Chapter Seven.

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"Lindsay!" He called from the hallway, obviously wanting to know where I was.

I didn't think about answering him because I heard his footsteps approaching the kitchen. He stepped inside and saw me sat behind the breakfast bar, devouring a cereal bar. As soon as his eyes made contact with me, he shook his head.

"We need to talk." He announced as he began to boil the kettle and grabbed a mug out of the cupboard.

"What's left to talk about?" I asked, even though in the back of my head I knew that this conversation was far from over. "You've already given me my punishment and I accept it."

I watched as he continued making his cup of tea before he carried it over to the breakfast bar and took a seat opposite me, setting the mug of boiling hot liquid down upon it.

"Your little friend Finn Sharkey came to see me before I left. He told me everything. Why did you lie for him Lindsay?" He questioned in a tone that expressed more disappointment than anger.

I thought that now was my chance to tell my dad the truth because there wasn't much point in lying anymore. Not now that the truth was out there in the open.

"It wasn't like that Dad! I want you to know that Finn really isn't a bad guy. Please, you have to believe that." I begged, my subconscious still trying to defend Finn.

"Why are you still defending him?!" He yelled in disbelief. "He brought drugs onto school property knowing full well it goes against the school rules, plus it's illegal!" He fumed before taking a deep breath in to calm himself down, trying his hardest to regain composure.

"He's got a lot going on at home." I admitted but instantly regretted ever opening my mouth. "Ignore me, I didn't mean that..." I flandered, getting myself all worked up for opening my mouth.

I watched my dad study me as if he wanted me to elaborate further but I knew I had said too much already. What happens at home with Finn really has nothing to do with me, even though I already knew about a small portion of his life.

"What do you mean?" He asked but I still remained silent. "Lindsay, if Finn could be at risk of getting into any trouble at home, I need to know because I have a responsibility to look after his welfare and in the worst case scenario, I would need to refer both him and his family to Social Services." He added and just hearing the words 'Social Services' sent alarm bells off ringing in my head.

One thing to note about my dad is that he takes the welfare of his pupils very seriously and doesn't know when to leave work matters at school and he tends to bring a lot of personal issues to do with students home with him. I knew I had to tackle this situation in a rationale way because even though I knew Finn was at home alone most of the time, there was no hard evidence that he was being abused. Plus, I also didn't want Finn to think I was discussing his personal life behind his back.

"All I know is what Finn has told me..." I started to say, pausing for a moment before continuing. "That his parents work away a lot and that results in him being home alone the majority of the time." I confessed, trying to convince my dad that was honestly all I knew about Finn's private life.

"So, you are telling me that his parents leave their 17 year old son at home alone for most of the time?" He quizzed, trying to take in the information I had told him because he found it unbelievable.

"He's of the legal age to be left alone Dad! Also, I doubt he's being abused or anything considering that his parents are hardly ever there..." I managed to say but was interrupted moments later.

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