Chapter Eighteen.

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Finn's P.O.V

Heading through the school gates, hand in hand with Lindsay, it finally dawned on me that today was going to be the first time I've seen my dad since the incident that happened a few nights ago. In terms of how I'm feeling, I wouldn't say that I am scared, but more apprehensive because no matter how much I tried, I couldn't hazard a guess on what the outcome of the meeting would be. Would I even be going home today?

Entering the school building, we swung by our lockers to pick up some of the textbooks we needed for our lessons before we climbed the stairs to the common room. For some unknown reason, we'd arrived at school a lot earlier than normal, probably because I was eager to discover what the day had in store. Pushing open the door, I motioned for Lindsay to walk in first, me strolling in behind her.

"Tea?" I asked, walked over to the kitchenette located in the corner of the room.

"Yes please." She replied, smiling as she went and sat down on the leather sofa.

Switching on the kettle and waiting for it to boil, I took two mugs out of the cupboard and placed a teabag in each before continuing the rest of the process. Stirring them quickly, I carried them over to the seating area, passing the mugs to Lindsay as I took a seat next to her.

Handing mine back to me, she placed her legs over my lap and took a sip from her mug, letting out a loud "Ah" as she drew it away from her lips. Trying not to cause an awkward silence, she started to make conversation and the conversational topic that she started off with wasn't unexpected to say the least.

"How are you feeling about today?" She asked, running her fingers through my hair.

"I don't know really." I shrugged. "How am I supposed to feel?" I rhetorically questioned in reply, taking a sip of the hot liquid contained inside the mug.

"What do you think your dad is going to say?" Was her next question to me.

"I have no idea. I'm hoping that he does take responsibility for what he did and if he is offered the choice of having anger management classes, that he takes up the possibility but deep down, I can't see that happening." I replied, resuming my silence once I'd finished speaking.

"Surely if he was genuinely sorry, he would do anything to prove that to you?" She responded in question, making me release a deep sigh. "Have I said something I shouldn't have? Sorry." She went on to say but I didn't want her thinking that I was in a mood with her.

"No, it's haven't said anything wrong." I smiled, reassuring her. "I'm just trying not to think about it too much because if I do, I will be taking my mood out on everyone else and that wouldn't be fair. Plus, I don't want to make myself angry either. I'm just going to remain optimistic and see what happens because right now, that's all I can do." I truthfully admitted, rubbing her leg gently.

"You know I'm here for you, don't you?" She told me, making me smile at her again.

"Yeah course!" I beamed, leaning over to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Minutes later, the bell rang, informing us that the school day had officially began. Finishing up our cups of tea, we rinsed out our used crockery before we walked the very short distance to Mr. Clarkson's classroom.

Stepping inside, we decided that we would sit together this morning, Josh and Lauren sitting directly behind us. I'm hoping this morning is filled with a number of positive distractions to prevent myself from constantly deliberating over this afternoon.


The time has almost arrived for my very important meeting to start and now that I am sat outside Mr. Byrne's office waiting, I have all of a sudden started to feel extremely nervous. Watching Miss. Bryant type away furiously at her desk, I kept glancing up at the clock every so often, watching the minutes decreasing as the nausea I was feeling inside increased.

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