Jeena immediately rectifies herself by saying, "It's not like that, Neil. Of course, you can come anytime. After all, it's your sister's house. What I meant before is that Kcris hasn't been home since the night we went to a party hosted by Mr. David Pioneer. Anyway, just come inside first then we can talk."
After getting inside, the first thing Amy does is that she rushes to the kitchen window to look at the flower beds behind the house. Amy in excitement goes like, "I love these flowers. They are so beautiful. (And then, suddenly the excitement in her voice turns into a sad one.) Casey planted these when she first moved here years back."
Amy controls her tears and fake smiles before coming to the living area, where Jeena and Neil are standing. Neil turns to Jeena and goes like, "So, you are saying, my sister, hasn't been home for the past 2 days."
"Yes. And, even her phone is switched off."
Neil thinks to himself, "Where could his sister be gone?"
Amy suggests, "Why don't you call Tessa? Mom said Ria's adoption papers were signed yesterday in Kcris' office. So, maybe she knows something."
"Good idea, Amy." And then Jeena calls Tessa putting the phone on speaker.
"Hi, Tessa. Do you have any idea where Kcris might be?"
"No, Miss Jeena."
Listening to this, Neil shouts, "What sort of secretary are you Tessa, to not know the whereabouts of your own boss?"
Amy immediately puts her hand on Neil's shoulder gesturing for him to calm down. This makes Neil straight away apologize, "I am sorry Tessa. I didn't mean to shout. Can you please tell me what is the last time my sister was in the office?"
"Sir, ma'am hasn't been in the office since the day of Pioneer Industries' event. But, she was here yesterday for about 15 minutes. Once the adoption paperwork was done, she right away left. We too are looking for her."
Amy asks Tessa if she has checked the hotel suite. To which Tessa replies, "Yes, Miss Amy. We have checked everywhere. Her house, hotel suite, all the offices. But, she is nowhere to be found."
Jeena understands that Tessa can't be of much help right now, so she disconnects the call asking Tessa to inform them in case, she finds out anything about Kcris. Before this, Jeena has been under the impression that maybe Kcris is too busy with her work and that's why she isn't home. But, now she is actually worried. Neil has called Sean and Ray too, but they also know nothing. Ultimately, after trying almost everything, Neil asks Jeena, "Can you please tell me what exactly happened that night?"
"We came home after that event. We had just gotten inside the house when Kcris got a call."
Before Jeena could finish, Amy realizes something.
"Wait, you said Kcris got a call when you came back home. Was it 40-45 minutes after you left?"
Jeena gives it a thought and goes like, "Yes, we were home around that time. Why? Why do you ask, Amy?"
"Because it was me. I called Kcris."
Neil and Jeena are in a bit of shock. Seeing the questioning expression on their face, Amy right away goes like, "I called to tell Kcris about the person who bumped into us that night."
At the same moment, Jeena asks Amy, "Who was it?"
"Some girl named Alexis Taylor. Actually, she dropped her wallet and that's why the security guards were able to identify her."
Jeena is disquieted by Amy's revelations and so, she sits on the couch mumbling, " That's why Kcris said that to me, that day."
All this ongoing conversation between Amy and Jeena adds to the confusion for the already perplexed Neil and hence he asks Jeena to explain the situation.
"Neil, I am so sorry. It's my fault that nobody can get a hold of Kcris."
Amy thinks that Jeena is unnecessarily blaming herself for the current situation as she knows nothing about Jeena's past relationship with Alex or for that matter about the difference in Kcris and Jeena's opinions on Alex. So, Amy sits next to Jeena on the couch, holding Jeena's hand, and tries to console her by saying, " Don't blame yourself. Kcris is like this only. She often disappears like this and all of us are left to worry. It's nothing, she'll come back in no time. Don't worry."
Neil is also of the same opinion as Amy that it isn't Jeena's fault, so he also tries to console Jeena by saying, "Maybe she is hurt because of Ria's adoption. My sister adores Ria like anything. This could be the reason for my sister, wanting to be alone."
"You guys are not understanding. Kcris is upset because she thinks that I lied to her."
Amy's inquisitiveness makes her go like, "Did you, Jeena?"
"Of course not, Amy. It's just a misunderstanding."
"Oh! Then, what exactly is the matter, Jeena?"
Before Jeena could answer the question of Amy, Neil speaks up, "We will deal with all this later. Right now, we should focus on finding my sister. Misunderstanding or no misunderstanding. It doesn't matter unless we find Kcris."
And there is a pin-drop silence in the room. All three are immersed in their own thoughts, when all of a sudden, Jeena gets up and asks, "You guys came here by car, right?"
Neil and Amy, both in sync say, "Yes."
"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go."
"Huh?... Where?"
"I know where Kcris is. Come on, get up. Chop-chop."
Neil is in the driver's seat with Amy next to her whereas Jeena hops in the backseat. Neil starts the car and asks, "Where are we going, Jeena?"
"To the hotel."
Listening to this, Neil hits the brake.
"Why did you stop, Neil?" asks Jeena.
"What's wrong with your hearing, Jeena? Didn't you hear me and Amy tell you that Kcris wasn't in the hotel suite this morning."
"Oh-ho Neil. I did hear you guys. But, please, trust me. Kcris is there only."
"But?" And before Neil can finish his statement, Amy asks him to do as Jenna says. Half an hour later, they reach the hotel. Amy and Jeena get off at the hotel’s main entrance whereas Neil takes the car to the parking area.
After getting inside the hotel, Jeena instead of taking the elevator goes to the left side corridor and this confuses Amy as the presidential suite in which Kcris stays is on the 8th floor. Jeena then tells Amy that Kcris is in that room, pointing towards the room at the end of the corridor. Both go there and knock, but no one answers. So, to confirm, Amy and Jeena now go to the reception. They are denied any information as the receptionist says, "Sorry, ma'am. We are not allowed to disclose any such information. It is against our rules."
Jeena in more of a pleading tone asks the receptionist, "We are not asking to open the door or anything. We are just asking you to tell us who is staying in that room."
"Sorry, we can't help you, ma'am. We can't process your request."
While all this commotion is going on, Neil comes from behind and goes like, "But, you'll process my request, right?"
The receptionist looks in Neil's direction and immediately greets him in a bit fumbled voice, "Of course sir. (after a small pause) Good afternoon sir."
"Then please, do whatever these ladies are asking you to."
"But, sir..."
Neil looks at the receptionist with a raised eyebrow and so, she checks in the system right away and says, "It's your sister, sir. The room is booked under the name Miss Kcristina Pattinson."
After knowing this, Neil instructs the receptionist, "Get the master keys and get the room open right now."
The receptionist takes the keys and all four, the receptionist, Neil, Amy, and Jenna start walking toward the room. While walking through the corridor, Amy in an excited tone, whispers into Neil's ear, "Does the receptionist owe you something, for her to follow your instructions?"
Neil slightly hits on the back of Amy's head before telling her, "No, stupid. She does so because I am her boss too. My sister and I, both are the majority shareholders of this hotel. Remember?"
This is the first time Jeena has seen Neil take control of a situation like this. Usually, Neil is like Kcris' funny little brother. Today, Jeena has seen Kcris' reflection in Neil for the first time.
The moment, the room is opened and all three along with the receptionist get in, they are in for a huge shock. The state of the room tells that it hasn't been cleaned for a day or two as there are lots of bottles of various alcoholic drinks lying on the floor. Kcris has been lying weirdly on the sofa with one leg on the handrest and another on the floor. Kcris' one arm is on her forehead whereas her other hand lies on the floor near to which glass is kept. It seems that Kcris has passed out drinking as her glass is still unfinished.
Neil picks up Kcris in his arms and while taking her out of the room, he asks the receptionist to get the room clean. In the car, Jeena takes the backseat with Kcris who is still sleeping soundly with her head placed in Jeena's lap. Neil tells Jeena that he'll first drop her at her house (i.e. Casey's house which is now owned by Kcris) and then he'll take Kcris home with him. Jeena doesn't like this idea and hence asks Neil to let Kcris be with her as she is the one responsible for Kcris' condition. Neil is hesitant to take up Jeena's request, but because of Amy's persuasion, he agrees.
Upon reaching the house, Neil helps Jeena to put Kcris to bed. Before leaving, Neil gives Jeena her card and tells her, "Here is my private number. If you need any help just call me. I am in town for a few more weeks. Even when I am not in town, I can still get you help. So, feel free to call anytime."
And then Amy and Neil leave. Jeena then goes to Kcris' room. Jeena wipes Kcris' body with a wet towel and helps her change clothes as her old clothes are stinking because of the alcohol.
As exams are ahead and very less time remains, Jeena decides to pull an all-nighter. While studying, Jeena would get up every two hours to stretch and hydrate herself. During this time, Jeena would also check up on Kcris and fix her blanket whenever she throws it off. Around 6 or 6:30 in the morning, Jeena falls asleep, putting her head down on the center table while still sitting on the floor.
Sometime later, Kcris gets up and comes out of her room. Seeing Jeena like that, Kcris covers Jeena with a sheet and goes back to her room. An hour or so later, Jeena gets up, folds the sheet which she has on her, arranges her books, and goes straight to the kitchen. Jeena fixes a hangover soup for Kcris and a salad for herself. Jeena also makes tuna sandwiches for breakfast. Jeena is almost done with preparing breakfast when she sees Kcris coming out of her room and heading out. Jeena calls for Kcris, "Please, eat before going out."
Kcris comes to the dining table without saying anything. Jeena serves breakfast and tells Kcris to start eating. Jeena joins Kcris after freshening up. Once Kcris is done, she gets up and puts the utensils in the kitchen sink.
"Thank you for the breakfast." After saying this, Kcris is walking out, but before that happens, she is stopped by Jeena.
"I want to talk to you, Kcris."
"But, I don't want to. I have nothing to say to you, Jeena."
Jeena has a sarcastic muffled laugh when she goes like, "Are you kidding me? We just had breakfast together, Kcris and you still have such an attitude toward me."
"Yes, Jeena, we had. But, that doesn't change the fact that you lied to me. Besides, having breakfast with you has nothing to do with you. It's just that, I don't want to disrespect food."
Jeena gets up and pushes the chair hard before yelling, "I have had enough, Kcris."
Kcris with a shocked face, asks Jeena, "Excuse me. What did I ever do to you?"
"This, right now. The way you are treating me... Like a convicted criminal or something. This is what you did to me... This is what you are doing to me."
Kcris is a bit taken aback hearing Jeena. Kcris is really angry at Jeena, but she is trying her best not to accept this fact and pretend as if nothing has happened. Kcris is trying really hard to play the 'I don't care' card on Jeena. But, Jeena being Jeena, she stands in front of Kcris telling her that she won't let Kcris go unless they are done talking. Kcris realizes it is no point avoiding the conversation as Jeena wouldn't let her, so she gives in.
"Fine. Say whatever you were saying, Jeena."
"Kcris, there is a misunderstanding."
This statement of Jeena acts like an affront to Kcris and she bursts into anger, yelling, "Stop it, Jeena. There is no misunderstanding. You are just gonna repeat your lie, just like that night when I asked you."
"Don't yell at me, please. And what makes you so sure that there is no misunderstanding, Kcris?"
"Your girlfriend, Alex."
"Kcris, whatever you are trying to say, please speak clearly."
"Okay. Now, I'll speak clearly. After that night, I met Alex and she told me that she met you at the event. Alex, in crystal clear words, told me that she gatecrashed the event for you."
"What new excuse will you give me now, Jeena?" Or will you say that I am a liar?"

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