The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB...


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Vergil has risen after defeating the almighty Mundus he has taken the throne of Hell next to him Charlie Magn... More

Report: Vergil
Report: Charlie
Report: Octavia
Report: MISC Characters
Ch.1 Sparda Life
Ch.2 Trial of War
Ch.3 Sleepover
Ch.4 New Group
Ch.5 Training
Ch.6 Rising Tensions
Ch.7 Declaration of War
Ch.8 Overthrown
Ch.9 Sister of Charlie
Ch.10 Sibling Battles
Ch.11 Alliances
Ch.12 Hideout
Ch.13 Ambush
Ch.14 The Old Tower
Ch.15 Rise of the Dark Emperor
Report: Dark Emperor Vergil
Ch.16 Return to Hell
Ch.17 The Knight of Darkness
Ch.18 Imminent War
Ch.19 The Spark Ignites The Fire
Ch.20 Human Collaborators
Ch.21 Return of the Qliphoth
Ch.22 A New Army
Ch.24 Alliance
Ch.25 Preparations
Ch.26 The Battle
Ch.27 True Power

Ch.23 The Hunter

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*At Devil May Cry

Octavia: Why does he think I am not worthy of a devil arm. I helped him defeat Mundus for crying out loud!

Lady: There is a reason for it. I may not know Vergil well for the last time I saw him he was killing his brother. But Dante was a man with wits. He had ideas Trish and I could never think of. I'm sure Vergil has some reason for this.

Octavia: I hope so.

Lady: So you will be with us for a while?

Octavia: Yeah. Not in the mood to talk to him right now.

Lady: We'll make it fun.  Show you how to use some guns.

Octavia: Alright sounds fun.

*At the Temen Ni Gru

Eligos: My lord we have the daughter located.

Zegan: You will no chase her. I have someone else.

Eligos: Someone else?

Zegan: He will make it hurt more.

*The Rebellion glows orange as a orb flies out and lands

Zegan: The brother of Vergil. He will find them and bring them to us.

*Dante returns to a orb and flies off into the sky.

Zegan: Now for Charlotte.

Eligos: What about her?

Zegan: There is more power inside of her that I want.

Eligos: My lord if you kill her Vergil will not surrender and will instead just kill you.

Zegan: When have you question my thoughts?


Zegan: Now time to break you.

*At Devil May Cry

Octavia: Too quiet here. I need some air.

*Octavia leaves the office and goes for a walk

Octavia: Place is not that bad. Cool breeze, peaceful sounds of nature. It's nice.

*Gun cocking

Octavia: huh?

*Octavia turns around to see Dante with one of his pistols at her head.

Octavia: Who are you?

Dante: Dante.

Octavia: Oh. What's with the gun?

Dante: Matters that don't concern you.

Octavia: Ironic but ok.

*Octavia smacks the gun away and punches Dante back. Dante shoots Ebony and Ivory many times, Octavia runs and takes cover.

Octavia: Why is V's brother here? I thought he was dead.

Dante: I was.

*Dante pins Octavia to a wall as she begins to blackout

Octavia: I'm not done.

*Octavia unleashes her full demon form sending Dante back. Octavia tries to fly away but is grabbed and thrown to the ground by Dante breaking the concreate and making Octavia return to her normal form.

Octavia: OW!

Dante: What a weak demon. I have fought bigger and worse than you.

Octavia: Is there a timeout choice?

*Octavia uses her cosmic magic and pushes Dante back. Octavia tries to run, Dante throws the Rebellion at Octavia and the Rebellion stabs itself into a wall right in front of Octavia. Octavia gets around the Rebellion and continues to run but is not fast enough for Dante. Dante runs in and swings the Rebellion cutting Octavia across the chest. Octavia passes out.

Dante: Weak as the rest.

*At the office

Vergil: Where is Octavia?

Trish: She went out for a walk. She said she does not want to talk to you.

Vergil: Her choices are not alot.

*Lady storms in the office.

Lady: Thank god your here. 

Vergil: What?

Lady: Someone has taken Octavia.

Trish: What?

Lady: Someone took Octavia!

Vergil: Who has the power to do that?

Lady: I don't know. They were human but I could not see the face.

*Vergil walks out and transforms to his Sin Devil Trigger and flies off.

*At the Temen Ni Gru.

Zegan: You got her.

 Dante: I did.

Zegan:  Hang her up.

Octavia: What is going on?

*A knight grabs Octavia by the leg and stabs a hook in her leg.

Octavia: AHHHH!

Zegan: Let's see how long it will take him now.

*Across the room

Eligos: *He has gone mad. He is not fit to rule Hell or anything.

*Eligos leaves.

*1 hour later at the office.

Umbra: No sign of her?

Vergil: Griffon and Shadow have looked through out the city and there is no sign of her.

Silver: Why would someone want to take her?

Vergil: In an attempt to draw me out. I can think of only one that would do such a thing.

Umbra: Zegan. Of course he would.

Vergil: I am going to tear him apart for what he has done.

Silver: Looks like you got a line starting.

Vergil: I'm going to sweep the city again.

Trish: I'm coming with you.

*Trish and Vergil leave the office.

Vergil: Why are you joining me?

Trish: Whoever took her must be someone powerful. Just call it a safety backup.

Vergil: As you wish. I have Angelo's searching the city. 

Trish: You think that wife of yours is still alive?

Vergil: I have not felt her presence since she disappeared at that hotel. I do not know.

*The two walk down a street and a Scudo Angelo falls out.

Trish: The hell?

*Trish draws her pistols.

*The Angelo rushes in and is stabbed through the chest.

Vergil: Maybe they know something.

*Before the two can turn the corner Eligos walks out with his hands up empty.

Eligos: I do not wish to fight. 

Trish: What are you doing then?

Eligos: I wish to join.

Vergil: After what you did?

Eligos: I know I have made mistakes. I know you want to rip me apart but I can tell you very important things.

Trish: Like what?

Eligos: Vergil my lord. You have not been able to tell weather or not your wife is alive. I assure you she is alive but I do not know if they will keep her that way.

Vergil: Were heading back.

*At the office

Vergil: Lock him down.

*Two Scudo Angelo rise and hold Eligos in place

Vergil: Now that we have the right hand man of Zegan's pitiful army we have a chance.

Eligos: I will tell you everything my lord.

Vergil: You are in no position to call me lord you will have to earn it. Now you are going to tell us everything, if not I will find a way to make you suffer and keep you alive.

*Shadow and Griffon appear.

Eligos: Alright here it goes. Your wife is still alive. Zegan has her at the Temen Ni Gru trying to get her power. Zegan also has your daughter hostage, when I was there he was not trying to get anything from  her but who knows what he's doing now.

Vergil: Who was the one that took Octavia?

Eligos: A man by the name of Dante.

Vergil:.....Take him back to the Qliphoth.

*Vergil walks outside the office.

Vergil: It can't be. Why would you help them brother.

*Lady walks out.

Lady: You ok?

Vergil: I'm...fine.

Lady: I can't believe he is back on the wrong team.

*Lady looks at Vergil and sees a tear fall.

Lady: Are you crying?

Vergil: It's the rain.

Lady: There is no rain.

Vergil: Devil's never cry.

Lady: You and Dante both are really brothers. It's like I said to him a devil may cry over the lost of a loved one. He said it himself, tears are something only humans can have.

Vergil: My family shed tears when they lost loved ones. They are not human what so ever.

Lady: Maybe if one sees how humanity is then they are gifted with tears.

Vergil: Maybe.

Lady: We can't wait any longer.

Vergil: Agreed. Take everyone and head for the Temen Ni Gru. I will follow behind. My army is heading for the tower now.

Lady: Don't miss too much.

*lady leaves.

Vergil: Hang on. I am coming to bring you home.

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