By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9

330 21 47
By BangtanArmies

Sora's POV

Seokjin accompanied me home as I insisted after the incident at the university because I was feeling super nauseous. He was weirdly understanding and didn't push me to speak, so I thanked him once we arrived at the mansion, and he left. I should've spoken to him. I requested the maids to bring dinner because I wasn't feeling well. They did as I asked, so I ate alone in my room, then I made sure to lock my door because I was afraid Taehyung would break inside to strangle me.

Are you questioning my relationship status with Seokjin? It's not real. He only did it to get me out of trouble. And how did I end up with a pregnancy test? Well, I suspected I was pregnant because of my delayed period. Why would a virgin supreme alpha be pregnant? It's a long story, but I'll tell you later. I promise.

I tried to ignore the stupid situation, but people just... wouldn't leave me alone at the university or even at home. Luckily, the elders were away on their business trip during the whole commotion, so I only had to deal with the foul gossip at the academy. Jungkook wouldn't stop bugging me about my relationship status with the second-rank alpha. He would follow me around. Try to bicker with me. Whine like a child and then get upset when I refuse to respond. I didn't engage with anyone and completely isolated myself from the world. Taehyung avoided me, which was also a huge relief. To be honest, I might ask him to kill me if we ever get into a fight again.

Sighing deeply, I skimmed the book in my hand as the prying eyes in the lobby monitored my every movement with the intent to staple my faults. The alphas and lower ranks are gossiping about me and I can assure you it's some mental shit. They declared I'm pregnant with Seokjin's child. They shamelessly accused me of being a slut. Some... would say Seokjin used me for my body and that I was a horny bitch. The worst problem was... Seokjin didn't show up to school for the next few days. He didn't contact me either. He just... disappeared. I don't know what's happening, but the society is having so much pleasure slut shaming me. Women would fire me disgusted dirty looks while the men made disdainful sexual jokes. But I was too weary to even give a damn and chose to be alone.

"FUCK OFF!" Jungkook bellowed at a group of lower ranks when they wouldn't stop catcalling me. They flinched in fright and hurried off as the alpha approached my side. The good thing is... only Jungkook seems to care about me. That's a relief. Minah tried speaking to me often, but I withdrew from our conversations as soon as she tried to initiate a topic.

"Are you going to follow Taehyung's path? Punishing yourself like this? You know you can speak to me, right?" Jungkook sighed, slumping down on the couch with me. He's here to poke me for answers again. I'm not annoyed by his behavior because it's typical of him. I didn't respond and quietly read the files in silence. Jungkook sorely grimaced at my muted silence with his eyes narrowed in irritation.

"You know it bothers me to see you like this. What happened, Sora? I'll kill Seokjin if it makes you feel better," Jungkook sadly watched me. He's speaking softly instead of nagging me. That's funny.

"You should at least eat something if you're pregnant. Don't starve the innocent child," Jungkook spoke. I sighed and closed the book before shifting my blank gaze to his worried frown.

"Speak to me," Jungkook smiled, reaching out to hold my hand.

"Do you believe their words?" I asked shortly.

"Of course not! I'll only believe you, so tell me! What happened? It's okay if the relationship is fake. But most importantly... What's with the pregnancy kit? Are you faking it to provoke Taehyung?" Jungkook shook his head. I blinked at his eager expression.

"Is Seokjin popular with women?" I asked. Jungkook frowned at my question as if he didn't expect it.

"Not as popular as me, but he is popular. But as far as I know... he's never dated anyone in the past. That's why it's... quite shocking for everyone to hear him claim you. I bet he's a virgin," Jungkook excitedly nodded like a puppy.

"You're not a virgin, are you?" I questioned. Jungkook's face suddenly flushed red.

"Of course not! Why are you asking?!- Tell me about your situation!" Jungkook whined, impatiently squeezing my hand over his lap. I let out a deep sigh and was about to speak- when I heard the lower ranks gasping by the door, so Jungkook and I turned toward the entrance to find Seokjin strolling in a formal button-up shirt and trousers. My heart ached at his presence. I thought he wouldn't acknowledge my presence... but the alpha strolled straight toward me with a stern expression.

"Are you okay?" Seokjin asked, swiftly sitting down to examine my face in concern. Huh? I blinked at his presence unsurely. Jungkook awkwardly scooted aside to grant us some space.

"I'm fine-" I nodded. Thump. Seokjin suddenly pulled me into a comforting hug, so I fired Jungkook a startled look as the alpha held me in his strong arms. That was... unexpected... especially publicly... like this.

"Please bear with my parents. I promise I'll resolve everything," Seokjin whispered in my ear. What? His parents...? Seokjin drew away from me as I uneasily searched his apologetic frown. The lower ranks gasped again just as... two elderly alphas appeared... in their fancy clothes. Seokjin nervously eyed his parents while holding my hand until my gaze landed on a familiar face. My jaw dropped in shock once I noticed Choi Do-hwan... strolling in after the second rank.

"What are they doing here?" Jungkook's muttered, dumbfounded by their presence. Taehyung unsurely stared at the elderly couple with the other alphas while standing on the floor above. The head of the university principal suddenly appeared to greet Seokjin's parents and Do-hwan. Jungkook turned to look at me in dread. Yup. I'm in trouble.

A moment later.

I found myself sitting... beside Seokjin in the principal's office with his parents and my chief guard. He showed up as my guardian to substitute my parent's absence. Seokjin's parents were exactly... like those rich and arrogant parents in the movies. I could sense their snobbish energy even before they open their mouths.

"I urge the university to investigate the dire issue thoroughly!" Mrs. Kim, Seokjin's mother, spoke up in a demanding tone.

"I believe it's only a groundless rumor-"

"About my precious son! People are circulating dishonorable tales about him and the supreme alpha! The academy should be liable for allowing such outrageous infamy to circulate the campus!" Mrs. Kim argued when the principal tried to dismiss the issue. Seokjin briefly glanced at me worriedly but remained hushed by his parents' side.

"I believe your son and supreme alpha is-"

"They degraded his perfect reputation! They claimed- They claimed my Seokjin got the supreme alpha pregnant! He's not a predator! I can't tolerate the absurd-" Mrs. Kim suddenly burst into tears without finishing her sentence. I exchanged awkward glances with Do-hwan as the woman wept before the tense principal, funnily dabbing her napkin against her streaming tears.

"I believe the rumors will cease after a week or two and everyone will move on from it. It's best if we remain patient with the unforgiving circumstances," Do-hwan sighed. Mrs. Kim fired Do-hwan a sharp glare.

"Is my son's a cheap whiteboard you can easily erase dirty ink from? He's a pure porcelain-"

"Eomma. That's enough," Seokjin interrupted her with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Darling! Are you going to let those people slander you like this?!- They deserve to be punished!" Mrs. Kim sniffled in tears as her husband sat in absolute silence. Is his father deaf?

"If it's anyone... Sora's the one absorbing the most damage. They're not targeting me," Seokjin sighed and briefly glanced at me.

"Why did you get involved~? I raised you to steer clear of other's problems!-"

"It is my problem. Eomma. I had to intervene," Seokjin clenched his jaw.

"Moh? Don't lie to your mother-"

"They spent a night together," Do-hwan exhaled. The Kims stiffly froze in their seats as the principal straightened his back on his armchair.

"No, they didn't! Seokjin would never invite a woman over! My son vowed to never-"

"I asked her to stay over, eomma. I'm sorry. But we did spend time together at my place," Seokjin confessed, causing Mrs. Kim to gasp dramatically again.

"My bundle of joy! How can you-" Mr. Kim grabbed his wife when she suddenly fainted in her seat before she could finish her sentence. Jolt! Seokjin quickly got up to support his motionless mother, leaving me dumbfounded in my seat- until the medics burst into the office with the equipment.

Ten minutes later... I was left alone with Do-hwan and the principal. We sat in absolute silence after the Kims left... because Mrs. Kim had... fainted. What the fuck.

"What about your parents? Are they aware?" The principal asked in exhaustion.

"Not yet, but they will probably react the same way," I shrugged.

"I can't control a problem outside of the school premises. But is there anything I can do for you? I'll do my best to help you two," The school principal sighed. I pursed my lips and got up to bow to him.

"This is our problem, so we'll deal with it. Thank you for assisting us," I politely spoke. Do-hwan sighed, and we eventually left school together.

"Your parents will be home once we get there... so be prepared," Do-hwan warned as he drove me home. Fuck. I lowered my face in dread upon hearing the dire warning and closed my eyes to calm my mind. The consequences are unavoidable.


"Do you have a date for the ceremony?" I asked. Seokjin smiled and handed the glass to me. I took a sip after he circled the coffee table to sit on the couch opposite mine.

"Not yet. Why? Do you want to ask me out on a date? From what I know... you don't have a date either," Seokjin smirked. I glared at him and took a huge gulp from the wine glass. I screwed my face in discomfort and leaned back with my eyes closed.

"I suppose Taehyung is my assigned date," I muttered, opening my eyes to stare at Seokjin.

"You think? He didn't ask you out appropriately? That's shockingly disrespectful of him, especially when you're the supreme alpha," Seokjin laughed, sipping his wine with a teasing smile.

"He's always like this. I'm used to it," I shrugged.

"But I heard Haerim is his date though?" Seokjin questioned. I pursed my lips and sat in silence to recall the distressing incident.

"When you look at me... do you think I'm pathetic?" I asked with a numbed face. Why is my mind swaying so much? The liquor isn't that strong.

"Yah. Are you drunk already?!" Seokjin snapped, sitting up with a startled look.

"I'm not-"

"Stop it with the deep talk- YAH? What are you doing?!" Seokjin shrieked in shock when I suddenly leaped from the couch to pull my shirt off my body because it was too warm inside the living room.

"I'll go for a swim in your pool," I muttered, dismissively sliding his glass door open and stepped into the breezy exterior.

"You're drunk! And it's getting late! You should head home before your parents send an army of guards into my mansion!" He groaned, frantically striding after me, but I didn't listen and pulled off my pants to undress before the alpha. Seokjin scoffed at my shameless behavior and glanced away in horror as I slipped into the water in my undergarment.

"I'll leave after a refreshing bath!" I giggled, drunkenly splashing across the pool. The alpha snapped his glare at me from the pool edge and stomped back inside his mansion, so I dismissively swam back and forth in his pool... until he returned with a wine bottle and a flustered face.

"Get out now!" He demanded, funnily marching towards the pool edge with a pink face.

"Finish the bottle, and I'll get out," I playfully splashed the water at him. Seokjin intensely glared at my stubbornness before shoving the bottle against his lips and tilted his head back to drain the liquor. My eyes bulged open in shock when he finished it in one lift. He wants me out that badly?!

"Now get out!" Seokjin demanded, hastily placing the bottle away. I submerged my entire body under the water to get the last wash before emerging from the calm surface and swam toward the pool edge. I gripped the cement rim and tried to haul my body over the edge, but I failed miserably and slipped back into the cold water. I'm tipsy!

"Fuck. I think I'm too drunk to get out," I grumbled, lifting my head upward to find Seokjin crossing his arms in irritation.

"Use the stairs, woman!" He nodded at the pool stairs.

"I'm too lazy to swim to the end. Pull me out!" I whined, drunkenly crossing the pool to his side, and extended my arms for him. The alpha huffed in annoyance and lowered his body to grab me, so I yanked onto him- when he suddenly lost his balance and tilted forward.

"ARGH!" Seokjin shrieked, abruptly releasing me... and to my horror... he plunged into the pool. SPLASH. I shrieked in shock as the massive wave- sent me stumbling to the side. What the heck?! Seokjin frantically splashed around in his damp clothes as he struggled to navigate his drunken body.

"You're drunk!" I gasped while rubbing the water from my eyes.

"Great! Just great!!!- You're a nuisance!" Seokjin angrily threw a tantrum in the cold pool, causing my jaw to drop in shock. Splash! The water harshly slapped my cheeks as the alpha scrambled for the pool edge.

"How dare you splash water at me?! You fell yourself!" I shrieked, angrily splashing back at him. Seokjin tried to heave his body out of the water but failed and slid back into the pool.

"STOP SPLASHING- YOU MANIAC! MY EYES~!" Seokjin screamed, spinning around to confront me with his squinted eyes, but I kept splashing until he leaped across the pool to tackle me.

"AH! Why are you attacking!?! Yah!" I shrieked as he roughly grabbed my wrists to stop me from harassing him.

"I will drown you if you keep it up!- It's freezing cold!" Seokjin threatened as he fired me a warning glare, so I pursed my lips with my unblinking gaze trained on his soaked bangs before lowering my eyes... to his damp clothes. I stared at the defined outline of his toned muscles and finally glanced up at his handsome face again.

"You're funny when you're drunk," I smiled, tilting my head to admire his glowing red face.

"You won't be smiling when I drown you-"

"Drown me then. See if you'll succeed. We're both drunk, so even if you kill me now... I won't be able to escape," I whispered, eagerly leaning my face forward to encourage him.

"Do you want to die that badly?" The alpha asked, unsurely searching my teary eyes. Oh. I wanted to live when I was young... but I want to disappear now. The world is too harsh for me.

"Do it," I nodded, blinking at him in tears as the hot lump formed in my throat. I can't stifle my pain any longer. If my family can't kill me... then I'm sure my rival will do it. Seokjin and the other alphas detest my power anyways.

"Maybe I won't be as guilty because... I'm drunk," Seokjin agreed, lifting his hand to place it on my damp cheek as we stood facing each other in the water. His private villas were entirely empty. We were the only souls standing... under the dim moonlight radiant... in his brightly lit pool.

"It's a simple task... just don't let me breathe," I whispered in tears.

Kim Seokjin grew hushed while struggling to make up his mind so I smiled, gently squeezing his hand over my moist cheek. The alpha suddenly leaned forward, so I gripped his hips under the water's surface to anticipate my death with my eyes closed. Nudge. The man softly pressed his moist lips against mine, causing my heart to jolt in a panic. Huh?! I was too taken aback... by his unpredictable movement- so I stood stiff in place, quickly flinging my eyes open to gawk at him.

"I'll be bored to death if you die," Seokjin whispered, pulling away to stare at me. I bit my lips in confusion when I felt a warm spasm within my chest. The emotion was so intense I couldn't cry anymore but stared at him with a static mind.

"You're going to regret not killing me," I whispered, frowning at him with a startled look.

Kim Seokjin scoffed at my statement and leaned forward to kiss me again, so I unconsciously encircled my arms around his thick neck muscles and tugged him closer to me. He carefully placed his hands on my waist to massage my bare skin under the water as we kissed in the pool until we were both out of breath. It was a swift and uncalculated decision to hold each other... and we both probably will regret everything... but my soul was too desperate to release him. Seokjin finally withdrew his plump lips from mine after the intense make-out session. I tried not to pant... but I was entirely breathless. We stared at each other in silence. What just happened...?

"Did I take away your breath...?" Kim Seokjin whispered while brushing his thumb over my moist lips. I chuckled at his words and leaned forward to hug his sturdy body. I did stop breathing for a moment. The alpha firmly secured my waist to hold me against him as he waddled toward the pool stairs. He helped me out of the pool and left to grab me a bathrobe as I stood in the opening with my arms wrapped around my exposed body.

"Thank you," I smiled when he tossed a towel at me, so I dabbed my moist skin dry before pulling on the bathrobe to fend off the cold air.

"You can use the shower," Seokjin muttered as I stepped inside his villa and entered his bathroom to wash my soaked body. Shaaa~! I stood calmly under the lukewarm water with my eyes closed while recalling the... vivid glimpses of the steamy moments between us. What was I thinking? Seokjin isn't someone I should be involved with. What should I do now? Everything was unintentional and I don't even have feelings for him!

A moment later.

"Oh? You're drinking again?" I asked, pausing unsurely once I found Seokjin swallowing a glass of wine. He already showered? He must've showered in his personal bathroom.

"I can't take you home in this condition, so call your guard," Seokjin weakly bent over his kitchen counter while pinching his high nose bridge in discomfort. He probably regrets it too.

"I'll do that-"

"What happened earlier... it really has no... deep meaning. I'm sorry if I- placed you in a tough position- "

"I know," I nodded. People can make mistakes, and I know it was nothing between us. Seokjin pursed his lips at my casual response with his hand tucked under his chin as I drew out my phone to contact Do-hwan.

"But..." Seokjin suddenly mumbled while leaning against the counter.

"But...?" I repeated, unsurely lowering my phone with my eyebrow lifted at his anxious frown.

"Do you want to spend the night here? Since we're both drunk? I won't force you... but if you want to stay then-" Seokjin shrugged, turning to drain his glass again.

"Oh. Sora. Should I pick you up now?" Do-hwan answered my call. I glanced at my phone and back at Seokjin. There was a long pause between us... until Do-hwan spoke again to ask if I was alright.

"No. I'm fine. I'm spending the night at... Minah's place," I answered. There was a long pause from Do-hwan's side of the line.

"Okay," Do-hwan finally spoke up. I exhaled in relief and bid him goodnight. Seokjin lifted his head to look at me in surprise.

"You're staying?" Seokjin asked.

"On one condition. You and I will pretend... as if nothing happened after we wake up tomorrow. Deal?" I asked.

"I have the habit of forgetting everything when I'm drunk. I'll probably forget everything tomorrow," Seokjin shrugged. I intensely stared at Seokjin until my heart thumped anxiously. Sora?! What are you doing!? Don't be stupid!

"So...? What are you waiting for?" I asked... as Seokjin remained cemented in his position. The alpha scratched his head and finally straightened his body.

"Okay... I'll lead the way," Seokjin nodded, taking my hand in his before leading me down the corridor of his villa until we arrived at his bedroom. I nervously swallowed as he pushed the door open, so I stepped inside with him. Thud. He carefully closed the door as I scanned the organized room in curiosity.

"I'll ask my men to escort you home if you-" Seokjin muttered while rubbing his face- but was cut short when I fired him an annoyed glare.

"What's with you?! You brought me to your room only to tell me I can leave? If you're that nervous then-" I snapped in frustration. Yank! The drunk man swiftly towed my waist forward without a warning, making me freeze in shock at the jolting movement- as he forcefully slammed his lips against mine. I sucked in my breath once I felt the alpha... fastening his arms around my body while stroking my lips in a steady rhythm.

"It's weird... how your lips taste so familiar..." Seokjin whispered, pulling away to frown at me. I pursed my lips to stare at his conflicted eyes. Seokjin smiled and gently kissed me again, slowly guiding me backward until my legs collided with his bed.

"You're weirdly very calm," I giggled as he held onto my waist. Seokjin effortlessly lifted my lightweight body onto his bed by my hips, so I smiled and laid on the mattress as he remained over me in his clothes.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Seokjin shook his head in an attempt to sober up his clouded mind until I opened my arms for his embrace. The alpha smiled at my welcoming gesture... and lowered his face to kiss me again.

"You'll spend the night kissing me?" I whispered, pulling away to cup his flustered cheeks.

"Should we take off our clothes now?" Seokjin smirked, sitting up between my parted legs. He swiftly took off his sweatshirt to expose his toned torso. He's hot. I bit my lips as I watched him slip off his trousers.

"Do it for me," I suggested, eagerly staring at Seokjin as he remained in his underwear. Seokjin chuckled at my teasing smile. He leaned over me to push my shirt upward and gently lowered his face to kiss my bare stomach. I shrieked and smacked his head in shock.

"Why are you hitting me?!" Seokjin gasped, quickly sitting up with a confused smile.

"I'm ticklish!" I whined. The alpha funnily shook his head at my complaint while helping me slip the shirt off my head. His face suddenly flushed red once his drunken gaze landed on my... perky breasts.

"Oh? Where's your bra-"

"It's soaked. I packed my wet undergarments in my bag," I muttered, uncomfortably covering my chest. Seokjin blinked at me awkwardly as he gripped my waistband, carefully pulling the pants off my hip bones. A wave of chills... suddenly swept across my body... making me shudder helplessly as he stripped me naked on his bed. I gripped the bedsheet nervously as he removed the garment from my ankles, leaving me exposed on his bed.

"Your face is blood red," I smiled. Seokjin didn't reply and tossed my clothes off the bed, so I shyly twisted my legs as he slipped out of his underpants. The sturdy alpha lowered his face to kiss my knees as I kept my legs closed with an anxious frown on his handsome visual. Why is the room so warm...?

"You used my soap. That's unfortunate," Seokjin whispered as he gently kissed naked my thighs... causing me to twist and turn my body at his thrilling stroke. This is why people enjoy intimacy so much?

"What do you mean?" I asked while playing with his messy hair as he softly nibbled my hip bone. He's taking his time, and I like it. I thought I'd be uncomfortable, but I'm enjoying this. I gradually eased my stiff muscles as the man planted his wet kisses over my sensitive flesh. No one has ever touched me like this before... so his every stroke is very foreign to my body. It makes my nerves tingle. Seokjin finally nudged my knees apart to position his sturdy body between my legs while kissing the crook of my neck, making me shiver at his pleasing strokes.

"I wanted to smell your scent," Seokjin sexily whispered against my lips. I'm burning. What is this sensation? I drew the alpha down by his neck... until he rested his naked body over mine and sensually rubbed his nude skin over my flesh to stimulate our nerves with the heated friction.

"You're weird," I laughed uneasily. Seokjin didn't smile and stared at me with his dreamy eyes. Is he even awake...? The seductive man suddenly tilted his head to kiss the crook of my neck again, so I exhaled and tilted my head back in pleasure.

"Bear with me," Seokjin finally replied as he nudged his hard crotch against my throbbing groin. I nodded in response while arching my back over the mattress to savor the pleasuring strokes of his foreign touch. The alpha was extremely slow... but I didn't mind because I was comfortable with whatever he was doing to me.

"We've got an entire night to spend," I assured while gripping his toned back. Seokjin smiled at my words and gently kissed my warm cheeks. It took us a while to actually have sex... since we enjoyed the arousing foreplay... a little too much.

The love-making session wasn't wild or crazy because Seokjin was strangely very gentle with me. It was an enjoyable experience. In fact, I didn't feel as much pain as I anticipated, even if it was my first time... but that's probably because Seokjin helped me ease my tense body with the teasing strokes. He wasn't too rough. It was a very humid and pleasurable night... because I remembered drenching in sweat after collapsing with him on the bed. I had to get up to shower because I didn't like the stickiness of my moist skin.

A moment later.

"Are you sober now?" Seokjin asked as I strolled out of his bathroom with my eyes half open.

"Not yet," I shook my head while climbing his naked thick thighs to sit on him without any clothes on. He smiled and leaned upward to kiss me as I combed my fingers through his wild hair.

"I'll get you a spare shirt," The alpha gently kissed my lips while fondling my breasts, so I nodded and slipped off his thighs. Seokjin smiled as I weakly slumped onto the bed and rolled over without any clothes on to snuggle against the mattress. He eventually crawled off the bed to fetch an oversized shirt before returning to fit the garment over my naked body.

"Should I leave? I should leave before we both sober up," I asked, sleepily sitting on his bed. Seokjin glanced at his digital clock. 3:08 AM.

"It's too late. Sleep in with me. I don't mind," Seokjin shook his head while pulling a shirt over his toned trunk. Creak. The mattress sunk under his weight as the alpha crawled towards me.

"We have school early tomorrow," I muttered. Seokjin gently cupped my cheeks and softly kissed me again, so I closed my eyes to inhale his soothing scent.

"Stop trying to go home. I'm not sending the honored supreme alpha home... after getting in between her legs. I'm not that type of man," Seokjin smiled while caressing my cheek.

"If I stay... you'll wake up with all the memories you insist on forgetting," I bit my lips.

"We might not want to remember the moment we shared, but I at least want to remember the woman I spent my night with. Stay with me," Seokjin shook his head. I laughed at his sweetness and hugged him with a weak smile. Thump. We collapsed back onto the mattress in each other's arms.

"Don't be embarrassed once you wake up," I warned. Seokjin remained on his side with a faint smile after he turned to switch off the lights. The alpha sweetly tugged me in by my waist and snuggled his nose against my hair.

"Get some sleep. I'll contact the academy tomorrow to request our absence," Seokjin whispered. I smiled at his words and finally closed my eyes. I don't know if it's Seokjin or the alcohol or the sex... but I definitely had a fulfilling good sleep. It's as if I was hypnotized. I didn't even have any nightmares and slept like a baby in his arms.

Next Morning

I grumbled under my breath and slowly turned on the mattress to search for Seokjin's presence, but all I could feel was the cold bedsheet. What if it was all a dream? Why would I dream of Seokjin out of everyone? Urgh. I rubbed my swollen face and turned to lay face-first on the mattress. It doesn't smell like my pillow. I squinted my blurry vision at the beaming sunlight, radiating between the flapping curtains before lifting my head to study the simplistic interior.

"It wasn't a dream...?" I mumbled, groggily rolling on my back while struggling to recall the fuzzy memories. It took me a good minute for my head to clear up- Jerk! I jolted into a sitting position in bewilderment. SHIT.

My eyes grew wide open when the surge of memories overfilled my head. I can remember everything?! Even the cringy things I said to him?! Fuck! I groaned under my breath awhile gawking at the humidifier on his cabinet in shock. I really got laid with the man my family detests?!

I frantically took off Seokjin's shirt and pulled on my clothes as fast as I could... before swinging the door open and poked my head out into the empty corridor. Where did he go? I should hurry and leave!- I can't face him! I hurriedly scurried into the living room to grab my bag and raced toward his front door when the door opened- and he suddenly appeared in casual clothes. I stiffened in shock upon his unexpected presence. Seokjin halted to stare at the bag over my shoulder.

"Are you leaving? Without breakfast?" Seokjin asked, closing the door behind his back. I nervously swallowed and averted my eyes away with flustered cheeks. He saw every part of my body last night! I even moaned his name! God, Sora, you're so stupid!

"It's fine. I'll just- eat at home-"

"Are you really going to behave like this? You'll only make it awkward for the both of us," Seokjin frowned at my restless behavior. We stared at each other in silence. Well. Shit. I made him promise me to pretend to act casual... but I'm the one losing my shit over it. I pursed my lips in embarrassment, slowly returned to the living room and dropped my bag in defeat.

"Do you remember everything?" I scratched my head as I followed Seokjin into the kitchen, briefly glancing at the warm meals on the dining table.

"I do. Strangely. I can recall everything," Seokjin nodded. I pursed my lips and slowly sat down before my rice bowl. Seokjin didn't seem to care and sat across from me.

"Well. That's a bit uncomfortable-"

"It's not like it was a mistake between us, right? We had each other's consent," Seokjin asked as he chewed his rice. I gulped uneasily and glanced down to process my thoughts. We had fun last night.

"You do it often, don't you? That's why you're so unbothered?" I asked, lifting my face to frown at him.

"Do what?" Seokjin asked as he lowered his face to slurp his seaweed soup.

"A one-night stand," I said shortly. Seokjin halted with the spoon halfway in his mouth. The man sighed, suddenly lowering the utensil to his bowl while frowning at me from across the table. I nervously fidgeted with my fingers as he intensely studied me.

"Have you ever heard any rumors about me with another woman?" Seokjin asked. I blinked at him and shook my head.

"No, but you're not the type to openly tell anyone about your love affairs," I shrugged.

"I was a virgin until last night. You're the only woman I've been with. My parents are strict. They actually want to set me up in an arranged marriage, so I was instructed to stay pure until then," Seokjin muttered, lowering his face to eat again. My eyes bulged open in disbelief.

"You're lying?! How can you be a virgin-"

"Why are you so worked up?! And why would I lie to you!?- I took my time last night because I was trying to figure out- t-the proper way to handle our bodies!" Seokjin snapped. I pursed my lips again with burning red cheeks. Snatch! I hastily grabbed the spoon and shoved the rice into my mouth once I failed to stop my stupid mind from recalling our embarrassing moments.

"I am a virgin. I mean- I was. Yeah. I lost it to you," I confessed. Seokjin lifted his eyebrow to frown at me.

"What about Hoseok? Weren't you-"

"No! We never did anything like that together! You can't possibly believe in the stupid rumors?" I fired him an offended look.

"Well. Hoseok did claim you were innocent. I believe you," Seokjin shrugged, averting his attention back to his food.

"Why are you so relaxed?! Are you messing with me?!" I snapped, leaning across the table to frown at him in irritation. Seokjin chewed his food unsurely as he observed my tense behavior.

"We took each other's virginity. We kissed. We hugged. We felt each other's bodies. We slept together. We had sex. What should I freak out over when these are natural interactions between two people? You're only embarrassed because you think this is wrong. Why? It definitely wasn't an accident. We might be drunk, but we were both aware of our actions," Seokjin asked calmly. Why is he so sensible? And why am I so agitated?

"I don't know. I'm just nervous," I stuttered, awkwardly turning to poke the seaweed soup with my chopstick.

"We're adults, Sora. I had a great time last night... and I don't want you to behave this way. There's nothing to stress about. I won't tell anyone. As we promised... this stays between us, and whatever happened last night stays as it is," Seokjin sighed. I nodded at his comforting words, but I still felt troubled by everything we did together last night.

"Do you not think... negatively of me?" I asked, briefly glancing at him.

"Why would I? Does being with you make you less of a woman?" Seokjin asked. I pursed my lips and lifted my eyes to meet his tender gaze. He seems honest.

"I don't know-"

"Did you expect me to treat you like your family did? Or are you guilty because I am the guy your family warned you not to associate with?" He asked.

"Both," I answered. Seokjin sighed and placed his chopstick down.

"And do you actually feel guilty? For being with me? Look at me and tell me if I make you regret... the night we spent together. Tell me," Seokjin pressed, darkly frowning at me.

"It's not you. I enjoyed my time with you too. It's just that-"

"Not every man will treat you like Kim Taehyung did. Not every man is toxic. Whatever happened between us... I have to admit I was enticed by you, and that's why I wanted to be with you, and it wasn't my evil intention to get in between your legs. There's more to it, and that's what it is. I can't deny my action. If you want to know if I held you with genuine feelings then. Of course, I did. I was... curious about you. And I don't intend on using our time together as a reason to think lowly of you either," Seokjin exhaled. I sat quietly, staring at him in guilt.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause a misunderstanding," I apologized. He's right. Not everyone is like Taehyung. I shouldn't act this way.

"It's a bit tough for me too... if you're wondering," Seokjin nodded, glancing down at his rice bowl.

"Why?" I asked.

"I was foolish to think getting intimate with someone once is normal. All the one-night stands... people talk about. It seemed uncomplicated. But it's not like that at all. If I could turn back time... I wouldn't have asked you to stay," Seokjin sighed. My heart sank at his words.

"You're regretting it," I muttered, glancing down at my hands.

"Attachment," Seokjin said shortly.

"Huh?" I looked up at him.

"I thought I could sleep with you and move on. But... there's this strange feeling. I want to hold you longer... and I don't want to let go. It's dangerous for both of us. We won't work out, so we should leave it as it is. I don't regret being with you. I'm just scared of getting attached," Seokjin assured.

"You're right. We shouldn't do this anymore," I agreed.

Do-hwan sent a driver to pick me up from Seokjin's place at noon, so I eventually returned to the mansion after doing unholy things with the society's so-called perfect man. No one seemed to notice I wasn't home last night. I hurried to my room to get changed- until a maid informed me Do-hwan wanted to speak with me... so I visited his office to find the man leaning against the armchair with his arms crossed.

"Why did you lie to me?" Do-hwan grimaced, frowning at me as soon as I entered his office.

"Lie? What-"

"You do realize I can track your location, right?" Do-hwan frowned. I blinked at him awkwardly.

"Fine! I stayed at Seokjin's place to finish my work!" I snapped, hastily sitting down on his couch with an attitude.

"That's it? You smell like him!" Do-hwan snapped. I frowned at his complaint and sniffed my shirt... and sure enough... Seokjin's soap was still on my body.

"I swam in his pool and showered at his place-"

"That's it?-"

"Why are you so nosy about my affair?" I whined, stomping my feet in annoyance.

"Sora, you're the supreme alpha-"

"So what? Am I not human? Can't I have sex?!" I blurted in irritation but quickly pursed my lips after... I accidentally exposed the truth. Do-hwan exhaled in extreme frustration and lowered his face to pinch his nose bridge as he leaned against his desk.

"I knew. That's why I let you off last night, even if I could see your exact location," Do-hwan muttered, finally looking up at me with a bitter look.

"Then why did you have to ask?" I mumbled, glancing away in tears. He knew! And yet he made me tell him everything!

"Because I want you to be honest with me. Sora. I am responsible for your well-being. I am asking you to trust me," Do-hwan softened his voice.

"You work for my mother," I gritted.

"I've never reported your troubles to your parents. I am on your side. You can live your life. Sleep with anyone but please... you have to be careful. Seokjin is one of the most powerful alphas, and your parents fear his household. I let you off last night after you called because... Seokjin is aware... that I can track your last known location through our call," Do-hwan explained. They always demonize innocent people. That's what my family does.

"He didn't harm me. Seokjin was very considerate. I was comfortable the entire night. He even asked me to stay after we got intimate. Lent me clothes and even cooked breakfast for me. He's not as bad as you think," I shrugged.

"Okay. I believe you, but what about Taehyung?" Do-hwan asked. I frowned at him in confusion.

"What about him?" I asked.

"It's clear your parents want you with Taehyung. Are you going to get yourself involved with another man? I'm afraid you'll be caught up in a love chaos," Do-hwan sighed, eyeing me in concern.

"Seokjin and I agreed to never do it again. I'm aware of the consequences," I admit.

"Good. If possible... please save yourself the heartbreak and stick with Taehyung," Do-hwan sighed.

"He's taking another woman to the ceremony," I muttered, gloomily dimming my eyes at my chief guard. They're telling me to choose Taehyung when he clearly shows no interest in me. How can I live my life that way? Even if he tried to show his love, it never came naturally but rather a duty he must fulfill to ground me in my place. Did they expect me to agree with an arranged marriage like all the characters do in stories? I will not go down without a fight.


Although I promised Seokjin to brush off the incident between us... I couldn't help but feel restless in his presence. Seokjin didn't seem to be bothered about it and would converse with me normally... so I tried my best to do the same.


Sora X Seokjin in the bathroom.

"He got Sora the same bracelet as Haerim and even claimed no one is willing to take her to the ceremony," Hoseok muttered as he peed in the stall beside ours. Seokjin frowned upon hearing Hoseok's words and glanced at my tear-soaked face. I softly sniffled and lowered my head in embarrassment.

"He did that?" Seokjin pretended to speak in a curious tone.

"Yeah. Sora was very upset. She left crying. I'll head out first," Hoseok replied while washing his hands and then left the bathroom. Thud. I tearfully stood with Seokjin inside the muted stall without uttering a word.

"Is that why you're swollen...?" Seokjin whispered, darkening his gaze on my puffy eyes. I pursed my lips to stop myself from pouting while struggling to hold in my tears and shook my head in defeat, causing the alpha to grimace at my unstable condition.

"I think I'm pregnant," I whispered, nervously staring at Seokjin. He didn't respond and stared at me without blinking.

"Your period is late?" Seokjin asked. My lips trembled, so I sucked in my breath and nodded as he hovered over me in the cramped space.

"Two weeks late," I nodded, looking up at him with tearful eyes. Seokjin rubbed his nose bridge and leaned against the stall wall with his arms crossed.

"But I used a condom that night. I made sure we were safe," Seokjin frowned at me with a skeptical look. I suddenly felt the overwhelming emotions crushing me.

"Are you saying it's not your baby?!" I whimpered, lowering my face to sob in distress.

"Yah! Stop crying and speak properly! I didn't say it's not mine! I'm just confused!" Seokjin snapped as he grabbed my shoulders, gently shaking me back to my senses. I wiped away my tears and looked up at him again.

"I am just as confused! My parents will kill me if I'm pregnant with your child!" I whined. Seokjin bitterly stared at me with a conflicted look.

"We can either keep the baby or abort it. It's up to you. Whether you're prepared for it or not. Either way, I'll stay by your side," Seokjin exhaled quietly.

"How can we raise a baby when we don't even love each other?" I blinked in tears.

"It was our choice to make love, but you're right. We can't raise a baby without love," Seokjin nodded. I whimpered, weakly slumping down on the toilet with my head lowered. My mother will twist my neck if she finds out!

"Get up and head to the women's bathroom," Seokjin grabbed my wrist. He snuck me out of the guy's bathroom after checking the empty hallway. I blinked restlessly when he told me to wait for his return and left without explaining himself, so I dreadfully turned to look at the mirror and washed my face over the sink. I waited in the bathroom for about 20 minutes until Seokjin returned.

"What's this?" I asked when he handed me a bag.

"A pregnancy kit. Let's confirm it," He nodded as we stood in the women's bathroom.

"You wait outside," I nodded. Seokjin pursed his lips and strode out to grant me privacy. I exhaled and entered the stall on my own.

A moment later...

I tightly gripped the item and shoved it in my jacket's pocket before stepping out of the female's bathroom- only to find Minho squabbling with Taehyung in the corridor. Oh? Why are they fighting...? I paused in the crowded space as the alphas aggressively shoved each other back and forth. Minho recovered from his injury?

"Where is she?! I will make her pay-!" Minho screeched as he struggled within Taehyung's suffocating headlock.

"You harassed her!-"

"HAH!- There you are!- Jang Sora! You bitch-!" Minho shrieked in anger once he spotted me in the crowd. THUMP! Taehyung grunted in pain when Minho slammed him against the information board and scrambled onto his feet with his raging glare trained on me as I remained petrified before the bathroom door with a terrified look. Dash! The alpha angrily pounced at me with his baring fangs, making me flinch in fear.

"Yah! You stupid punk~!" Minha shrieked, hastily grabbing a handful of Minho's wild hair- just as he grabbed my arm. I shrieked and tried to shove him off me, but he refused to let go and attempted to seize my other arm, so Minah jerked Minho's hair with all her might to steer him away from me and yanked him backward.

"You gave me a goddamn concussion!-" Minho fiercely screeched as I stared at his spiteful glower with a dumbfounded look.

End of Flashback


The Present

"Your parents will be home once we get there... so be prepared," Do-hwan warned as he drove me home. Fuck. I lowered my face in dread upon hearing the dire warning and closed my eyes to calm my mind. The consequences are unavoidable.

"JANG SORA!" My mother's usual voice screeched as soon as I stepped inside the living room to find the elders gathered together. Jungkook and Taehyung stood by the corridor with bitter expressions.

"Fire at me. I'm ready," I nodded at my mother's fiery face.

"I was away for a few days!- And you're pregnant with Kim Seokjin's child?!" Eomma snapped, storming up to me in anger.

"So you believe their rumors?" I asked calmly.

"Didn't you confirm it yourself?!" She snapped at me. I dully averted my eyes to the elders as they anxiously watched me from the sideline.

"I'm not pregnant," I sighed, finally admitting the truth. Jungkook's eyes flung wide open in disbelief.

"Then why didn't you defend yourself? How can you let them-"

"No one would've listened anyways. After all. I'm not a trustworthy person. Right, eomma? Even you don't believe my words," I smiled at her. SMACK. I froze in shock when eomma harshly slapped me hard across my face. I can feel her burning handprint... on my cheek.

"Don't test me," She gritted.

"You didn't have to hurt her!" Mr. Jeon gasped, nervously approaching with a worried frown.

"Is that all you've got? Eomma...?" I smiled while staring at her with a wide grin... causing her face to drain in horror at my psychotic smile.


"Did you think a mere slap could break me? Everything... everything in me is shattered because of you. Did you think this pain could compare to the misery I felt in isolation after you sent me away? Why didn't I defend myself from the groundless words? Because I know the rumors will cut you deeper than it's hurting me. Did you think I'd live under your shadow forever? Just wait, eomma. This is only the beginning. No one in this room will get away with the inhumane shit you did to me because... I still remember all of your fucking crimes! And the only way to get rid of me is to kill me! So if you fucking want me dead... then end me. I won't mind!" I evilly snarled at her until tears filled my mother's eyes. The elders grew hushed at my words.

"Did you really think a mere rumor could weaken me? Jang Sora?" Eomma gritted, dangerously leaning her face forward to challenge my glower.

"What if the rumor is true?" I smirked at her face.

"Moh?" Eomma blinked.

"What if your daughter... the supreme alpha... is a whore like they say I am?" I chuckled at her face.

"You said you're not pregnant-"

"Oh. Luckily I'm not pregnant, but it doesn't change the fact that I spread my legs open for a dick because I was a horny slut. What will the society think of our household once they know the truth? Should I tell everyone?" I laughed, smugly lifting my eyebrows at my mother.

"You wouldn't dare ruin your own reputation!" Eomma snapped. I huffed and shook my head.

"Taehyung, you're not seriously... considering... marriage with a filthy woman like me. Right? My dirty image will only pollute yours," I smiled at Taehyung's dark expression.

"I swear to god, Sora-" Eomma tried to snap at me again when the front door suddenly slid open, and Do-hwan appeared with an uptight frown.

"We have a visitor," Do-hwan informed. Eomma cleared her throat and straightened her body at the unexpected interruption.

"Who is it?" Mrs. Kim asked, getting onto her feet unsurely.

"Speak of the devil," Do-hwan replied, stepping back to hold the door open, so I turned around to find Kim Seokjin... inspecting our damaged water fountain with his hands clasped behind his back.

"What the hell is he doing here-?!" Eomma gritted just as Seokjin turned in our direction. The elders quickly got up from their seats to approach the alpha. Seokjin smiled and politely bowed at them.

"The audacity," Taehyung snarled, storming angrily toward the front door, but was held back by his father. Taehyung glowered at Seokjin... who kept on a composed smile.

"What brought a top-rank alpha to our mansion tonight?" Eomma forced a smile as she greeted Seokjin. I walked up to him with a questioning look.

"What's wrong with your cheek?" Seokjin stared at my bruised face with a slight frown.

"Nothing. A wild cat slapped me when I tried to pet it," I giggled, earning a sharp glare from eomma. Jungkook sniggered funnily until his father smacked his back, so he immediately straightened his body to hold back his laughter. Seokjin kept his eyes on my swollen face before averting his suspicious gaze to my parents again.

"I personally visited to express my sincere apology for hurting Sora and your household's prestige," Seokjin did a ninety-degree bow again. My parents stared at him unsurely.

"I'll forgive you... but I don't want you... anywhere near my daughter anymore. You'll only put her in a difficult position. I hope you understand my intention to protect her," Eomma spoke coldly. Seokjin straightened his back with a stern look before glancing at me with a neutral expression.

"Actually. I am here to ask for Sora's approval as my partner for the Alpha Ceremony... since Taehyung is taking another woman to the ceremony," Seokjin smiled at my parents.

"What?" Mrs. Kim gasped, snapping her attention to her son in disbelief.

"You fucker-" Taehyung seethed, but Mr. Kim immediately tugged his son back to stop him from causing a scene.

"You asked another woman to attend the ceremony with you?! I thought we agreed you'd take Sora-"

"It's alright. Don't force him... against his will. I'm sure the mere ceremonial date won't do any harm. The society will degrade our household reputation if I don't attend the event with Seokjin after the scandal. It's best if we go together to prevent them from initiating excessive conspiracies," I shook my head when Mrs. Kim tried to scold Taehyung.

"Sora's right. The society will never stop gossiping if she doesn't interact with Seokjin. Let's just allow it to happen this once until they forget about it," Mr. Jeon sighed.

"Well, there goes a happy ending, and why are you so sore? You didn't seem that upset when you chose to wear your romantic couple bracelet with Haerim at the university," Jungkook sarcastically glared at Taehyung and walked off with a bitter look. Taehyung fired his cousin an irritated look.

"Do as you please. Have a safe trip home," Eomma sternly nodded at Seokjin when she failed to find another excuse to separate us. The tense woman spun around on her heels and left, so the elders followed her. Mrs. Kim had to drag Taehyung away. I sideways turned to stare at Do-hwan when he refused to budge.

"You two can use my office if you need to speak," Do-hwan nodded, finally granting us the privacy we needed and strode toward the front gate. Seokjin stared at me in silence.

"Let's go," I smiled, walking away from the front door.

"We don't have to speak yet if you're not feeling well," Seokjin sighed.

"I'm fine," I shrugged. Seokjin followed me to the security department, so I pushed Do-hwan's office door open and strode inside to sit on the couch. Seokjin glanced around the office in curiosity as I patiently waited for him.

"Your household is much more refined than I thought," Seokjin smiled, slowly sitting on the couch with me.

"Are you here to spy on my security team?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him. Seokjin averted his eyes to adjust his gaze on my burnt cheek and lifted his hand to brush his fingers over my sensitive skin. I stared at him without blinking.

"It doesn't look like a cat's paw," Seokjin weakly smiled.

"Don't worry. It's a minor family squabble," I shrugged, pushing his hand away from my cheek.

"So this is why you loathe your family? Because of the fierce cat?" Seokjin smiled at me. I chuckled and shook my head at his joke.

"Thank you... for cushioning... my fall. Thank you for shielding the disaster for me when you could've easily dodged it," I apologetically muttered. Seokjin stared at me in silence as if to contemplate his thoughts.

"I would've felt extremely terrible if I left you stranded. After all, it is also my responsibility," Seokjin replied.

"I'm not pregnant. I should've told you earlier, but I was too overwhelmed," I confessed. The pregnancy test was negative.

"I know. I told you I used a condom," Seokjin shrugged.

"I would've never... expected to get caught up in this storm with you out of all people, but I'm glad I did because you're a good person, Seokjin," I smiled warmly. I thought the society was infested with evil monsters and their alpha spawns. That's what my family raised me to believe when in fact... I am the monster's spawn... and he's a good person. It sucks... to know I'm the evil force in the society. I lived my entire life in a lie.

"Our relationship... I confirmed it," Seokjin muttered.

"You did. I didn't expect you to go that far," I laughed, lightly smacking his arm.

"What are we going to do about it?" Seokjin asked.

"Maybe we should fake it until the ceremony is over? That's the longest we can pretend," I shrugged. I don't want to drag this on for too long after witnessing... how sensitive his family is to his welfare.

"Actually. I'm not into fake relationships," Seokjin sighed, apologetically staring at me. My smile faded.

"Oh. It's alright. I know you're not the kind to be involved in scandals. We can just attend the ceremony then," I nodded.

"It's a waste of time, Sora," Seokjin frowned at me.

"What?" I asked unsurely.

"A pretentious relationship. Pretending to be each other's love interest. Such a relationship is only ideal in films but not in real life. You should spend genuine time with the people you really care for, not with someone you don't want... just to please the eyes of the masses. Don't bother wasting your time on that kind of love," Seokjin sadly stared at me. I felt a sharp stab in my chest upon hearing his words.

I've never thought of it this way before, but he's right. I know he's not wrong about this. How long will I keep living my life... wasting my time on temporary people... just to achieve a... fleeting moment of happiness? Just like how I approached Namjoon and almost settled with Hoseok. Pushing and pulling with Taehyung and constantly thinking of Jungkook. Getting too close to the pizza man, Min Yoongi, only to back away like a coward because I was never ready for a committed relationship.

"I understand," I sighed, finally looking Seokjin in his eyes.

"People already believe we're together. And I honestly don't want to deal with another surge of scandals once we announce our intended breakup," Seokjin exhaled. I stared at him in silence.

"What?" I blinked.

"I initially didn't want to hastily accept my feelings after I embraced your naked body on my bed because that would only make me... a selfish person," Seokjin lowered his head.

"I embraced yours too... you don't have to feel guilty," I muttered. Is he pitying me because I offered him my body? He shouldn't act this way. It'll only make me pity my decision to be with him.

"Would you call me a selfish man if I tell you I don't wish to fake the relationship with you because it's a waste of my time?" Seokjin lifts his conflicted eyes to stare at me.

"I actually understand-"

"So if I ask you not to waste your time... and accept the relationship with your heart. Is it too much to ask?" Seokjin interrupted me. I pursed my lips unsurely.

"Accept the relationship as in-"

"Sora. I am willing to attempt this thing we call a relationship where we supposedly belong to one another with you... but I don't want you to accept it if you're... not prepared. You can be honest with me, and I'll respect your decision. It's the easiest and quickest way to cut our attachment loose so it wouldn't evolve into painful thorns for the both of us," Seokjin finally voiced his intention. I stared at him in absolute silence.

"What about your parents? They won't be happy," I asked unsurely. His mother might have a panic attack.

"Love should only be between two people. It will fail if we allow a third party to dictate our feelings and purpose," Seokjin answered. I'm speechless.

"What if I told you... I am not the protagonist in this story? What if I tell you I'll only stain you with my evil if you hold me?" I asked. I'm the antagonist in this story... and he's the protagonist.

"I've already held you once and... unlike your claim to be the villain... I don't think you're at all... harmful to me in any way," Seokjin smiled. I stared at him with a blank face.

"I don't want to infect you with my poison," I exhaled. Seokjin sighed and slowly lifted his hand to place his warm fingers against my cheek.

"I'll kiss you again... and if I get poisoned... I'll retreat. Okay?" Seokjin asked. I stared at him in silence without responding. Slowly... he leaned forward to shorten the gap between us... so I closed my eyes in anticipation... until I felt his soft lips on mine. Seokjin didn't pull away so we sat with our lips glued... until I felt really uncomfortable.

"It's getting a bit awkward," I muttered against his lips after a moment. Seokjin chuckled, and finally withdrew his lips from mine. I smiled at him as the alpha took a deep breath to process his thoughts.

"I'm still alive," Seokjin smiled, tilting his head to the side with a smug smile. My cheeks flushed red, so I leaned forward to wrap my arms around his sturdy body. Seokjin let out a soft chuckle at my positive reaction as he held onto my waist.

"I think I'm the one in denial. Not you," I grinned, pulling away to gaze at his captivating smile.

"Do you approve?" He asked as he gently rocked me from side to side in his arms. I examined his dilated pupils while biting my lower lips and finally nodded in agreement... so Seokjin leaned forward to press his lips against mine again. I smiled between our kisses as he gently combed his fingers through my hair.

"Ehem," Do-hwan cleared his throat. We quickly broke apart to find the buff man... standing by the door with his sharp eyes narrowed on us.

"Why are you lurking there?! Can you give us five more minutes?" I grinned at Do-hwan's disapproving expression while clinging to Seokjin's neck.

"No, I won't allow it. Get up and go home! Sora needs to sleep!" Do-hwan scolded Seokjin. We laughed at his fatherly demand and turned to smile at each other.

"Please take care of her while I'm away," Seokjin pecked my cheek and got up to bow at Do-hwan.

"I've been taking care of her just fine!" Do-hwan snapped in an offended tone.

"Ohoh? What's with the attitude!?" I fired Do-hwan a warning glare. The man glared at me, so I glared back until he glanced away in annoyance.

"Ehem. Well... she's quite a handful... I'd... appreciate your help," Do-hwan cleared his throat at my threatening glare.

"You should think of Do-hwan as my father," I nudged Seokjin.

"I will take care of her, father-in-law," Seokjin lowered his head at Do-hwan, causing the side of Do-hwan's lips to curve up into a wide smile- but he immediately cleared his throat again as he struggled to maintain a straight face.

"Aigo! Go home, young man! Her parents will fire me if they knew I let you seduce her in my office! Leave!" Do-hwan funnily waved his hands as he tried hard not to smile. We chuckled at his cuteness as I took Seokjin's hand and led him out of the office.

"Why didn't you come to school after you exposed our relationship?" I curiously asked as we walked hand in hand through the garden.

"My mother grounded me. She'll probably kill me after this, but I'll find a way to see you," Seokjin shrugged, turning to smile at me once we reached his car... which was parked near the fountain.

"Your mother might faint if you disobey her. Just give me a call," I smiled brightly. Seokjin chuckled and lowered his face to kiss my lips. I giggled at his tender stroke while holding his hands.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Seokjin smiled while caressing my cheeks. I held onto his waist with an intensely stirring chest.

"Okay," I nodded, happily tiptoeing to kiss his cheek. Seokjin gave me a crushing hug before backing away and finally stepped into his car. I giggled like a little child and waved at him as he drove out of the mansion. Am I dreaming? Because I don't want to wake up! I bit my lips shyly once the head lights disappeared through the gate before spinning around-

"KAMJAGIYA!?" I shrieked when I found Jungkook standing behind me with a white face mask plastered on his face like a ghost in his mismatched pajamas

"You're really dating Kim Seokjin? I thought I was hallucinating," Jungkook scoffed, walking up to me with his facial mask in disbelief.

"Do you have a problem with our relationship?" I raised my eyebrows.

"No- but damn, you really went for the ace player," Jungkook shrugged.

"What are you saying?" I frowned.

"Namjoon rejected you... thinking you wanted to take advantage of him. And he convinced Hoseok to give up on you to prove their loyalty to Seokjin... and here you are... clasping Kim Seokjin within your palm. You went for the leader after his knights in shining armor backed out. How impressive indeed," Jungkook chuckled, funnily clapping his hands to applaud my achievement.

"It wasn't intentional," I shrugged, quickly walking back inside.

"What did you do with him that night to get Kim Seokjin hooked on you?" Jungkook asked, eagerly following me through the corridor.

"Stop being weird-"

"Come on! Tell me! What happened between you two? For him to crawl all the way to your doorstep to ask you out even if he knew his parents despise your parents? Oh?!- Tell me!- What's the secret?!" Jungkook whined as he trailed after me.

"I asked him to drown me," I smiled.

"Moh?" Jungkook frowned at me. I laughed and shook my head.

"Stop being nosy-"

"Yah! Spill the tea! Yah!" Jungkook shrieked, so I dashed away and entered my room before he could stop me. Thud! I shook my head at Jungkook's nosy habits and finally collapsed onto the couch while smiling like an idiot at the thought of finally achieving the love I desperately prayed to experience.

Kim Seokjin is a jackpot!


Surprise update because I felt guilty for the delay last week! I hope you enjoyed the previous chapter and I hope you enjoyed this one too! Are you guys excited? ;) Please don't expect this season to evolve like Season 1 because Sora's not as naive as she was in the first Survival. And thank you so much for your patience! I'll try to update more frequently since my exam is over but I still got work to do T_T I love you guys! <3

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