Too true to be

By Ayrivynne

28.6K 1.7K 1K

Have you ever fallen in love with a person you've only seen online? Chatted with online? That's what happened... More

You flatter me so
A lonely day at school (Arthur)
An everyday (Francis)
Who wouldn't?
I can't, I couldn't (Francis)
Favor (Francis)
Wait..Wait what?
Fluff Night
Saturday Shut in
Sunday Promise
Monday Chatter (Arthur)
And they lived...
A/N: Thank You

It's nothing..(Arthur)

1.5K 90 87
By Ayrivynne

Tuesday morning. Second hour, Maths. Arthur sat in his desk, a sullen look on his face. Francis couldn't call him last night because of homework. But he always called whether homework bustled him. Maybe it was truly important yesterday..Maybe..Maybe..It was what he told him. About Roderich and him.

"Arthur dear, you look so sullen."

Looking up, he saw it was Roderich. His stature was the same as always, head high and princely. Ahodge flipped up on where his bangs split, clothes sophisticated and classy. Arthur rose his head higher to speak with him properly, still amazed on how a guy such as him would ask someone one with lower standards than the official unpopulars.

"Ah-Roderich. Good morning." he said.

"And a good morning to you." replied he.

Arthur gave him a smile, though Roderich couldn't lift his spirits up. Even if they are going to prom together. Prom. Something that seemed so far away before was now right in front of his eyes. Something that he wants to enjoy no matter his social status at school. He just wanted to feel happy at the one place he was bound not to.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been getting a good nights rest." said Arthur, "I've just been so jittery lately."

Roderich smiled, "Likewise Arthur. And please, don't be so nervous that you loose sleep over it. I want you to have good health."

The Brit thanked the other; he was sweet and kind, yes. That made him happy, but what Francis did to him was something nobody else could. It's both terrifying yet exciting. A single person can make him feel like the Queen of England. Adored and cherished for as long as he may live. The period started. Arthur got out the necessary supplies and started to listen to his teacher. Throughout the whole class period, the only thing on his mind was Francis. What did he do that caused him not to call him yesterday.


Arthur exited the school building when the day was done. He was told that he needed to pick up Peter from preschool and drop him off back home. Peter was given up for adoption and this sweet couple went ahead and did the favor of adopting him. He liked it there as well. The two, Berwald and Tino, are wonderful people.

"It's bee a while since I've seen Peter anyways."

Waiting for the cross light to allow him to cross the street, he tapped his foot. He needed to converse with the little one on their way back to his parents house. Though his terms with Peter is complicated. They bicker when the other pushes it and it usually ends up with the two of them accepting the fact that the other isn't going to give up any time soon.

"What do kids like these days? Robots? Those silly cartoons on the Telly?"

The light switched and he crossed the street, the preschool was just on the other side. Mothers and Fathers could be seen picking up their kids. Other older siblings, grandparents as well. He entered the grounds and looked around for Peter. His usual attire is a little sailor boy's outfit. Light blue and white are the primary colors of the outfit.


Turning his head, he saw Peter walking towards him. Peter seemed only to be comfortable with him, even with all the insults they threw at each other. He isn't too fond of his older brothers and he understood why. Who would be comfortable with the Kirkland brothers without spending their whole life living with them. Especially when he was the only son that was blond and not a red head or a ginger. So what if he took after his mother more than his father, someone has to.

"Good afternoon Peter. Are you ready to head on home?" he asked him.

He nodded, "Mother and Father are busy today aren't they?"

"Yes, and so are mine."

The two waited for the cross light with the other walkers. Small chit chattering could be heard by the others. Arthur looked down at Peter, wanting to strike up a conversation with him too. This was one of those moments were they were civil to each other. One, because they were in public. And two, because after coming out of school. They knew the pain.

"So Peter, how are your friends at preschool? Are they fun?"

The young blond looked up at him, "Well some of them are okay. I think I most get along with Paula and Romeo more though."

"Romeo. That's quite a name for this day and time" said Arthur.

Peter nodded, "He's Italian. He has two older brothers, but they're in France. They're with their distant cousin."

France. The word echoed through his mind as he walked across the street to Peter's house. Francis. He briefly forgot about him as he walked with his nephew. Even his name has to have his nationality in it. The wonders of love.

"Francis.." he said outloud

"Francis? Is that the guy you talk to?"

Whipping his head down to him, he stuttered, "How do y-you know that!?"

"Owen told me"

The bloody git.


"Thank you so much Arthur, I don't know what we would do without you." said Tino.

"It's absolutely no problem Mr. Oxenstierna," replied Arthur, "Anything for family."

"Arthur, Arthur. Is Francis family? I heard that you like him!"

"Oh. Arthur?"

The green eyed teen tensed up as he looked down at Peter with a menacing glare. He told him not to mention it to anyone and yet here he is blabbering about it. This was particularly his brother's fault, Owen must have told Peter that one time where he had to fetch his from preschool while he had to go to the local library for a research and for a quiet study session. He can never trust his brothers with promises...Ever.

"Oh Peter, you little rebel." he gritted through his teeth.

The blue eyed boy took a step back behind his father. Tino still confused on what was going on asked again.

"Is there something wrong Arthur? Is Francis giving you a hard time?"

' Anything for Family. ' Maybe Tino would be a better choice to talk to. Maybe he went through the same situation when he and Berwald were dating. Pursing his lips still thinking, Tino told his little one to go on ahead to play in the living room while he spoke to the other. Sensing this may take a little while.

"Why don't you come in and we can talk. I'm sure your parents won't mind if you stay over for a bit."

He was pretty sure Francis wouldn't mind too. After all, he needed to work on homework. And a single night of homework was certainly not enough time to get his grades up. Arthur nodded and stepped inside, wiping his shoes on the door mat before walking in. Tino led him to the dining room, where he told the other to sit down and relax while he went to get some refreshments. Doing as told, he placed his school pack on the floor, leaning against a leg of the table. When the other came back, he looked down at his fists. How should he put this to him? Should he be straightforward? Or should he be as subtle as he his to the rest of his family.

"Now then Arthur, let's talk." said Tino as he sat down the tray in front of them both.

"It's complicated Tino. it's really confusing and it's..." he trailed.

"Ahh, I see. It's about your boy crush isn't it?"


The Finnish man giggled, "I do keep tabs you know. Not just on Peter."

A mother's instinct is terrifying, especially if he or she isn't actually your mother. Arthur nodded and closed his eyes before opening them again, looking at the adoptive father of his nephew. The blond man smiles at him, waiting for Arthur to talk to him.

"It's Francis as you heard before. He lives in France and I think I LIKE him. But..As you know prom is this Friday and as I wanted, I got asked."

He clapped his hands, "Congratulations Arthur, I'm proud of you."

"Thank you," he said meekly, "But the thing is..When I told Francis he was also happy for me. I know I should feel happy too, but just seeing and hearing that Francis only sees me as..A friend..It hurts. And yesterday he didn't call me- well he had a reason to, but he always makes time to call me. I don't understand- maybe he feels like his job is done? Or maybe.."

Tino nodded as he listened onto the other speak this was troublesome indeed. Arthur's face sunk as he thought of reasons on to why the Frenchman didn't call him. Did he hate him? Maybe it was homework? He was hoping if just was.

"Don't jump to conclusions Arthur. It'll give you anxiety and will put you down. Please listen to me."

He looked up and saw the other sipping tea. Jump to conclusions. Was he doing that? Maybe he was..Arthur nodded and took in a deep breath to calm himself down. He needed to calm down and think rationally.

"You really love Francis don't you."

The Brit looked back again at Tino. His heart slowly picked up. Yes. Yes he did love Francis. With all his heart he did. He knew it now, and was ready to admit it to himself. To the world if he had to...He loved Francis Bonnefoy.


"Then that's all you need to believe in. Your love for him will drive you to do things out of this world just for him and it'll all be worth it because it was he that motivated you to do so."

Motivation from love...Arthur smiled and closed his eyes remembering on how their first meeting lead onto the next..Then the next and the next. Maybe it was deep down love that kept from straying away from that site. Or maybe it was something else, but no matter the cause he was grateful for it. For now he has something..Someone to do things for.

"I will keep on loving him Tino..." he trailed, "And until I find myself no longer romantically interested..I will forever be by his side."

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