Chapter 29

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Two days, that was all the time they had and they'd meet again, but this wasn't a regular reunion like any other. No one was looking forward to it. 

Y/n was no different, the hesitance she was feeling was almost the same emotion she felt that night she died. She knew it wasn't a good sign. 

To clear her mind, she went outside, away from the headquarters. She blended into the crowd wearing casual wear, unlike what she usually wore after she joined Mikaboshi's ranks. 

As she walked the busy street, a small bakery caught her eye and she was immediately drawn to it, and without much contemplation, she entered the shop. 

It wasn't packed but it wasn't empty either, Y/n could tell a lot of the customers were regulars by how the woman behind the cashier greeted them. 

The sweet-looking woman met her eyes and with a smile she greeted. "Y/n! Long time no see," 

Y/n looked behind her, confused. "Are you talking to me?" She asked cautiously before approaching the woman. 

"Oh? Are you not Y/n?" The woman squinted her eyes. 

Technically, she is, but Y/n was sure it wasn't her who the woman remembered. "Uh, I think you mistook me for someone else," Y/n awkwardly replied. 

"Oh my, apologies, you look so much alike..." The woman looked somewhat disappointed. 

"Don't worry about it," Y/n brushed off before looking around the shop and suddenly seeing the shop's name on a small poster. 

She froze seeing the name of the shop, Y/n was currently at the bakery where Yusano used to work part-time. 

Y/n muttered a curse under her breath before casually but hurriedly walking toward the exit. How could she just forget such details?  

"-an't believe I'm running this errand again," A male's voice spoke as he entered the shop. 

"It's because we pass this street on the way to work," Another replied. 

Not paying much attention, Y/n accidentally bumped shoulders with the first male to enter. She muttered a quick apology before going past the other male. 

But her escape wasn't made swiftly when her path was blocked by another figure. "Watch it miss," The voice was stern. 

Y/n looked up with an annoyed look, it wasn't her fault he suddenly blocked the door when she was right at it. "You're the one blocking the way," She retorted. 

The moment she saw who the three males were, she regretted ever coming outside the Mikaboshi headquarters. 

"Yusano?" It was Takeomi who blocked the door, his voice now softer than it had earlier.

"Huh?" The male muttered behind her and when she looked it was Ran and beside him was Kakucho. 

Kakucho looked at her differently. "Y/n," It wasn't aloud but she could tell by reading his lips.

She faked a confused look. "Sorry gentlemen, I think you're mistaking me for someone else. Now will you please excuse me," 

Y/n didn't wait for Takeomi to step aside, she simply brushed against his shoulder and finally left the bakery shop with a pounding heart. 

It happened so suddenly that she couldn't believe she could speak. Y/n didn't dare to look back, she didn't want to know whether they followed her or not. 

There was a sigh of relief on her lips when she reached a certain corner of the street, she assumed she was far enough from them. 

It felt weird to look at them face to face now that she knew that they knew that she was not really dead after all those years. 

Reality's Illusion; Sequel to C.F. | Bonten [Tokyo Revengers X Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora