Chapter 36

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It was another fine day.

The sun would peek now and then behind the clouds, the weather had never been so perfect, and everyone seemed to have taken advantage of it and decided to spend their day out of their homes.

There seemed to be no end in every greeting and thanks as customers came and went from a certain bakery shop, the shop was filled with soft idle chatter and the scent of coffee filled the space.

"Good morning!" The store owner greeted a customer who entered the quaint shop.

"Hello," The customer greeted back as they removed their sunglasses.

The older woman was taken aback, she didn't expect a person who wore foreign clothes to speak her language so fluently, added to that was a professional camera that hung by her neck.

"Uhm, excuse me," The young lady repeated as a small chuckle left her lips. "Are you alright?"

"Ah, yes, pardon me... I was just surprised," The woman smiled. "I thought you were a tourist,"

"Well, I was born here in Japan, but it has been a while since I visited home," The girl muttered with a hint of nostalgia and melancholy in her voice.

"It is good to come back home once in a while," The woman replied. "What would you like to get?"

"A dorayaki please," She said.

"Oh, You must've missed home, huh," The woman muttered, after all, dorayaki was a classic snack in Japan. "Wait a moment here,"

The girl whispered to herself. "Something like that,"

She then looked out the store's window and began reminiscing about the days when she last set foot in this shop.

How long has it been?

The weather was just like this, the date was the same, but the memory wasn't. Today was calm, and her heart wasn't pounding to the point of difficulty in breathing, unlike that day.

She pushed the memory aside and just smiled. There was no good in looking at the bad memories, she's here now to create new ones. She then held her camera.

'I hope you'll use it to capture new moments you wanted to preserve.'

As she waited for the woman, she took the opportunity to take a few photos around the bakery shop, there weren't many customers yet so she was freely roaming around.

The woman then came back holding a new batch of dorayaki. "Are you a journalist? or perhaps a photographer?" She asked as she set down the tray at the display bar.

"Oh, no, I just like taking pictures," She smiled again.

"You seem to be such a bright child, a smile never leaves your lips," The woman commented. "I can't stop smiling myself," She admitted.

"I have been told I'm pretty when I smile," She joked making the woman chuckle.

"Well, you really are," The woman replied. "Here you go," She said as she handed her a box with three pieces of dorayaki.

"How much do I owe you?" She asked as she rummaged through her wallet.

"On the house, take it as a welcoming gift," The old woman didn't take any of her money despite her protesting. "I mean it, it's my gift to you,"

She finally gave up. "Thank you so much,"

And before she could exit the shop, the woman called her. "Oh and, welcome back~!"

Reality's Illusion; Sequel to C.F. | Bonten [Tokyo Revengers X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now