Chapter 8

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The rain wasn't such a great addition when you're looking for someone, she called his name multiple times to the point her voice turned hoarse. 

Her hot breaths were showing because of the cold air, it was getting darker and more difficult to find where he was headed. 

With no particular destination in mind and only the dim lights of the old streetlights illuminating the road, she found herself at an abandoned market street. 

For some reason, she knows he would be here. The loud rain turned muffled when she entered the empty buildings as she looked for him. 

And she was right, after just a few turns she found him sitting with his legs crossed and bent close to his body, it somehow reminded her of a kid. 

She stepped closer, slowly and lightly so that she won't startle him but so that he'll notice her presence. 

"Rin...?" She softly called. "Hey, are you okay...?" 

It was obvious he wasn't but it was natural for humans to ask that out of instinct when we notice someone's not okay. 

"Please, talk to me" She followed. 

Rindou hated being confronted, that point has been made multiple times, and whenever he gets cornered, all he does is run. 

The night she died, he felt like half of him died with her. 

What was even the last thing they talked about? Did he even mention how much she meant to him? Even once? 

He admits their so-called friendship started because he wanted to spy on her from a much closer perspective but the longer they were in each other's presence, it felt so safe with her. 

"...She was my best friend" He whispered. "Probably the only real friend I made..." 

"I finally met someone who I can turn to aside from my brother" Rindou forcefully bit his trembling lip as he pulled on his own hair. "Why did I have to lose her? It's not- It's really not fair..." 

"Please don't hurt yourself" Y/n was scared to come close but she was also scared of what he'll do if she didn't stop him now. 

"I was so stupid-" He continued to berate himself, as well as hitting his knuckles straight onto his skull. "I should've done something for her... I should've just-" 

It was painful to watch him in such a state, she knows she can't forcefully stop him. And so she embraced him, covering his head to protect it from his own hands. 

His hits hurt, they were heavy, hard, and definitely bruising. From that alone, she can tell that whatever happened in his past was too much for him to bottle. 

Rindou soon stopped, and instead clung to her as if she was his lifeline. "Why did she have to go?" His voice broke as he heaved. "Why did you have to go...?" 

"I'm sorry Rin..." She had no idea why, but she felt so guilty that she just had to apologize, even though she wasn't at fault. 

Rindou's weight soon all fell onto her, he probably felt so tired after running and crying for who knows how long. So now Rindou's head leaned onto her shoulder while she leaned onto his head. 

The dark corners of the abandoned market street stalls howled, the loud droplets of heavy rainfall hit the broken windows, and the cold night wrapped around their drenched bodies. 

It was oddly serene. 


Reality's Illusion; Sequel to C.F. | Bonten [Tokyo Revengers X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now