Chapter 26 (Part 2)

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Ski's P.O.V


The day have been great, I spent half my day hanging with my brother and friends, and the other half I spent with my mate who I much needed to be with right now. We spent all day locked in our room after dinner and I happen to talk about how stupid we look after the popcorn war we just had a few minutes ago when we supposed to save it for the movie we be watching together. After all that, it seemed such a blur like I can't believe I'm going through with my stupid plan with out a second thought about it.

The next day has finally arrived and I look like I hadn't slept the whole night with my puffed up eyes. Well it was true... I was too nervous about today and sad that I'm really doing it.

I looked at my peaceful sleeping mate and cried on how lonely I be with out him near me. My wolf was howling, because she didn't want to leave at all and I should say she is angry with me enough that she completely ignores me until I change my mind.

'Don't leave our mate!' My wolf whimpered,' How could you think of getting away from mate. Our mate will protect us."

I got up to get ready for today and to pack some clothes in my back pack and money I had left since a long time. I told her, trying to reason why I have to do this,' You think I don't know that. It pains me as well for doing this, but as alpha I should have the right to protect him as well. I'm not going to risk the pack, I'm their Luna as well and they look up to me I can't just let them down.'

'screw it all,' she growled,' I want to be with mate, its hard enough to leave with out him to school!'

I sighed, she was right after all and right before I could say anything else she completely shuted me out.

I put on my favorite skinny jeans, and white tank top, adding my coat since it's cold out today. When I was finished I began packing 4 sets of clothes and undergarments as well. I was completely finished and about to zip my bag up until I hesitated and snatch one of kaden's shirts so I could have at least something that smells just like him, to know that he will be alright.

"Your up really early," Kaden yawned.

"Morning," I bended over to kiss him," I have to go."

all of a sudden he tossed me over and I so happen to let out a small yelp.

"You can be late," He grumbled, hugging me tightly trying to go back to sleep.

"Nope, Jess is picking me up today," I replied," Don't want to keep her waiting."


"Let me goo."
He raised his hands in surrender," Fine, just let me go change and I will walk you out."

I smiled,"That be great."

He stood up and I was completely focused on every inch of his body that is all mine.

"Done eye raping me?" He smirked," It's not like you haven't seen all this for the first time."

I growled knowing how much he's turning me on right now. I ended up blushing a little while he started changing.

We were out of the room in just a few minutes, and I'm tempting to give up on my plan and go back into the room. Taking deep breaths so I would keep calm, I also tried to focus on useless things like whats for breakfast, or if I'm going to have tons homework that I'm going to miss out on. Well it still didn't help much until Kaden held my hand and all my worries were gone off the bat.

"What's got you so tensed up?" Kaden questioned.

"Umm," I mumbled," w-well I got a math test today, and I didn't study for it... I might end up failing it."

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