Chapter 34

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Sky's POV.

I woke up again, but this time I was in some kind of cage that was placed in a old shriveled up room. I've touched the bars and my hands started to burn like hell.

I screamed in agony and that's when that bastard barged in having that ugly smirked plastered all over his scarred up face," I see you recieved your welcoming gift... Ahh how wolfbane does the trick."

I glared at him," Don't get so excited ugly or I'll have to cut your face right up when I do get out of here."

He frowned this time and glared at me," You do have a mouth on you, just like your father did... But that's what its going to get you killed right away if you don't shut up this instant."

"I wouldn't have to talk, if you just left me alone."

This time he didn't say anything and went out right after he told the two of his rogues that was outside to do what they wish, but not to kill me. I sighed, here comes the torturing I just know it and I'm just too weak to fight back. I won't let them have the pleasure to hear me scream in pain.

They've walked in now with evil smirks on their faces. One of them unlocked the cage while the other used some tool to open the cage up. I stayed back hoping that one of them would come in here so I could just push them to the gates.

No such luck for one of them simply used their unhuman strength and dragged me out by force. I even tried my best to fight them off, but my strength leads up to human strength right now. My blows don't even hurt them one bit. I cussed and yelled to myself," damn wolfsbane."

They laughed at me and one brought out a knife ready to strike at me.

He slid the knife at my thighs and upwards to my stomach where he then stabbed me. I groaned in pain really wanted to scream out loud on how much it hurts. He left the knife stay in me for a few minutes, then he took it out quickly leaving me no time to react.

Blood was seeping through now and they watch me bleed out and weaken even more. The wound healing slowly then expected and while it was still healing they began kicking me everywhere. I covered my face as I reacted to their kicks. They even started cussing at me while they were getting at me, but I didn't care. All I was thinking about while they were doing all that was how I miss my mate and hoped he don't try and save me. I don't want him hurt because of me, but he was probably already hurting for he probably felt how much pain I'm in right now.

I closed my eyes wanting to sleep again and feel no more pain.

Sorry for the very late update!

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