By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11

274 18 50
By BangtanArmies

The Present

Sora's POV

"Then I shouldn't distract you. I will stop from now on so you can focus on your work. I won't suppress my feelings for your needs anymore, so it's best if we break up. You should find someone willing to give you the space you need. And that's not me," I responded with a blank face. Seokjin stood motionlessly before me as the afternoon breeze brushed his soft hair. Even the sky was gloomy... as I requested to end our relationship before the setting sun.

"I refuse to break up with you," Seokjin sternly replied. I paused, slightly taken aback by his assertion.

"A one-sided relationship won't work-"

"It's not one-sided. We both like each other, and it doesn't make sense to end our relationship over a minor problem," Seokjin insisted with a disapproving frown.

"It's not a minor problem to you," I blinked. If it wasn't that big of a problem, Seokjin wouldn't have ignored my existence for days without reaching out. I'm not claiming to be right in this case, but if my actions bothered him to the extent he didn't want to talk or see me again... it'll only make sense for us to split up. I won't justify my problematic acts, but I will apologize for my wrongdoings. Seokjin clenched his jaw at my words before letting out a deep sigh.

"I don't want us to waste each other's time. If we break up now... all the moments we spend together will go to waste-"

"Why do you keep claiming it's a waste of time to be in a relationship- and yet you want us to work? It seems like you're conflicted with your decision to be with me. If it's really a waste of your time to be in love, then let's cut everything loose now so I don't have to bawl my eyes out for longer than a week," I argued. It's a waste of time. That's what he keeps telling me. If it's so wrong to be with me... then what is he hanging on for?

"Sora, please. Let's sensibly deal with this instead of shutting each other out-"

"I'll give you time until the ceremony is over. Think it through, and we'll end it after the event," I sighed.

"I like you! Why won't you believe me!? I- I don't know how this- relationship- thing works! It's my first time- and I'm- I'm trying to figure out everything! Can't you offer me some sympathy? It's difficult for me to adjust my daily work routine with our relationship, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you! I want to spend time with you! If that's what you're curious about, then yes! I want to be with you all the time! Oh? I might not display a favorable reaction to the way you were staring at me in class, but you were fluttering my heart! Whenever you touch me- I feel like I'm in heaven- and every time I hold you... I don't want to let go! It's difficult for me to process my feelings because I've never experienced them before! I can't give up on my work... or do I wish to give up on you! I'm trying Sora! I'm trying so hard to figure us out, and I'm sorry if you feel like I don't appreciate your love! But I'm trying- desperately- to adjust- and even now... I'm feeling an- intense heartache... and yet- I can't understand why! I was never raised or taught to deal with love before. And even with so much pain- I'm still yearning for you! I don't know what it is, but if this is love... if this is what it's like to be in love... then I guess I'm damn screwed!" Seokjin suddenly lashed out at me until his eyes burned with tears. I gripped my fist and fell silent upon witnessing his frustration.

The darkness... inside me has taken over me once again. That's why I'm saying all these hurtful words to him as a self-defense instinct to avoid getting hurt... It's what I've been doing ever since my family traumatized me. But I'm aware. I know he's in pain because of my irrational claims. Should I allow the darkness to dominate my mind... or do I resist it and address the problem?

"I just don't want to hurt our feelings anymore," I confessed. I am a complicated soul to love. I'm aware of that. And I do not wish to bleed my pain on him. Seokjin closed his eyes in defeat as he carefully reached out to hold my hand. He's frustrated with my stubbornness.

"Sora. Let's fix this instead of tossing away everything we have. Hmm...? I'm sorry for telling you it's a waste of time when- I'm really just- a coward. A coward... who can't stand... losing someone so... precious," Seokjin begged as he firmly squeezed my hands. My chest ached intensely at his pleading gaze.

"Do you really... want me in your life because you love me... or is it because of my body? Or perhaps... my power? It's hard to tell authentic love apart from an artificial one... especially when we're thriving in a power-thirsty society," I spoke quietly. I don't blame Taehyung for cautioning me about Seokjin's intentions, nor will I blindly believe Seokjin is taking advantage of me, but the possibilities are there. The chances of this courtship being an evil love game to achieve power. It's possible and I know I'm holding onto a double-edged sword. Seokjin stared at me with a discouraged expression, slowly raising my hand to place it on his left chest.

"Can you feel my heartbeat? Feel it and tell me... if I'm pretending to love you," Seokjin replied. I grew hushed as he firmly held my palm over his chest. Thud. Thud. Thud. Why is his heart thumping so hard?  I pursed my lips and glanced back at his distressful gaze.

"We live in a scary world. A society... filled with greedy... and hostile alphas... and they only want one thing from me. Death. It's hard for me to believe in anyone-"

"I promise... I do not intend to hurt you. In any way. Physically. Emotionally. Or Mentally. Please. If I ever... hurt you... on purpose... then I'll grant you permission to stab me. Here. Right in my beating heart. You can do it... and I will not whimper," Seokjin stared at me in tears.

"I'm lost right now, and I don't know where to turn or where to go~ or whom to trust~ I just- I just want someone I can be with without having to worry-"

"I know. Sora. I know. I feel the same way. I'm also searching for a person I can depend on without the fear of being betrayed. I understand your situation," Seokjin sighed while gripping onto my fingers with a pained expression.

"To be honest with you... my family is against our relationship. My parents are forcing me to give up on you... and Taehyung is getting into so much trouble with his parents for renouncing me," I whimpered, slightly shaking my head in defeat as a surge of tears swelled in my eyes. Seokjin stared at me darkly.

"Taehyung?" Seokjin questioned uneasily.

"Taehyung is not a bad person. He's not your rival. It's our parents you should be afraid of," I whispered, lifting my frightened gaze to meet his uptight frown.

"I know. He never scares me. But let's focus on our relationship for now. So, answer me. Will you allow me to handle this problem?" Seokjin grabbed my shoulders and lowered his face to stare straight at my torn eyes.

"Okay," I blinked, weakly nodding in defeat. I'll trust him this once. Seokjin exhaled in relief at my approval and encircled his arms around my waist to hold me against his solid body.

"Thank you," Seokjin whispered in my ear. I bit my lips with an aching heart upon receiving his comforting strokes over my back and lowered my face to bury it against his chest.

"Are you done talking...?" Do-hwan's voice dully spoke up, causing us to jerk in panic. Whip! We released each other, wildly spinning around to find the chief guard leaning against the mansion's pillar... with the scrambled carrot cake container in his hands. Do-hwan was stirring the smashed carrot cake with a dead stare.

"Neh?" Seokjin asked uneasily when the man wouldn't drop his suspicious gaze. Do-hwan narrowed his eyes at Seokjin, gradually pushing his sturdy body off the pillar with the spoon clenched... tightly within his rock-hard fist.

"I warned you not to mess with Sora-"

"I came to apologize!" Seokjin snapped, backing away from Do-hwan in fear when the man wouldn't stop walking toward him with a fierce scowl.

"The next time... Sora... blinks out another droplet- I repeat... if a single droplet of her tears drips because of you... I will finish you with this fucking spoon," Do-hwan dangerously points the spoon at Seokjin's pale face. The alpha stiffly swallowed as Do-hwan threatened him with the silver spoon.

"Y- Yes- sir-" Seokjin stuttered. The chief guard darkly narrowed his razor-sharp gaze on the timid alphas with an unconvinced look. There was a moment of tense silence between us as I anxiously watched Do-hwan contemplate his next move. He can't possibly consider hurting an alpha?-

"Finish this," Do-hwan suddenly dropped the spoon into the container and handed it to Seokjin.

"W-What?" Seokjin frowned, unconsciously receiving the container filled with scrambled brownish cakes. The alpha grimaced at the nasty thick paste with a disgusted face.

"Sora made it for you, so finish it," Do-hwan firmly poked Seokjin's chest with his index finger and crossed his arms with his chin held high, still training his dangerous glower on the tense alpha. Seokjin gulped at the thick paste of smashed whip creams, nervously glancing at me and back to the container.

"S-Sora made this? Sure- I'll eat- it. Why- does it taste- salty...?-" Seokjin shakily nodded, lifting the spoon up to lick it but frowned at the odd taste and glanced at me again before averting his terrified gaze to Do-hwan.

"Oh! It was a perfect cake she baked with so much love when she packed it! But that's the result of your stupid treatment! She had to add extra ingredients to it after she returned sulking earlier! What are the special ingredients? It's her tears and slimy snots! I watched it drip into the container with my own eyes! If you can squeeze those liquids out of her I'm sure you can swallow it too, right?! So eat up! Have a taste of your own foolishness!" Do-hwan snapped. [Edited]

Kim Seokjin gulped in terror as he stared at the nasty cake. The alpha lowered his shaky hand to pick up the spoon and poked the cake unsurely. He glanced at me for help before averting his eyes back to Do-hwan's glowering face. Seokjin pouted helplessly and lifted the spoon to eat the cake again. Do-hwan smirked in satisfaction upon witnessing Seokjin's disgusted face.

"Oh! It was a perfect cake she baked with so much love when she packed it! But that's the result of your stupid treatment! She had to add extra ingredients to it after she returned sulking earlier! What are the special ingredients? It's her tears and slimy snots! I watched it drip into the container with my own eyes! If you can squeeze those liquids out of her I'm sure you can swallow it too, right?! So eat up! Have a taste of your own foolishness!" Do-hwan snapped. Seokjin gulped in terror as he stared at the cake. He lowered his hand to pick up this spoon and poked the cake unsurely. He glanced at me for help before averting his eyes back to Do-hwan's glowering face. Seokjin pouted and lifted the spoon to eat the cake. Do-hwan smirked at Seokjin's disgusted face.

"That's enough! I'll get you a new slice!" I snapped, swiftly snatching the container from Seokjin as he chewed the squishy paste of sweet cream with an uncomfortable grimace.

"Send the remaining cake to my office so I can share it with the security team," Do-hwan smiled at me, happily striding off with a smug smile after bullying a top-rank alpha. Seokjin uneasily tasted his lips, so I took his hand and dragged him inside the mansion. I threw the container away and pulled him through the empty corridor.

"This is your room?- It's quite spacious," Seokjin gasped as he entered my private space with his eager gaze on the tall arches of my glass window and fluttering ancient curtains. I settled the new slice of carrot cake for him on my coffee table after I asked the maid to deliver it.

"They renovated most of the rooms except mine because I was away. You can eat in here- I'm afraid my parents will see you in the mansion," I nodded at the cake. Seokjin smiled as he settled at the foot of my bed, funnily bouncing over the mattress while glancing around the room.

"Your room is giving off so much princess vibes! It's cute!" Seokjin chuckled while scanning the modern Victorian interior. Taehyung and Jungkook upgraded their rooms to a modern design. I smiled and crawled onto his lap to wipe the cream from the corner of his lips. Seokjin watched me lick the cream off my fingertips with a slight smile.

"Are you going to eat my cake or not...?" I raised my eyebrows as he pressed his hands on the mattress to support our bodies.

"Can I... taste you first?" Seokjin smirked, lifting one hand to caress my rosy cheeks. I bit my lower lips at his tempted eyes as he slowly lowered his hands to hold my hips. Seokjin tilted his face upward to kiss me as I perched on his lap... so I exhaled and deepened our kiss to suck out the aftertaste of my flavorful cake from his tongue. Seokjin slipped his fingers under my dress to rub my thighs until I shuddered at his teasing strokes and pushed him back to make him lay on my bed.

"Be right back," I smiled, crawling off Seokjin's torso. I hurriedly left my room before returning to find Seokjin resting in the same position with his strong arms tucked under his head.

"Where did you go?" Seokjin asked as I crept back onto his torso.

"I don't want to get pregnant," I smiled, lifting a condom pack clipped securely between my fingers.

"Where did you get it?" Seokjin scoffed, forcing his body off the mattress with his elbows to snatch it from me.

"I stole it from Jungkook's drawer," I giggled. Seokjin chuckled in disbelief and slumped back onto the bed while examining the plastic wrapper with a slight smirk.

"You're naughty~!" He laughed, shifting his bright gaze to me, so I shyly smiled as Seokjin reached under the thin fabric of my gown to unclasp my bra. He quickly sat up again and tugged my face forward to silence me with his lips as he took off my dress and undergarment... until I was sitting naked on his crotch. I impatiently undid his shirt and belt while he fondled my breast, lowering his face to nibble on my sensitive tips until I let out an unexpected moan.

"You know... part of me... want to protect you... from getting pregnant..." Seokjin whispered, sensually shifting his alluring gaze to study my flushed face as he softly groped my blossoms.

"What do you mean?" I pursed my lips while sitting on his hot body.

"But whenever I hold you... I have this strong urge... to get you pregnant... because I want you to have our babies so badly..." Seokjin whispered while brushing my cheeks with his fingers, causing a surge of warm blood to rush up to my face. He's not drunk, is he?

"Didn't you say we're too young to have kids?" I asked, circling my arms around his neck.

"When I'm in my right mind, yes. But when we're both naked like this... my human instinct is to reproduce with you... not just for pleasure... but the urge to make you the mother of my children is so powerful... I feel like I'm going to lose control," Seokjin whispered. I giggled and gently boop my nose against his.

"The alphas... they say you're royal blood. A virtuous man... so pure and perfect... an untouchable entity. What happened... to him?" I asked while grazing his defined hairline, softly tucking the stands behind his red ears. Seokjin sensually skimmed his fingers over the arch of my back to tease my sensitive nerves as we sat facing each other with nothing in between us. Just our bare skin... rubbing against each other. The alpha smiled while examining my face with his tender pupils.

"You happened. I never permitted myself to experience this kind of attachment with another soul because... of the society's stigma. Love is a weakness. That's what they claim. But how can it be a weakness? When you've shown me... love isn't so scary. Love is so much more than just a weakness. Sweet kisses... warm hugs... small conversations... and carefree thoughts. How is it deadly when I feel so... comfortable around you?" Seokjin whispered as I smiled faintly at his glowing skin. It's our habit to converse a lot during our intimacy. We're not even having sex yet, and yet... we're already in so much pleasure with the small talk and gentle touches over our vulnerable skin.

"If I wasn't a powerful woman... would you have fallen for me?" I asked, curiously tilting my head to the side without breaking our eye contact. Seokjin chuckled and leaned forward to peck my bare shoulder as I ran my fingers through his soft hair.

"If another alternative universe exists... and I happened... to meet you. If I was still a high-status alpha... and you're an innocent average. I'd probably still approach you. Maybe not to initiate a relationship, but I will likely find my way to get your attention... even if it means being a bit arrogant to show off my qualities to you. I'll probably try to charm you with my visuals... and brag about my face because that's all I can think of when I'm nervous," Seokjin smiled, gently pecking my cheek. I chuckled at his slippery tongue and tugged his head against my shoulder as he fondled my breasts with his palms.

"An alpha shouldn't date an average though. It will be a tragic love story," I pouted.

That's the heartbreaking truth of love and life. The power curse. An alpha is free to love the average, but it comes at a deadly price. There are only two paths. The love will either strip the alpha from their status... and they become the commoner, or... the average lover dies.

After all, the ruthless society will never allow the weak to thrive within it. Choosing to embrace a powerless person is suicide. And yet some alphas... challenged their destiny and married the average for love. Jungkook's father... and Taehyung's aunt. They both married the average and as foreseen. Both their spouses passed away as a sacrifice to achieve greater power.

"An alpha's love story can be as tragic, you know? Most of us... marry for power and never for love. A lonesome marriage. It's a nightmare I've always feared," Seokjin replied. I stared sadly at his warm gaze, finally leaning forward to kiss him. Seokjin panted against my face as he adjusted my hips over his crotch to slip inside me, so I gripped his broad shoulders and tensed my body.

"Are you staying over at my place tonight? Don't you have work to complete?" I asked as I raised and lowered my hips to work my heated body over his.

"At this rate... I feel like I'm participating in an illegal teenage sleepover at your place," Seokjin frowned once he felt the hot jolt of pleasure between our legs. I moaned softly and hugged him as Seokjin helped me bounce steadily over his thick thighs. I pushed Seokjin backward to make him lie down as I took control of our bodies... until I felt the scorching warmth... expanding between my thighs with every stroke I felt inside me.

I pursed my lips to resist the stimulating pleasure and lowered my hands to press my fingers over Seokjin's firm chest in difficulty while riding his manly bulge. Hngh~! Seokjin grabbed my wrist and brought it to his lips. The alpha gently kissed my palm while observing my difficult frown as I rocked steadily over his crotch until I moaned again and lowered my face in pleasure. I shivered in satisfaction when I felt an uncomfortable sensation jolting throughout my body.

Seokjin suddenly grabbed my fleshy hips when I tried to slow down and started working his way into me from underneath. I gasped in shock at the pace of his thrusts, weakly slumping over his toned trunk in defeat as he seized control of our bodies. I clutched his firm cheeks with my lips pinned firmly over his... to muffle my breathy moans as he thumped inside me at a quick pace- until I felt my body erupting with an uncomfortable spasm.


"I'm almost there-" Seokjin panted as I repeatedly tapped his pulsing chest for a break.

"Babe- I said wait-" I whimpered in difficulty when he wouldn't stop beating between my legs- Breep! Seokjin immediately halted- halfway inside me as I remained frozen over his crotch with a bright red face. The alpha glanced at my startled face in surprise.

"D-Did you just- fart??? It smells like carrot cake!" Seokjin scoffed, funnily staring up at me from the pillow... eyes bulging open in disbelief. I screwed my face in embarrassment and lowered my body to bury my face against his warm chest.

"I told you to wait!" I whined against his flesh as Seokjin held me over his moist body.

"You wanted to get off to fart before resuming our intercourse?! I don't think that's normal! Just fart if you want to!" Seokjin laughed. I groaned and smacked his chest in extreme shame when he wouldn't stop teasing me.

"The pleasure is too intense... I clenched my buttcheeks too tightly," I giggled as he rubbed my moist back to comfort me, so I eventually lifted my face, shyly grinning at Seokjin's flustered face as he gazed at me with a fond smile.

"You're too cute~!" Seokjin laughed, lifting his head to peck my lips.

"Stop teasing me~!" I pouted while hugging his neck and buried my face against his neck as he steadily worked his body against mine again. Seokjin hoarsely chuckled and kissed my cheek until I started moaning against his ear with every arousing stroke I felt between my legs.

"Ease your buttcheeks, will you?" Seokjin teased, lightly slapping my butt. I whined in annoyance when he wouldn't stop joking about my fart. I kept my face buried in his hair because I didn't want him to see my flushed face. His breathy laughter... was eventually replaced by a low grunt as the alpha approached his climax so I stiffened my body and groaned in extreme pleasure.

I pursed my lips intensely when I felt a hot jolt inside me- Thump! I curled my toes in difficulty while gripping his fine hair- until Seokjin slumped under me in exhaustion. Hah~! I felt him filling the condom inside me, so I exhaled and slowly lifted my hips to slip him out of me as Seokjin panted heavily under my body. The man wiped the heavy sweat beads from his forehead as I remained on him. He reached for my hands, so I leaned back down to rest my body on his as Seokjin secured me between his arms with his eyes closed.

"Let's wash up together after we calm down," I suggested as Seokjin struggled to catch his breath beside my ear. He cupped my face and turned me toward him, gently pressing his lips against mine to savor our successful intimacy. I insisted on borrowing Jungkook's clothes for him... but Seokjin said he could sleep in his boxer... so we went to bed together.

Third Person POV

Jang Sora panted cutely against Seokjin's face as she slept on his firm bicep. The alpha sleepily stared at his exhausted lover in the dark... gazing at her pale skin, puffy eyes, and slightly parted pink lips... until he felt an intense stir in his chest as he gently rubbed her bare shoulder. He leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

"I love you," Seokjin whispered while resting sideways on their shared pillow. The alpha was so mesmerized by her beauty... he couldn't help but admire her flawless face. Never would he have guessed... he'd be this captivated by her calming energy.

"Some day... when I'm ready... I'll tell you I love you when you're awake," Seokjin muttered under his breath. Sora stirred uncomfortably, slowly opening her sleepy eyes to stare at Seokjin.

"Hmm? What did you say...? You can't sleep?" She yawned, rubbing her eyelids as Seokjin watched her struggle to open her eyes.

"Your stomach is growling," Seokjin replied. Sora closed her eyes again, so the alpha assumed she was sleep-talking when- *gurgle* Her stomach stirred again. Seokjin huffed at her cuteness as he placed his palm over the thin silk of her nightgown to feel the vibration of her hungry belly.

"I'm hungry," Sora muttered, turning to lie on her back with her eyes closed.

"Do you want to eat?" Seokjin asked, getting up to sit on her bed before averting his eyes to the slice of cake on her coffee table.

"The maids are asleep, and I don't want to cook in the kitchen. My parents might find out about you- and Taehyung will get in trouble with his parents again," Sora hoarsely muttered as she scratched her head.

"Why do you keep saying Taehyung will get in trouble?" Seokjin frowned. Sora sighed, groggily sitting up beside Seokjin with her eyes half open.

"His father hurt him because of me. Because I'm dating you. I don't care about the elders, but I don't want Taehyung to take the blame for me," Sora shook her head as she scratched her head. Seokjin shifted his gaze to her fallen... silk strap and leaned forward to kiss her shoulder.

"I can cook for you at my place... but we'll have to leave," Seokjin suggested, hugging her waist as they sat on the bed. Sora's droopy eyes dropped closed again as she slouched against her lover.

"Okay. Let's pack the cake," Sora finally nodded, stirring awake from her idle mind. Seokjin smiled and got off her bed to get dressed as Sora sleepily grabbed a cardigan from her wardrobe. She pulled the cloth over her thin gown and turned to open the door.

"This is all you're wearing? It's cold outside," Seokjin blinked at her thin layers. Sora rubbed her swollen face and took Seokjin's hand without uttering a word. She sleepily led him out of her bedroom to guide him through the maze-like corridor. Thud. Thud. The couple halted in the living room when another person came strolling out of the corridor leading to the kitchen. Kim Taehyung abruptly stopped in his place once he found Sora standing in her nightgown with her fingers interlaced with Seokjin's.

"Are you heading out? At this time?" Taehyung asked, unsurely glancing at the dark sky through the tall arch windows.

"Oh. I'm hungry. Seokjin said he'll cook for me at his place, so I'll head out with him. Can you not tell the elders? I'll return by dawn," Sora muttered, sleepily yawning beside her lover. Seokjin unsurely glanced at Taehyung... who was staring right back at him with grim look.

"I'm hungry too. Mind if I join you guys?" Taehyung requested.

"Moh?" Seokjin frowned. He expected Taehyung to lash out at Sora, but the alpha was weirdly calm.

"If Seokjin is okay with you visiting his place," Sora shrugged. Half out of her mind.

"What's with the uptight frown? I won't breach your security system. Plus, I'm not comfortable with you taking her out this late, so let me join you," Taehyung insisted.

"We're on good terms now," Sora yawned again, turning her head to stare at Seokjin. The alpha blinked at her cuteness before shifting his attention back to Taehyung.

"Sure. Let's go," Seokjin sighed, tugging Sora forward. He can't sleep in an unfamiliar place anyways, and he doesn't want to part from her yet, so he'll take her to his villa. The sleepy supreme alpha funnily waddled off with her lover as he led her toward the mansion's front door.

Taehyung exhaled and turned to follow the couple in his casual clothes. Seokjin helped Sora into the passenger seat as she held the plate of carrot cake over her lap. Taehyung slipped into the back seat as Seokjin started his engine... and the top alphas... left the mansion together. No one muttered a word as Seokjin drove on the empty dark street. Cling... Seokjin briefly glanced to the side to find Sora... eating his cake.

"You said it's for me, but you're eating it now," Seokjin scoffed. Sora scooped the melting cream and lifted the spoon to Seokjin's lips.

"Ah," Sora stared at him sleepily. Seokjin opened his mouth, so she carefully fed him.

"Ehem," Taehyung cleared his throat when he couldn't stand watching their lovey-dovey interactions from the back seat. Seokjin fired Taehyung an annoyed glare through the mirror before averting his eyes back to the empty street.

"Ah," Sora suddenly turned in her seat to offer Taehyung a spoonful of the cake. Seokjin glanced at Sora in confusion as she waited for Taehyung to accept her offer.

"I'm not eating from the same spoon," Taehyung frowned. Sora pursed her lips and glanced down at the cake before shoving the rejected chunk into her mouth. She carefully sliced another piece on the plate- and then picked the cake with her fingers.

"Ah~?" Sora turned to offer Taehyung the cake again with her fingers. Taehyung unsurely eyed the piece of cake as Seokjin intensely watched them through the mirror. The alpha scoffed, eventually scooting forward to let her feed him. Sora pushed the cake into his mouth, weakly smiling at the man as he stiffly tasted the delicious flavor.

The supreme alpha gently dabbed the cream off his lips and turned back to settle in her seat. Seokjin side-eyed his girlfriend as she sleepily licked the cream she wiped off Taehyung's lips with her fingers. The alpha felt intense jealousy erupting in his chest but chose to remain calm... so he averted his eyes back to the road. They're like siblings, he thought to himself.

"Why are you eating all of my cake? Feed me! AHHHHHH~!" Seokjin complained when she forgot to feed him. Sora chuckled at his cuteness before turning to feed him again as Taehyung sorely glanced back and forth to watch their wholesome interaction. Slightly irritated... Kim Taehyung shifted his stern gaze out the window until they arrived at Seokjin's villa.

"I'll take a walk around the garden. Call me when the food is ready," Taehyung muttered, strolling toward the orchid with his hands in his pocket.

"Don't do anything sneaky!" Seokjin yelled after Taehyung, but the alpha ignored him and disappeared from sight as the supreme alpha adorably waddled toward the door with the empty plate, patiently waiting for her boyfriend, who was collecting his coat from his car seat.

"What are you standing there for?" Seokjin asked as she awkwardly cupped the plate.

"You changed the passcode," Sora pouted, glancing at the screen. Seokjin chuckled, suddenly back hugging her before the closed door. He gently turned her body toward the digital screen after taking the plate out of her hands with his chin rested on her shoulder.

"Why didn't you try another passcode? You could've figured it out if you tried," Seokjin whispered as he held her from behind with one hand.

"But I don't know-"

"Your birthday, Sora," Seokjin sighed. Sora pursed her lips and lifted her finger to press on the screen. 24th... January 1998. Sora carefully keyed the 6-digit pin. 240198. Click. The door slid open. She halted to stare at the open door in disbelief.

"You didn't change it after I confronted you, did you?" She frowned. Seokjin kissed her cheek and led her inside, so she fired him a skeptical look.

"Don't try to argue with me. I won't argue with you, or you'll try to break up with me again," Seokjin smiled. Sora glared at Seokjin and strolled into the kitchen after him as the alpha dug into his fridge for fresh ingredients. Taehyung suddenly pushed the door open after the refreshing walk and entered the villa with his mouth half open.

"Why don't you have any maids? It's true that you live alone?" Taehyung asked, poking his head around the villa in disbelief.

"Why do I need a maid when I can care for myself? I only need the guards," Seokjin replied as Sora placed the pan on the stove to heat it.

"What are we making?" Sora asked while adjusting the heat.

"You up for spicy pork cutlet?" Seokjin asked, pulling out the meat from the freezer.

"Sure. But we can't make it spicy," Sora replied as she turned to search for onions.

"Why not? We like spicy-"

"Taehyung can't eat spicy food," Sora replied dismissively. Seokjin halted at her concern for the alpha's preference before shifting his gaze to Taehyung, who awkwardly stood in the kitchen's doorway.

"I can't eat spicy food! Don't make it spicy!" Taehyung snapped when Seokjin wouldn't stop frowning at him. Sora didn't pay attention to the alphas as she washed the vegetables in the sink.

"Aigo! I told you to tie up your hair when you cook! You'll have to shampoo your greasy hair again~!" Seokjin whined, dropping the meat container to search for a hair tie in his pocket. He gently tugged Sora's hair from her face and lifted it up to tie the loose strands as she scrubbed the veggies.

"I'll stay in the living room," Taehyung cleared his throat, stiffly walking off when he had enough of their interaction. Seokjin and Sora helped each other cook the dish in the kitchen and finally settled the crispy pork cutlet on the coffee table with the rice bowls. Taehyung blinked at the mouth-watering food before glancing up at the couple again.

"Do you often... cook together?" Taehyung asked.

"Always. Seokjin doesn't like outside food, so we never ordered anything," Sora nodded, grabbing a piece of the cutlet with her chopstick to stuff it into her mouth. Seokjin sat down beside her with a glass of water. Taehyung glanced at Seokjin and carefully lifted the culet to place it in his rice bowl.

"It's not bad," Taehyung muttered as he chewed the juicy texture with a slight frown. The food was far more delicious than he anticipated.

"Of course, it's delicious! I'm the best at everything I do!" Seokjin smugly snapped at Taehyung. The alpha glared at his rival before lowering his chopstick to grab another piece.

"So... how did you two- end up together?" Taehyung coughed, eagerly glancing at the couple as he perched on the couch.

"Why are you interested in our love affairs?" Seokjin scoffed. Taehyung glared at Seokjin in annoyance.

"I'm just irritated because you lied to her!" Taehyung snapped. Sora stopped chewing and lifted her face from the bowl to question Taehyung's irritated face.

"What do you mean I lied-"

"You said you're the perfect man! People say you didn't have a lover in the past, but that's not true! You were screwing someone on the rooftop!" Taehyung accidentally blurted. Sora froze beside her lover. Her face flushing red... upon hearing the alpha's confrontation.

"T-that day- I was- there with him. On the rooftop..." Sora confessed awkwardly. Taehyung's eyes bulged open in disbelief.

"Moh!? It was you!? The undergarment-! Waaah~ You were screwing him when I was searching for you?-"

"NO! We didn't do anything!" The couple denied it with a flustered face. Taehyung stared at them as if they were out of their minds.

"But you were moaning-"

"She was scared of you and threatened me to put on an act so you wouldn't find her. It was for show," Seokjin shook his head. Taehyung fired Sora a disappointed glare, so she shifted her gaze away in embarrassment.

"Then how did you end up together? The rumor-"

"We did sleep together," Sora shrugged. Taehyung suddenly choked on his rice and spat all over the dish, causing Sora's jaw to drop at the mess. Seokjin whined in disbelief as Taehyung pounded his chest in distress.

"Keep your mouth shut!" Seokjin groaned, covering his precious dish with his hands. Taehyung grabbed a few tissues to cover his mouth as he resisted the urge to cough. The alpha eventually gulped some water and slumped back with a runny nose and burning red eyes.

"The rumor- it's true?" Taehyung cleared his throat while wiping away his tears.

"Yeah. I thought I was pregnant... so he got me a pregnancy kit, but it turns out I wasn't pregnant. He asked me out after the incident because we were already caught up in the stupid scandal," Sora nodded. Taehyung stared at her bitterly before averting his gaze to find Seokjin glaring at him from across the table.

"Leave us alone. I have genuine feelings for her," Seokjin insisted. Taehyung rolled his eyes while chewing his food and slumped against the couch.

"Araso. It's not like I can do anything anyways. Just avoid enraging the elders, and I'll let you live in peace," Taehyung shrugged as the supreme alpha hungrily devoured her food with an unbothered look. The two alphas glanced at her puffy cheeks with their lips pursed before glancing at one another again. Nom~! Nom~! She loudly chewed the savory meal.

A moment later.

Kim Seokjin cleared the table and did the dishes as Sora brushed her teeth in his bathroom.

"You even have your set of personal essentials in his bathroom? Even your own soap and shampoo? And a toothbrush? What is this? Are you trying to move in with him already???" Taehyung scoffed when he recognized Sora's personal items in Seokjin's bathroom as he washed his hands over the sink.

"Seokjin bought me everything I needed because I stay over often," Sora shrugged, walking out of the bathroom after washing her brush. Taehyung followed her to the living room to find Seokjin stretching his back in exhaustion.

"It's 3:00 AM, but we can sleep in tomorrow," Seokjin yawned.

"Aren't you taking us home?" Taehyung blinked. Sora and Seokjin exchanged awkward glances.

"I'll ask my men to escort you home," Seokjin shrugged, nodding at his door.

"Great. Let's go," Taehyung nudged Sora and walked forward but stopped when she didn't follow him. The alpha turned to frown at the supreme alpha unsurely as she clung onto Seokjin's arm.

"I'm staying over with him tonight," Sora pursed his lips. Taehyung's mouth dropped open at her blunt statement. The alpha averted his gaze to Seokjin in irritation.

"Didn't you sneakily spend time together at the mansion the entire evening? Isn't that enough-"

"You can go home if you want! I'll head home tomorrow~!" Sora whined, stubbornly clinging to Seokjin's thick forearm like a child. Taehyung scoffed at her childish behavior before lowering his face to rub his forehead.

"Whatever!" Taehyung cutely glared at the couple and walked out of the door, but before the couple could speak... he suddenly banged open the door again and marched back inside.

"I'll stay too," Taehyung said shortly with a dark grimace.

"What?!- No! Go home!" Seokjin snapped at his sudden demand to stay over.

"I'm too sleepy to go home! Show me to your guest room!" Taehyung funnily waved his hands while kicking off his slippers and stormed back into the living room.

"I don't have a guest room! I live alone!" Seokjin snapped while chasing the alpha with an uptight look

"What do you mean you don't have a guest room?!" Taehyung turned to glare at Seokjin in disbelief.

"Just go home!" Seokjin pointed at the door. Taehyung clenched his jaw and averted his uptight face to Sora.

"I'll sleep on the couch," Taehyung huffed, suddenly dropping onto the couch and rolled over without a bother.

"Wahhhh~! This jerk!" Seokjin scoffed as he stood staring at the alpha with his arms crossed.

"Should I go home with him? I'll head home if you don't want him here," Sora suggested anxiously. Seokjin averted his eyes to her in annoyance.

"I'll bring him a blanket," Seokjin huffed, striding away to grab a blanket from his closet and hastily threw it at Taehyung. The alpha didn't thank Seokjin and pulled the blanket over his head as he rested on the couch. Unbothered by Seokjin's infuriated presence. Seokjin fired Taehyung one last glare before grabbing Sora's hand and led her to his room.

"Are you sure? I can leave-"

"No. I want to be with you! That stupid bastard is doing this on purpose to irritate me!" Seokjin shook his head after shutting the door behind his back. Thump! Thump! Thump! He stormed into his closet room while tearing off his shirt.

The supreme frowned uneasily as she crawled onto her lover's bed until he returned in his fresh pajamas. He switched off the lights and got in bed with her, so she turned on the mattress to sleep on her side with her arm placed over his buff chest as she anxiously examined his red ears.

"You seem irritated," Sora whispered, lightly brushing back Seokjin's hair. He opened his eyes to stare at her slight smile in silence.

"Because you seem close to him," Seokjin muttered.

"We're like a family. We grew up together," Sora assured him. Seokjin frowned at her but decided to give up and nodded.

"Do you want to move in with me?" Seokjin suddenly asked. Sora pursed his lips.


"You don't want to?" Seokjin asked. Sora giggled and shook her head.

"Of course I do, but our parents will be furious," I shrugged. Seokjin sighed heavily and tugged her head against his chest.

"You're right," Seokjin agreed. Sora smiled and tightened her grasp around his body.

The crowded bed eventually grew a bit humid for them, so they naturally tossed and turned on the mattress in their deep sleep until they ended up on different sides of the bed. Seokjin stirred after a while and sleepily turned to pat the bedsheet to search for Sora... only to realize she was on the other end, so he groaned and scooted over the bed until he found her warm body.

The alpha swung his heavy limbs over her frail body to hold her against him. Sora grumbled after a while and pushed Seokjin away because she was feeling too stuffy within his embrace.

Seokjin unconsciously rolled back to the other side as Sora expanded her arms and legs on the bed with her messy hair dangling over her face. The dark room steadily grew brighter as the sun rose over the sky until the supreme alpha yawned and sat up on the bed to find Seokjin sleeping... face first on the mattress. She grumbled and crawled out of bed to leave his room.

"Taehyung...?" Sora sleepily searched for the alpha in the living room just as Taehyung walked out of Seokjin's bathroom with his damp hair.

"I went for a morning swim," Taehyung explained as he walked shirtless into the living room. Sora nodded and slumped on the couch while scratching her messy hair as Taehyung pulled on his shirt.

"Do you want to eat breakfast?" Sora yawned again.

"No. I'll leave first," Taehyung shook his head as he collected his items from the couch.

"I'll see you at home," Sora smiled. Taehyung waved at her, strode out of the villa to enter Seokjin's car, and left with the driver. The supreme alpha scratched her head and sleepily slumped on the couch. She eventually got bored of admiring the rising sun and got up to enter Seokjin's personal work office... quietly logging into the guest user on his computer... to surf the internet.

A moment later.

The supreme alpha chewed her nails as she intensely read the mature webtoon on the screen- Clack. Seokjin suddenly entered the room with a dazed look. Shit! She quickly grabbed the mouse to delete the tabs in a hurry.

"What are you doing in here?" Seokjin asked, approaching her with a confused look when he found his girlfriend gawking at his desktop screen.

"F-Food! I was- just watching videos of new recipes!" Sora stuttered as she frantically deleted the tabs in a panic.

"Can you warm up our leftovers from last night?" Seokjin requested as he gently lifted his girlfriend's lightweight body off his leather armchair to settled on the seat and placed her on his lap instead. Sora turned to give him a light peck as he held her over him before averting his eyes to the cooking video.

"I'll be right back," Sora smiled and skipped out of the room. The supreme alpha microwaved the food for her lover and eventually returned to Seokjin's work office with the plate and a glass of water.

"What were you doing on my computer?" Seokjin asked as soon as she entered with the food. Sora halted in fear as Seokjin averted his eyes from the screen suspiciously while scrolling through the history tabs.

"I- I was just reading a novel-"

"Novel? There's a list of graphic sites- Yah!?" Seokjin frowned, clicking on the links curiously. THUMP! Sora immediately shoved the plate onto the desk and dashed across the room in fear.

"No! I can explain!- Ah~!-" Sora frantically grabbed the mouse from Seokjin in a panic as she leaned over the desktop to switch the tab when Seokjin secured her waist with his strong arms and tugged her away. She whined with her arms extended- but the alpha simply hauled her back to stop her from touching his desk.

"You've been snooping around?!" Seokjin scoffed.

"It's not what you think- No! NO-! No~!" Sora whined, frantically thrashing over her boyfriend's thighs but he refused to release her.

Seokjin effortlessly shifted the mouse with his other hand until Sora's eyes bulged open in horror as she frantically resisted him. Click. The alpha clicked her search history again, and an entire list of adult content showed up on the screen before them. Seokjin paused to stare at his desktop in shock. Sora pouted in guilt, suddenly flushing red as she stiffly gripped her nightgown.

"Ani- Why would you search this?!" Seokjin turned to look at her with his eyes bulging open. He glanced back at the manhwa art to find a couple... making love on the screen. It wasn't a video, but the drawing was pretty explicit. Sora groaned and lowered her face in embarrassment.

"I just- I was just curious~!" Sora pursed her lips with her head lowered.

"Curious...? About sex?!" Seokjin blinked. Sora stared at his confused frown worriedly, finally releasing a deep sigh when he wouldn't stop staring at her as if she was out of her mind.

"We're both not that- skilled with lovemaking yet! So I did some research! I saw a few videos, but it was uncomfortable to watch so I searched for something else- and these novels... They're quite nice," Sora shyly nodded at the graphic contents on the screen.

"Ah~! You're unbelievable~!" Seokjin released her body and slumped back in disbelief.

"Wae~? We only do it in two positions! I want to try something different~! It's quite nice... don't you think?" Sora pouted, turned to the screen again and reached out to scroll through the panel. Seokjin grew hushed as he watched his girlfriend stare intensely at the explicit pictures with her curious pupils.

"You keep surprising me," Seokjin finally exhaled in disbelief as he leaned forward to grab the plate from his desk.

The naughty supreme alpha giggled as she sat between his legs on the armchair. Seokjin shook his head and poked the cutlet before lifting it to his mouth as he read the novel with Sora. He quietly averted his eyes to find her chewing her fingers intensely as she read the spicy scenes. It was weird for him at first, but the longer he stared at her naive... yet... curious nature... the more his chest churned for her.

"That's an interesting position," Seokjin mumbled, nodding at the screen. Sora blinked and turned to look at Seokjin in shock.

"That's weird!" She disagreed before turning to look at the couple again. They were staring at their reflection as they made love.

"Do you want to try...? I have a body mirror too," Seokjin smirked. Sora's face flushed red as she hugged her knees between his thighs.

"No! I don't like it!" Sora shook her head and glanced away to hide her flustered cheeks. Seokjin laughed at her dismissal after pushing the plate away and hugged her warm body from behind as he read the novel with her on his lap. The couple spent their day exploring... love-making techniques until Seokjin whined and dragged Sora out of the room because he was afraid he'd lose control of himself.


Alpha Ceremony

I sucked in my breath to squeeze the remaining air out of my deflated lungs until my face turned pale as the stylist fastened my corset before the mirror. She briefly looked up at my troubled expression once she failed to shrink my waist to her desired size.

"Did you gain weight?" Eomma asked as she watched me through the mirror with a slight frown.

"Can't we loosen it~?! I can't breathe!" I whined, finally exhaling in defeat. Eomma shook her head in disappointment and got up to leave the room. I've been eating too much at Seokjin's place because he kept cooking delicious food! Imo came strolling inside with a makeup artist.

"Aigo! Give her some space to breathe! She should feel comfortable at the event~!" Imo instructed the stylist when she noticed me screwing my face in discomfort as the stylist fought to fasten the corset laces. The woman nodded and turned to tighten my corset again.

Imo returned to the mansion a few days ago... after her mother passed away in her hometown. I have very few memories of imo because she was only an assistant when I was younger. I was away for a few years, and the woman still looked exactly like I remembered her. Except... the wrinkles beside her eyes grew a bit deeper and a few gray hair strands appeared in her once pitch-black hair.

The stylist did her best to bind the corset around my body and finally helped me into a long off-shoulder nude v-neck dress with thin straps. Imo reached under the fabric to adjust my boobs beneath the padding to pump up my cleavage. I stared at the flower ornaments embroidered on the bodice as the stylist spread out the dress for me.

The makeup artist did a bit of touch-up on my makeup and fixed my hair as I stood in the mirror with a neat bun and a few loose curls. Imo eventually dismissed the stylist and makeup artist before turning to unbox a rectangular box loaded with shimmering jewels. I stood without uttering a word as she clipped a sparkly diamond choker around my slender throat.

"What a pity," Imo suddenly sighed as she carefully clipped the earring for me. I stared at her with a questioning look.

"Is something wrong?" I asked unsurely.

"Taehyung won't be attending as your partner. He'd look perfect with you," Imo sighed. I pursed my lips. Imo is Taehyung's nanny. She's attached to him.

"I'm sure he'll shine just as brightly with his date," I replied, brushing off the topic. Imo repeatedly showered my body with the scented mist until my skin glowed healthily with its shimmering effect. I finally lifted my gown to let imo slip on my golden heels.

A maid entered to bring the heels padding for the base of my feet and I was finally ready after an entire day of prepping for the event. I had to wake up early this morning for a steaming milk bath to moisturize my skin. My mother got a specialist to give me a body massage after the bath and even a team of hair techs to add volume to my hair.

"You can't lay down! Aigo~!" Imo gasped when I tried to lie down on the couch. I pouted and sat up again as she rushed over to dab a bit of blush over my face.

"You have to be the brightest star at the event!" Imo beamed as she gripped my shoulders- turning my body from side to side to search for the flaws. I was finally allowed to leave the mansion in the puffy gown.

Do-hwan was busily instructing a few guards and drivers about our routes to the venue. The man is dressed in a dashing formal suit since it's his duty to escort my parents to the event.

"Tada~!" I giggled, opening my arms to show Do-hwan my dress for the night after he dismissed his security team. The man turned to stare at me with a playful frown as if to inspect my dress.

"Are you sure you can breathe?" He asked while beaming at me. I did a cute twirl for him in the nude dress as he watched me with a faint smile.

"I think I can survive," I nodded excitedly.

"Aigo~! Minah will be disappointed," Jungkook spoke up from behind me, so I quickly spun around to examine his deep wine-colored suit.

"Why would she be disappointed?" I glared at him as I patted my pretty dress.

"Your mother exclusively reserved the best designer to craft that dress. No alphas at the venue will shine as brightly as you," Jungkook smiled with his hand in his pocket.

"What's your concept? Hot bad boy?" I laughed at his suit.

"Oh. Minah is going red as usual. I need to match her aesthetics," He shrugged. He's like a superstar... whatever he wears... makes him stand out so much. No wonder the girls at our elementary school bullied me because I was close to him.

"You're wearing our household's heirloom," Appa suddenly appeared in his formal attire, referring to the golden flower crown on my head. It was passed from my father's side of the family.

"Where's Taehyung?" Jungkook asked, checking his luxurious watch unsurely.

"He left earlier to pick up Haerim. You should head out to escort Minah," Do-hwan replied.

Jungkook nodded and walked off to his respective car just as eomma strolled down the stairs in a silver slim-fit dress and for some reason... she didn't look too excited. Only the young alphas are thrilled about the event because that's where they can show off their pretty dresses and wealth to the society. The elders are much more timid because of the newcomers in the game.

"Impressive," Appa pursed his lips once the latest model of a black limousine came rolling inside the mansion's gate, followed by a few security vehicles. Do-hwan scoffed at the unexpected arrival until the wheels stopped turning and the driver stepped out to open the door for... the Kim's heir. Kim Seokjin stepped out in his dashing pitch-black suit. His sleek black hair... neatly brushed back to reveal his handsome face.

"Seokjin-!" I gasped, trying to rush forward when I felt a firm grip on my wrist, so I halted and glanced down to find appa holding tightly onto me.

"He must come to you. The supreme alpha should never chase," Appa muttered, keeping his stern gaze on Seokjin.

I cleared my throat uneasily once appa released my hand... so I patted my dress as I stood beside my parents and Do-hwan. Seokjin strolled toward us with a slight smile. I tried not to smile too wide at his insanely hot visual. He looks so manly! The Kim's heir stopped before me, politely bowed to my parents and straightened his back with confidence. My mother nodded at him with an approving smile.

"I have arrived to escort the supreme alpha," Seokjin nodded at the vehicles beside his limousine. I bit my lips with my hands clasped together when he finally shifted his attention to me. Seokjin didn't blink and stared at my enchanting appearance for a good ten seconds before snapping out of his thoughts.

"We'll see you at the venue," Appa responded, leaning over to peck my cheek. I smiled and glanced at Seokjin again as he placed out his hand, so I took a deep breath and lifted my fingers to hold his warm palm. The alpha slightly tugged me forward, so I turned to wave at Do-hwan and walked off with Seokjin.

We both maintained a composed behavior in front of my parents until we reached his car. The driver held the door open for us, so I slipped inside to find a spacious lounge in the car with a mini bar inside. Seokjin lifted my dress off the ground as I carefully entered to settle on the leather seats. He got in after me. 

"Are you thirsty?" Seokjin asked as he carefully settled my dress and leaned over to check the fridge without looking at me.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" I curiously questioned his strange behavior.

"I'm afraid I'll ruin your makeup if I stare at you for longer than a second. Your beauty is blinding me," Seokjin smirked as he retrieved a mineral water bottle from the fridge. I chuckled and shook my head in disbelief.

"I can always reapply my makeup, you know?" I giggled. Seokjin finally glanced at me again as the car slowly rolled out of the property. We sat quietly... gazing at each other's captivating visuals in the stylish limousine with glowy lighting.

Seokjin's face gradually flushed red the longer he maintained eye contact with me, so I shot him a coy smile until Seokjin leaned forward to shorten the gap between our bodies. I threw my arms around his neck with my lips pressed against his as he held onto my waist. Huff. Seokjin panted heavily against my face as we made out in the limousine.

"My heart is going crazy. How are you so beautiful? I'm only used to being perfect myself," Seokjin frowned, pulling away to speak in a raspy voice. I gently traced my finger over his earlobe while biting down on my lips.

"I don't want water. I want champagne," I smirked. Seokjin scoffed against my face. He leaned forward to grab the bottle and popped it open as I requested. We shared a glass and finally placed the drink away.

"You're ruining your pretty dress," Seokjin pouted as I swung my legs over his lap.

"You'll help me fix it... right?" I asked as I adjusted my position to sit facing him on his thighs in my puffy gown. Seokjin lowered his hand from my waist to hold my butt as I encircled my arms around his neck.

"If you keep doing this... I can guarantee we'll show up at the event a hot mess," Seokjin smirked, leaning back against his seat as he stared at me with temptation.

I poked his nose tip with my finger as he held me in the moving limousine until Seokjin lowered his gaze from my eyes to my... plump cleavage. He glanced back up at me with a conflicted expression and suddenly leaned forward to bury his face in my chest. I giggled and hugged his head as he gently kissed my cleavage until I felt my body convulsing in extreme pleasure.

"You're the naughty one!" I chuckled after Seokjin lifted his flustered face with a dazed look.

"You contaminated my innocence with that adult novel of yours!" He argued, carefully tugging my neckline to cover my cleavage so he wouldn't lose his mind.

"Ah~ My back hurts. Can I lay down~?" I grumbled, finally slipping off his thighs to sit beside him.

Seokjin turned to tap on an automated screen without answering me. The automatic seat suddenly extended and another cushion couch appeared under my legs, so I exhaled and rested my head on his lap... softly groaning in relief... once I felt the dull pain in my lower back subsiding. Seokjin leaned over my body to adjust my gown and then leaned back to stare at me from above as I lay on his lap with a weak smile.

"I'll wake you up once we get there," Seokjin assured while rubbing my bare shoulder, so I nodded and closed my eyes. Seokjin gently spread a soft blanket over my upper body to cover up my exposed skin. I snuggled into the soft fabric and fell asleep without much thought.

Third Person POV

Kim Seokjin tenderly patted Sora's hair after she fell asleep on his lap. The alpha stared quietly at her delicate facial features, then reached out to grab a few tissues. He gently wiped her smudged lipstick and brushed back her loose hair strands. The second-rank heir slid his fingers between hers and gently gave her a light squeeze before leaning back against his seat. He eventually dozed off for a brief moment... until he was awoken by the driver just before they entered the gate. There was mild traffic in the parking area because the alphas had to take turns on the red carpet.

"Sora," Seokjin lightly tapped her shoulder, but she didn't stir. He smiled and gently lifted her body.

"Oh?" Sora grumbled, suddenly opening her eyes as Seokjin helped her sit up until the blanket slid off her shoulders.

"We have about ten minutes," Seokjin informed her. She groggily nodded as she rubbed her eyes. Seokjin handed her a water bottle, so she drank from it and finally withdrew a lipstick from her purse to reapply it as Seokjin adjusted her gown to prepare her for the event.

"That was a refreshing nap," Sora dabbed her lips. Seokjin smiled as he interlaced his fingers with hers.

Sora's POV

I nervously watched the red carpet from inside the limousine until I felt my heart thudding against my ribs. Why am I so nervous? A crowded place with cameras and stalking gazes isn't a comfortable environment! The vehicle finally came to a halt. Seokjin turned to fix my hair before the guard slid open the door for us. He immediately got out first and reached out to lift my gown as I carefully stepped onto the red carpet in my golden heels. The host was announcing the arrival of all the alphas ahead of us.

"KIM TAEHYUNG AND GAE HAERIM!" Speaker boomed as blinding camera flashes flickered ahead of us.

"It's the supreme alpha!" Someone shrieked as soon as I stepped onto the red carpet to greet the crowd with Seokjin. I nervously scanned the unfamiliar faces as they gawked at me as if I were some supernatural being, so Seokjin released my hand and placed his arm around my waist instead.

Seokjin led me over the red carpet as people gossiped and took pictures of us. I forcefully wore a soft smile as we approached the crowd. We halted when I noticed Taehyung standing in his complete black set with Haerim... She was dressed in- What the hell? I froze in place when I realized she was wearing the exact... same dress as mine. I frowned uneasily as the crowd gasped in surprise. They averted their eyes back and forth between us. How is that possible? There's only one dress in the entire world!

"JANG SORA AND KIM SEOKJIN!" The host suddenly announced our names, causing my heart to skip in a panic.

Taehyung suddenly averted his eyes away from the flickering lenses to turn in our direction as the evening breeze gusts against us. The man froze in his position once he found me standing by Seokjin's side. Haerim turned to frown at me when she noticed the absence of Taehyung's attention on her. Her pretty smile dropped when she noticed the identical dress on my body. Blood drained from her face as she glanced down at her gown in dread.

"The supreme alpha is wearing the latest crystal dress! The one crafted by Designer Cho! I heard the crystals on her gown are real!-"

"But why is Gae Haerim wearing it too?! That's impossible!-"

"One of them must be a duplicate!" People gasped as they gawked at my dress before averting their gaze back to Haerim with their eyes bulging open. Did she... intentionally wear a fake replication of my dress? Seokjin nudged me forward when he noticed me spacing out, so we approached the couple. They both stared without blinking at our appearance. Haerim shifted her gaze to Seokjin's dashing visual as Taehyung kept his emotionless eyes fixed on mine.

"Can we take the spotlight now? It seems like the camera isn't on you guys anymore," Seokjin smirked at the couple. Taehyung darted him an annoyed glare as Haerim turned to the cameramen... and sure enough... every lens was directed at us and not them.

"L-Let's head inside," Haerim stuttered, shakily linking her arm around Taehyung's forearm.

"Who do you think is wearing an authentic dress?!-"

"I bet it's Haerim! She went to order the gown with Taehyung first!-"

"Do you wish to share the spotlight?" Seokjin innocently lifted his eyebrows when the duo refused to budge. Kim Taehyung didn't utter a word and suddenly stormed away with Haerim.

I smiled at Seokjin's smug expression. She's wearing a fake gown. This is unbelievable! Seokjin stepped closer to me as we turned to face the cameras. I tried to keep my eyes open at the wave of blinding lights... flickering and snapping mercilessly before my face to the point I couldn't see anything but a white screen. Seokjin eventually led me away after I told him I was getting dizzy.

"What is happening?! Didn't Haerim- just wear- Don't tell me she's wearing a fake?!" Minah shrieked as soon as we stepped inside the warm venue to find her standing with a few other alphas. She rushed towards me with her jaw wide open in her flaming red feather dress. She's a firebird in her blood-red jewels and lipstick.

"You noticed?" I shyly shook my head as she eagerly examined my dress.

"Anyone can tell this is the real dress! Look at the glistening crystals! You're crazy beautiful in it! Tsk! That shameless bitch can't compete with you! Where did she go?!" Minah scoffed, lifting her face to scan the crowd. This is a disaster! They're making a fuss over a mere dress!

"How will I capture the society's attention when you're literally a flaming queen here?" I complimented Minah's slim-fit dress and the lustrous feathers.

"Wah~! It must be upsetting to show up in the same dress as Gae Haerim," Mira appeared with Minho by her side in her black lacy gown. Minho fired me a resentful glare, so I glanced away from his stupid face. He's still upset with me for wounding his skull. I should've crushed it when I had the chance!

"Duh?! Haerim is wearing the fake one! How embarrassing!" Minah sneered at Mira's judgmental look.

"Didn't Gae Haerim order the gown first? Kim Taehyung brought her to the studio himself," Mira laughed, doubtfully eyeing my gown. I gripped my fist but refused to react to her insulting words. I must remain composed for Seokjin.

"Designer Cho came to measure Sora's body himself though. I doubt the elders would allow the supreme alpha to wear a replicated version," Jungkook defended me as he sorely doubted Haerim, who was turning pale with every passing second.

The alphas averted their eyes to her as well. Haerim nervously glanced away to gossip with the lower ranks. She must be spreading false rumors about me again. Sighing, I turned to find Seokjin typing on his phone with an unbothered look as if he didn't care about my dress crisis.

"Let's take our seats. They will announce the anonymous alphas soon," Seokjin inhaled, finally lifting his face to look at me before slipping his phone into his pocket. I nodded, so he took me to our seats as the staff bustled around the luxurious hall to handle the flooding guests.

"Aigo~! I thought I saw another alpha in the same dress," Mrs. Kim, Seokjin's mother, eyed my dress in disappointment as the hall whispered about us. I bowed at her uncomfortably as she fired Seokjin a disapproving look.

My blood started boiling when people wouldn't stop judging my gown... so I sternly sat down with my arms crossed over my chest. Minah sat beside me with Jungkook next to her as Seokjin remained by my side with an unbothered look. Haerim sat on the opposite side of me with Taehyung.

"What's this!? How is this possible!?" Eomma stormed forward after Seokjin's mother strode away in displease. Oh lord. Not again.

"That's enough-"

"Designer Cho came to visit you himself for the gown! This is unacceptable!" Eomma snapped as she fired Haerim a dirty look.

"Don't bother," I waved my hand. Eomma shot Haerim an infuriated glower before stomping away with an attitude. Seokjin patted my hand softly as I kept my grim gaze on the stage before us.

"Jealous bitch," Mianh snarled lowly with her eyes on Haerim as the alpha pridefully sat with a smug smile. What did I ever do wrong for Haerim to be this... competitive with me? I just want to be left alone.

The host eventually initiated the ceremony half an hour after our arrival. All the alphas and lower ranks finally settled in their respective seats for the ceremony. They announced the new households to the society as the first agenda, so I sat in silence with little to no emotion. I'm fucking numb. I thought I was going to have fun at the ceremony but everyone is bitching about my stupid dress!

"Haerim!-" Taehyung snapped when Haerim shot up from her feet with an upset expression. She stormed off in anger as Taehyung tried to stop her, but she didn't listen and disappeared. Taehyung exhaled in annoyance before slumping back in his seat after his father fired him a sharp glare... warning his son to stay seated.

"I have something for you," Seokjin suddenly whispered in my ear, so I averted my eyes from the newly announced powerful alphas on the stage in surprise.

"Something for me?" I asked unsurely. Seokjin glanced at the seated crowd and carefully rose to his feet.

"Follow me," Seokjin grabbed my arm. I blinked in confusion and got up after him, causing the lower ranks and the elders frowned at us as Seokjin led me out of the hall.

"Wae?" I asked, stepping out of the venue with Seokjin.

"I got you a new dress," Seokjin smiled as we strolled down the empty corridor.

"A new dress? That's unnecessary!" I gasped, tugging Seokjin's hand to make him stop. He frowned and turned to look at me.

"Kim Taehyung probably did it on purpose to embarrass you-"

"He would never do that," I immediately interrupted Seokjin.

"He knew you were going to wear the authentic dress... and yet he let Haerim wear it to the ceremony?! Sora, he's causing trouble to upset us!" Seokjin shook his head. I pursed my lips. Right. I can't tell Seokjin about Taehyung's situation with Haerim. But he's right... Why didn't Taehyung warn me if he knew? Am I some... sort of sick joke to his game with Haerim again?

"Oh! Sir~!" A chubby man suddenly approached us with a massive black box in his arms.

"Designer Cho?!" I gasped in shock once I found the famous designer rushing towards us with his technical bags and the mysterious gift box. He's rarely available for appointments! What is he doing here?!

"Master Seokjin contacted me earlier. I was about to board my flight but rushed here- as soon as I received his text to deliver you my latest gown!" The designer wheezed in difficulty as he cradled the box in his arms. I wildly snapped my head at Seokjin in disbelief.

"Thank you for delivering the dress," Seokjin reached forward to retrieve the box.

"Is there something wrong with this dress?- Are you unsatisfied? Why the sudden change of mind?" The designer worriedly examined the beautiful puffy gown on my body.

"There's nothing wrong with it. An alpha is wearing a duplicate of your dress at the ceremony, and the supreme alpha is once again... getting dragged by society," Seokjin coldly spoke as he held the box.

"Oh! That must be upsetting! Do you need a refund? I can-"

"No! It's fine! I'll keep the dress for another purpose! It's so beautiful! How can I possibly let it go?!" I gasped, apologetically reaching out to hold the designer's hands.

"Aigo~! I don't know if the new dress is appropriate for the event though. It's a bit racy~!" The man frowned at the black box in Seokjin's arms.

"It's fine as long as she outshines everyone else," Seokjin sternly shook his head.

"I'll help you adjust the gown then! Come on~! We don't have much time!" Designer Cho took my hand and dragged me to the dressing room in a hurry.

The designer asked me to take off the nude gown so I did... but I felt like fainting with the binding corset secured around my body. I stared at the suffocating material around my waist before turning to poke my head out of the curtain to find Seokjin chatting with the designer. I'll ask Seokjin to loosen it for me.

"Babe?" I called while hiding behind the drape. Seokjin averted his eyes to me with a questioning look.

"Yeah? What's the matter?" Seokjin got up from the couch to approach me. Designer Cho was busily sewing the dress in the black box.

"I need a bit of help," I pouted.

Seokjin carefully slipped through the curtain opening to step inside the changing cubicle with me, so I took a step back and glanced at the corset around my restricted abdomen. Seokjin suddenly froze in his place when he found me standing in nothing but the corset and my panties. He looked... concerned... for a moment as he studied my unbelievably tiny waist.

"Why are you wearing that? Isn't it suffocating...?" Seokjin's face drained in horror once he noticed how tight the corset was around my body. The fabric is cutting into my flesh and I feel like my breasts are going to fucking pop from the pressure. I stood stiffly upon witnessing his disappointment.

"Eomma said I gained weight," I pouted as I stood in my panties and the corset. Seokjin stared at my tearful eyes with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Sora, turn around. I'll take it off for you-"

"But what if I don't look good in the dress?" I muttered until a flood of tears filled my eyes. Seokjin stared at my condition in difficulty- suddenly pulling me into a comforting hug within the dim space, so I gripped his shirt with a startled look.

"How can anyone trap themselves in this dehumanizing cloth?" Seokjin whispered as he hugged me against his warm body. I felt him lowering his hands to tug the knot behind my back, causing the corset to loosen a little.

"I might not fit in the dress without it," I muttered. Seokjin warmly hugged me as he untangled the laces behind my back... gradually releasing my frail body from the brutal pressure. I gripped his waist with my face buried against his chest. One by one... he carefully unfastens the laces.

"It is not your obligation to fit in the dress. The dress must fit you, Sora. I've seen your body many times and I can assure you... you do not need this kind of... body cuff to mold your body into the harmful beauty standard with the purpose of impressing the eyes of lustful men. You're perfect in your own body... it's fucking heartbreaking to see you suffocating in this," Seokjin carefully popped each of my buttons until I felt the extreme pressure leaving my chest... and a rush of fresh air suddenly filled my lungs again. I took a deep breath and finally... exhaled in relief.

"Beauty comes with pain," I whispered as he undid the corset. The alpha finally reached the last button. Pop. He unhooked the last button... completely freeing my body from the agonizing grip of the suffocating corset. Seokjin finally released me from his arms... so I took a step back as he held the loose corset with a disapproving look.

"No. I will burn this the next time you wear it, Sora. I will not allow my woman to endure such pain to achieve the toxic beauty standard," Seokjin sternly lifted his dead eyes to me. I gulped at his... almost... angry face as he clenched the corset until his hand shook from the compression.

"Okay," I nodded, sadly turning around to face the mirror... until I noticed bright red bruises along my waist and breast due to the friction burn between my skin and the corset. Seokjin shifted his dark gaze to the bruise lines all over my back in silence as I stood in only my panties.

"I'll get you ointment," Seokjin took my corset and stepped out of the dressing room. He returned to hand me a new bathrobe, so I pulled it over my body and stepped out of the cubicle to find Designer Cho sewing the dress on the couch. Seokjin had left the room without informing me.

"I'm sorry for the hassle," I apologized, sitting on the couch to watch the man adjust the dress.

"Don't be sorry. I'm getting paid to do my job. I don't often cancel my schedule, but Kim Seokjin insisted on bringing the supreme alpha a new dress no matter the consequences. Fit the dress on her body... he demanded. His words gave me chills. The man specifically instructed me not to squeeze you in the dress," The man clipped the needle between his lips as he carefully trimmed the fabric for me.

"He didn't threaten you, did he?" I asked, weakly smiling.

"He's not that type of man. I've known him since he was young. His mother is my frequent customer, you see. And I designed most of Seokjin's clothes since he was a young boy. This is the first time he ever contacted me first... to request a gown for his woman. I was curious, so I came to see for myself. And unlike the strange... circulating rumors in the society... Kim Seokjin is in fact very... committed to the supreme alpha," Designer Cho smiled.

"Where did he place the corset? I can just wear it for a few more hours. You don't have to fix the dress," I muttered, turning around on the couch to search for the corset.

"He borrowed my scissors while you were changing," Designer Cho shrugged. I lifted the cushion to find my corset but... it was shredded into pieces. The man briefly glanced at the dangling corset and chuckled.

"I've never seen him this worked up over something so trivial," Designer Cho shook his head.

"It's not trivial! The stupid cloth was literally squeezing her like a sausage! We have thirty minutes before they come looking for us. Are you done?" Seokjin stormed through the door with a slight grimace.

"Almost. You should treat her bruises," Designer Cho smiled. Seokjin sat down with an ointment bottle. The alpha didn't feel comfortable showing my skin to the designer, so he led me back inside the dressing room. I tugged off my robe to expose my body.

"Why did you have to wear it? It makes me so angry," Seokjin grimaced as he gently rubbed the ointment over the bruised stripes on my back. I stood in silence as he ran his fingers over my bare skin. My heart churned intensely the longer I stared at his anxious frown as he inspected my wounded flesh. Seokjin spun me around to face him as I covered my boobs, so he gently removed my hands from my chest to rub the ointment on the faint line over my cleavage.

"Thank you," I whispered as Seokjin lowered his face to get a better look at the friction burns on my skin. Seokjin didn't respond and made sure he treated all of the wounds. He pulled the bathrobe back onto my body and suddenly back-hugged me with his chin rested on my shoulder. I stared at our reflection with a slight smile as he cutely pouted at me.

"I'm so upset~!" Seokjin grumbled, lowering his face to snuggle against my shoulder.

"Don't be~! It's nothing... really," I assured.

"I know it's normal for women to display their beauty with this method, but I don't want you to suffer like this. Sora... even I was fooled by your plump cleavage earlier in the limousine. Oh? How can I foolishly lose myself to your cleavage when you were suffocating? You must have felt really uncomfortable. And all for what? Just to grant me a brief moment of pleasure-?" Seokjin softly whined like a baby as he tightened his strong arms around my silky bathrobe. I stared at his guilty face in the mirror with the back of my head tilted against his firm chest.

"Hey. It's fine. You didn't do anything wrong... stop beating yourself over it. I promise I won't restrict my body again," I chuckled, turning to cup Seokjin's cheeks. He chewed his lips restlessly as he stared at my face.

"I love you," Seokjin whispered. My head turned blank at his words. Dumbfounded by his statement when he unexpectedly confessed his love for me.

My chest suddenly grew warm upon hearing his words. I stood frozen before him without blinking as he held onto my waist. The alpha sadly lowered his face and tilted his head to the side, gently planting his lips on mine, so I gripped his shoulders as he held me against his body in the dim dressing room. His warm breath... brushing my face steamily as he caressed my tongue with his until I was breathless. Seokjin fastened his arms around my waist and tugged me closer to him with his free hand clasped over my nape to support my head.


Boo! I'm back! I'm updating this asap because I have so much work this week! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Let me know if you had fun?! Ahaha! Thank you so much for supporting Alpha! I'll try my best to update asap so don't give up on me yet! I love you guys~! <3

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