The Bad Boy of Waterloo Road

By Hipsta_Please_Harry

23.7K 192 14

Lindsay Byrne is the daughter of Michael Byrne, the brand new headteacher at Waterloo Road Comprehensive. As... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Author's Note
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Author's Note...
A Little Update...
Chapter Thirty-Five.
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.

Chapter Thirty-Four.

196 3 0
By Hipsta_Please_Harry

Finn's P.O.V

Not wanting to discuss matters further near the school gates, we ended up at the location of a disused warehouse, the only noise being heard was the leaking of the roof and the scuffling of footsteps treading along the concrete floor. The warehouse had a damp and dingy look to it, the smell of stagnant water making me feel nauseous, but knowing I was in the company of one of the biggest gangs in Rochdale, I couldn't come across as timid and a wimp.

"So, what's the plan then?" I asked, needing to break the awkward silence and tension in the air. "How are we going to get back at Tariq Siddiqui?"

"Whoa, slow down man..." Eugene replied, scoffing at my faux confidence. "Before we can even think of going after Tariq, we need to see if you're hard enough to be a part of the Murray Set Boyz!" He continued as his fellow gang members began to swarm around me, causing a lump to build in my throat which I had to swallow down harshly.

"Wh...what do you mean?" I chuckled nervously, feeling claustrophobic but trying my hardest not to show it. "I've already said I can handle anything you're going to throw my way..."

"You say you can handle it, but you're gonna have to prove it if you want to be one of us..." Eugene adds, walking intimidating circles around me as the other gang members began to move in closer, the internal panic within me heightening. "Call it a little initiation test."

Before I had time to ask what was about to happen, I was soon shown as two of Eugene's boys grabbed hold of me before a punch was thrown to my stomach, knocking the wind out of me, a painful groan escaping my lips immediately. Reacting to me, he continued throwing punches, making me sink to my knees, allowing me to be beaten black and blue. 

I hadn't planned on my day ending this way, but if it means that I get to be a part of the gang and we can go after Tariq...I'll accept my fate!

The Following Morning

Lindsay's P.O.V

Strolling through the school gates, I met up with Lauren. My dad had a very important meeting first thing this morning, which meant I had to walk but I didn't mind. Sometimes I preferred the walk to school because I'm getting a bit of daily exercise and I feel like a normal pupil, not the headteacher's daughter.

Greeting Lauren with a quick hug, we decided to wait outside as she informed me that Josh was on his way. Since I've broken up with Finn, he hasn't really bothered with us at all, he sort of keeps himself to himself or hangs around with the 'troublemakers'. We don't say anything though. If that's the way he wants to live his life, he's entitled too but I just hope he bears in mind that he's still on his final warning with my dad.

As we were stood outside waiting, I quickly went over and spoke to Tariq, knowing that we'd made plans for after school. We'd agreed that I'd meet him after school and we'd head straight into town from there. I also said good morning to Trudi. We're slowly getting back on speaking terms as she realised that Finn was the one who broke up with her and even though it was because of me, she knew that I had no idea that Finn was planning on doing that.

Speaking of Finn, I noticed him walking through the school gates as I turned around. Well, I say walking...he was limping and clutching at his ribs every so often. What the hell has happened to him? As he was getting closer, I also noticed that his left eye was covered in a purply-blue bruise and he had a few cuts and bruises elsewhere on his face. You could tell he'd been in some kind of fight and obviously hadn't been let off lightly or fought back strongly enough.

He was aware of my presence because he looked at me, allowing me to give him a wry smile back. However, he didn't even acknowledge me. He just walked straight past me and hobbled over to the main entrance, struggling with all he had to haul his bruised body up the concrete steps. Pulling open the doorway, he walked inside, allowing the door to close behind him.

Strolling back over to Lauren, her face was showcasing the same expression that mine probably was. She looked just as confused as I felt and it wasn't long before she spoke the obvious. "Was that Finn?!" I heard her ask, my mouth failing me as I nodded my head. "What has happened to him?"

"I...I've got no idea.." I mumbled, trying desperately to fathom what I've just seen. My subconscious soon starts to get the better of me and I begin to wonder whether Finn has purposely hurt himself due to the fact that I've hurt him. We've been through so much together over the past couple of months and he was bound to crumble at some point. There's only so much one person can physically, mentally and emotionally take. "You don't think it's because of me, do you? Do you think he's purposely hurt himself because of what I've done to him?..." I spouted, having literal verbal diarrhoea as I began to fret, tears threatening to fall.

"Linds, chill!" Lauren exclaimed, her harsh tone snapping me back to reality. Placing her hands to my shoulder, I relaxed somewhat under her touch but I still wasn't fully calm. "Do you want me to speak to him? Try and find out what's going on in that head of his?" She queried and I couldn't help but smile softly at her. One thing I loved about Lauren was that she was always there for me when times were tough and I knew I could always rely on her when I needed someone the most.

"Thanks babe, but I need to speak to him myself..." I whispered, giving her one last hug. "That's if I can convince him to talk to me..." I mumbled as I walked away, knowing that it was nearly time for form class.

I'm going to make it my mission to try and speak to Finn today, whether it's for his benefit or mine.


It's coming up to the second to last lesson before the end of the day and it was Science with Mrs. Diamond. However, Mrs. Diamond had a meeting for deputy headteachers so was unable to teach the lesson. My dad offered to cover her, but she just assigned up some extra revision time. 

Quite a few students were packed into the common room, meaning there wasn't enough room for all of us. Josh and Lauren had decided to do some revision together so I just followed the remaining crowd of people into another empty classroom, noticing that Finn was only a few paces in front of me, still hobbling and clearly still in pain.

Entering the classroom, I watched as he chucked his things down onto a table and painfully lowered himself into a seat, his face scrunching up as he did so. I watched as all the other tables began to fill up, leaving the only one available to the left of Finn. I stood reluctantly for a second, debating how pissed he would be if I went to go and sit by him, but I soon shook that thought from my mind. I mean, there's quite a few other students in this classroom...I highly doubt he'd start an argument with me here.

Sauntering over to the table, I took a seat, noticing Finn glancing up at me sneakily before looking away as quickly as he did. I pulled my science revision out of my bag and began looking through it, deciding to focus on one particular aspect. However, I couldn't concentrate knowing that Finn was this close to me. I had to grasp this opportunity with both hands because I didn't know whether I'd get another chance to speak to him again today.

Leaning over towards him, I whispered "What happened to you, then?" but he didn't even look at me. He continued to look down at his notepad, pen in hand, doodling all over the page. Finn was known for doodling to distract himself. If anything, it was one of the first things I noticed about him.

"As if you care..." He scoffed, his tone venomous and I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. Finn knows I still care about him, despite not wanting to get back with him. It's not that I don't want to get back with him, I physically can't. There's too much water under the bridge for us to move on and no matter how difficult the truth is to swallow, we both need to accept it. I need to focus on my relationship with Tariq and Finn needs to focus on himself and maybe even think about getting back with Trudi.

"You know I still care about you, Finn..." I sighed, looking away from him. It hurts me to know that he thinks I don't care about him. That's something that I cannot stop myself from doing. Whatever I said must have aggravated Finn because he got up as quickly as he could manage, threw his bag over his shoulder and left the room, clearly wanting to get away from me and my incessant nagging. Although, deep down...he knew I wasn't going to give up that easily.

Following him out of the room, leaving all my personal belongings behind, I watched him stumble down the hallway, still firmly clutching onto his ribs like he's been doing all day. Running after him, it didn't take me long to catch up with him. Without asking his permission, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into another empty classroom, which seem to be becoming a lot more prominent these days.

"So, you going to tell me what's happened?" I asked, closing the door behind me and folding my arms over my chest. Finn's back was turned to me but I knew he was scolding me; one for following him and two for asking questions about something that doesn't concern me.

"I don't think it's any of your business do you, Lindsay?" He spat, turning around to face me. Seeing his handsome face covered in cuts and bruises cut me up inside, which is why I was desperate to find out what had happened. "Shouldn't you be with Tariq? What would he think about you being alone in here with me?"

"Tariq trusts me and I do have self-control Finn, which clearly surprises you!" I exclaimed, a bit offended by the fact he thinks I'm just going to fall at his feet. "Also, you know that I'll just keep pestering you until you tell me so I'm going to ask you again. What happened? Did you have a fist fight because you clearly lost?" I queried, still remaining firmly stood in the spot where I was, refusing to move.

"You didn't have self-control a few weeks ago when you kissed me..." He smirked, knowing that comment was nark me, but I didn't react. "And for your information, my cuts and bruises are a reminder that I passed my initiation test..."

"Initiation test? What the hell are you on about, Finn?" I questioned, needing him to elaborate because for once in my life, I couldn't even hazard a guess to what he was referring too.

"You are looking at the newest member of the Murray Set Boyz!" He bragged as if it was some kind of achievement. I have heard of the MSB. They are the enemies of the DSC, the biggest gang in Rochdale. I knew that the MSB was run by a guy called Eugene, but knowing how much trouble gang crime has caused Waterloo Road and how against it Finn was in the beginning, I have to say I am well and truly shocked to find out that Finn has gotten himself involved with a gang.

"You've gotten yourself involved with Eugene Garvey?!" I shouted, really struggling to get my head around the fact that Finn was now a part of a gang. "Have you seriously lost your mind?!"

"No, I've found my inner peace. Being a part of a gang is what I was meant to do." He retaliated, acting so nonchalant that it was beginning to make me feel sick. 

Swallowing down a lump of vomit that was dying for some way of escape, I managed to speak. "But you were so against it months ago. What's changed?!" I questioned, not understanding his logic or his change of heart.

"What's changed is the fact I don't have you anymore!" He yelled and it was in that moment that my world stopped. I really was the one person that Finn wanted to be good for and now that he hasn't got me, he clearly doesn't see the point anymore. "Everything I did in the past was all for you. I tried my absolute hardest to be good for you and stay out of trouble but now that I've lost you, what's the point anymore?!" He elaborated but I was still too shocked to speak.

"You p-promised my dad..." I managed to say, but I don't think it came out any louder than a whisper.

"I promised your dad I would be good, but I only did it for you. Now, I couldn't care less whether he expels me or not. To be fair, it would probably be easier if he did expel me. I don't think you realise how much it pains me to come here every day and see you and Tariq together..." 

His words hit me with a pang of guilt. I genuinely thought, with time, that Finn would be able to move on but hearing him talk like this confirms to me that I don't think he ever will. Not by choice anyway. "I never knew you felt like that..." I mumbled, hoping he didn't hear me, but of course he did.

"Yes you did, Lindsay. I told you weeks ago how I felt about you and you just pretended it was nothing. If joining the MSB is the only way I can get over you or forget about you, then that's what I'll do. You used to be my distraction and without you, I need something else to take my mind off you." He confessed and I could feel the tears brimming at my water line, so desperate for release but it wasn't prepared to show him that I was weak.

He headed for the door, obviously feeling claustrophobic with the atmosphere in the air, but before he could leave, I had to say the words that had been dancing on my tongue for minutes. "My Finn would never have joined a gang!"

"Well, I think we've knocked the nail on the head there haven't we, Linds?" He questioned rhetorically as his eyes bared into my soul. "I'm not your Finn anymore." Watching him pull open the door, he was about to depart but left me with one parting sentence...

..."Oh, you might also want to warn Tariq to watch his back. There may be a little 'surprise' coming his way very soon."

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