Anyone, Except The Alpha

By Nolanee

32.3K 816 58

'Sky who devoted herself to protect her little brother and her pack. She's a care free person and doesn't wan... More

Anyone, Except The Alpha
New Pack
Leave Me Alone
What Did I Do?
What? Really?
A day without him?
How far can you go for me?
giving him a chance
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (Part 1)
Chapter 26 (Part 2)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Pack Ruined

1.9K 38 2
By Nolanee

*Hello!!!!!!! Well I decided to write my own story. So I hope you like it... Even though I suck and I did this just because writing is my hobby, Please don't hate. I'll apologize ahead of time for spelling and grammer mistakes, etc. So dont remind me about it since I know already *A* I appreciate it very much if you guys can critize my work, so I would know what I should improve on (: Thank you for taking your time reading btw <3

Picture of Travis ---->


It was just two days ago when my pack was destroyed by rogues, but it felt just like it was barely yesturday when it happened. I could still remember the very beginning of it. We knew there was rogues coming our way and our Alpha was preparing all of us fighters to go against them. We ran in our wolf form towards them, all 150 of us. When Alpha came to a hault so did we, maybe he wanted to rest because I didn't see anything ahead of us or on the sides. But a sudden growl erupted behind our pack, when I was about to turn around a grey wolf lashed at me out of no where, but missed since Alpha protected me by shoving me and snapping at the grey wolf's neck. I guarded my surroundings right after and realized the rogues were all back of us, but soon more came the other way around which leaves us trapped. I was furious on how I, myself didn't see this coming, and how they have so many while we had less fighters. It was a unfair fight which made me go crazy while fighting the rogues. Many of my little brothers friends died then, I also couldn't go on much longer as well. Soon enough there was only 50 of us left, including the Alpha while the rogues still had so many. I couldn't even count since I was still too busy fighting them off. I decided to find their own leader and end this, but it was so tough figuring out where he was at. But luck came to me when I saw a huge black wolf, with a scar on his left eye standing on a log waiting patiently to get challenged to battle amongst one of us. I growled in anger becuase of it and attacked him straight away without a second thought, but of course he saw and moved out of the way looking amused. We both were in attack position trying to figure out who would attack first. I took the liberty to attack first, but my Alpha got in my way which lead me to fall on the ground whimpering, annoyed by the fact that he did.

"Go back to the Pack house and get everyone out as qucik as possible" He asked of me in mind link while growling at the rogue leader.

"What! No way we can win this, Alpha!" I pleaded.

"Sky dont make me command you to do this. I have no other choice now, we are out numbered and we lost so many, I dont have no other choice," He growled at me quickly," Their heading straight there Sky, protect them all..."

I froze in shock and fear," Why didn't you say this sooner!"

"I'm sorry, now hurry! We will distract them for you, so go now!" He ordered.

He didn't have to say anything more, because I was already running towards the pack in a hurry, for the safety of the pack and my little brother who was my only family left. The Alpha did what he said and destracted them, since I haven't seen any rogue chasing after me, thank god. I finally reached to the pack house and everything looked fine from the outside and it sounded so peaceful, but I didn't want to take the chance of anything so I rushed in and I saw.... Nothing... Where the hell is everyone. I look around for a few minutes around the house because of my wolf speed. Still no one to be found until I reached to the second house connecting to the main house. I was about to barge in when I smelled the reek of dead bodies inside. I frozed again, and pain hit me hard it even lead to tears overthrowing thru my face. I knew it was the pack members, because their scent was still there and I remembered everyone of them. I couldn't go in, I didn't want to face their dead bodies knowing I was too late to save them all. But I stopped feeling guilty and sad when I heard a small scream inside there, and by that I shook my head, even though I dont want to go in there, I must since I heard someone screaming that must be one of the pack members and that motivated me to pull forward.

'I may have been late, but in dam hell I will save at least someone' I yelled to myself.

The door broke down while my wolf was on top of it, growling and barking at whoever there was harming anyone from my pack. I took a quick look and gazed in anger of the sight of some rogue trying to harm my very own little brother Travis! How dare they! The Rogue yelped in fear and ran away like a coward seeing the look of an angry, vicious she-wolf. I was going to go chase him and rip his throat off, but I thought of my Brother being here alone and some other rogue might come and kill him. I won't let it happen! So I came towards him, and by the sight of him he only had scratches on his arms, but that was enough to make me even more furious at that rogue. I still want to kill him not because him hurting my little brother, but for killing everyone here, children, mates, families... All gone.. I started sobbing again at the sight of them.

"Sky, I want to leave. Let's go far away!" Travis cried out loud seeing he was also in pain of the loss of his pack as well... I didn't want him to exprience anything like this ever since mother died, but I know god is torturing us right now. why!?!

We went outside at last and travis was on top of me riding on my white wolf, since he was still young and hadn't turn into a wolf yet since he's barely 12 years old and usaully male wolfs transform around 13 or 14. I ran the other way around and decided to head straight to town where it's the safest place to be right now. I tried Mindlinking to the Alpha, but there was nothing, I could even feel his presense was gone inside of me... I had a strong hunce now that he was also dead and so is the others, It was just me and my brother alone now with no one to trust but eachother....

Two days later I was driving a black hummer I bought from a friend at our old town. My brother was in the back seat looking out of the window being gloomy again, but I didn't say anything about it since we both are still trying to forget what have happened recently. I wanted everything to change, so when we were asked by another pack in another country to join theirs, I took up their offer immediately, because I wanted to start fresh, just me and my brother. They were friends of my previous pack though, which made my suspisions go away. Since my previous pack would only accept friendship from other packs that are really trustworthy to be with and wont do you any harm.

We are driving there as we can speak, to the Dark Moon Pack. Just another hour to go to our so called new home.

Eh, I hope you like it! If not, it's ok.. I'm like a newb T_T Have a nice day~

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