The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB...

NewOPTIMUS007 tarafından

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Vergil has risen after defeating the almighty Mundus he has taken the throne of Hell next to him Charlie Magn... Daha Fazla

Report: Vergil
Report: Charlie
Report: Octavia
Report: MISC Characters
Ch.1 Sparda Life
Ch.2 Trial of War
Ch.3 Sleepover
Ch.4 New Group
Ch.5 Training
Ch.6 Rising Tensions
Ch.7 Declaration of War
Ch.8 Overthrown
Ch.9 Sister of Charlie
Ch.10 Sibling Battles
Ch.11 Alliances
Ch.12 Hideout
Ch.13 Ambush
Ch.14 The Old Tower
Ch.15 Rise of the Dark Emperor
Report: Dark Emperor Vergil
Ch.16 Return to Hell
Ch.17 The Knight of Darkness
Ch.18 Imminent War
Ch.19 The Spark Ignites The Fire
Ch.21 Return of the Qliphoth
Ch.22 A New Army
Ch.23 The Hunter
Ch.24 Alliance
Ch.25 Preparations
Ch.26 The Battle
Ch.27 True Power

Ch.20 Human Collaborators

10 0 0
NewOPTIMUS007 tarafından

*At Zegan's palace.

Eligos: My lord we manage to get one.

Zegan: The great Charlie Sparda. I heard about the new power you got. Quite a shame you could not use it against the intruders.

Charlie: I will never do anything you want.

Zegan: I know. That is why we will force you to do so.

Eligos: My lord we won't be able to stay for long.

Zegan: An old war happened with our ancestors. So mighty that it spread to Earth. Let's reenact it.

Eligos: How will we get our army to Earth? 

*Zegan grabs a book.

Zegan: The records from Arkham. A human so bent on the power of Sparda he recorded every single detail of the demons. We cannot bring our army to Earth without the divine barriers stopping us which is why we need to break it with the tower that Sparda used to seal our world from the humans. We can use it again to reconnect our worlds and invade without problems.

Eligos: Excellent plan my lord.

Zegan: We first need something powerful to reactivate it. Something made by Sparda.

Eligos: I got the Rebellion.

Zegan: Excellent. We can use it to open the portal. With the spell that seals the worlds broken it has become weaker since it has been casted again. The Rebellion should be enough.

*At the hotel

Umbra: Where's Vergil?

Silver: At the bar.

*Vergil sits at the bar as he stares at his amulet given by his mother at a young age.

Umbra: Vergil the-

Vergil: The demons are on Earth. I'm aware.

Umbra: So were just going to sit around?

Vergil: They want the Temen Ni Gru. That is the only way they can get their armies to Earth at the fullest. What I misunderstand is how they are reactivating the tower.

Umbra: What do you mean?

Vergil: Long ago the tower was reactivated by me but sealed away again. It requires the blood of Sparda, the blood of a human priestess, and two halves of a amulet.

Umbra: Maybe the spell does not need all that anymore.

Vergil: That is the best reason.

Umbra: So what is the plan?

Vergil: I need to find some allies that can help us.

Octavia: Who else can help us? It better not be Fran.

Vergil: You have never met these humans before.

Silver: Humans?

Neos: Great more humans.

Vergil: They have more to them.

*Vergil cuts a portal open.

Vergil: Remain here.

*Vergil walks through and returns to Earth

Vergil: Devil May Cry would be the best place they would be.

*Vergil enters the office of Devil may Cry

Vergil: No one is here.

*Vergil sits down on the couch and begins to read his book.

*30 minutes later


*The man enters the office.

???: Lady! Trish! You here?

Vergil: Afraid not.

*The man turns to see Vergil glowing purple in the darkness as his eyes make contact with the old African American man dressed in fancy clothing.

Vergil: I have been waiting for someone to return I assume you know the two that live here.

???: Yeah who are you?

Vergil: I am Vergil. The first born of Sparda. 

???: What?

Vergil: The older brother of Dante.

???: I was unaware he had a brother. Morrison.

Vergil: You worked with my brother?

Morrison: In the past when he was around. I would find jobs and bring them to Dante.

Vergil: Where might the two hunters be at?

Morrison: I think I know where. Follow me.

*Vergil and Morrison walk out and head to a pizza hut.

Vergil: You go in. I will remain back.

Morrison: Why? You scared?

Vergil: They will listen better if you deliver it.

Morrison: Alright fine.

*Morrison enters the pizza hut. Vergil watches from the window. Vergil can't hear what Morrison is saying but he can guess when the two ladies look out the window. Vergil hides before they can see him and Vergil returns to the office.

*10 minutes later.

Lady: You think what Morrison said is true?

Trish: Don't think so.

Vergil: You might want to reconsider.

*Lady and Trish draw their pistols at Vergil sitting on the couch.

Vergil: I do not wish to bring harm.

Lady: What are you doing here Vergil?

Vergil: You do remember me.

Lady: Last time I saw you were way younger and stupid.

Vergil: That I was but I request your help.

Lady: What is it? Need more blood.

Vergil: A war is about to begin and it will be arriving on Earth soon.

*The two put their pistols away.

Lady: Talk.

Vergil: It would be a long story but a demon that overtook my throne is trying to start a war to kill me.

Trish: I was unaware that hybrids could rule.

Vergil: With the right friends and family.

Lady: Family?

Vergil: This demon has taken my wife and plans to open the portal at the Temen Ni Gru once more.

Trish: I feel this is before me?

Lady: It was. Lot of hatred in that place.

Vergil: I know you hate me and that tower but I think we can both agree that we don't want another demon war like Sparda fought in.

Lady: What's the deal?

Vergil: You help me and my allies defeat this king and I will pay you both very well for it.

Trish: How well?

Vergil: Let's say you want to do well. If you want to take the job. I will be waiting in this city. You have 24 hours.

Trish: We will take it.

Vergil: Excellent.

*At the hotel

Octavia: Where is he?

Silver: He's fine I know it.

Neos: Or he's probably dead. Hopefully.

Silver: Can you just shut up about him being a human? Your constant bitching is not going to make him die or make him disappear. 

Neos: What I'm just saying.

Silver: I know you want humans...

Amphorn: We all figured that out a long time ago.

Silver:...But you are choosing to be here. Now you can walk out of here before it's too late or you can stay.

*A portal forms and Vergil walks through.

Amphorn: Welcome back.

Neos: Damnit.

Octavia: Well?

Vergil: I found allies that can help us.

*Lady and Trish walk through

Amphorn: Damn. Not bad.

Umbra: They are?

Vergil: Old partners of my brother. They managed to stop world ending threats alongside him.

Neos: More humans. Great.

Trish: Your one to jump to conclusions aren't you?

Neos: No.

Silver: This is going to be interesting.

Octavia: 5 bucks he gets his shit rocked.

Silver: Deal.

*The two sit down and watch Trish and Neos talk

Neos: What makes you think I was jumping to conclusions?

Trish: I heard you. You are not happy two more humans showed up.

Neos: I never said that you bitch!

Trish: There is more that you do not know little one.

Neos: I'm not little!

Trish: Your sure acting like it.

Silver: If he does not get punched in the next 10 seconds you owe me.

Octavia: Just wait.

Neos: Just shut up! I'm a royal you know.

Trish: What are you doing in a place like this?


*Neos tries to punch Trish but Trish grabs his hand a twist it.

Neos: OW FUCK!

Trish: I was expecting more from a royal.

Neos: RAHHH!

*Neos runs at Trish and tries to punch her. Trish leans back and avoids the punch flips back. Neos tries a follow up punch, Trish leans to the side avoiding the punch and punches Neos in the beak making him bleed.

Neos: DAMNIT! Fucking humans.

Trish: If only that were true.

Siler: Wait your not a human?

Trish: Look like it but I am created by Mundus.

Silver: Mundus?

Trish: You were created by him? Neve knew about you.

Silver: I could say the same.

Trish: You seem like a good girl to talk to. What's your name?

Silver: Silver Moon. Go by Silver.

Trish: Never heard that one before. Trish.

Silver: Nice to meet you.

Lady: So what's the game?

Vergil: This king of the royal order in Hell learned of my identity and overthrew me and is now going to do anything to kill me after all the failed attempts.

Lady: And he's where?

Vergil: I assume still in Hell. His partner the duke forced them to leave. If they are too actiavte teh tower it is soon.

Lady: Any ideas?

Vergil: No.

Lady: We will head back to the office and inform you on anything we learn.

Vergil: I will do the same down here.

Lady: Could you get us back?

*Vergil cuts open a portal.

Lady: Trish were going back.

Trish: See you around Silver.

Silver: See ya.

*The two return back to the office.

Vergil: I see you have bonded quite well with Trish.

Silver: Yeah. It's nice to talk to someone that was created by the same demon. Humans are not that bad


Silver: Oh yeah you still owe me.

Octavia: Damn it.

Vergil: Maybe you should turn tail. You were defeated in a matter of seconds by one single demon.

Neos: Oh no I am not. Because I won't let my Silver get killed.

Silver: I can stand my own. Way better than you I may add.

Vergil: Or maybe your trying to be better than her. I've been down that road. It did not end well for me.

Neos: Why should I listen to someone who's people are selfish, stupid, greedy, and uncaring?

Vergil: Hm. You will learn that not all are what you think.

Neos: Yeah will see.

*Vergil summons Griffon and Shadow.

Griffon: You called?

Vergil: Find Zegan if he is not at the tower then we have a chance to prevent this war.

Griffon: On it.

*Griffon and shadow run out and begin searching for Zegan.

Neos: He won't even search for his own wife himself. Lazy fuck.

Octavia: NEOS!

*Vergil leaves the hotel


Silver: He was right about you.

*Silver begins to walk out of the hotel.

Neos: No wait Silver.

Silver ignores Neos and walks out

Neos: *sigh Whatever. Can you guys al least feel happy about it?

Octavia: How are you two still together?

Neos: Come on! Buzzkills.

*Neos walks out

Amphorn: The irony.

Octavia: Did he seriously expect me to praise him after what just happened? Especially to the person I call my father?

Amphorn: He'll learn. Hopefully.

Octavia: Chances are low.

Amphorn: You ok?

Octavia: Just thinking about V right now. For once he may have got his feelings hurt.

Amphorn: You kidding? That man looks unbreakable...

*Octavia does not respond

Amphorn: But if he did...

*Amphorn sets his hand on Octavia's.

Amphorn: I'm sure he will pull through. Like I said he's unbreakable and very motivated to get the queen back and stop all of this.

Octavia: Hmph. That really helped.

*In the streets.

Neos: Why the hell do they choose him over me? It's such bullshit. Humans are SO STUPID!

Eligos: Indeed.

Neos: The fuck?

Eligos: Humans are a worthless creation made by God. A project that deteriorated over the centuries, and we have to pay the price with them.

*Neos tries to run away but is grabbed and pinned to the wall by Eligos.

Eligos: Where are you going to go? Back to the human?

Neos: What do you want?

Eligos: Your enlistment. If we have you we can learn a lot about the human and we can win the war with ease.

*On a roooftop.

Griffon: Idiot got himself captured.

Neos: Where the fuck are you going to take me? They are already searching for you.

*Eligos forms a portal to the Temen Ni Gru. Griffon flies through at last minute and hides from everyone.

Eligos: This is where we are. Now you have a choice. Help us and become one of the best demons around...or you can die.

Neos: Not much of a choice. I'm fucking joining you.

Griffon: You bastard.

*Griffon flies off into the night sky

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