Chapter Thirty.

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Finn's P.O.V

Turning the corner, I stormed up the street in fury and rage, being able to see only red! I needed to confront Lindsay about the whole pregnancy and abortion because I honestly don't understand why she'd keep something like that from me! I knew I had to have a clear and logical head on by the time I got to her house but somehow, I don't think that'll happen, especially not with the current mood I'm in.

Crossing the driveway, I trudged my body weight up the steps towards her house before pounding my fists against the door, seeing it open moments later to reveal her, unimpressed by how forceful I was being. "Will you keep the noise down?!" She scolded, pushing me backwards as she stepped in front of me, closing the door behind her. "What are you even doing here? School isn't over yet..."

"I could ask you the same thing..." I retorted, folding my arms across my chest and stared at her curiously.

"Well...I...uhm...I wasn't feeling well so Mrs. Diamond allowed me to come home early..." She stuttered and I let out a sarcastic laugh, reading through her lies.

"I can't believe you are still lying to me!" I yelled, seeing her facial expression change to one of confusion. "I know Lindsay." I spoke sternly, the look on her face not shifting at all.

"Know what?" She quizzed, acting all naïve and innocent.

"I know that you were pregnant and you terminated it..." I announced, dropping the bombshell.

Lindsay's P.O.V

"I know that you were pregnant and you terminated it..." He announced, dropping the bombshell, my mouth falling open at his words.

What? How? The only person who knows is Sian so either she went and told Finn behind my back or someone overheard the conversation we had in her classroom earlier on today.

"How did you find out?" I questioned, not denying it anymore because I'd just look even more stupid.

"Lauren told me." He simply responded, ineptly kicking his foot against the ground.

"Well, how did she find out?" I quizzed, even though the answer was obvious.

"Look, none of that matters!" He shouted, annoyed by my constant questioning. "All that matters here is that the one person who should have been told was one of the ones who wasn't..." He pointed out, his eyes now burning back into me. "Why couldn't you tell me?"

It was baffling to think about the scenario we were both currently caught up in. The pair of us, arguing on the doorstep of my house, in broad daylight. I was never brought up to discuss any personal matters I had going on in front of the neighbours and I sure as hell wasn't going to start now, even more so because my dad was upstairs in bed.

"Could we please go somewhere that's away from the neighbours?" I suggested, worried what would happen if we continued our slanging match in this particular spot. "I promise I will answer any questions you have, but not here."

Sighing, he nodded reluctantly, the two of us descending down the steps as we made our way into town. I felt a lot more comfortable knowing that we were heading somewhere that was a controlled environment because I was hoping that would make Finn react differently...

...even though he had every single right to be angry.


Finding a small, quaint café on the outskirts of town, we walked inside, the smell of freshly ground coffee hitting us as we entered. Taking a seat at a table in the corner, a waitress came over to us, each of us ordering a hot drink. Neither of us said anything for a while, besides 'Thanks' when the waitress returned with the drinks.

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