It's A Wolf Thing

By CSBransfield

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Jonas and Caleb are both werewolves that imprint on each other. They love each other so much it is painful fo... More

My First Dream About Him
The Dream
The Voices
Finding My True Self
Learning The Laws
The Spirit Mission
The Affair
Devil Vampires
The Flashback
Our Little Family
The Restaurant
The Red, White, and Blue Mass Part 1
The Red, White, and Blue Mass Part 2
Regular Day For Once- Maybe...
Make-out Session To A Conversation To Burger King... WTF?
It Starts Out Good, But Goes To The Worst
Getting Worried Once Again...
Graduation Day...
My Baby's Rapist.....
A Love Newly Confessed
The Real Slim Shady
I Hate Pudding- With a Burning Passion
Work and Love
Maybe Things Do Happen That You Wish For
I Thought I Was Drama Free
I'm Screwed
Wedding Day!

The Abandoner

695 2 1
By CSBransfield

The Abandoner

Jonas’ P.O.V.

                She would show up at the most important ceremony in life. She abandoned me, but expects to be welcomed at my Life Moon Cycle. I think not! She wanted to be with me when I completed the mating cycle. If she thought that I would let her, she was wrong. This meeting means more to me than that bitch.

                This meeting was the most important for two main reasons. The first is that Caleb and I would become interactive through our souls, and be like one. The second was that our mating marks would be revealed and shown to the pack. I did not want the ass hole to be ruining my special night. I’ve been waiting 24 damn years for it to finally happen, and now it is. I’m not going to let Marissa into my life when I only want MY pack, MY kids, and Caleb. For all I care, she could die and I wouldn’t even be fazed about it. If only wishes came true.

                I turned to Blackbelt to see if he noticed who was here yet. I’m guessing he did because his hands were in fists, and he was shaking violently. I knew what he needed. He needed vodka. That was the only way to calm him down safely. The vodka doesn’t affect him, and he uses it all the time. Vodka doesn’t act like alcohol with werewolves. It is more of a stress reliever. I tossed him the flask I carry around, and gave him the okay. Instantly he calmed down, but was still giving death glares to the bitch. Talking about the devil, she came over to Caleb and I. Her slithery voice came as soon as I could smell her foul smell.

                “Well hello Jonas, only guessing, but Caleb? Am I right?” Caleb nodded her head, but finally realized that I was infuriated. She grabbed onto my arm and hugged it to her. Then she started to rub small circles onto my bicep to try to calm me down. It helped a little, but not enough.

                “Get the hell away from here bitch. Nobody wants you here anyways. Alan (Blackbelt) and I told you last time we met to stay the hell away from us and never contact us again. If you didn’t go abandon us or ask to get turned into a blood sucker, then we may have actually wanted to stay in touch. Now goodbye you mother f*cking asshole.”

                “Now son that is no way to talk to your mother. Now, apologize Jonas. I am still you’re mother that gave birth to you and Blackbelt.”


                “Jonas, calm down. I don’t think that you want Caleb to see this. She probably has many questions that she wants to be answered. I am only here to see you finish the mating process. You know that I have always wanted to be here for this. Let’s go talk abo-.“  Both Blackbelt and Caleb interrupted my biological mother.

                “Jonas said get the hell away and never come back. GO!”

                “I don’t think I will be going anywhere son and daughter-in-law to be. I still do have the right to see you.” Just then Caleb shifted into her wolf form and charged at my “mother”.

                “CALEB! NO. DON’T DO IT!” Marissa bared her sharp teeth and ripped into Caleb’s leather tough skin. There was a piercing howl, then almost complete silence. The only breathing was from Marissa. She had an evil sinister smile plastered on her face. I felt a growl form in deep of my throat, but I held it in. I knew that Marissa got pleasure from seeing others hurt or mad. I gave Blackbelt a mental order, and he followed it. He snuck around so he would be behind Marissa. I was having a stare down with her until Blackbelt carried out the order. He jumped behind her in his wolf form, and ripped off her head. There was a loud piercing shriek and then flame. Marissa would now be dead and out of everyone’s life for good.

                I ran over to Caleb and picked her up in my arms. She was naked because she shifted, but I wasn’t worried about that. I was worried about the multiple bites in her arm, neck, leg, and stomach. I started to feel faint. Next thing I knew was that I was thrown over Blackbelt’s shoulder getting carried inside to my bedroom in the pack house. Caleb was getting carried by Pauly to the pack hospital. Then when I was set down on my bed, everything went black.

______________________________ Blackbelt’s P.O.V.________________________________________

                I cannot believe that my biological mother came and ruined Jonas’ big night. This was supposed to be the best day in his life, but turned into one of the worst. Our real mother attacked his mate and could have killed her. Jonas is now unconscious in his bed at the pack house, and Caleb is at the pack hospital. It feels like a relief that my biological mother is dead. She will never bother us again.

                I didn’t know whether or not to stay with my bro or to go to Caleb. I decided to stay with Jonas. When he wakes up, he will mostly need someone to talk to. This was most likely the hardest on him. He was a momma’s boy until she left us. Our mother left us to fend for ourselves since we were 5 years old. For 19 years we have resented her. Jonas was in complete and total love with Caleb. Even if Caleb had a little scrap on her knee, Jonas would be flipping out. I had never seen him like this with a girl before. He imprinted on someone before, but it wasn’t even close to what kind of love he has with Caleb.

                I was pulled out of my thoughts by a soft murmured cry. I looked onto the bed, and saw that Jonas was up. He was crying into the pillow that Caleb always used. He was also praying in Spanish. I knew exactly what he said.

                “Querido Dios, por favor, que mi compañero de estar bien. I que necesita mi vida o no puedo continuar. Me encanta su wal mi corazón. Por favor, lher a estar bien. Amén”(“Dear God please let my mate be alright. i need he my life or i cant go on. i love her wal my heart. please lher be alright. Amen”)

                I went over to him and sat down. He looked at me with sad eyes, and didn’t look like himself. He was so pale compared to his usual tan self. I can’t explain how down he looked. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it. Finally he was ready to talk.

                “I love her bro. Can we go see her please?” I nodded and we went to leave the house before I noticed that we couldn’t go out like we were. We were covered with blood. I turned us around easily, and brought us to our shared closet. I threw Jonas a pair of jean shorts and a black T-shirt. I picked out cargo shorts and a red tank top. We then went to the pack hospital.

                After 10 minutes of driving, we arrived. We were told to wait outside of Caleb’s room until Dr. Joe came out. Jonas was really nervous, scared, and anxious. Finally after about 2 hours of just sitting there, Dr. Joe came out. Jonas fell asleep while waiting, and he was now in a deep sleep snoring very loudly. Whenever he is nervous, he snores very loudly because there is no way for him to be calm without sleeping and snoring.

                I tried waking Jonas up easily, but it didn’t work. I finally decided on pushing him out of the chair. He landed on his ass with a loud thud. Dr. Joe and I started to chuckle. Jonas came over to me and gave me a smack in the back of the head. Once he realized that Dr. Joe was with me, he stood at attention ready to hear everything.

                “Good evening Mr. Jonas Green. Caleb is okay. She has deep bites, but will heal soon enough. She has 7 bites. Besides that she is fine. She is really confused about what happened, but is asking for the both of you. Go on in. hit the button if anything happens.”

                Jonas ran into the room and kissed Caleb with passion that I have never seen before. I just thought that I could be like that with Mikeala. I imprinted on Mikeala, and I was the only one who knew it for now. Mikeala was perfect. She is tall, lean, and muscular. She has piercing blue eyes with blonde hair. She would always have her nails painted a hot pink or a neon green color. She isn’t like most girls, she is a skater chick. She wears black with bright neon color designs on them. I just recently found out that I imprinted on her. It was last Tuesday. Every night, I watch her in her sleep. I love her, and I am going to tell Jonas and Caleb about my imprinting on their daughter.

________________________________AUTHOR’S NOTE_______________________________________

Are you surprised that Blackbelt’s and Jonas’ biological mother became a vampire and abandoned them when they were 5. Comment. Vote. Enjoy.

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