Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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TW: Abortion and baby loss.


As I stood outside the hospital doors, my stomach a mass of nerves and disappointment, it eventually sunk in how much pressure I was going to have to endure today. Part of me was ready to turn away, completely change my mind but remembering the real reason why I was doing this, I entered the clinical building, knowing I was going to leave feeling a lot different.

Admittingly, it hasn't been an easy ride to get to this stage. Two days ago, I had to go through an assessment, which required me to give a detailed explanation as to why I've made this choice. I was also spoken to about the risks and complications that may occur, as well as needing to have a blood test and as much as the process was rather scary, it still didn't sway my decision.

So here I was, ready to face this appointment and everything it was going to entail. Strolling over to the desk, I was greeted by a rather cheery looking woman. She had blonde hair, which was of shoulder length and curly. A pair of thick-framed glasses sat on her face and her lips were painted a shade of ruby, topped with a layer of lip-gloss. "Good morning. What can I help you with?" She asked, a prominent smile on her face.

"Uhm hi..." I breathed out, pausing to find the right words to say. "I'm booked in for an abortion at 10am." I whispered, not wanting everyone to know my business.

"What's the name please, love?" She queried, poising her fingertips over the keyboard for her computer. "I need your full name, including your middle name if you have one..."

"Lindsay Marie Byrne..." I stated clearly, hearing the clicking of the keys as she typed in my name and searched the database.

Watching her click infrequently upon the mouse, I heard the whirring of the printer, wheeling her chair over to it and retrieving the piece of paper. Picking up a clipboard, she attached the sheet to it as she placed it on top of the desk, popping a biro pen on the top.

"I'm going to need you to fill in this form..." She explained, glancing up at me occasionally. "Once you've answered all relevant questions, please hand it back in at the desk and we'll get you seen as soon as possible for your appointment."

Thanking her, I took the clipboard and went to take a seat, briefly taking in my surroundings. For a department that specialises in abortions, I was surprised to see that this many woman choose to take the route. I could sense several different emotions circulating the room; despair and relief being only a few.

Turning my attention to the form, I read over the questions before answering them truthfully, wanting my responses to be as accurate as possible. Double checking over the answers, I handed it back in at the desk before sitting back down, fiddling around with my fingertips as I waited to be called for my appointment.

Hopefully, I won't have long to wait.


The time now read 11am, meaning the surgery were now running an hour behind schedule, which was subsequently making me feel a lot more anxious than I already felt. To help pass the time, I picked up a magazine, noticing that the only ones available were parenting related. Finding it a bit insensitive, I reluctantly opened it up, flicking through the pages and paying more attention to the pictures as opposed to the information.

A short while later, a doctor entered the waiting room, carrying a folder under their arm. "Lindsay Byrne?" He called, my eyes pricking up at the sound of my name.

Placing the magazine down, I picked up my bag and approached the doctor, shaking his hand politely. Following him down the long, white walled corridor, we entered a room, him taking a seat at his desk while I took a seat opposite him, the environment making me feel a little uncomfortable.

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