Chapter Three.

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It is now Friday and my last day of my first week as a Waterloo Road student and I'll be honest, I'm actually really enjoying my time here, despite the animosity between myself and Finn. We haven't really spoken since what happened between me and Kyle but I'm not really taking much notice. It's Finn's choice if he doesn't want to talk to me because I'm more than happy to try and build a level of friendship with him but guess he isn't as keen. I will admit, I am slightly disappointed because I can see deep down that Finn is an amazing guy but I won't beg for someone to like me either.

I was walking to school with Lauren today and Finn was going to get a lift with Josh and Mr. Clarkson(I had no idea that Mr. Clarkson was Josh's really do learn something new everyday!) I headed downstairs where I saw my dad sat at the breakfast bar drinking a cup of coffee and reading the early morning newspaper.

"Morning darling." He spoke as I entered the room.

"Morning. Have you seen my English essay? I can't find it anywhere and it needs to be handed in today." I asked, starting to get a little stressed.

My dad stood up and grabbed my assignment which was inside one of the drawers. He handed it to me and I instantly put it in my bag so I didn't make the same mistake twice of misplacing it.

"Thanks." I sighed, feeling a sense of relief wash through my body.

"Do you want a lift to school this morning?" He asked as he took another sip of his coffee.

"No thanks. I'm walking to school with Lauren this morning." I replied nonchalantly.

With that, the doorbell rang. I headed for the door and opened it, revealing a smiley Lauren stood the other side. I invited her in and the two of us headed out the kitchen.

"Ahh! Good morning Lauren." My dad greeted, finishing up the last few sips of his coffee.

"Morning Mr. Byrne." Lauren simply replied.

With that, he stood up from the breakfast bar and slipped his suit jacket on. He picked up his car keys and briefcase and headed for the door.

"See you at school girls." He told us as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

We greeted him goodbye and with that, he left. We heard the front door open and the sound of the car pulling out of the driveway. I collected up all my things and me and Lauren started the walk to school. I wonder what today has in store for me?


It has come to the end of Registration and I have actually got a free period first thing this morning. Me and Lauren headed for the common room with Finn and Josh straggling behind us. I decided to take this time out of lessons to work on some further coursework and Lauren and Josh had the same idea. However, Finn just threw his bag down to the floor and slumped down in one of the leather armchairs, his feet draping over the side.

"Not coming to do any work Finn?" I heard Josh ask which gained a scoff from Finn.

"No! We do enough work as it is! A free period is a free period!" Finn exclaimed as he pulled his phone from his pocket.

At the side of me, I could hear Lauren and Josh start muttering to each other but I couldn't quite make out what was being said.

"He does have a point I guess?" Josh questioned, trying to convince himself more than anyone that Finn was right.

"Suppose." Lauren simply replied as she moved away from her computer and took a seat on the copper coloured leather sofa, which was opposite Finn.

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