Chapter 33

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 A week passed since the incident at the abandoned market street. Everything was quietly resolved with the help of Y/n's father. M/n and G/n couldn't be saved due to blood loss and extreme injuries and they were properly buried. 

F/n covered up whatever Y/n's involvement was, and Bonten was also removed from any incident records. Even the deaths of M/n and G/n were all labeled as natural deaths instead of murder. 

It was as if none of it happened, but of course, Y/n will remain dead. She can't just magically be revived after being reportedly dead for a few years now. She can't go back to her old life before Bonten nor is she willing to stay in her current life. 

She admits it was weird to exist and has no records of being alive. And the fact that her hospital tag was left blank makes it all even more unnerving.  

The thought of dying never left her mind, even now it felt like she died despite existing, she doesn't even have a name anymore. 

Y/n knew all of these from the beginning. She knows her name was brought to the grave that she doesn't even lie in, but despite that, someone still used that name to address her so the impact of that information never really reached her yet. 

But now that the only person who called her by that name was killed by her own two hands, it felt like she was gone.

She wasn't in a bad condition, but she was advised to stay at the hospital for a few more weeks. Being confined to a hospital setting is not a new thing to her anyway, so she felt right at home

The hospital was a private one which means she didn't have to worry about anyone questioning why she didn't have a name. 

It was a boring day as usual, and so she decided to take a walk. When she usually walks around the hospital, most of the rooms are empty or the doors are closed. 

She usually doesn't pay mind to any of the rooms but this particular day, one of the rooms is open and without thinking much about it, she glanced inside as she passed by. 

Inside was Rindou sitting up from the hospital bed, Ran standing by the foot of the bed and his arm was in a sling, and Kakucho was talking to both of them. 

A sigh escaped her lips, she doesn't remember much after the incident. She just remembered finally taking Kakucho's hand and crying until she passed out.

Once she woke up, she was informed that everyone from Bonten was stabilized since they were the ones to be shot last so the bleeding wasn't severe and their injuries were patched up quickly. 

The staff also informed her that Yusano was also confined in the same hospital but Y/n refused to know her room number or any of the others' room. 

She saw no reason to know their rooms, it's not like she was going to visit them, nor did they want to see her. 

She doubts Bonten would forgive her for almost annihilating their top brass, she technically almost put an end to Bonten. 

Unbeknownst to her, Rindou had seen her pass by. "How is she?" He suddenly interrupted Kakucho. 

Without asking who, Kakucho knew who Rindou was asking about. "The nurses said she hadn't said a word since the incident," He replied. 

"Why, did something happen to her voice?" Ran asked genuinely worried. 

"They're speculating that maybe it's from shock... but she's fine- physically," Kakucho informed. "She's recovering pretty quickly,"

"Has she at least acknowledged anyone?" Ran asked. 

Reality's Illusion; Sequel to C.F. | Bonten [Tokyo Revengers X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now