Chapter 33

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Hello everybody <3


Kaden's POV

My mate is gone.

They took her and there was no sign of where they have gone. I ran furiously to the borders where the rest of the rogues has been sighted to get her back and to kill them all. But when I reached there I saw completely nothing, as if they were never here in the first place... Couldn't catch their scent and no prints on the ground.

I howled in pain of loss of my mate... I don't know what they done to her, but they no doubt put wolves vein in her system to hid her scent from me.

Jack and a few of the fighters finally showed up, and morned of the loss of their Luna. I simply growled at that and Shifted there not caring about my nudity that I'm showing.

"They ain't ordinary Rogues, to completely fool me," I growled in defeat and ordered every pack member," Trackers find something... Anything that will lead me to where my mate is being held hostage! And anyone that's patrolling in any case you see a rogue passing by, you kill them!"

Jack shifted in front of me and said," Shouldn't we capture one if we actually do see one and question where Sky is?"

"It's pretty much better if we search for her where abouts then trusting the rogues involved in the kidnapping in the first place," I said knowing the fact that they aren't to be trusted," Jack gather the men who was suppose to watch over my mate. I want to know their side of the story on what the hell happened."

"Yes Alpha," He bowed and shifted back to his wolf leaving with the other wolfs behind him.

I turned back to the area where the rogues once was and noticed something stuck on a tree that was pretty different from the rest of the trees.

I immediately took a hold of it and noticed it was a piece of paper folded up into a medium sized square.

Opening it to notice that it was written for me to read,' How's does it feel that I simply took what's yours just by walking through the front door? Don't worry about her anymore, I'll take good care of her. well that's unless you try to do something stupid like try to save her. Don't be like your idiot father and speaking of father... Please tell him that his old pal says Hi. Sincerely, T.A'

Extremely pissed off right now that I was about to shred it to pieces. But realized that my father might know who this bastard is and it be more easier to hunt him down.

I sent him a message in my mind saying to meet me up at the office right away...


Sky's POV

My head hurts real bad and my body is really sore as if I've been stabbed multiple times by daggers.

It was so painful that I didn't even bother moving at all.

"Oh your awake," a very familiar voice said," Very good, since we are still heading to our destination. Might as well have a real talk, one on one with out anybody interfering."

It took all my strength to look at the person and realized that the bad dream I had was actually not a dream. There stood the guy who practically ruined my whole life and everyone else lives he had taken away.

"There's nothing to talk about.. With you," I coughed up.

"Oh come on," He said dramatically," I know your filled with questions and curiosity about why I'm doing this or possibly wanting to know what was all the people very close to you said in their final breath of life?"

Anyone, Except The AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora