Chapter Thirty-Two.

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A/N-This chapter is set roughly two months after the last chapter I posted.


It's been a couple of months since everything happened and a lot more has happened since. Firstly, my dad has finally returned back to work after being given the all-clear by the doctor. He's settled back in so well and the school seems to be running a lot better for it.

His relationship with Sian has stepped up a notch also. Jez filed for divorce once he discovered that she had been cheating on him with my dad but to be honest, Sian wasn't too upset about it, realising it was my dad she wanted. He's also spoken to me about proposing to her but I can't see that happening just yet.

Staying on the topic of relationships, myself and Finn have moved on as well, me with Tariq and him with Trudi. Now, many people would think that dating a brother and sister duo is strange but I knew Finn's true incentive. He clearly wasn't over our relationship and was only dating Trudi because he knew it was the only way he could get back at Tariq.

Moving onto the boy in question, we were happy! Although we have only been 'officially' dating for a few weeks, we've been close ever since he comforted me in regards to the Finn situation. Tariq was the polar opposite to Finn, both in looks and personality but in some strange way, we balanced each other out and our relationship was steady and progressing at the pace we wanted it to because we both agreed that we didn't want to rush things.

My friendship group still consisted of Josh and Lauren but I'd started becoming closer to Trudi(even though she was dating my ex-boyfriend). Admittingly, it used to frustrate me at the beginning, when all she would do is gush about Finn and how amazing he was but I soon realised that being bitter towards her wasn't doing me or my relationship with Tariq any favours so I soon stopped. Finn and I also put our hatred for each other aside and agreed to be amicable with each other, plainly due to the fact that Josh and Lauren threatened to unfriend us if we didn't get along.

Dawdling through the school gates as quick as my little legs could carry me, I spotted Tariq mucking around with a few of his friends, each one trying to tackle the football from whoever had it. Spotting me, he sent a quick wave in my direction which I returned before he turned his attention back to his friends, giving me the opportunity to continue walking. I quickly realised that Tariq wasn't very lovey-dovey in front of his friends and that was the response I got most mornings, which bothered me at the beginning but I soon got used to it.

Continuing to walk past several students, I bumped into Trudi along the way. Smiling at me, we started walking together, making small conversation as we did so. "Hey Linds..." She smiled, her footsteps quickening to meet my rather speedy ones.

"Oh hey Truds..." I responded, using my nickname for her. "Where are you headed?" I quizzed, entering the school building via the Science corridor.

"Supposed to be meeting Finn in the common room..." She answered, the pace of her footsteps not faltering. "How about you?"

"Same actually..." I replied but soon realised how that sentence could come across. "Well, not just Finn. I'm mainly going to see Lauren..." I rambled, digging myself a hole which made Trudi giggle.

"It's okay..." She laughed, tapping my shoulder briefly. "I understood what you meant."

Smiling politely at her, I made a quick detour for my locker whilst she went on ahead, the sound of her footsteps ascending up the stairwell. Picking up a few textbooks, I slammed my locker door shut before I trudged up the stairs, tackling the steps in twos to lessen the amount of time it took to climb them.

Pulling open the door which led to the English corridor, I dashed down to the common room, seeing my group of friends sat doing various things. Lauren had her eyes fixated in a fashion magazine, Josh was playing a game on his phone and Finn and Trudi were sat on the two-seater sofa, hand in hand. She had her head rested against his chest and his free hand was rested on her waist, a small smile playing on his face.

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