Chapter 10

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Y/n stood with her head low as Naoto paced back and forth angrily in front of her. She knows it was her fault for losing the flash drive but she can't help but go teary-eyed as the male angrily shouts at her. 

"How could you lose that?!" He stressed. "That has everything, Everything, do you understand that?" 

Her voice was shaky. "Yes, sir, I understand-" 

"Then how could you be so careless?!" He shouted, cutting her off and making her flinch. Seeing how her tears started to stream down her cheeks, Naoto sighed exasperatedly. "When did you lose it?" 

"Yesterday sir," She answered, still not looking up at him. 

"Around what time?" He asked. 

She quickly wiped her face. "Around evening, sir." 

"Alright, give me all the places you've been, and then we'll search for it," Naoto ordered and she obliged and listed about four places; The bakery, The company building, The convenience store, and lastly her home. 

Naoto paused for a bit before looking at her. "Let's go," 




They stopped by the bakery first, their search was quickly finished since Y/n has easy access to everything since she works there. But unfortunately, the flash drive wasn't there. 

Y/n walked beside and a bit behind Naoto, she felt like she was treading on thin ice. This was the first time he had rose his voice at her and it scared her that she'll be fired. 

"Don't sulk, you're making me feel bad for your mistake" He said, not looking back at her. 

She didn't reply and just walked a bit closer. They stopped by the convenience store next since it was just a walking distance from the bakery. 

They didn't want to go through many questions so when the lady that runs the store asked what they were looking for, they just said they were looking for their project which was on a flash drive. 

And still, the flash drive was not at the convenience store. The two then decided to rest for a bit and eat lunch at a close-by fast food. 

The line was quite long so when they reached the counter the lady working at the moment apologized for the delay, saying they were understaffed. 

"Why? Did something happen?" Naoto asked. 

"Well, it's not a big deal really... one of our staff jumped out the drive-thru window screaming that he's rich or something like that" The lady explained chuckling. "Anyway, what will be your order?"

"Oh, I see," Naoto muttered before saying their order and then looked for spare seats. "That's odd," 

Y/n hummed confused. "What do you mean sir?" 

"They said one of their employees jumped out the drive-thru window," Naoto said and Y/n nodded slowly as her mouth formed an o shape. 

They then sat down and a few seconds later, Y/n got a text from Ran saying he wants to talk to her right at that moment. 

She just ignored the text and turned her phone off, Naoto noticed the change in her expression which made him curious. 

"What is it?" He asked and she hummed questioningly. "You have that look on your face as if you just received a text from someone you're trying to avoid" 

Of course, he'll easily deduct that, he's a detective for a reason, or maybe she was just really expressive. 

"Ah, it's just someone I know, they just want to meet up," She answered, then another text came, and then another again. 

Reality's Illusion; Sequel to C.F. | Bonten [Tokyo Revengers X Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن