Chapter Nine.

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As my dad drove through the school gates, it actually made me realise how much I had missed not being here while I was off on suspension. Being at home all day, every day was driving me insane and as much as I tried to get as much coursework completed as I could, I was missing seeing my friends and the camaraderie that just generally came with school life. All I can say is that I definitely will NOT be getting myself into a situation where I could potentially get in serious trouble again!

I was eager to see my friends again, but I was mostly looking forward to seeing Finn. Ever since we became friends again, we have been texting each other pretty much non-stop and you could say that things have maybe stepped up a notch in terms of where we aim to take our romantic feelings. Is it possible to say a sense of harmless flirting has been happening? 😏 I would say that's accurate!

Feeling the car turn into my dad's designated parking space, he switched the engine off, the sounds of chattering outside increasing in volume. Climbing the steps to the main entrance to the building, I finally remembered the real reason why I was here. Before the two of us went our separate ways, he issued me with a warning and I could tell he was serious.

"Now Lindsay, this is a fresh start for you. Don't mess it up!" He sternly told me, allowing me to nod my head.

"I won't Dad." I smiled. "I promise." I simply replied, smiling at him confidently.

Grinning back, he disappeared off to his office, allowing me to head to my locker. I strolled down the corridor and as I got closer, I saw Finn and the others waiting for me. I approached them, giving them all a hug, my embrace with Finn lasting a bit longer than the other two but I don't think Josh or Lauren noticed. Once I broke away from the hug, I quickly opened my locker and pulled out some textbooks before I slammed it shut again.

With that, the four of us started to head upstairs to Mr. Clarkson's classroom, making small talk as we climbed the stairs.

"I'm so happy you're all back again! Last week was so boring on my own." Lauren moaned and I couldn't help but feel somewhat guilty.

"It's so good to be back!" I announced, acting a little dramatic, revoking a small chuckle from her. "I've missed you all so much..." I spoke before turning my attention to Josh. "Look Josh, can I just say how sorry I am for dropping you in it with my dad? I never meant for you to get into trouble as well."

"Forget about it." He shrugged, brushing off the issue instantly. "If anything, I probably deserved it." He admitted, making me smile that he wasn't still angry at me.

We stood outside Mr. Clarkson's classroom until the bell went, watching the last rush of students dash down the corridor, panicking they would be late. He arrived shortly after, allowing the majority of his students to head inside and take their seats, however, the response that myself, Josh and Finn got was a lot less positive than I was expecting because he prevented us from going in straightaway, the four of us stood outside in the corridor like numpty's.

"Ahhh...Miss. Byrne, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Sharkey, what a pleasure it is for you to join us." He sarcastically remarked as I watched Finn roll his eyes. "Let's hope the three of you actually abide by the rules this time. In you go!" He ordered firmly, stepping to the side.

The three of us glanced up at each other and smirked before we walked inside and took our normal seats, Mr Clarkson following in behind us. He closed the door behind him before taking a seat at his desk, pulling out his laptop from his desk drawer. He lifted the lid and started to call out names on the register, the retrospective people answering 'Here sir'.

As he continued calling out names, I felt my phone vibrate in my blazer pocket. Glancing around the room, seeing that everyone was occupied doing something, I slipped my phone inside, retrieving the device. Seeing the screen light up, I saw that I had a text Finn! Reeling from confusion, I looked back at him, seeing him smiling which only fuelled to my growing curiosity.

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