Chapter 21

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Intensive and grueling training prepared Y/n for every scenario that could happen to her. She was taught everything she needed to do to avoid conflict and to flee swiftly without a trace. 

She had done it flawlessly before but couldn't move at that moment. Why was that? Was it because this time she didn't have a mask to hide on? or was it that look of betrayal in Kakucho's eyes that made her freeze?

Time stood still and all she could do was shout a chain of curses in her mind as Kakucho walked closer to her. What was he going to do? He looks mad. What was he thinking? She can't read him like she used to. 

Was he going to shout at her at how disappointed he is? Was he going to hit her? She didn't do anything wrong, she was just trying to keep them safe from her grandfather. 

Blocked throat 

Tight chest

Clammy hands

Strained breathing

Somehow she was aware of it all but at the same time, she wasn't. She can feel tears stinging her eyes as she frantically searched his face for any hints of what he was about to do. 

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm so sorry

The moment he was close enough, all she could do was close her eyes and brace herself for impact. 

But, nothing. 

Instead, she was met with his scent, the warmth of his embrace washed over the coldness that inhabited her body. 

Y/n's arms hung still on her sides as her best friend enveloped her in a comforting embrace. "You're here," He broke the hug and searched her face. "You're really here," Before hugging her once again. 

She raised her arms to hug him back but hesitated and decided to not do it, Y/n stood still and unmoving, she didn't think she deserved the warmth that he gave. 

Y/n placed both her hands on his shoulders and gently made distance between them. "...yeah," She muttered with a low sigh.

Kakucho stammered a bit trying to find the words. "What happened? Where have you been? After all this time... you're really alive," 

"Well, I'm not," She answered. "I'm dead... by paper at least," 

"Y/n I thought you really died," Kakucho murmured as he clutched his fists, he can still feel how she went cold and limp that night as she said her final pleads to live. 

"No need to dwell on it Kakucho, I'm only here to do one thing," She stepped away from him and walked toward Yusano. 

"Do what exactly?" He asked, still having a hard time grasping everything that was happening. 

Reality's Illusion; Sequel to C.F. | Bonten [Tokyo Revengers X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now