Chapter 30

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Another deep breath as she slowly pushed the thought of hesitance out of her mind, and another one for courage to steady her weakening arms. 

Once she focused on Kakucho, he was eerily steady but she paid it no mind. But when she was about to pull the trigger, his gaze met hers. 

She froze, did he see her? It was impossible, she was well-hidden. Unless. Something was off, her senses kicked in, and immediately shot the serum that was supposed for Kakucho to someone behind her instead. 

Y/n took a good look at who it was and to her surprise, it was Rindou who had just tilted his head to avoid the bullet she shot. 

"You look more surprised than I am," Rindou muttered. "Shouldn't I be the one wearing that expression after you deceived us all?" 

She couldn't read his tone, not that she cared what it meant, all she could think about was her situation.

To her, this exact scenario means one thing; defeat.  And defeat equals disappointment. She refused to be a disappointment. 

Despite her heart refusing to hurt Rindou, her mind screamed and her body reacted. She attacked him to hopefully render him unconscious so she could shoot him with the serum. 

She threw a hard hit which Rindou didn't expect. "Not even a hello?" He grunted as he stepped back. 

From her perspective, she can no longer see him. The noise in her head was deafening to the point of blinding her vision. At that point, she was on autopilot. 

As if the Y/n he knew and the Y/n he's seeing now is a completely different person. Her stature reminded him of a certain person he and Ran saw when they spied on Mikaboshi. 

 Y/n elbowed his jaw pulling him out of his thoughts. She turned her body and using her left arm, she elbowed his diaphragm. 

Once Rindou was crouching, Y/n slid her leg under him making him fall on his back. He tried to get up but before he could, a cold metal was touching his neck. 

He looked up at her, her right hand holding the Myosotis gun, and on her left was a katana that was directly pointed at him.  

"Do you really want to kill me?" Rindou asked hoping she'd get back to her senses.

Y/n remained silent, she just raised her katana intending to slice his neck. 

Rindou didn't want to believe it, can Y/n really kill him with no mercy? The memory of the man's decapitated head replayed in Rindou's mind. 

But as Rindou was imagining his death a sudden gunshot was fired and the sound of metal hitting another metal followed. 

Y/n's gaze snapped to where the bullet came from and just a few feet away from them was Kokonoi holding a gun.

Kokonoi didn't intend to hit her, he just fired to rattle her and prevent Rindou from being killed, but he didn't expect Y/n to block the bullet with her sword. 

There was a visible chip on the katana's edge where the bullet bounced off. Y/n didn't hesitate to fire the Myosotis gun at Kokonoi, but the bullet only grazed his skin.

"That's not the right way to treat your previous boss, now is it?" Kokonoi smiled as he wiped the residue off his cheek. 

Y/n then backed off from Rindou seeing how Kokonoi was armed with a real gun. She breathed deeply as she watched their movement carefully. 

Rindou and Kokonoi now stood beside each other and opposite from Y/n. Behind her is the open window where she was supposed to shoot Kakucho. 

She stood at the window's frame, they were exactly thirteen floors above the ground. Kokonoi's smile faded quickly when he realized what she intended to do. 

Reality's Illusion; Sequel to C.F. | Bonten [Tokyo Revengers X Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz