My Emir ✅

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Arewa Emirates, Glitz and glamour, Culture, Family, Tradition, Principles, and lying beneath, lurking in the... Daha Fazla

Author's note.
Chapter one- Case
Chapter 2- Stranger
Chapter 3- Run
Chapter 4- Pure Malice
Chapter 5- Safe.
Chapter 6- It's on
Chapter 7- Double Trouble
Chapter 8- The attack
Chapter 9- Just a pawn
Chapter 10-Third wheel
Chapter 11- Dejá vù?
Chapter 12- Wedding party
Chapter 13- How far?
Chapter 14- Wedding night flop.
Chapter 15- Royal Wahala
Chapter 16- Those eyes
Chapter 17- Yearning hearts
Chapter 18- Arcane
Chapter 20- Checkmate
Chapter 21- Surprises
Author's note
Chapter 22- Past like the sword
Chapter 23 - Selfish
Chapter 24- Anonymous
Chapter 25 - Colours of love
Chapter 26- Calm before the storm
Chapter 27- The fall
Chapter 28- Man down
Chapter 29- Sunshine
Chapter 30- Glad tidings
Chapter 31- Halal delivery
Chapter 32- Our angel
Chapter 33- Crossroads
Chapter 34- Days
Chapter 35- Mess
Chapter 36- Void
Chapter 37- Veils off.
Chapter 38- Mistakes
Chapter 39-Broken bonds
Chapter 40- Home sweet home.
Chapter 41- Bliss
Chapter 42- Couture
Chapter 43- Smiles and Tears
Chapter 44- The inevitable
Chapter 45- Preparations
Chapter 46- Brighter side.
Chapter 47- Forever his.
Chapter 48- Eyes don't lie.
Chapter 49- Khalifa
Chapter 50- Finale
Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 19- Boundaries

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       Zayn gazed at the petrified figure of his wife. Her face was morphed with an expression that seemed to be fear as she looked back at him. For his wife to look at him with such emotion wasn't what he wanted.
Of course, she's bound to feel as such since she had dared to cross a boundary__ one that he had prohibited her from.

Truth be told, he's infuriated and it is written all over his face but it wasn't directed at her. How can anyone possibly get angry at the sulking figure standing there?

He had carried all that anger from work, due to some incompetent employees.

" I ... I am sorry." She stuttered. " I promise not to come here again."
Saying that she crouched down on the floor and started to pick up the pieces of glass that were scattered on the floor.

Zayn could feel all his built-up anger slowly dissipate as he watched his wife engage in an attempt to clear her mistakes.
Judging by her quivering fingers, it would be best if he doesn't trust her to handle those sharp pieces with ease.

Within a couple of seconds, he made his way toward her and towered over her crouched figure. He went down on one knee, his left hand on one of his knees, and the right extended towards her.

She quickly raised her head to look at him. This time, she was quite astonished. She had expected him to yell at her for disobeying his strict orders or something negative, but not a hand extended to help her on her feet.
His eyes held this glint she couldn't decipher.

Zayn chuckled lightly at the change of expressions on his wife's face. Even surprised himself.

" Drop the pieces of glass. You might hurt yourself. I'll clean it up tomorrow." He prompted when Mariya didn't budge.

" I'm almost done." She uttered and continued to pick up the edgy pieces.

He stared at her for a short while, wondering how a person can so stubborn for her own good. It's best if he adopts another mechanism to get her to stop what she's doing.

" Mariya," He called her name with a little bit of sternness in his voice. Albeit, the look on his face said otherwise." Let's go" he nagged." I'll get this done tomorrow."

" If you insist."

She placed the glasses she had gathered in a safe corner and placed her hand in Zayn's extended ones.
Tightening his hold around her hand, he helped her get onto her feet.

Hand in hand, they walked to their bedroom, with Mariya questioning Zayn for coming home late, yet again.


They lay in bed facing each other,
with a little distance between them. Eyes unblinking, they stared into each other's souls, through the eyes, searching for something they couldn't decipher.

His eyes hold a tale that should remain arcane to her yet a curious little devil in her house wants to uncover the mystery.
It's a tale of a broken man in dire need of an impenetrable adhesive to mend his heart, yet he believes he isn't worth it.

She had wanted to question him regarding the woman in the picture she had broken but she thought better.

None of them spoke a word. The room was filled with utmost silence. Just staring at each other seemingly fits the atmosphere.

From under the duvet they had covered themselves with, Zayn brought out a hand and rested it gently on her cheek. He went ahead and caressed her cheek with his thumb, while the rest of his fingers lightly covered the nape of the neck.
He couldn't resist the urge to keep his hands in check.

Mariya slowly shut her eyes for a moment and exhaled softly. Only if he knew what he was doing to her.
The man is bold.

" Aren't you sleepy?" He asked out of the blue. Normally, this little owl of his would sleep before 10 pm. She doesn't mess with her beauty sleep, as she calls it and it's almost 1 am.

Mariya only shook her head in response to his question, indicating a negative answer.
" Rather, I'm feeling cold."
She complained, shrinking further into the duvet. She shut her eyes, hoping to get carried away into a deep slumber.

A frown marred her features when she felt Zayn's gentle hold around her waist. Within the fleet of a second, she found herself pinned under his body. She let out a squeal at the sudden action. He didn't even give her time to process the whole situation.
Although, he made sure not to burden her with his weight.

She could feel the chill air that once engulfed her, slowly dissipate. Heat radiated from his body and she could feel it.

Their proximity was something she's never felt before. This was a haven as compared to Hassan's.

" Zayn..."

" Shhhh!" He cut off her protest by placing a finger on her lips." Tell me, do  you still feel cold?" He asked innocently as if he wasn't aware of their current proximity.

She was taken aback by his actions so much that she couldn't find words to answer his question. Not to talk about the intensity of his gaze.
She shook her head slowly, denoting a ' no'.

Zayn chuckled lightly at her, throwing his head back a little. He likes how she completely mellows anytime he closes the distance between them.

Mariya didn't fail to notice the bulge of his Adam's apple go up and down as he chuckled.

He leaned towards her and whispered.
" Words. Malika, I want to hear you speak. Are you still feeling cold?" He asked again, this time his eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. The man knew what he was doing to her.

Months ago, this was the very woman who boldly spoke into his face without knowing who he was. It was quite entertaining to see her dumbfounded and pinned under his body.

Entertainment would be an understatement but for her own sake, he chose to stick to his decision of warming her up__ an earnest responsibility as her husband.
The teasing will surely come later.

"No. I feel better now." She finally found her tongue.

" Alhamdulillah!" Zayn praised and adjusted their bodies in a way that she was engulfed in his embrace.

" Thank you, zayn." She muttered softly. Zayn only hummed in response, with his eyes closed.

Apart from clearly being teased by him a moment ago, being in his embrace was quite comforting.

Not to talk about his signature scent that always announces his presence.

" Goodnight."

" Goodnight, wife."

These very details.


Yet again, he found himself walking through those very familiar corridors. Except that this time, his hands weren't restricted at his back with a pair of handcuffs.
Neither was his demeanor cowered upon by so-called prison guards. He walked as if he owned the place.
Well, sort of.

His hands were tucked in his pockets, as he took one step at a time. His footsteps echoed within the dimly lit corridors.

Most of the people in their cells gazed at him as he walked past them. They were wondering why on earth, on his own accord, did he return to 'hell earth,
after being released way before his time.

He rewarded those who chose to greet him with a light nod. To those he was very familiar with, he replied with a small salute, made with only his middle and index fingers.

The man knew very well, where and how to earn money and people.

The little time he had spent in jail felt like a game in the underground world. It was always packed with thrill and dangerous fun.

There was one man in one of the many cells, who glared at him as he passed by. Sensing eyes on him, he halted and pivoted his head towards that very cell he was familiar with.

He stared at the man who tightened his hold around his cell bars, wishing he could break it open.

It would be the end of him if the man found it in him to break through.
His eyes fell on the nasty scar that run across the man's face in a diagonal line and he smirked, knowing very well that he was the one who had caused it.

Those good old days.

He let out a malicious laugh as he passed by.

He stopped in front of one particular cell which had two exceptional prison guards, stationed in front of its doors.
Of course, that's so because the occupant had tried to escape jail numerous times with one successful attempt.

Sliding his hand into the pocket of his jacket, he fished out a bundle of thousand naira notes. Without counting it, he safely tucked it into one of the guard's pockets and patted the area lightly.

" Share it." He uttered, gesturing to the other guard.

He did it as if it was the most usual thing to do.

Well, in a corrupted hell called jail, it's absolutely normal.

In no time, one of the guards opened the door to the cell for him.

" You know how to find your way through hard times. Welcome." The middle-aged man who was seated on an excuse of a bed welcomed Hassan as he entered the cell.

You thought it right. It's him.

Hassan only chuckled in return.

" How did my son's scheme go? The fool can be highly ambitious at times." He asked, setting the newspaper he had been reading aside. His focus was concentrated on Hassan.

" The plan backfired." He simply answered." The police are after him so I sent him to Ghana."

" What!" The fifty-six-year-old man exclaimed in astonishment as lines of frown marred his forehead.

Unlike Hassan's calm composure, the man looked like he would lose his cook at any given time.

After taking a few gulps from the bottle of imported whiskey in his hand, he was able to recollect his composure.

" What about Zayn? The main reason why I'm rotting in jail. When are you going to finish him off?" The man jammed Hassan with questions.

" That time is soon approaching," Hassan replied with a smirk lingering on his lips.

Making plans to eliminate Zayn might make him seem like a villain in the royal family but it was that same family that dumped him because his bloodline was considered an outcast.

Unlike his father, he won't sit back and watch Zayn snatch what belongs to him. He'll do anything in his power to acquire the throne back into his bloodline, even if it meant killing every person that's hellbent on stopping him.
Albeit, he has it at the back of his mind that Zayn and Mariya are planning to pull some stunt against him. They even dared to get married, right under his nose.

According to him,Zayn has made quite several allies for the sultanate. In the process, he has earned himself some foes and they are all coming back at him.
Otherwise, what's Zayn's relationship with an ex-army officer, who is bound to rot in jail?

The cause though.

" Make sure you get everything done perfectly. The scoundrel has to pay for what he has done to me." He demanded, glaring at Zayn's picture that was plastered on the front page of the newspaper he was reading. It was captured during a press conference __ another epitome of his success.

" You are not to give me orders!" Hassan barked at the pathetic figure of the man who was old enough to be his father. Moreover, that doesn't give him the right to give orders.
He should be reminded that his days in the barracks are over.


"Uncle Zainny!"

Mariya and Zayn pivoted their heads toward the direction of the voice, just in time to see Emraan's son run into the hall.
The couple smiled as they watched the three-year-old run toward them. The toddler was engulfed in a bear hug by his favorite uncle.

" How are you, Ameer?" Mariya asked and lightly pinched the boy's puffy cheeks. The little boy always reminded her of her niece, Zainab.

In no time, Emraan, Nazeera, Eskander, and Yasmeen also filed into the hall, and then to the dining area, where Mariya and Zayn were having breakfast.
They quickly settled down and joined the feast__ a gathering that was planned days ago.
They thought that getting off their busy schedules during the weekend for a little get-together wouldn't hurt a bit.
They've packed the day with a lot of activities.

Just like every other gathering, the dining area was filled with laughter and chatter from the people present. The concept of table manners dis even cross their minds. What's the use of extreme civility when you are around?


The chatter and laughter of the women filled the car as they drove to the mall. The ladies were going on a shopping spree at the mall, whilst were practically forced to tag along. It took a lot of nagging and pleading on behalf of the ladies to convince the men to come along with them to the mall.

Mariya paused for a moment when she felt her phone vibrate in her purse. She fished the phone out and quickly swiped across its screen to get the call connected.
The person at the other end of the line didn't even give Mariya a chance to initiate the exchange of pleasantries __ the person went straight to the point. The female voice kept on talking and talking. Mariya only hummed occasionally to prove that she was attentive to the caller.

" Hajia Laura kenan." Mariya was finally allowed to speak." I understand your concern but you should consult Fareed before trying to arrange his marriage with Saratu. You know..."

Suddenly, the car came to an abrupt halt, sending a quick jolt through the car. Everyone present in the car held on to their seats, so they don't fall.

Mariya's grip loosened around the phone and it fell right beside her foot.

Eskander, who was the driver at that time, looked back at what he had caused and muttered a 'sorry'.
He revved the car back into motion once again.
Fortunately, no one got hurt__ physically.
Along with the abrupt halt of the car, someone's heart got crashed and the painful sound of that crash was buried beneath the brief commotion at the moment.

     " After analyzing all that you've told me, I assume that you love her." Zayn who was seated on a one-sitter sofa in Eskander's bedroom said to Eskander who was slowly strolling up and down in his room. His eyes followed his friend's every move. It reminded him of his old self.
Those good old days.  "It's obvious." He continued." Otherwise, why would you invest in the Maina's family business?"
   Eskander finally halted and turned to look at Zayn who seemed a little bit too relaxed,  compared to the intensity of his situation.
    Come to think of the question Zayn asked him, he didn't even think twice before deciding to invest in the business in question.
  He only shrugged in response.

    " Do you love her?"
That was the golden question.

    " Yes... I don't know." He met Zayn's gaze once again and he marvelled at the rate at which his last two brain cells are juggling in his head.
" Zayn, I'm confused! You know best. What do you think." He decided to give up on his last two brain cells and rely on his friend.

     Zayn only smiled at him. He would have asked Eskander to state a definite answer but his confused state is more than an answer.
It's said that when you like a person for his or her beauty, it's called an obsession. If it's only because the person likes you, it's mere pity.
But if you are confused as to whether you like a person or not, that is real.

  Zayn stared at Eskander with what seemed to be pity. It was quite disheartening to see the all noisy Eskander sombre for the rest of the ride. He had suddenly lost his shine.



    At the mall,the entourage,with the power of influence,entered the mall, via its backdoor. Being the centre of attraction in Kano isn't an easy job at all. It's energy-draining. As it was a weekend, the mall was ought to be filled with a huge number of people, unlike during weekdays. Meeting with the people of Kano was quite fun for them, especially, when people ask to take pictures with them. They were celebrities in the Emirates and beyond.

     Their mechanism didn't prove entirely useful since there were a lot of people inside the mall too. A few metres away, Zayn spotted Fareed with someone, who he later identified as Saratu. They were laughing at something he couldn't decipher.
   Eskander had also seen them and stared at them as they approached after being waved over by Mariya. He didn't want to know what was going on in Eskander's head as he stared at them blankly.
    Someone's burning on the inside.

    They later came to know that Fareed and Saratu also met at the mall after coming with entirely different reasons.



   Somewhere within a deserted area in the mall, the tall figure of a man stood aloof, his gaze threatening to drill hikes into the body of his epitome of hatred. Surprisingly, the epitome in question never knew him nor meant him any harm__ just a person having a blissful moment with his family. He was guised similarly to every other customer to fit into the scene. Except that, his mind was vigorously brewing a scheme to create havoc, not caring what the aftermath of his actions beheld.

     He slid his hand into the inner pocket of his jacket and firmly wrapped his fingers around the weapon that was hidden there. Albeit, it took a lot of effort to get past the security check at the entrance of the mall.

    Head pivoted to the left,... and then to the right.
That's it__ coast clear.
   The perfect time to make his move. He fished the weapon out of his pocket and set it in a secured position.

   Hawk eyes on the target, and an index finger set around the light trigger of his Walther P99 gun. An illegal possession.
   He might get prosecuted for his actions but who cares? It's time to settle his scores.

     Or so he thought?

    A man he recognized as his target's brother, suddenly jumped into his line of sight.


    There was no way to reverse his actions. The bullet from his gun had already pierced into the thin air, and then into Emraan who had noticed him first-hand and tried to give up his existence for the sake of his brother.

    " Emraan!" A unison of terrified voices called out to Emraan who had already dropped to the ground.

    He had missed his target but that didn't mean he couldn't give it another try, as long as it wouldn't hurt him. He has to finish what he had started.

     The victim's clothes were stained with blood. He groaned in pain, clutching his chest, where the bullet had hit. His head rested on his wife's thighs as she sat on the floor, not caring about anything but him. Through his blurred vision, he could see faces that were crinkled up in distress, all for him.

   The pain was too excruciating that he felt he would leave behind, a widow and a partially orphaned child. As long as it's for his brother, then he would die a happy man.

    Zayn paused for a brief moment and looked up to where the shot was taken from, only to see the gun now aimed at him.

   That person must be too ambitious for his own good.

   "Wallahi, I won't spare him!" Saying that Zayn got up from where he had crouched beside Emraan and sprinted towards the direction of the man, with Fareed in tow.
  He'll not be at ease until the ensures that the man faces his wrath.

    The fool sensed danger and ran for his life. He couldn't afford to get caught as long as Zayn still lives.
   The enmity runs that deep.

     " Emraan, stay with me." He heard his wife beg. She sounded like she was crying.
    Of course, she would.

    He heard many other voices, urging him to bear with them and try to stay awake for at least until an ambulance arrived.

    He doubts he'll be able to comply because the pain was too tremendous he wanted to give up.

   He slowly shut his eyes as he gave in to the darkness that was threatening to engulf him__ he was numbed!


    Heyyyy guysssss

   Got no alibi for being late, yet again. Anyways I hope this chapter was able to make up for it.

     I can explain Emraan's condition... don't eat me up yet.

    Abeg now Zayn's enemies are doing too much.

   Before I forget, Ramadan Mubarak 😜.

   Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

   Till then,see ya.


Okumaya devam et

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