Sonic's Unwanted Harem

By LeJesterVixen

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Alt. Universe - The blue blur just does what he does best, saving lives and living free as the wind while oc... More

01. One Year Ago
02. Home
03. Letters
04 Crystal Cavern Part 1
05 Crystal Cavern Part 2
06 Crystal Cavern Part 3
07. Talk Part 1
08. Voices Part 1
09. First Part 1
10. First Part 02
11. First Part 03
12. Voices Part 02
13. Reunion
14. Talk Part 02
15. Rest Pt 01
16. Letter Pt. 02
17. Searching Pt. 01
18. Searching Pt. 02
19. Talk PT. 03
20. Deal Pt 01
21. Deal Pt 02
Sonic Train - PT 01
23. Presence
24. Home Pt. 03
25. Haywire
26. Countdown Pt. 1
27. Countdown Pt. 2
28. Countdown Pt. 3
29. Troubled Pt. 01
30. Birthday Pt. 01
31. Birthday Pt. 02
32. Birthday Pt. 03
Characters ! PT 1
33. Haywire PT. 02
Characters! Pt. 2
34. Searching Pt. 03
35. Rest Pt. 02
36. Friend
37. Countdown Pt. 04
38. Showtime Pt 01.
39. Showtime - Part 02
40. Rest Pt. 03
41. Promise
42 Talk Pt 04
43. You
44. Talk Pt. 05
45. Just Another Normal Day

22. Home Pt. 02

543 14 112
By LeJesterVixen

Warnings: This chapter contains language and very mild adult themes.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Zero's Subconscious – 2:33 a.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A black hand rubs his chest, feeling the scarred skin with his paws. No fur has grown in the area since his power source has been ripped from him in order to go in the doctor's machine. He'd been stripped of his power only for that overgrown toy to fail.

How pathetic.

Claws graze the area, creating welts on the skin but doesn't draw any blood, despite the red liquid vanishing immediately afterwards if he were to.

The blue eye closes as the yellow one just looks forward, thinking of the upcoming date and he brings a hand to his chin in thought. "The anniversary of his family's death will be coming soon." His free hand clenches into a fist. "Unfortunately, it's not enough to make him succumb to me, not any more at least."

An irritated sigh leaves the jackal's mouth as he taps his forefinger against his chin, trying to figure a way to break his host. "Even if I were to throw Shadow in his face and taunt him with the hedgehog killing his family, it won't be enough. It's even less fortunate that Zero doesn't fully blame Shadow for his family's death. In fact, it's quite annoying that that's the case. When did the so called mercenary get so damn spineless?"

Infinite lowers his hand and closes his eye, trying to figure out what makes his other tick. The only lead he has is the little blue savior. Bad mouthing the hero doesn't get him anywhere except fussed at, which is highly annoying.

The question is: how can he use Shadow, the death of his family and Sonic to break the coward so he can finally take control of the body?

And once he has fully control of the body, he's going to make sure to pay Zero's little puppy crush a visit. "And who knows," a grin goes on the white muzzles, "-it'll be a bonus if I can break the blue rat while I'm at it..."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sonic's Room – 7:22 a.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The rays from the sun pass through small openings in the curtain, allowing light to flow into the bedroom. A content sigh passes through peach lips as he turns on his side and feels warmth against his front. He nuzzles his head against his pillow, feeling completely relaxed. What is it, the second time this week he's been able to sleep so good now?

He brings a peach hand up, to cover his mouth as he yawns before nestling back into his mattress and he feels himself being pulled forward...?

A green eye flutters open, his vision blurry. It takes him a little bit before he's able to focus only to see a pale muzzle right in front of him. He closes his eye for a moment, relaxing once more.


A few seconds pass as a smile goes on his lips.


Thirteen seconds pass as he snuggles closer to whatever he's pressed against.


A total of eighteen seconds before both green eyes fly open in shock as they see Mephiles right in front of him, sleeping. Sonic is trying to process the fact that he's in his single bed with the questionable jerk fast asleep while holding him. On one hand, Mephiles is a creep who has done things to him that he would never wish on anyone else. But on the other hand, he's saved him and is willing to help with the stalker.

But still,

Said questionable jerk in his bed,



Holding him...?

Sonic quickly closes his eyes tight. 'Okay, I'm gonna count to ten and I'll actually wake up from this strange dream.





Five-shoot, the bottom of my foot itches.' He brings his foot up to scratch it before focusing on his goal.





And ten.'

Green eyes open again only to see the time deity still in front of him, holding him close. He tries to pull out of the other's grip only to have the arms bring him closer to the body; his chest is now flushed against the demigod's while the pale lips are on top of his head.

Sonic tries to push against the body but one hand presses against the lower stomach while the other presses against a thigh-

Peach hands quickly stop as a tinge of heat goes across Sonic's cheeks. He had not meant to touch any part of the other's body below the waist. That's a no-no area, a danger zone presumably where, uh, things can probably happen? He's not too sure. Even though said jerk had touched that area on him and his stalker had, uh, milked him- 'Sweet Chaos, I don't need to think about that first thing in the morning.'- he doesn't want to touch anyone there himself. He will not do those things to others that were done to him. No way-

"Would you quit moving already," Mephiles grumbles as he rolls over, forcing his warmth on his back as he lays on top of him and he places his head on the crook of the blue neck. He takes a deep breath to relax before trying to go back to sleep.

Sonic just blinks a few times, while staring at the ceiling confused. He can feel the other's weight completely on top of him with his arms trapped in between their bodies, so there's no attempting to push the deity off him.

Warm breaths hit Sonic's neck, bringing him out of his confusion as he tries to look down to see the older male and a pout reaches his face. "Would you get off me?"

Mephiles lets a small smile go on his face as he lightly kisses the neck, feeling the body go completely rigid under him. He keeps his eyes closed as he nestles his head. "But you're so warm," he presses his body more into Sonic's, hearing a hitched breath. "-and I do so enjoy this warmth of yours~"

Sonic can hear the faint purring coming from the older before he feels the vibrations coming from the deity's chest. His cheeks get slightly warmer and he clenches his eyes shut. 'Why is he purring? I didn't know he could purr and why on me?! Oh, there is no way this can possibly get any worse-'

"First thing in the morning? Really?"

Sonic quickly turns his head to the right to see Shadow closing the door behind him before he leans his back against it. 'Wait, why is he here?!' He can feel his cheeks getting hotter by the second. "Sh-Sha–"

Red eyes narrow at the surprised green ones before Shadow shakes his head. "I told you not to say my name, didn't I," he practically spits out, hating to see someone so vile laying on top of Sonic. He's forcing himself to stay calm and not lash out on the creep. Chaos knows the stalker can't catch any wind of this.

A sigh leaves the peach lips as Sonic finally calms down, completely ignoring Mephiles being on top of him. "What are you doing here?"

'That's right, he doesn't know about what's going on.' Shadow closes his eyes and crosses his arms, his right ear twitching a few times. 'I can't exactly tell him that I have to babysit him for that damn stalker of his right now.' He glances to the right to see that the blue rose is still on top of the dresser and shakes his head, really hating the spot he's in.

Mephiles can feel the irritation from Shadow and as much as he wants to enjoy it he won't, well he won't too much. His pet is completely surprised by this visit, but even so, it'd be best for Sonic to be ignorant about Shadow's current position regarding that stalker. If Sonic found out, then who knows what kind of heroic thing he'd try to do and possibly get himself in more trouble then he's already in.

'I keep finding myself doing strange things for him.' Mephiles stops purring and only smiles against the blue throat. "Still not jealous, Shadow?"

A red eye quickly twitches as Shadow turns his attention to the onyx hedgehog, who is finally getting up from Sonic. 'Asshole.'

"Jealous?" Sonic turns from Shadow to Mephiles and blinks a few times. "Why would he be jealous?"

Mephiles directs his attention back to his pet and only smirks as he leans down, giving him a light kiss on the lips. He watches as green eyes look absolutely stunned and he can practically hear Shadow's internal curses at him.

Shadow turns around with a scowl on his face and nearly rips the door off the hinges as he opens it. He really needs his punching bag right now or for Mephiles to get in his face so he can punch the asshole into a bloody pulp. "Your folks are waiting for you, Sonic."

'Did he just... in front of Shadow?! Why'd he kiss me in front of Shadow?!' Sonic is just staring ahead of him, still in complete shock.

A small chuckle leaves Mephiles as he finally gets off his pet's bed and fixes his detestable clothing. "Let's not be late now. I wouldn't want to make a bad impression with your parents."

Sonic just blinks a few more times as his response. 'Please, tell me I'm dreaming...' He pinches his arms and bites on his tongue from crying out. Turning to his left, he watches as Mephiles exits his room, leaving him by himself.

"Seriously, what did I miss?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Angel Island – 7:27 a.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A gentle breeze sweeps across the altar, letting the blades of grass sway to and fro as a some chao are visiting. A few are playing their instruments while others are dancing and singing to the gifted music. As for the chao that can't dance, they're just enjoying the performance along with the astro form of Tikal.

Tikal is clapping along with the music, enjoying the scene next to her as she sits beside the guardian, who is currently resting with his eyes closed and arms behind his head against the Master Emerald. She turns her attention to him. "Are you feeling any better, dear?"

Purple eyes open halfway and he sees the performance, a small smile tugging at his mouth before he lets out a sigh. His gaze then goes to the right and he can see blue eyes looking at him. "I don't know..." he closes his eyes and sighs. He can feel himself start to get irritated. "–I mean, Finetivus wants to taint Sonic for his damn experiment and Fleetway is back and–"

Tikal places a hand on the red shoulder. Unlike Fleetway, Tikal can actually touch things that she's connected to: Knuckles, the Master Emerald, Chaos, chao, and anything from the chao gardens.

"Knuckles, you're thinking too much."

Said echidna only places his face in his hands and a loud groan can be heard. "But why Sonic? Why is Finetivus interested in him all the sudden? Just because he went super when the M.E. was tainted? Whoop-dee-doo, who cares? Why can't things just go back to the way they were? With him going on world saving adventures and beating Eggman? Or whatever creature or entity Eggy decided to drag with him? Or–"

"Your feelings for Sonic being hidden from you?" Tikal sees Knuckles scowling at her with a slight blush on his cheeks. She lets out a small giggle. "I can see why Sonic teases you; you look cute like that."

"I do not!" Knuckles pouts and turns back to the chao, watching them start up a new song and dance. "And I don't have feeling for him..." he mumbles.

A flying chao comes up to Tikal and she places it on her lap, petting its head. "Knuckles, there's no reason you should be embarrassed about it."

"Okay, look grandma–" He blinks when he sees the flying chao look up at him, wanting some head pats. Knuckles looks at it for a second before he pats it head a few times, "There, there", and sees a smile go on its face before he turns back to his great, great, great, great, great, great aunt.

"I think I'm more like your older sister right now, Knuckles." Tikal laughs a little more as the chao finally leaves her lap, flying down to join the rest of the chao.

Knuckles just huffs and grumbles as he crosses his arms. "Who has an older sister that's like five hundred plus years older than them...?"

Tikal just brings a hand up to her mouth to try and stifle her giggles. She then pats his shoulder again, wanting to get his attention. "See? You're a caring soul, even if you are a little rough around the edges."

Knuckles raises an eyebrow. "Are you making fun of me?"

"No, of course not, but there's no reason you should hide your feelings for him though. Sonic, regardless of how he accepts your feelings, will never look at you differently. You know this. Take Amy for example."

A red finger twitches. Not from hearing Amy's name. No, they're still friends but just knowing those two were a thing... "Yeah, but they were dating at one point."

"And yet, he treats her the same as he always has, doesn't he?"

Knuckles looks down at his gloveless hands, seeing them relax a bit. 'That's right, Sonic has always been friends with her, not treating her any differently after they broke up. Heck, most people don't even know they were dating from how they act with each other now, but still'

A sigh leaves Knuckles mouth as he watches the chao packing up their toys and instruments, getting ready to go back to their garden. Well, only some of the chao are; a few are sleeping right now.

"It's not just that, it's... it's Fleetway." The right red hand begins to tremble before an orange hand gently covers it, instantly calming him down. "The bastard is hurting Sonic, but... I can't... I can't be there to help him. I–" Knuckles closes his eyes and lowers his head, ashamed of himself. "–and because of that, I feel awful–"

Chaos pops his head out of the Master Emerald and looks down at Knuckles. "Would you like me to heal you?"

A sigh leaves Knuckles' mouth and he rolls his eyes while Tikal just covers her mouth, laughing. She then turns her attentions back to her old friend. "No, that's quite alright, dear."

Chaos turns his attention to the lighter echidna. "He said that he felt awful though."

"I know Chaos, but he meant emotionally, not physically." Tikal noticed something about Chaos a long time ago: he may be powerful as the god of destruction, but he is very innocent, child-like and very literal. Like unbelievably so.

Chaos turns back to the guardian. "Knuckles, I do not know how to heal emotional injuries. Will you forgive me for not aiding you with such injuries?"

Knuckles just looks up at Chaos. Even after all this time, he's still trying to figure out how Chaos can talk to him through telepathy.

The red echidna just rubs the back of his neck. "It's... it's cool. Don't worry about it, man."

Chaos just stares at Knuckles. "I am Chaos, not man."

Knuckles just stares at the deity while Tikal is doing everything in her power to not burst into a fit of laughter. After a few seconds she calms down and waves at her friend. "It's alright Chaos. Give me a little more time and I'll be back with you, alright?"

Chaos merely nods before going back into the Master Emerald.

Knuckles just covers his face and lets out a small chuckle. "I can't believe the god of destruction is so literal."

Tikal just smirks at Knuckles. "Yes, and you're quite the literal one too, if I'm not mistaken."

"Hey, hey, hey, we're talking about him, not me!" A red finger points at Tikal. "And no I'm not."

"Of course you're not, you're just hotheaded," Tikal laughs at the younger. It's no wonder Sonic and Rouge pick on him, it's amusing, though she won't do this often.

Purple eyes just glance to the side. "Watch it granny."

The smile finally fades as Tikal directs their conversation back. "Is there anything Chaos or I can do to help you?"

Knuckles just merely shakes his head. "I... don't think so. I just... I wanna be there for him, to help him but I can't just leave the Master Emerald. Who knows if Eggman or Rouge, especially Rouge, will try to swipe it the moment I leave."

"Knuckles," Tikal pats his hand. "Chaos is able to have a physical form when he leaves the Master Emerald. Do you really think he'll just let someone who has no right even touch it do so, let alone steal it? He is the god of destruction after all."

"Yeah... you're right, but still–"

Tikal cups his cheek and smiles at him. "Knuckles, you have a strong connection with the Master Emerald, with Chaos, and with myself. If anything should happen to any of us then you can always use the warp ring to come back, remember?"

Purple eyes close as Knuckles pats the hand on his face. "Y-yeah, you're right..."

"Go see Sonic. Talk to him, tell him how you feel and I promise you that no matter what, you'll still come back happy, okay?"

Once the hand leaves his face does Knuckles stand up, dusting off his tribal clothing. "Yeah... you're probably right."

Tikal closes her eyes, wand a big, sweet smile goes on her face. "Your big sister will always be there for her little brother."

Knuckles eyes just widen before he pouts at the older echidna once more. "You're pushing it, granny."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Hedgehog Residence – 7:31 a.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

'Well, I thought my life was already, um, going down the drain with everything going on; y'know, becoming a kissing target, being kidnapped, getting drugged and everything else in between. Heh, yeah~' Green eyes scan around the kitchen, seeing everyone looking at him, or rather, the hedgehog who has his arms wrapped around him at the table. Sonic is almost scared to pick up his beverage right now. 'Really was hopin' they would've been gone when I got up.'

Bernadette closes her eyes and takes a deep inhale, halfway releasing it. She takes a deeper breath before she slowly releases it. She then opens her green eyes to look at the Shadow lookalike who just sat Sonic on his lap, like it's just the thing to do. She's trying to be an adult about this, give the man a chance to explain himself before she gets her other baby out from under her bed. "So... tell me why you just put my son on your lap...?"

Jules just stands up and goes over to his coffee station. He's gonna need a brand-new pot to deal with this nonsense.

Chuck enters the kitchen, seeing his brother making coffee, his sister-in-law looking at Shadow – 'Wait, that's not Shadow,' Shadow standing against a wall with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face directed at the not-Shadow hedgehog and his nephew sitting on the man's ... lap...? He instantly goes over to his brother, wishing that the coffee brewed faster right now.

"Madam," Mephiles nods his head to the mother as he pulls Sonic to the side just a little, to give the woman his full attention, "-it would be rude if I had let anyone residing in this home to stand for my sake, since I am a guest. So instead, I'd rather have the whole family sit at the table even though there are only 4 chairs here."

Beep, beep, beep

Jules pours his brother a mug of coffee before pouring himself some.

"I didn't think anyone would mind," Mephiles reaches out to grab Sonic's drink, handing it to his pet, "-since I am courting your son."

Both Jules and Chuck spit out their dark beverage onto the floor before quickly looking at the onyx hedgehog while Bernadette's jaw is hanging open.

The scowl leaves Shadow's face as he's staring at shock at the asshole. 'There's... no way... No, the bastard is just... WHAT?!'

Sonic blinks his eyes before he shakes his head and brings his glass to his lips. "Courting?"

'There's no way they are. This damn idiot doesn't even know what that means." Shadow composes himself as he watches Sonic take a drink. "It means dating."

Apple juice sprays on the table as some of the liquid drips from Sonic's mouth. He quickly turns his head behind him, looking at the jerk wide-eyed. "We're... WHAT!?"

Bernadette quickly gets up from the table and leaves the kitchen.

A tick mark is on the side of Chuck's head as he frowns. "Actually, it means that he's trying to get Sonic's affection. They're not dating," he turns his head to Sonic, "-are you?"

Sonic whips his head to look at his uncle. "What? No! Sweet Chaos I'm not! I haven't dated anyone since Ames and I'm not looking to start now." He quickly looks back at the deity. "We're not dating!"

"I never said we were," Mephiles uses his thumb to wipe the trail of apple juice from his pet's chin, then uses his index to rub against his thumb, drying the appendage. "-but I decided to court you."

Sonic glares at the jerk he's sitting on. "When? Cause this is news to me."

A sly smirk goes on the pale muzzle as Mephiles brings his lips close to a blue ear, only wanting his pet to hear these words. "When you called me Master last night." He then pulls himself back enough to see a faint tint of red go on the peach cheeks.

Shadow notices the pink hue on the hero's cheek and narrows his eyes. 'The hell did he say to him...'

Sonic is trying his hardest to not let himself blush, especially not in front of him family and Shadow. Chaos knows Shadow wouldn't let him hear the end of it ever, as for his family–

All hedgehog ears perk up when they hear a noise, a familiar sound. The sound of a gun... cocking.

Bernadette enters the kitchen with a double barrel shotgun pointed at Mephiles. "Sonic, get away from him right now."

Jules finally places his empty mug on the counter. "Bernie, easy."

Shadow just stares in awe at the woman. '... Shit, I have so much respect for her right now.' He then turns his attention back to Sonic and raises an eyebrow. 'Wonder if he knows how to use a gun...' Sudden thoughts of his-er the blue hedgehog wielding a gun flashes through his mind, and he can feel himself just get a tad warmer. 'Shit...'

Sonic's eyes go a bit wider when he sees his mom adjusting her aim at the deity. Just as he's about to say something to his mom does he feel Mephiles tighten his grip on him. "H-hey...!"

Mephiles is not perturbed by the sudden threat. He merely wants to feel more of his pet's warmth right now which is why he's nuzzling against the blue neck.

"Yo, dude, knock it off!" Sonic tries to turn to look at the older but hearing the gun moving again makes him look back at his mom. "Mom, wait, please!"

Bernadette ignores her son's pleas to stop her. She doesn't know the hedgehog but she can already tell that she isn't going to like him. She was surprised to see him come out of Sonic's room in the first place. That raised red flags already. Why did Sonic sneak him in his room? Were they doing something that they shouldn't. Did Sonic lose his virginity to him? And why the hell isn't her husband doing anything other than cleaning up the spilled coffee right now? Speaking of-

"Jules, do something!"

Said husband just takes a deep breath and hands his towel to his brother, who has too many questions of the situation but has no idea where to start. "Bernie, you need to calm down-"

"Calm down?! Jules," she looks over to her husband. "-Sonic snuck this... lookalike into his room last night-"

"What?!" Everyone looks at Sonic as he's looking at his mother in disbelief. "No, I didn't! I didn't sneak anyone in!"

Bernie turns back to her son and slightly narrows her eyes at him as the creep is still nuzzling his face against him. "Then how did he get in your room?"

"I don't know! He just popped in when I was getting dressed!" he feels a hand tighten it's hold on his side, bringing his attention back to the guilty deity. "Would you stop that?!"

"He what?!" Jules looks from his wife to Mephillys, remembering why he doesn't like him.

"Actually," Mephiles starts as he raises his head up from his pet. Everyone here seems to be in hysterics at the moment and he can't tell why. "-I entered your room while you had just finished bathing. I believe you were drying your fur and quills at the time."

Sonic just stares at the deity with his mouth agape. He doesn't know what to say. What can he say? Sure, he can call Mephiles a pervert but still.

Mephiles uses his thumb to push his pet's chin up, closing the peach mouth. 'I must admit, his family is quite amusing.'


Said flustered hedgehog turns his gaze back to his mom. He really hates the situation he's in right now, but honestly, this isn't the worst thing that's happened to him lately. But just because it's not doesn't mean he likes it.

Bernadette tightens her grip on the gun. "-last night, did you..."

Sonic raises his eyebrow. "Did I what...?"

She doesn't want to ask but for her sake as being his mother since his father clearly isn't doing anything right now, she needs to know. "Did you have sex with him last night?"





W H A T ?!" Sonic nearly screams as his eyes go wide. Why would he do that with anyone, especially with what he's going through? How could she even suggest anything like that?

Shadow's, Jules' and Chuck's eyes all go wide and look at her before turning back to Sonic. Chuck aside, since he had no idea what happened last night, Shadow and Jules had left the room once they started to go over their plan. They had begrudgingly left Mephiles with Sonic for Chaos knows what reason but in that time, who knows what the creep could have done to Sonic in his sleep.

Mephiles releases his hold on his pet as he leans his head backwards and just starts laughing. His laughter is only getting louder by the second. 'This family truly is amusing.'

Sonic quickly goes up to his mom. "Mom, I swear to you, I never had sex." Seeing how she's not buying it Sonic tries again. "I swear on my life that I didn't-" he turns his attention to the laughing jerk. "Would you shut up!?"

A moment passes before Mephiles finally calms himself down. He sits up in his chair, intertwines his finger on the table and looks at the mother. "Madam, I can assure you that I have done nothing indecent to your son last night."

A skeptical look goes on her face as she looks at the creep. "And how do I know you're not lying? You could have done something to him while he was asleep then."

"Madam," Mephiles closes his eyes and releases a chuckle before looking back at her once more. "-if we were going to do that act, then-"

"You shut your mouth!" Jules quickly interferes. It was bad enough that he had to hear the creep say he wanted their son to beg for sex. Chaos knows his wife does not need to hear those words. Sweet Mobius, there would be nothing left of this house and that would be her just warming up. She didn't dub the nickname Bayonetta for nothing when they were younger. 

Mephiles turns his attention to the father and just stares at the man. Normally, he'd retaliate at the very least but apparently the man doesn't want his wife to hear his phrasing. Still, he doesn't know why though. Instead, he takes a hold of his mug and drinks the now warm beverage, slightly grimacing at the taste.

Bernadette looks at her husband confused. "Jules?"

Said hedgehog just shakes his head. "It's better if we just drop it, Bernie."

Sonic looks between his parents and blinks. "Seriously, what did I miss?"

Shadow pushes himself off the wall and walks to the woman's side, holding out his hand. "The gun."

Bernadette releases a breath before reluctantly handing her other baby to the agent.

Once the weapon is in his hand, Shadow inspects the gun, seeing how it's in mint condition. "A pump-action shotgun: the Benelli SuperNova. This has been well kept to be in such tip-top condition." The moment Shadow finishes examing the weapon does he take aim and shoot Mephiles in the head.

"DUDE!!!" Sonic yells at him as he and his family cover their ears. It doesn't bother him that Mephles had just been shot, but the bang was so sudden and loud that his ears are ringing. Sonic snatches the gun from his friend's hands. "Warn us next time, jerk."

Shadow merely closes his eyes and shrugs his shoulders but the faintest of smiles is on his face. He knows he didn't do any damage to Mephiles, the asshole is immortal, but damn, did it feel good.

Meanwhile, Jules, Bernadette and Chuck are just watching how the now slumped body is turning into a puddle of dark goop? And... reshaping itself... before going back to its original ... form?

Sonic lets out a sigh before he turns to his mother, placing his hand on her shoulder to get her attention. Once he has it, he starts talking. "Mom, he's immortal. So trying to shoot him," Sonic quickly turns his head to Shadow to give him a questioning look only to make the ebony hedgehog roll his eyes. Sonic then rolls his own before looking back at his mom. "-won't do anything. That's why I was trying to stop you before."

Sonic then turns his attention back to Shadow, scowling at him. "Do you feel better about yourself?"

Shadow just chuckles from the look he's getting. "Actually, yes, I do. It's very therapeutic. You should try it some time."

"I'll pass." Sonic turns his attention to the table, seeing the back of the chair he was in completely shattered from the shot and he glares at Shadow.

Shadow only shrugs his shoulders in return.

Once Mephiles is fully regenerated, does he turn his attention to the agent. "That was completely uncalled for, Shadow. I have done nothing to get such hostile treatment from you."

Shadow snarls at the asshole. "Last night-"

"Was simply last night. I have done nothing to you this day."

Ebony fists clench as Shadow glares at the deity. "Fuck off."

"Dude," Sonic reprimands his friend. "-not in front of my folks."

"Tch," Shadow just looks over to the side and crosses his arms. It's not even eight in the morning and he's already having a bad day. The only good thing is that he was able to shoot the fucker.


Jules looks over to Mephiles, who is bowing to him and he raises an eyebrow at the scene.

"-I do apologize for Shadow's behavior. Such recklessness had ruined a chair for you."

Jules looks back at his coffee maker and shakes his head. 'I'm gonna need something stronger to get through this day.'

Chuck rubs the side of his head, trying to calm down. It's still early in the morning and they're already causing quite a commotion here. Who knows what the neighbors will think? "Sonny, care to explain why he's here?"

"Oh, yeah, that's right." Sonic looks between his mom and uncle, his dad then McShooter McGee. "So Mephiles here," he turns to look at the onyx hedgehog, only to see said man walk up to him, holding his hand out. "What are you doing? I'm not giving you the gun."

Mephiles just looks his pet in his eyes. "I have no need for that weapon. Give me your hand."

Shadow can feel his eye twitch but does nothing.

Sonic skeptically looks at the deity but hesistantly raises his free hand. His ears flicker when he hears a knock on the door and he turns his head to see his uncle leave to go see who it is. His attention is brought back to Mephiles when he feels his hand being raised before the deity brings the back of his hand to his lips, kissing it.

Shadow is clenching his fists tight and he's pretty sure he made himself bleed through his gloves now. 'This fucking asshole...!'

Pink quickly goes on Sonic's face from the action and he can see a smirk go on Mephiles' face. "...what are you..."

Mephiles places his other hand on top of Sonic's ignoring everyone else in the room at the moment. "I have something I must look into but I shall return to properly court you this evening. Make sure you have no affairs tonight, Sonic."

Sonic can feels his hand being released before he vaguely sees a purple orb swallow the deity but his mind isn't focused on that right now. Or the fact that Mephiles is completely gone. "What... just happened...?"

Jules chugs the rest of his coffee before pouring himself another mug full. "I could be wrong... but... it sounds like he wants to take you on a date..."

"A... a..." Sonic is just staring in front of him, trying to process the fact that Mephiles the Dark, the immortal who's done bad things to him but wants to help him with his stalker, wants to take him on a ... date? "Why...?"


Said hedgehog turns to look at his mom.

"Are you going to go with him?"

"I... I..." He turns to look at Shadow, who only leaves the kitchen to go into the hallway, presumably his room. Why? He has no idea. He then turns back to look at him mom, still completely flabbergasted. "I... n-no...?"


The dumbfounded hedgehog turns to look at his uncle. "Y-yeah?"

Chuck looks around to notice that both dark hedgehogs are missing but doesn't say anything regarding it. "The door's for you."

"O-okay." Sonic just scratches his head, wanting to figure this out but is having a hard time to. Once he reaches the front door he sees who is on the other side, making his eyes widen, before he slams it closed, his face paling slightly.

"Sonic," Chuck calls out. "-everything alright?"

'And I thought my day couldn't possibly get any worse than it is. Ha, ah, what kind of crap is this?' Sonic clears his throat. "Y-yeah, my hand slipped."

He reaches for the door and takes a deep breath before opening it once more. "S-sorry bout that, had a rough mornin'. Hey how are ya?"

The person at the door just glares even more at the hedgehog. "We need to talk. Now.

"Y-yeah, sure, come on in-"

"No, we're talking in private, Sonic." He grabs a hold of a peach arm, dragging the hero out of the house in a huff.

Sonic looks back to his now concerned family as he's being dragged away. "Be back soon." He then turns his attention to one of the last mobians he wants to see right now. "So how ya been, Kahn?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hi Luvs. 

I know the chapter is shorter than usual but it's a downtime chapter, kind of.

Hope you all enjoyed this. It was freaking fun for me to write. Ha, gotta love morning shenanigans.

Anywho, yay, Kahn has now entered the chat. What will happen to our hero?

Also, Mephiles~ uwu
That is all!

Until next time, take care of yourselves Luvs~

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