Chapter 25

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Well hello again ;D hope you guys are doing well? <3


"Sky," A voice whispering in my ears," I brought you breakfast."

I took a whiff and smelled eggs, sausage,  and pancakes. My eyes was wide open now drooling just by the smell of it.

"Just by that you get up without complaints of not wanting to go back asleep?" Kaden chuckled.

I blushed and grabbed the food Kaden was offering and said in my mind 'It's food.'

'Is that your way of thinking that food be the only reason to wake up early in the morning?' Kaden's thoughts came into mine.

I jumped frightened, I for sure blocked the pack link, so how!?

'The mating bond love, remember last night? Once we completed the mating bond, we become one, meaning a new mind link just for your mate, and I get to see what you see in like images that you want to show to me. or the other way around.' He explained in my mind,' Also I feel how you feel. If your in pain, I will feel it as well. and if your mad or sad I will notice right away."

"wow," I took a minute to think about the whole information about this. But pictures of last night flashed in my head. I smiled that I'm completely his, and right now I'm no virgin anymore. I didn't know having s*x was this good, and top it off its with my Kaden.

"And finally everyone will know you taken by me," Kaden growled playfully and winked," Yesterday was the best day of my life as well mate."

I blushed," That's it! Get out of my mind!"

"Aww come on! I love seeing those images you think of me in," Kaden teased.

"I would walk away right now," I started," but I want to eat, and I don't think I can walk at all after you continuously did it four or five times even though you knew I was a virgin."

"Sorry," he put his puppy eyes face on," I lost it and you know... Well today you can skip school and I will take you anywhere today... As long as it's near the pack house though."

I grinned," Ok, just give me and ten minutes and I will call Luke and Jessica to go on a double date with us in an hour."

He groaned," Why not just the both of us, why bring them?"

"Because they just found each other and we are their friends," I retorted," And plus I want to make fun of them since they both made fun of me."

He rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead," Fine, I will be down stairs waiting then."

I pouted at him and forced my lips to his, and I could see him smiling while kissing me back.

"Let go now Sky, or we will never get out of this bed today," He commented.

I smiled," Yea your right, we should save it until later anyways."

His eyes grew dark, and I smirked and sent him out of the door.

I could still feel his presence standing in front of the door, and just a few minutes he began to walk down stairs.

I relaxed abit and told myself to go call Jess and get ready before I go crazy and drag Kaden back here to do what we did last night.

Damn wolf hormones!


Jessica and Luke arrived already and I was about to go down until I forgot to apply lipstick on. Hey, it's a date, I should at least show some decency for it for a lady.

Anyone, Except The AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon