Clouded thoughts (hxh~bnha)

By automatic_11037

67.2K 2.4K 1.9K

Killua finds himself in a unfamiliar world. Things are different here and he doesn't understand them one bit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 30

676 37 13
By automatic_11037

[third person pov]

Aizawa pulled out a yellow folder from a small cabinet, gaining sceptical looks being shot in their direction every time somebody was to notice the smaller child in the police station. Though their eyes were reverted back to what they had been previously doing each time Killua was to glare at them out of the corner of his eye.

Aizawa sighed, most likely wondering why on earth he said yes to interning with the one kid in his class who probably had the actual power to kill anyone who gives him a strange look. In fact, the pro had been thinking more and more about it in the past few weeks. Killua's strength and willpower made no sense to him, he's just a kid right? You would need a lot of training and actual experience to get at his level.

"Can you re-read the witness statement?" Killua quickly questioned as Aizawa had been going through the folder bit by bit. Aizawa raised his eyebrow but complied non the less repeating the statement.

"The witness stated 'I was in utter disbelief when I saw what had happened to my patrol partner. It was like she had been torn from the inside out, all that was left was her head and I could still see her tearstained face through the blood' that's it." Aizawa repeated. Killua hummed, raising his index finger and thumb to his chin as he thought.

"What are the names again?" Killua moved his hands behind his head and began using them as a headrest as he began walking back to the exit. Aizawa slid the folder back to where it had been retrieved from before making his way to the door as well.

"Eiko Saito, pro hero name snowfalls, and Ryota Kimura, pro hero name bright fighter." Killua cringed at the names before coughing to distract from it. Killua thought for a moment as they had already left the station and began walking the streets.

"So, Eiko died, and Ryota survived." Killua spoke out loud to himself, not really paying attention to whatever it was that Aizawa was trying to tell him about. Instead his mind wandered off to the photo of Alluka he was shown. Something was off about it, she was looking at something already ahead of her, and she was scared. He was quickly brought back to earth when he received a smack to the head.

"We're here, problem child." His teacher looked as though he was absolutely done with him. Though, it might be just whatever he comes into contact with in this state. Killua couldn't help but think about how funny it would be to see Aizawa lose his shit. Aizawa sighed as he began walking ahead towards some dress up freak on the street.

"So do we go in all inconspicuous like?" Killua asked, but he gained no response as he walked over with his teacher, staring intensely at the man in front of him. He was surprised he hadn't gone blind yet just by seeing the guys outfit. Who the fuck decided it would be a good idea to let this man parade outside on patrol wearing a bunch of sparkles. Killua honestly swore his entire outfit consisted of two things, plaid and yellow sparkles. Naturally Killua hid behind his teacher when they approached the man.

"Sir" Aizawa began to speak, but gained zero response. So he tried again with a sigh. "Pro hero Bright Fighter." Even Aizawa seemed pained to say those words. Killua only chuckled at his teacher's misery. "We have a few questions regarding the recent incident involving pro hero snowfall. Or Eiko Saito if you will." The man seemed to freeze at that.

"What questions might you have?" The man didn't seem too keen on talking about the horrific incident. Killua took his words as a chance to step out from behind the coffee addict.

"Actually, quite a few" Killua began to speak but his teacher quickly cut him off, placing his arm in front of the shorter boy and stepping in front of him.

"How is your patrol going?" Killua frowned, not exactly ecstatic to be ignored. Aizawa on the other hand, didn't seem to care one bit. Instead, he kept his monotone expression as he engaged in meaningless small talk with the traumatised pro hero.

"Are you not here to ask questions of my former partner?" The hero seemed taken aback by the absolute randomness of the question in particular. And instead reverted his attention back to Killua, who was now behind Aizawa, not of his own volition. "Why don't you let the kid ask if you can't"

From what Killua could tell, Aizawa was just about ready to punt this mother fucker. But instead he took a step to the side, as if throwing his entire career away in an instant just by allowing the problem child even a single word to be said. Killua cleared his throat for dramatic effect before speaking up.

"Right so, what was it that you saw during the incident?" Killua started up, awaiting a response. Ryota, pro hero bright fighter. Seemed to take a moment to think before replying.

"My partner followed after a small girl in an alley and when I went to follow up with her, she had been killed." Killua waited longer, wanting more details, and the hero seemed to notice. "All that was left of her was her head.." the man paused, taking a moment to breathe and stop himself from crying. "Her face was expressionless and covered in blood...I didn't know what to think.."

"Calm the waterworks, no need to cry over something that didn't happen" Killua yawned, waving his arms aimlessly in the air as a way to gain the attention of the two adults in his presence.

"Excuse me?" The hero seemed offended, shocked even. Aizawa on the other hand was so close to going all flowy hair on him just to make him shut up for once, like that would even ever happen.

"Sorry, let me spell it out for you. You. Killed. Your. Own. Partner. Surprise!" Killua placed his hands to his cheeks and gasped.


Aizawa was quieter than ever, and that was saying something. But the silence was quickly broken when Killua received a smack upside the head and an angry Aizawa telling him to apologise.

"All the evidence is there, it makes sense!" Killua attempted to defend himself as he dodged that oh so familiar grey scarf from trapping him. "Expressionless! Tearstained, pick one man! Plus the whole small girl thing was fake as all hell, the photo? It was taken with full knowledge of both parties."

"Both parties?" Aizawa questioned, confused, yet invested somehow in whatever Killua was on about. Killua smiled proudly to himself, knowing full well he would be the most favourite character in a tv show if it was about know....cuz he's so smart.......

Forget it nevermind.

"My point is, it was staged. Which also means." The albino's smile dropped as he glared at the hero. It wasn't even directed at him and yet Aizawa could feel the intensity of it. "You know where that little girl is. Don't you."

"I dont know what you are talking about!" The hero shouted, beginning to get on Killua nerves. He was honestly lucky that Killua was doing his best to keep himself at least remotely recretive, or else the next murder wouldn't be fake. "Eraserhead, collect your student and leave at once, i've had enough!"

"Hold on a moment." His teacher thought for a moment before sighing. "Killua, can you please explain what you mean." Reluctant as ever, the boy complied with the older man.

"In the photo, she is afraid. I can tell just by the look of it. Not only that but she is looking off to the right as she walks into an alley, there was someone else in that alley that was forcing Alluka around and it's starting to piss me off." Killua's fists uncontrollably began to clench before Aizawa but in

"Sir we are just going to need to take you in for questioning." Aizawa stepped, trying to hopefully de-escalate things before they were to get way too out of hand. But it was a little too late for that when the hero let out a scoff.

"So what if it was fake, and what if I shut that whiny bitch up, I'm a pro hero, a small fry like you can't do anything, I only found out about your existence a few days ago, and the kid was a brat anyway." Before the quote on quote hero could continue, Aizawa was half sure he would lose a few teeth. Most likely because Killua had already punched him square in the face multiple times.

By the time Aizawa was able to pry the younger boy off of the unconscious body, it was a little late for apologies. Even so, he did sort of want to just let the boy continue to bash in the face of that old man. Killua was half sure his teacher would be able to cover for him, say it was him or something. That is, if it weren't for the entire stunt happening in the middle of the street.

Then again, the man half confessed to what was most likely a child kidnapping case, and a murder. And from what Killua had learned in his short time of being in this strange place, you can get away with a lot if A, you're quirkless and B its against someone considered a villain by society.

Luckily, nobody had had the time to even think about pulling out their phones to record the incident, because killua had already been pried off of the bloody man the moment anyone was able to bat an eye.

"You need a break problem child, go breathe." Aizawa sighed, debating on whether or not he should just leave this guy and go get another coffee, or send him to the station and still get a coffee.... Probably the latter. Killua internally groaned, placing his hands behind his head and beginning to walk off to leave Aizawa with the unconscious pro.

So much for being inconspicuous.

Words: 1762

...don't judge me okay i've been tired..then again i am so sorry you waited this long for a shortass chapter like this. I apologise profusely. I promise when I finish this stupid internship, the chapters will be a lot more lively.

Im ashamed of the word count.

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