Chapter 13

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The Haitani brothers were currently in their home, they didn't have enough energy to attend Bonten's headquarters physically, especially after watching all the security footage Mochi showed them. 

Ran sat in the middle of their living room floor with his laptop on the coffee table, he was trying to remember the exact memory of when he and L/n Y/n met for the first time. 

But all the memories he has of her were after they bumped into each other that day in the abandoned market street and nothing else before that. 

Rindou placed a mug of hot beverage down on the coffee table for Ran. "Remember anything yet?" The younger male asked. 

Ran could only groan before he dropped his forehead down the table. "I got nothing," He muttered. "The earliest memory I have of her was when we met her right after Sanzu killed her previous boss in that abandoned market street," 

"Well, from the videos it showed that you met her at an event, doesn't that help?" Rindou questioned. 

"No, not at all," The other answered. "I do remember Sanzu embarrassing himself with that vomit scandal, but nothing else," 

Rindou hummed. "Do you think... she's-?" 

Ran raised his head. "I do," He answered confidently then he hesitated. "I hope she is," 

"I feel like Sakkaku Y/n knows something we don't," Rindou suddenly said. 

"Well duh, she's with the police-" 

"No, I meant, she knows something deeper, something that even the police don't know," The younger said. "Everything about Sakkaku Y/n's past is blurred, there's no record of her existence beyond ten years ago," 

"I know, it's really weird," Ran hummed. "And there's no way Sakkaku is L/n," 

"I agree, though they are alike, I noticed something about Sakkaku now that I spent more time with her," Rindou said. "Her mannerisms feel controlled as if she's copying someone," 

"I just remembered something, did you ever mention that I broke L/n Y/n's camera to Sakkaku Y/n?" Ran finally asked. 

Rindou looked at him weirdly. "What? Why would I ever mention that to anyone?" 

Ran scoffed in realization as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Sakkaku knows about that," He paused. "How could she have known about that? That happened in a secluded area... unless," 


"Someone else told her," Ran crossed his arms. "And that someone has to have been in that exact place, our men secured the area, and the only ones to witness me breaking the camera was you, Y/n, two of Omi's men, and Takeomi himself," 

"Takeomi couldn't have said anything, nor did his men since they physically can't talk about any events happening, and it's not you, or me," Ran continued. "That leaves L/n Y/n," 

Rindou just listened as Ran continued on with his theory. "There are photos showing L/n Y/n being friends with Sakkaku Y/n, so there's a huge possibility she's the one who told her," 

"But still, we're still not sure if Sakkaku's the other girl in that picture with Y/n and Kakucho," Rindou reminded. "Don't get too carried away," 

Ran exasperatedly sighed. "God this is driving me insane," 

"It's ironic how now you're the one losing your shit and I'm here trying to ground you," Rindou took a sip from his mug. 

"Yeah, how are you not losing your head right now?" Ran questioned confusedly. 

Reality's Illusion; Sequel to C.F. | Bonten [Tokyo Revengers X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now