
By Carolina4240

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Alayah Miller lives at Brooklyn, NY with her grandma after loosing both her parents 2 years apart from drug o... More



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By Carolina4240


I woke up the next morning as I pressed the snooze button, got up out of the bed, made them up and went to the bathroom as I stripped off of my clothes, put them in the hamper, turned the shower on, took a piss and got in the warm shower as I washed my body with "Into The Night" body wash since I got the whole set.

When I'm finished, I got out of the shower as I dried off, washed my face and brush my teeth. I got out of the bathroom as I went to my room, sprayed my cat, put on my bra and underwear set, lotion my body, put on some deodorant and put on my black shirt and blue jeans. 

Roshanda's outfit👗👚👖

I put on my socks and shoes, flat ironed my hair, put on my nose ring, sprayed myself, put on my blue jean jacket, grabs my things and went to the kitchen as I saw my parents in the living room watching the news on PIIX 11.
"Good morning mom and dad", I said as I took the milk out of the refrigerator. 
"Good morning baby", She said as he takes an sip of the coffee while I'm in the kitchen fixing me some Apple Jack.

I know my parents don't leave until around 7 AM to open their shop but they still gets up early so that they got enough time to do everything that they need to do. As for the weekends, they don't be here the first thing in the morning mainly because I don't sleep until 10 AM sometimes.

When I'm finished eating breakfast, I went to the kitchen, cleaned out the bowl, grabs the lunchbox since its leftovers from last night, told my parents bye and head out of the door as I put on my earplugs and went down the hallway to the elevator.

Unlike some people at this apartment building, I don't have my music extremely loud early in the morning especially when most of us on this floor is still sleep. After being on elevator for 5 minutes, I got out as I wave at the older lady bye and went out on the cool day.


What's up y'all, my name is Raquan William. I'm 17 going on 18 and I'm in senior at Midwood High School. I was born and raised at Brooklyn, NY with my mom since she raised me on her own after my dad left her for another woman when I was 3 years old.

I did had a stepdad but he in prison because he killed some dude at the nightclub over the parking space. To be honest, I'm glad he locked up for the long time because nobody in my family never likes him especially me. I mean, he used to treated her like shit all the time when they was together including occasionally beating her ass in front of me while I'm doing my homework.

He was going to asked her to marry him before the police come and knocked on the door at 3 AM to arrest him but she said "hell no" because she puts up with his bullshit for 3 years and she not going to married to the con artist with anger issues. 

I'm glad that she broke up with him as soon he got arrested for first degree murder and gun charges because she don't need a man like that son of a bitch anyways. So she have been single for nearly 3 years now and she fine with it. 

I know my aunt keeps pushing her to get a man in her life but she was fine with being single when my dad left her for some hoe from Virginia and when my bitch ass stepdad got sentence life in prison with no parole.  

Now, Terence and I is at the gym talking about the project that's we having this week since mines is Alayah. I met her through Roshanda and Terrence a while back a week after I broke up with my ex-girlfriend Jewel.

We have been together on and off for a year mainly because it's was a lot of infidelity going on. I'm not going to lie, I did cheated on her too but I regret it. I mean, it's not like I was being a asshole about it or anything.

Jewel on the other hands, not so much since my mom never like her since day one especially the way she talks to her. It's not only she cheated on me multiple times including some bitch made fool named Johnathan, but she don't know how to act in public.

I mean, she always started fight with people especially here since she got suspended twice for fighting last year. The last straw was a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving Break where she beats the shit out of Ms. Duncan causing her go to the hospital.

I mean, that lady told her multiple times to put her phone away about 5-6 times but she keeps telling her to "shut the eff up". The worst part is that Sierra screaming "beat her ass" multiple times until the security guard stopped the fight while Jewel screaming "keep your hands off of me".

She clearly don't give a damn about getting expelled because she flips her lime green hair. Now she trying to get back with me but it's not going to happen because I don't need anymore headache in my life.

I just wants to finish school and make some money to helped my mom pays some bills around the house. I know they wants me to date Alayah but I got the "bitches ain't shit" mentality right now.

Terence and I continue talking until it's time for us to go to our first block as I told him I'll see him around 2nd block and left the gym. Yes, that's the only class that I don't see him since he not acting like a jealous jackass when he finds out that dude named Michael is Roshanda's partner.


I'm at Biology class listening Mrs. Anthony giving us some boring lettuce about about animal cell. This is my least favorite class mainly because it's full of ghetto ass 9th graders that don't have no respect for nobody.

I mean, they be talking to that lady like some random people out in the hood somewhere especially the girl named Porcha. A lot of us never liked her at all because she runs her mouth about shit that nobody cares about especially causing trouble. I may not the type of person who wish anything bad happens to people but sometimes, she asking for some ass kicking especially dudes.

I feel bad for her because she have been teaching for years and they always shitted on her for whatever reasons. While I'm listening to Mrs. Anthony, I heard Regina and Porcha laughing so loud where everybody looked at them 2 hoodrats.
"Ms. McCoy, Ms. Jackson, do you mind?", She asked as Regina sucked her teeth and go back with the lesson. 

I swear, this girl had that attitude all morning especially when she pushed me against the locker and screaming at me for no reasons. I don't know what the hell is her problem I would get rid of the shitty attitude if I was her. After I spend the last 30 minutes of the class hearing about the animal cell since I tells Mrs. Anthony the right answer, I packed my back and wait until the bell rings.


I'm at lunch with Jaquan eating and doing our project while Roshanda and Terence is at the abandoned classroom making out. At least they ain't screwing each other even though she a virgin and not ready to give it up yet like me.

It's used to be the female English teacher named Ms. Sapp but she got fired last year because she screwed around with some 15 years old boy. When I heard about the arrest on CBS 2 New York, it's didn't surprised me because I knew something off about them 2 especially when she talks to him all sexual right in front of everybody. 

Shit like this is prove that anybody can be a pedophile whether it's a man or a woman. While this fine ass dude flirting with me, I heard some girl screaming and stormed in the cafeteria and it's was Terence's ex-girlfriend Sierra.

"Where the hell is that Roshanda bitch at, I'm going to beat her ass", She screamed as Jaquan getting ready to say something to her.
"Sierra, why the hell are you screaming like a goddamn maniacs?", He asked as I takes an sip of the bottle of water.
"Really Quan, you going to sit there and defending that man steal hoe", She screamed as I put my hands on my face because I can't believe this hood rat came to the cafeteria and start shit with Jaquan.

I mean, she just like her friend, can't accept the fact that he moved on since she trying to break Roshanda and Terence up. Quan and Sierra continue going back and forth while them nosey ass Puerto Rican girls watching until she rudely asked me.
"What the hell are you looking at fat ass?", She screamed.
"I'm not looking at anything", I said as I take an sip of the grape soda.

"Don't freaking lie to me, your fat ass caused Jewel's break up", She said just bringing up Jaquan's ex-girlfriend.
"For God sake Sierra, I broke up with Jewel before I started talking to Alayah", He said since she was blaming me instead of her hoe ass friends for screwing up the relationship.
"Screw you Quan, tell Roshanda I said stay the hell away from my from my man", She screamed as she threw her expensive purse at him while 2 Puerto Rican girls still looking at her.

I swear, that's girl never wear any underwear because I can easily sees her ass cheeks whenever she wears short ass skirt or dress like she at the nightclub or something.

"Are you alright LayLay?", He asked hoping that I'm not crying in front of him.
"Yeah", I said as I take an sip of the orange soda. I hope and prayed that she ain't going to the abandoned classroom and beat the shit out of her because she was screaming "she going to effing kill her" or what's not. 

Jaquan and I continue talking until it's time for us to go to back to our 3rd block class as I threw my mostly eaten food away and got out of the cafeteria. 


I'm in the living room eating leftover from last night and watching "Unsung" after I spend a couple of hours at Michael's house for the school project, went home, took and quick shower and put on the pajama since I'm wearing the grey shorts and Nike shirt. 

Roshanda's pajama👗👚👖🌃🕚🌙🌑

Thanks god it's some beef enchiladas left because I had a long day today especially when Alayah told me that Terence's ex-girlfriend Sierra screaming "she going to beat my ass" earlier today before we went back doing our classwork. 

Ever since me and Terence got together, she have been trying to break us up especially when she made some bullshit lies about me like I slept with every dude in Brooklyn which is not true at all. Hell, even his own mom told her to leave my man alone multiple times since she likes me more than Sierra. 

I don't know why she hates me and Alayah so much but she needs to move on with her life because he ain't going to get back with him since their relationship was more toxic than Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston anyways. 

As soon I went to the kitchen and cleaned out the plates, I heard the door opening and it's was my mom.
"Hey baby", My mom said as she hanged her purse and jacket up.
"Hey mom, how's work?", I said as I put some "Palmolive" brand dish soap.
"It's was good, how's school?", My mom asked as I washed out the plates with the warm water.
"It's was okay", I said even though I'm tired. 

My stepdad should be at home in 20 minutes since he just closed his tattoo shop. My mom and I continue talking about our day until it's time for me to go to bed as I told my mom goodnight, went upstairs to my room, plugged my phone on the charger, laid down and went to sleep since the alarm clock on my phone is on. 

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