Reality's Illusion; Sequel to...


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**THIS IS THE 2ND BOOK** This is a Sequel to my very first published story; Coincidental Fate. Enjoy~ Tokyo... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Reality's Illusion

Chapter 16

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[Chapters 16 to 17 are already posted!]




Rindou and Y/n sat across each other, the male helping her recall whatever happened last night that could've led her to her position now. 

"You're a detective, so it's no surprise someone would try to target you," Rindou shrugged. 

"I'm only a detective trainee, I don't handle that many major cases for people to try and do something about me," She said with furrowed brows. "Well, except for the L/n case... but," 

"But, what?" Rindou tilted his head with a quirked brow.

"No one knows that Sir Naoto and I are investigating it further," Y/n confessed. "None of the higher-ups are aware... so we're kinda doing something illegal here," 

She stood from her seat. "Do you think they know?" She asked anxiously. "Am I going to be fired-?! But I'm only a trainee... oh that's worse, a trainee getting fired, that's not a good look for my record.." 

"Wait," Rindou stared at her. "No one knows? Like, this case wasn't supposed to be investigated?" 

"Well, yeah," She answered. "L/n Y/n was killed by her mother, and there were witnesses and much evidence so the case was straight to the point and was easily closed." She paused. "The time the case was closed was the time I was placed into Sir Naoto's post as a detective trainee," 

She continued. "I worked directly under him, so I go frequently to his office, and then I saw those files about L/n Y/n. He saw me reading through them and I think he got scared that I'll report him for keeping files and evidence without permission," Y/n sat back down. "And... uh, due to me knowing, I swore I wouldn't report him and that I would even help him,"

Rindou noticed a hint of hesitation, and he can tell she lied about her reasoning for helping Naoto out. He took a deep breath. "You're lying," He said bluntly, hoping she'll easily crack and tell the truth.

He had long accepted that the Y/n in front of him is not the Y/n he knew before, but now he's suspecting that she was the other girl in the photos that Mochi showed him and the others. 

The girl frowned. "What? I said the truth, you think I'm going to lay out all these confidential things for funsies? I could be fired for this-"

"No," He stopped her. "Not about that, I meant, you're lying about your reason for helping Naoto."

Y/n held no expression. "How would you know if I'm lying?" 

He sighed. "And how would you know If I can tell whether you are or not?"

"Touché," She crossed her arms. "Okay, so what if I'm lying, then what would my real reason be for helping him out?"

Rindou contemplated, but he was desperate. He can tell that Sakkaku Y/n is part of the answer he and the other members of Bonten are working to unveil. 

The whole involvement of Bonten with the L/n family previously was and will remain to be because of the L/n's blood connection with Mikaboshi which is controlled by L/n Y/n's grandfather. 

And the whole reason why Bonten got close with L/n Y/n was purely by coincidence after she had witnessed something she shouldn't have and the fact that she had evidence of it made her a great threat to Bonten. 

Everything about L/n Y/n was a coincidence, nothing about their interactions with her was part of the plan, and yet the further they knew her, it showed just how much she was connected with them like fate had woven their threads together.

And now those threads were fading between reality and illusion after they met Sakkaku Y/n, she was the embodiment of perplexity. When they think they have the answer, she would prove otherwise and it continued until they started questioning what they knew. 

"It has something to do with your past," Rindou said, gambling his chances. "And I know it's about you using a name that isn't yours, so who are you really?" 

Y/n then felt as if a nerve in her mind just short-circuited. She let out a pained groan while she held the side of her head. 

"I know who you are, ██████,"

For a brief moment, a blurry memory of a black figure said to her, their voice distorted and distant. 

Rindou watched her with worry but he persisted. "Tell me who you really are," 

Y/n stared into space in shock. "I- I know who was here last night..." 

"Don't change the subject," Rindou said. 

"No, no, I'm not-! I promise," She assured calmly. "There was a person here, okay, I don't know who they are but I know they did something..." Her hand subconsciously touched her neck and then realization struck. "They shot me with something," 

Rindou was now invested in whatever she was saying. "So, someone was really here, they shot you with something and now you can't remember anything from yesterday- specifically anything that happened in the evening," 

"Yes... and," She sighed, sounding defeated. "You're right, that name isn't mine," Sakkaku 'Y/n' finally confessed. "I guess there's no use hiding it since you partially knew already and if I explain whatever I saw last night will not make sense if you don't know," 

Sakkaku 'Y/n' continued. "The person that was here last night, they knew my real name..." 

He continued with a hum. "Whoever that person got to be someone who you knew from before," Rindou followed. "And you say the only major case you ever handled was the L/n case but then again you say that no one else knows you and Naoto are doing a further investigation on it," 

He looked at her when realization reached him. Rindou had two suspicions but decided to only say the most probable one. "...You could be possibly being targetted by Mikaboshi." 

There was an unexplainable horror in her eyes. "What," 

From her expression, Rindou can tell she knew who exactly the Mikaboshi is. He wasn't sure why, but he felt triumphant seeing how lost she looked. 

"And do you know who controls them?" Rindou questioned. 

She averted her gaze. "Of course, I do," She whispered. 

"Well then, now you know how fucked you are," He said before pausing. "Okay, well, this is actually just all assumptions. The government could be targetting you for all we know," 

"The government...?" She muttered. 

"You're investigating L/n Y/n, the only daughter of Japan's military general, and also the granddaughter of the second biggest gang group in japan," RIndou shrugged. "So it's just the either two," 

"So this means, one of them is hiding something about her death," She concluded. "Now we know the possible mastermind and we quickly narrowed it down into two... now we just have to find out what they're hiding and why," 

"Right," Rindou nodded before remembering something. "Wait, you never told me your name," 

"Oh," She paused then held her hand out, and with a smile, she introduced herself. 

"I'm Yusano, Sakkaku Yusano," 

A/N: Does this mean L/n Y/n is really dead?

lol, how would I know, I ain't future me

see ya in the next chapter~

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