Chapter Twenty.

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A/N-This chapter contains some direct quotes from the show. All original credit goes to the BBC. There is also very mild sexual references.

Hope you enjoy!


Strolling through the school gates with Finn, the pair of us minding our own business, it suddenly dawned on me what day it was today. It was filming day for the welcome video, which was to be published onto the school website for the public to view and now that I've remembered, I've come over all nervous and anxious.

Also, because I let it slip my mind, I had no idea whether or not I look presentable enough to be filmed. Feeling the anxiety building within me, I realised that I didn't have a huge amount of time to try and do something with my appearance before it came around to filming.

Letting go of Finn's hand, I ran ahead of him so I didn't waste anymore time as I heard him shout:

"Linds! Where are you going?" as his footsteps started catching up with me.

Not hesitating or bothering to answer him, I entered the building and within seconds, I had stumbled into my two friends, who were clearly waiting for both myself and Finn to arrive. Sensing Lauren was just about to open her mouth to say something, I stopped her as I grabbed hold of her arm and dragged her into the girls toilets with me.

Pushing the door open and hearing it slam close behind us, I flung my bag down on top of one of the sinks as I began rummaging through it, frantically in search for the hairbrush that I always carried around with me as well as the make-up bag containing my everyday beauty essentials.

Retrieving both, I looked in the mirror as I began touching up my make-up, catching Lauren's reflection, which by this point, was looking rather flummoxed.

"You going to tell me why you have dragged me all the way in here like a mad woman?" She asked, stepping closer to the mirror.

"I completely forgot about the fact that me and Finn are recording that 'Welcome' video for the school website today..." I started to say, pulling down my under-eye to apply some eyeliner to my waterline. "I need to look presentable enough if thousands of people are going to be seeing it!" I exclaimed, applying a second layer of lip gloss onto my lips before rubbing them together, making sure there was an even layer on each.

Flinging the lip-gloss back into my make-up pouch, I picked up the hairbrush and began experimenting with different hairstyles, but for some reason, every single one I tried just didn't look right. Sighing, I watched as Lauren took the brush from my fingertips, running it through my naturally curly locks.

"Just keep it natural," She softly spoke, smiling at me. "As much as you want to look presentable, this is a school remember? Not a fashion show!" She remarked with a giggle, passing my hairbrush back to me.

Giving her a small smile, I threw the brush back into my bag. I knew that she had a point, but I still don't feel pretty enough to be recorded on video and I noticed her recognise this.

"What's wrong now?" I heard her ask, making me turn around and lean against the sink, letting out a small sigh.

"Nothing. It's just...Finn is so handsome and just the thought of standing next to him is making me feel really self-conscious because he is so out of my league!" I vocalised, even though I knew that what I was saying was a load of nonsense.

"You are joking, right?" I heard her question, making me look at her. "Finn may be good looking but so are you! Never forget that." She added with a reassuring smile, allowing me to return the gesture.

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