Chapter Sixteen.

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Michael's P.O.V

Standing in the kitchen preparing breakfast, I heard Lindsay's footsteps coming down the stairs. We haven't spoken since last night and I already know the atmosphere this morning is going to be an awkward one. She walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the toaster, not even bothering to acknowledge the fact that I existed.

It was obvious that she was still hung up on last nights conversation, but my decision had been made and I wasn't set on changing my mind either.

"Morning darling," I greeted, hoping it would at least get a customary response in return but she continued to ignore me. "I know that you are still upset at the decision I made, but can we at least talk about it?" I asked, resulting in her letting out a sigh, not being able to ignore me any longer.

"Have you changed your mind about Kyle?" She questioned, fixating a stare onto me, eagerly waiting for my answer.

"No but..." was all I managed to say before she rudely interrupted me.

"Then I couldn't be less interested." She responded impolitely, continuing to butter the slice of toast on the plate in front of her.

Sighing, I shook my head, becoming annoyed at this childish behaviour. When is she going to let this go?

"How much longer are you going to keep this up?" I asked in disappointment because this is just getting silly now.

"Until you finally come to your senses and change your mind!" She yelled, slipping her bag up her arm and onto her shoulder.

She was just about to leave the house to head to school until I shouted after her. "Miss. Radleigh is swinging by our way to pick me up. Do you want a lift?" I asked, trying to make some form of peace with her before school.

"No thanks!" She answered abruptly before disappearing through the door.

I heard the door close, making me slump down on one of the chairs by the dining table, feeling really frustrated towards her. I was really stumped on what Lindsay expected me to do. I'm already Kyle's main target, why would I make things worse by allowing him to be potentially put in prison?

I was snapped out of my trance when I heard the doorbell ring, indicating that Linda had arrived to pick me up. Putting my suit jacket on, I knew that I now needed to pull myself together and get my work brain on. All this business with Lindsay will just have to wait until later.


Lindsay's P.O.V

As I walked through the school gates, I made an immediate diversion for my locker because I knew that's where the gang would be. In my eyesight, I could see the three of them stood with their backs to me. I've got a bit of a bone to pick with Finn because he told me that he would text me last night when he got home me, but he never did.

Sneaking up behind him, I placed my hands over his eyes, "So much for you texting me last night." I joked, seeing him turn around, leaving me speechless at the sight of him.

His nose was completely covered in a purply-brown, shiny bruise and was slightly out of place. Well, this explains why he didn't text me yesterday. What exactly happened to him when he got home?!

"Oh my god Finn!" I cried, not wanting to believe that my boyfriend had been beaten up. "What happened?" I asked, my hands reaching up to touch his face but he moved them away, stepping backwards.

"Leave it Lindsay." He told me, disregarding my concern for him.

Moving away from me, he started climbing the staircase up to Mr. Clarkson's classroom, me following hot on his heels. I continued pestering him, needing to know what happened to him once he left me last night.

The Bad Boy of Waterloo Roadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें