
By nikki13088

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This story takes place a few months after the final battle, the trio returns to Hogwarts to finish school an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note

Chapter 33

474 15 2
By nikki13088

That night, Draco had started to stir in his sleep when the sound of rain hitting the window woke him up. His eyes finally snapped open when the sound of thunder roared and a flash of lightning lit up the room. He went to wrap his arms around Ginny when he felt she wasn't beside him and he sat up and noticed she wasn't in the room at all. He slipped out of bed and took a quick peek into the crib to see both babies sound asleep. He walked over to the window to take a quick look at the nasty thunderstorm outside and watched another flash of lightning illuminate the entire night sky outside. He was getting ready to go see where Ginny was when he saw red from the corner of his eye.

He turned back towards the window and there, sitting on top of the hood of Malini's car outside was Ginny. She was hugging her knees to her chest and had her face buried in them as the rain fell on her and thunder and lightning danced all around her.

"What the hell Ginny" Draco mumbled to himself, grabbing a jacket and his wand, then throwing on his shoes.

He quickly made his way downstairs and out the back door; pulling up the hood of his jacket. He made his way over to Ginny and stood there watching her for a moment; she was completely soaked in her pajamas and she had no shoes on and it looked like she was crying.

"Ginny-" he stopped, when he noticed she was holding a knife in her other hand.

He thought about his next words carefully and then took a few more steps closer to her. She lifted her head to him; her face was pale and her eyes as black as he had ever seen before.

"Ginny, what are you doing out here?"

"Help..... me...... I don't know what's wrong with me." she said in a small voice.

He closed the distance between them and reached his hands out to pull her down from the car and he stopped when he saw there was blood all over her clothes. He soon found the blood was her own, her arms were cut up and the rain had washed away most of it from her skin already. Draco didn't even have words at this point he just suddenly snatched her down from the car and quickly carried her back into the house. He set her down at the kitchen table and then ran to the bathroom to grab a few towels and wrapped one around her shoulders and then used the other to put pressure on her cuts.

"Ginny, look at me." She didn't look up at him, instead she looked all around her as if she was looking for someone. "GINNY!" he shouted, grabbing her face to look at him. "Who's in there with you?" he whispered to her, looking deep into her cold black eyes.

She stared at him and she gave him a sadistic smile making a shiver run down his spine.

He grabbed her arms tightly and gave a her a rough shake. "GINNY!"

The smile on her face slowly faded and she turned her head slightly towards the drawer near the back door. "In....there," she choked out.

He quickly ran over to the drawer and ripped it open and there was the letter she received; the paper was blank, but he saw her name on the front of it.

"What is this Ginny?"

"I got it last night..... and when I opened it..... things happened." she said, looking at the floor and letting the tears fall down her face.

"What things Ginny? And why the hell would you open this without consulting McGonagall first!" he said angrily.

She didn't say anything, she just sat there with her head down and stared off into space. Draco let out a mixed sigh of frustration and panic.

"Is everything ok?" came Hermione's voice from the stairwell.

Draco looked at her and then to Ginny, "Get everyone up and down here now."

Hermione quickly nodded and then ran back upstairs. It was only moments after that every person in the house was downstairs rubbing their eyes and some had their wands drawn ready for action.

"WHAT'S GOING ON? WHAT'S WRONG?" Mrs. Weasley shouted.

She noticed Ginny was soaked and bleeding and ran to her side. "What happened?" she said with much concern.

"This happened" Draco said, tossing the letter in the middle of the table. "Ginny said she got this last night and I'm guessing there was some kind of Dark magic in it that's affecting her." he said, tightly balling his fists.

"Wonder from who." George said sarcastically with anger of his own rising as he looked at the state his sister was in.

"But how did Lucius even know where to send the letter anyway?" Ron mumbled through a yawn.

"Well, getting and receiving post in the Wizarding world is a lot different than the Muggle way; you don't really need to know where the other person is, it always seems to find its way to you."Hermione explained fingering the letter in her hand. "But with the amount of Dark magic this thing probably contains I'm not surprised it made it through the ward, but how exactly?"

"A disabling charm" Narcissa piped in at the end of the table. All eyes turned to her and she continued. "There is a rather complicated Dark magic charm that allows the temporary disablement of protective spells; if the letter was charmed it would have disabled the ward long enough to pass through and get here. If a person is in hiding, then the charm helps to locate them through something....... relatable to the addressee.... could be anything really, could be an item that once belonged to that person, a piece of hair, but the most accurate method is......." she paused for a moment and looked at Arthur and Molly.

"What is it Narcissa?" McGonagall urged her on.

She let out a sigh and then looked at the table. "The most accurate method is using blood from the person or someone in the person's family........ once they have that .... the charm will do the rest." she said, clearing her throat and quickly glancing at Draco.

"Percy" Arthur whispered, putting a hand on Molly's shoulder.

"What kind of Dark magic are we talking about?" Draco said, reaching out and grabbing the letter off the table. "What was in it that-"

Draco stopped talking when Ginny abruptly stood up and just continued to stand there, not moving or blinking......... just standing and looking straight ahead.

"Ginny? What's wrong?" Draco asked her.

She just stood there still not saying anything and then she slowly sat back down and continued to stare straight ahead and then slowly turned her gaze to the letter in his hand.

"Ok, she's officially freaked me the bloody hell out." Ron whispered to them all.

Ginny quickly went to reach out and grab the letter, but Draco was faster and held it away and this seemed to make Ginny quite angry; so much so that she went to run at him when her Father grabbed her arm and pulled her back into her chair. Draco studied her face for a moment; his stomach was in a knot at the look she gave him........she wanted to hurt him in that moment........ she was that angry. He looked at the letter and handed it to McGonagall, who pulled out her wand and waved it over the letter. This made Ginny even more angry; clearly she wasn't herself at this moment and she jumped once again out of her seat and went into attack mode when Draco held his arms out to hold her back.

"Stop it Ginny...... don't you want us to try and help you?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

His heart sank at the way her body responded to his question; there was no Ginny present at the moment, whatever Dark magic was in there was up front and center. He tightened his grip on her arms and pushed her against the wall as she became harder to hold onto.

"She doesn't want us touching the letter......... whatever is causing her to act out is getting riled up whenever we tamper with it." McGonagall said, fingering the piece of paper in her hand.

Draco turned his attention back to Ginny and he loosened his grip on her when he felt her stop struggling against him. He went to go walk her back to her seat when he suddenly felt her body tense up and she winced in pain; dropping to her knees.

"Ginny?" he knelt down in front of her to see what was wrong.

She pushed him back away from her roughly and started gasping for air and her body convulsed as something painful ran through her. Ginny was bent over on her knees with her forehead almost touching the floor and her hair falling all around her.

"Ginny?" Draco called out to her again in a small concerned voice.

Molly had to be held back by Arthur as she watched her only daughter go through this horrible act of Dark magic. Some of the others had their wands out not sure of what to expect next; even Draco found his hand tightly around his in case of anything.

Ginny slowly lifted her head to look at him; her eyes completely black and filled with Draco swore was a darkness....... an evilness. There were tears sliding down the side of her face as any trace of Ginny tried to hold on and not give in to the Dark magic running through her body. She tried so hard to keep her mind centered, but she couldn't hold on anymore and she soon felt blood slowly drip out of her nose and suddenly her mind was taken over. She stood up on shaky legs looking at all of them and she looked at Draco and locked eyes with him and gave him a pleading look with her hands out to have him stay away. He saw a look of guilt cover her face and she looked at him knowingly which made him confused at first, but he soon realized what was happening as fiery orange pupils appeared at the center of her eyes.

He barely had time to react and before he knew it his hand was out in front of him, shielding the huge wave of fire Ginny released towards him. Draco held out his other hand behind him putting an icy shield around the others as the fire tried to whip itself around the shield he had in front of him. He never felt Ginny's powers so strong; he wasn't even sure if he would be able to hold her off much longer with how much power she was releasing. It was so powerful at one point that he felt his feet sliding backwards and his hair blew wildly about. Then just when he couldn't hold her off any longer it all stopped and he slowly put his hands down and surveyed the damage.

Ginny was on the floor; breathing heavily with her arms wrapped tightly around her and the wall behind her had a huge hole in it that led to the side of the yard. Draco wanted nothing more than to run to her side, but he knew it wasn't wise. Draco quickly turned to the others to see them with their wands out and their hands over their faces from the impact of Ginny's powers trying to fight through his shield. His eyes fell on Madame Pomfrey, who had already knew what he was going to ask her and she quickly ran upstairs to check on the twins.

Ginny finally lifted her head to look at everyone; she was terrified of what just happened and she quickly got to her feet and took a few steps back.

"Ginny?" Mrs. Weasley started to speak and took a step closer towards her.

Ginny quickly shook her head and backed further away before turning around and just kept walking to put as much distance between her and them, but Draco ran to her because he knew she was scared.

"Hey, wait." he said, catching her wrist in his hand as he caught up with her. "Ginny stop, look at me." he said, spinning her around.

She just kept violently shaking her head no and he grabbed her face in his hands so she would stop. "Ginny....... listen to me, I'm going to help you....... don't let this take you over." he whispered to her; feeling her body trembling under his touch. "You need to stay focused, I know you wouldn't intentionally hurt any of us-"

"STOP IT!" she screamed at him, pushing him back and slapping him hard across the face, letting her nails leave four long scratches on the side of his face.

He touched his hand to his cheek to see there was blood on his fingers and he looked at Ginny and she once again was no longer present. He quickly noticed the turn around again and Ginny made an advance on him, causing him to make a spring back towards the others. He wasn't sure if he could hold off that much power again right now and as soon as he thought it he felt the heat rise behind him. As soon as he felt the flames behind him, they quickly disappeared when he saw his Mother shoot out a binding charm that hit Ginny.

Ginny tried desperately to ignite her powers again, but only small flashes of flames whipped through her hair and would quickly fade out.


He nodded to his Mother and then proceeded to send a knockout charm  on Ginny until they could figure out what exactly was wrong with her, but as he threw it Ginny was still able to use whatever little power she could muster up through the binds to deflect it.

He took a few steps closer to her and looked at her. "Ginny, Are you in there? I know how strong you are, you can fight whatever darkness is taking over....... I know you can."


Draco felt like he was punched in the gut when the words rang out; one because they were quite hurtful, but two because not everybody knew about the dark moments he once faced. He took a quick glance at his Mother and then the others, some of them looked shocked and others had a sad look on their faces. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and turned back to Ginny, who had a demonic smile on her face.

 "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU......  ALL OF YOU!" She screamed out to the others and then her evil smile faded. She let out a painful scream and hung her head. "I'm sorry, I really am...... I don't know why......" she stopped and whipped her head to the side as if someone said something.

She suddenly let out this piercing scream and her vision blurred and she dropped to the floor; she felt something hot and sticky against her face and she was afraid to open her eyes. She felt breathing in her ear and that prompted her to finally open them and saw nothing but a dark figure in front of her. Her breath caught in her throat as the black figure came closer to her and it felt like it was ripping open her skin to get inside. She just laid there paralyzed it seemed, unable to say or do anything as this evilness invaded her body. Was this all in her mind at the moment? Where were the others? She soon felt herself falling and her mind suddenly faded away from her and she was gone.

"GINNY! GINNY!" Draco screamed, shaking her body in his arms.

All he saw was her fall to the floor and watched her body convulse and twitch and then she completely stopped and her body went limp....... he thought she was dead. She finally opened her eyes and looked up at him with an evil stare.  She jumped out of his arms and got to her feet and just looked at everyone around her..... they were all staring. She grabbed her head in pain and let out a growl of frustration as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

"I want to go to bed." she choked out.

"Of course, dear, come on, let's get you upstairs." Mrs. Weasley said.

"NO MOLLY! Put her in Draco's room for the night, not with the babies." Arthur cut in.

Molly nodded and gently took Ginny's arm and led her back towards the house and Ginny stared at her Father with nothing but rage on her face. Draco thought that if Molly wasn't holding her tightly Ginny would have gladly snapped her Father's neck right then and there.

"I CAN FIND MY OWN WAY UPSTAIRS MOTHER!" she screamed, roughly throwing her Mother's hand off of her. "DON'T TOUCH ME, YOUR A HORRIBLE MOTHER, YOU COULDN'T EVEN PROTECT FRED!" she snapped at her Mom violently.

"GINNY!" Arthur yelled at her in shock and quickly made his way over to his wife who just stood there with teary eyes.

Hermione had put a hand over her mouth from the loud gasp that came from it and Draco was appalled that those words even came from Ginny at all. He quickly grabbed Ginny's arm roughly and dragged her into the house; he didn't even want to see the look on  Mrs. Weasley's face so he decided to just keep his eyes in front of him.

"GET OFF OF ME....... LET ME GO!" Ginny struggled to get free of his grasp, but he didn't care. "Draco, please your hurting me," she said the last part with tears in her eyes.

He sighed and loosened his grip on her and turned to see her smiling evilly at him. "Really? That's all it takes? All she has to do is use that sweet little voice and you fall into a puddle of mush." she laughed. "So pathetic"

Draco became irritated and tightened his grip again on her arm and dragged her up the stairs. "So by saying "she" are you insinuating that your not Ginny right now?" he said through clenched teeth.

"Of course I'm Ginny." she said simply, flashing that loving smile at him.

He wanted to believe her and her smile made him.

"Wow, you are just completely worthless, no self control....... you know you're going to get yourself killed and even more so your going to get our children kill-"

Draco cut her off as he slammed her hard against the his bedroom door in the hallway and had his hand tightly gripped around her neck.

"Shut the hell up." he forced out through gritted teeth.

She started to fight the grip he had on her and she whimpered in pain and started to cry.

"Draco your hurting me," she tried to choke out.

He looked deep into her eyes and she looked frightened and he quickly let her go and felt bad for hurting her like that.

"Ginny, I'm sorry, are you alright?" he said, looking her over to make sure he didn't cause her any harm.

"This is going to be so much fun, you can't stand to see her in pain so you will never have the stomach to inflict any upon this pretty face." she taunted him, flipping her hair seductively in his face to further annoy him. "You really are weak....... well, when it comes to me anyway."

Draco was so angry right now, she kept reeling him in and like a fool he kept falling for it. "Don't get too comfortable in there because I will do whatever it takes to get Ginny back." he spat at her.

Ginny just laughed that maniacal laugh that pierced through him. "Then I guess you better get the hero in you to step up because you're going to just love this." she said, pushing him roughly off of her and slipping into his bedroom.

He went to go in after her, but the door slammed shut right in his face and locked. He slammed his fists on the door and then rested his forehead against it and calmed his breathing; he was so angry at this moment. He was so worried about Ginny and at the same time he wanted to hurt her......or whatever was controlling her.

"Mr. Malfoy?"

He turned around to see Madame Pomfrey looking at him.

"Oh hey...... I want to bring the twins downstairs for the night, I don't want them anywhere near her..... that...... OR WHATEVER THE FUCK IS INSIDE OF HER!" he screamed the last part at his closed bedroom door.

Madame Pomfrey just nodded and went back into Ginny's room to bring the babies downstairs and Draco slid to the floor on the other side of the door. He ran a hand through his messy hair and then brought his fingers up to the light scars on his wrist and gently traced them. He thought about what Ginny had said outside to him, but decided to not let her get in his head like she wanted to and he pulled himself up and made his way back downstairs.


The rest of that night, Draco stayed in the living room with the babies and he made his Mother put up a protective charm around them so that Ginny wouldn't harm them. It pained him to even do such a thing, but he had to think of his children first right now. Nobody went back to sleep that night either; Bill, Charlie and Hermione worked on fixing the giant hole in the wall with some advanced Repairo spells. After that, they all just sat around the kitchen table until early morning when Molly started cooking breakfast. She was still shaken up over the hurtful things Ginny said earlier to her. Right now they all were listening to any information McGonagall had found out about the letter.

"I believe the curse was meant to alter her mind and have her be consumed by darkness....... making her do and say things she would never do...... see things that aren't there even." McGonagall explained.

"Sounds like she's going insane." Ron said.

"She's not insane Weasley, so shut it" Draco snapped.

"Well Mr. Malfoy..... Mr. Weasley isn't entirely wrong; she is completely lost in her own mind, in fact, this type of Dark magic hasn't been used in decades, I only know of two other cases when it was used." McGonagall explained.

"Well, how did they get back to normal?" Draco asked anxiously.

"They didn't, unfortunately in both cases the people under the curse ended up killing themselves and others they loved in the process....... they just couldn't handle it." she said with a sigh.

There was silence at the table; nobody was sure of what to say to this and then all their heads turned to the staircase where Ginny came happily skipping down the steps fully dressed. She took a seat at the table and piled some food on her plate and quietly started to eat as if nothing was wrong.

"Ginny?" Mrs. Weasley called softly.

Ginny looked up at her happily. "Yes, Mother?"

"Uh....h...how are you feeling this morning?" she asked, sending a quick glance to Arthur.

"Oh, I'm feeling quite wonderful." she smiled, then turned her attention to Draco. "What about you..... Draco?"

Draco just sneered at her...... she was testing him; did she think she was going to make everyone else think she was fine?

"Ginny, may I have a word with you for a moment?" he forced out through his clenched teeth that he swore would break any moment.

"Of course," She said, happily following him outside to the porch.

She stood in front of him with a bright smile and a challenging look in her eyes as he shook his head with one of his best Malfoy sneers.

"Wow, that's some act your putting on in there, you think you're going to win them over? Just enough so you can take them all out and they won't see it coming? They aren't that stupid." Draco hissed at her, with anger etched on his face.

"Don't you have a headmaster to kill or something...... oh that's right... your too much of a-"

He threw her hard against the wall and had his wand against her throat; his eyes on the edge of turning over. "You say one more word and I'll-"

"What? Kill me? You won't though." she laughed at him and then quickly grabbed him by the shirt and flipped him around so that now he was against the wall.

He just stared at her; he missed those honey brown eyes staring back at him and seeing how beautiful Ginny looked today, regardless of what was going on in her mind made it so hard for him to not wrap her in his arms. Ginny watched him stare at her and she got close to his face, so close that their lips were only an inch apart.

"Do you miss her?" she whispered to him.

"What the hell do you think?" he drawled, wondering why he was letting her hold him there like this.

"But I'm right here." she said so softly before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Draco couldn't believe how sweet her kisses still tasted given the mental state she was, why wasn't he pushing her away? He felt her press her lips against his again; this time more firm and then he felt her tongue begging for entry into his mouth which for some reason he allowed. He started kissing her back, he couldn't help it, there was something about her that was intoxicating and soon he found he was the one pinning her against the wall now. He opened his eyes suddenly and was met with those dark black ones staring back and he quickly pushed himself away from her shaking his head.

"N....No....... you stay the hell away from me." he said, quickly making his way back inside, leaving a grinning Ginny on the porch.


Later that evening Draco had just got Ember and Scorpius down for a nap with the help of Hermione then he made his way up to change his shirt real quick that Ember had spit up on. All day Ginny had been either in his room or pretending to be daughter of the year with her parents which made him angry. He knew Mr. Weasley wouldn't fall for her act, but Mrs. Weasley was finding it hard to ignore the love and affection that Ginny was forcing out to win over her Mother's trust. Draco was waiting for McGonagall to get back to him with a plan of action on how to break Ginny from this curse before something far worse happened. He opened his bedroom door and found Ginny sitting with her legs folded in the middle of his bed. He slowly made his way in and grabbed a shirt out of his drawer and quickly pulled the dirty one off; his eyes the whole time never leaving Ginny who had her head hanging down. He slid his clean shirt on and was getting ready to leave the room when a small frail voice stopped him.

"Are they ok?" she choked out through an emotional breath.

Draco sighed and turned around to face her and slowly squatted in front of the bed to better see her face. "Who?"

She slowly lifted her eyes to his, those beautiful honey brown ones were puffy and had dark circles under them. "Scorpius and Ember........ our babies."

His heart broke into a million pieces at seeing her like this. "Yeah," he said softly.

Ginny nodded and then let out a relieved breath and wiped a fresh trail of tears that spilled from her face. Her skin wasn't the pale soft skin she normally had, but had more of a gray tint to it; her hands and body shook and her lips trembled at what Draco read as fear and guilt. He felt his own emotions rising in his throat as he watched the woman he loved go through this horrible suffering.

"I don't know how long I have until....." Ginny stopped talking and grabbed a handful of her hair in frustration as she tried to hold onto the little bit of control she managed to have over her mind.

"Ginny? Hey, please don't leave me again, I miss you...... please." he begged her and gently grabbed her hands from her messy hair and gently caressed them in between his own.

"I'm sorry...... I don't know how to stop it..... I'm so scared..... please don't let me hurt them." she sobbed, grabbing his shirt tightly.

"You won't..... you would never do that." he said, gently cupping her face.

She gripped his shirt tighter and squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth as the darkness started taking her again.

"I wouldn't........ but this would" she said the last part in a more demonic tone which made Draco get up suddenly and back away from her.

Ginny slowly got up off the bed and took a few steps towards him; her beautiful brown eyes once again turned to the dead black ones that made Draco's stomach turn. Draco just shook his head and made his way towards the door to leave, but Ginny caught his hand.

"Wait, " she whispered. He turned to look at her and she got really close to his face. "Kiss me, " she said, sliding a hand around his neck.

Draco wanted nothing more than to kiss her, but he knew this wasn't his Ginny.

"Stop it." he snapped at her, ripping her hand away from him and flinging it to her side.

"What's wrong Draco? Don't you love me?" she said in a sad voice that made him feel guilty.

"NO! NOT YOU!" he yelled at her.

He grabbed her arms tightly and slammed her against the wall causing her to let out a frightened gasp at how hard he was handling her.

"Stop it, I know you're just trying to get under my skin and I won't let you." he said angrily, then released his hold on her.

The frightened look on Ginny's face turned to an evil grin, "I think I'm going to go say hello to our children, I'm sure they miss their Mother." she said, sweetly turning to leave.

Draco of course grabbed her again. "You're not getting nowhere near them, I will kill you before you even get close enough to touch them." he hissed at her with such hate that the grin on her face faded to a frown.

Her eyes went to that soft sweet brown again that he loved and they filled with tears. Draco grabbed her to him and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry Ginny, I don't mean you.....  I mean....... I don't know." he sighed, burying his face in her hair.

Ginny placed a soft kiss on his earlobe and then crashed her lips against his fiercely. It took Draco a moment before he realized she was playing him again and he pushed her away.

"Damn it Ginny, stop it."

"Are you sure I won't be able to get under your skin? Looks like I have you wrapped around my finger." she laughed sweetly.

Draco was so angry right now, he wanted to just punch this....... this thing in the face.

"You're going to have to do better than that darling." he snarled at her.

"Well, alright, if that's what you want." she said, walking out into the hall with Draco close behind her.

She saw Harry and Hermione walking down the hall and she casually strode over to Harry with a bright smile before flashing Draco an evil one.

"Oh hey Gin-"

Harry was cut off by Ginny's lips against his; he felt his back hit the wall of the hallway and his eyes went wide in shock. Her tongue was deep in his mouth and her body pressed roughly against his and he surprised even himself when he didn't stop her and started kissing her back instead. Her hand traveled up into his raven hair and the other sliding around his neck to pull him closer. Hermione stood there with her mouth open and she chanced a look at Draco who was fuming. He quickly made his way over to Ginny and pulled her off of Harry.

"You really know how to push my buttons don't you?" he said through clenched teeth dragging her back to his room.

Harry just stood there, his hair a mess and his lips red and swollen from where Ginny kissed him; he watched her flash him a seductive smile as Draco pulled her the entire way down the hall. He threw her into his room and closed the door behind him and performed a spell to keep her locked in there. They had already taken away her wand so this should be able to keep her in until he could think of a better way to control her....... well it.

He looked over to Harry and Hermione who were just staring at him. Harry was still standing in the same spot Ginny pinned him with a shocked expression on his face.


"Shut it Potter" Draco snapped, then quickly made his way downstairs.


That night after dinner Kingsley had arrived and was filled in with everything that had been going on with Ginny and he had also shared the news of Percy's death with them, which sadly didn't come as much of a surprise to anyone. Draco watched him and McGonagall inspect the letter about a million more times and he was ready to rip the damn thing up at any moment if one of them didn't start explaining what was happening with Ginny. He watched the facial expressions between the both of them and he could tell Kinglsey looked like he  was trying to make a hard decision which Draco was ready to fight against because he knew it more than likely involved Ginny's wellbeing.

"I'll start with explaining what I think we're dealing with." Kingsley started. "The kind of Dark magic that's running through Ginny is pure evil; its kind of like an entity of some sort inside her-"

"Like being possessed?" Harry interrupted.

"Basically, yes, so this thing has pulled her into herself and has taken over her body and mind..... kind of think of it as her being locked in a room in her own mind while this curse takes over. She'll be able to feel and see everything as the Ginny we know, but she won't be able to respond or act the way she wants to." Kingsley explained.

"So how do we fix it?" Draco snapped, getting angry at hearing the way Ginny was suffering.

"I'm still trying to figure it out, my gut tells me to draw it out of her somehow.......but this kind of Dark magic would take something extreme to get that to happen." Kingsley said, looking deep in thought.

"Like force it out?" Hermione said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes and no, if we were to use the Cruciatus curse on Ginny it will only affect her, it won't cause any pain to what's inside her...... we have to scare it out..... make it think that its host  isn't-"

"Ginny" Draco interrupted Kingsley.

"Excuse me?" he said, looking at Draco.

"Her name is Ginny..... not some "host" like you mentioned." He drawled, giving Kingsley a hateful sneer.

"My apologies, perhaps I've been a bit insensitive, forgive me Mr. Malfoy." Kingsley nodded. "I believe if Ginny's body seems to be....... in a lighter term "out of order" this thing will just leave her body and see no need to stay and cause chaos; which is after all what it was created to do."

"Out of order? What the hell does that mean?" Draco said, getting up from his seat as the anger grew inside him.

"Do you mean..... dead, Sir?" Hermione cautiously asked.

Kingsley looked away from her and didn't dare glance Draco's way. "Not necessarily, let's keep Miss Weasley in more of a sedated state for now, hopefully that will make this curse fade off. Poppy do you have some more of those potions-"

"SEDATED?" Draco yelled, getting up. "YOU WANT TO JUST KEEP HER IN SOME COMA IN HOPES THAT THIS WORKS? THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING ELSE WE CAN DO." he demanded, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Well, if this doesn't work, then..... we'll try the other idea." Kingsley said.

"Which is?"

"Try and make this thing think that she's.... well.......dead."

"And how exactly do you plan to make that happen" Draco asked, his fists were balled so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"Let's discuss that if and when it comes up." Kingsley said, locking eyes with Draco.

Draco just shook his head, he was so angry right now he wanted to punch somebody.

"Why don't we just take these wards down and have my Father find us? This way we can finally finish this once and for all, I'm sick of hiding, I just want him dead now," he said, as he started pacing around the kitchen and fidgeting with his hands as he grew more and more angry.

"We aren't prepared for that right now, not with one of our members down-"

"HER NAME IS GINNY!" Draco bellowed at Kingsley. "WE AREN'T JUST YOUR PAWNS KINGSLEY! WE ARE ACTUAL PEOPLE........ PEOPLE WHO HAVE SUFFERED A WHOLE LOT MORE THAN YOU HAVE THROUGH THIS WHOLE DAMN THING!" he yelled, slamming his fists so hard on the table that half of the others jumped.

Kingsley got up and made his way to the door. "Minerva, you have your orders and I trust you will follow them. Mr. Malfoy....... Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, I'll be back in a few days and again my condolences to your family during this difficult time." he said with a small nod and then disappeared through the front door.

Draco just shook his head and went to make his way upstairs when McGonagall called out to him.

"Mr. Malfoy, you need to think about what Kingsley said." She said with a sad smile and handed him a potion vial.

He sighed and took it in his hand and slipped it into his pocket and then gave her a small nod before making his way back up to Ginny's room. He threw himself on her bed and looked over to the empty cribs where the twins normally slept and he rubbed his face in frustration. He hated keeping Ginny locked up in his room all day and now to have her in some zombie state of mind was the last thing he wanted. He knew she could be dangerous and he knew she knew how to get under his skin; she proved that earlier when she locked lips with Harry.

He felt a few tears start to sting his eyes and he quickly wiped them away and got up from the bed and walked over to the wall that connected his and Ginny's room. He put his ear against the wall and heard her humming to herself and talking; he couldn't make out what it was but it sent an uneasy feeling through him. He leaned his head against the wall and slid down it just listening to her continue to hum and whisper to herself; he just wanted Ginny back........ his Ginny.

A/N: So there it is... what did you guys think? This will carry over into the next chapter and it will probably get a little darker =/ I'm dying to have feedback on this so please share your thoughts with me! How do you guys feel about Kingsley and what Draco said to him? Any thoughts are appreciated on any part of the chapter!

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