Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Fema...

By QueenOfNekoWriters

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They all want you. They won't let you be anyone else's. They'll make you their's. At any cost. Any. ... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty-One~
~Chapter Twenty-Two~
~Chapter Twenty-Three~
~Chapter Twenty-Four~
~Chapter Twenty-Five~
~Chapter Twenty-Six~
~Chapter Twenty-Seven~
~Chapter Twenty-Eight~
~Chapter Twenty-Nine~
~Chapter Thirty~
~Chapter Thirty-One~
~Chapter Thirty-Two~
~Chapter Thirty-Three~
~Chapter Thirty-Four~
~Chapter Thirty-Five~
~Chapter Thirty-Six~
~Chapter Thirty-Seven~
~Chapter Thirty-Eight~
~Chapter Thirty-Nine~
~Chapter Forty~
~Chapter Forty-One~
~Chapter Forty-Two~
~Chapter Forty-Three~
~Chapter Forty-Four~
~Chapter Forty-Five~
~Chapter Forty-Six~
~Chapter Forty-Seven~
~Chapter Forty-Eight~
~Chapter Forty-Nine~
~Chapter Fifty~
~Chapter Fifty-One~
~Chapter Fifty-Two~
~Chapter Fifty-Three~
~Chapter Fifty-Four~
~Chapter Fifty-Five~
~Chapter Fifty-Six~
~Chapter Fifty-Seven~
~Chapter Fifty-Eight~
~Chapter Fifty-Nine~
~Chapter Sixty~
~Chapter Sixty-One~
~Chapter Sixty-Two~
~Chapter Sixty-Three~
~Chapter Sixty-Four~
~Chapter Sixty-Five~
~Chapter Sixty-Six~
~Chapter Sixty-Seven~
~Chapter Sixty-Eight~
~Chapter Sixty-Nine~
~Cameron's Ending~
~Damien's Ending~
~Henry's Ending~
~Hunter's Ending~
~Lyle's Ending~
New Idea: Story-Time?
Story-Time: Chapter One
Story Time: Chapter Two
Voting Time
Current Standings
Results! (2)
Results! (3) (Final Results)
It's Out (New Story)
Story-Time: Chapter Three
Story-Time: Chapter Five

Story-Time: Chapter Four

465 2 0
By QueenOfNekoWriters

Here's a short thing for you all to take note of before reading this and future chapters: the reactions and events in the 'story time' are based on the individual character's reactions to the chapter currently being read. With that being said, if a chapter focuses more on a certain character(s), it's to be expected they'll have some more reactions. I intend for every character to have at least some reactions, but if a character is given more spotlight in a chapter just expect their story time to have more focus. That's all.

~ ~ ~

It has now become a tradition to read a chapter of your notebook whenever possible. Scarlet was warming up a bit to the story, but still had a bit of work to do. Mathew, however, loved the story and especially the moments where (Brother) would show up.

Another evening had arrived, and it was time to enjoy reading another chapter of your story to your kids...


Ow, my neck. It feels so stiff. Wait, why is it...? As I sat up, I realized that I was sitting at my table. Did I fall asleep while filling out the papers?

I decided to look at my phone, to see what time it was. It was six-thirty-am. I remember that on the way back from shopping with Emily that school starts at eight-forty-five-am. And, to get there on time, we leave at seven-fifty-am, so we can get everything settled on our first day at school. Once we're settled, we'll start heading out at eight-fifteen am. So, I have over an hour to get ready. Might as well try to make a good impression.

First, I had to get showered. But, since I had a lot to do, I had to make my shower quick.

After my shower, I blow-dried my hair. I then took out my first uniform, and looked at it. It was a navy blue sleeveless top, with a gray button up jacket. I buttoned it up two-thirds of the way. The outfit also included a navy-blue skirt, that's way too short. Grey knee-high socks went on my legs. And, navy-blue flats went on my feet.

Now that I'm dressed, I need to put on some make-up, because, why not? And, then, I need to do my nails, brush my teeth, curl my hair, and accessorize with some jewelry.

So, I started with some light amount of make-up. I put on some foundation, and eyeliner. That's it. Next, I put on some navy-blue nail polish. It was a real pain to wait for the paint to dry...

Okay, it's time for the hard part. Curling my hair. I decided to just do some simple curls. Nothing too fancy, because, I'm sure I'd fail, miserably.

My hair looks amazing! And, now, I just need some jewelry. I searched through my jewelry box, and looked for the perfect thing to wear, on my first day. And, soon, I found it. Matching silver pearl earrings, bracelet, and necklace.

When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked, at my reflection. I looked so beautiful. At least I know I'll make a good impression.

"Wow Mom, I didn't realize you were such a girly-girl when you were younger."

I chuckled softly, glad to see Scarlet seeming to finally find an interest in the story, even if it's because of my past self's girly-nature.

"I guess you could say that. The uniform didn't really help in that regard though..."

I then grabbed my bag, and put everything that I needed in the bag. It was so heavy! After grabbing my phone, and earbuds, I put them in my bag. Then, I exited my bedroom.

"Wow, what a wimp. Backpack's aren't that heavy."

Cameron gave Scarlet a 'shut-up' glare, which promptly shut her up. I appreciate him standing up for me, but maybe politely explaining why that's rude.... Ah, who am I kidding? Cameron has never been the type to talk things out.

After walking down the hall, I headed to the kitchen. Hm... What should I eat? What is there to eat? I looked through the cabinets, and eventually found everything I needed to make pancakes. So, why not make pancakes? I do have forty minutes to make the pancakes. Well, let's get cooking!

After a while, I saw Cameron come in. He was dressed in his school uniform. It consisted of a gray t-shirt, with a blue tie, jeans, and fancy gray shoes. I must say, Cameron looks nice. I bet he's going to make some girl fall for him today.

"Ooh.... You developed a crush quickly." Scarlet teased, making my face heat up.

"Come on now; it's impossible to fall for someone that quickly. I can point out someone being good-looking without it being a crush."

"People can fall that quickly... And thanks for the compliment."

Cameron's comment made me heat up slightly; it also didn't help that he debunked what I had just said.

"Hey, Cameron!" I said, before turning back to the pancakes.

"Oh, you made pancakes?"

"Yeah. Some of them are already done. You want some?"


I put three pancakes on a plate, and handed it to Cameron.


Cameron then headed to what I assumed was the dining room. Does he eat his pancakes plain? My question was answered, when Cameron came back, and took some syrup into the dining room.

The next one to emerge was Henry. He was wearing the same thing as Cameron.

"Oh, (y/n), you're so sweet to make pancakes for us."

"Thanks!" I said, before smiling.

"Are any done?"

"Yeah, that plate over there." I said, before pointing to a plate of about twenty pancakes.

"How many pancakes do you intend on making?"

"Enough to feed a mini army. Also known as, five teenage boys, plus me."

"Fair enough." Henry said, before grabbing a plate, and putting some pancakes on it.

Cameron came back, and grabbed five pancakes. Then, he left. What the...

"Cameron has a black hole for a stomach."

"I see."

Henry then went into the dining area.

"So dad's always had his large appetite?"

Cameron nodded, answering Mathew's question.

There, all done. I have about forty-five pancakes made. I may have overdone it. But, oh well. Deciding that I should eat myself, I grabbed a plate, put a few pancakes on it, and headed into the dining area. It had a glass chandelier that hung over a rectangular table. It had about fourteen seats. Cameron sat near the end, next to one of the ends. Next to him, sat Henry. I walked up to them.

"Enjoying the pancakes?"

Both boys looked up to me.

"Yes." Cameron said.

"They are delicious." Henry added.

"I'm so glad!" I said, before smiling, again.

"Just to let you know, we all have a certain place where we sit. It's not assigned. It's just something we made up."

"Oh, okay."

"Across from Cameron is Damien. Next to him is Hunter. And, you sit next to him."

"Okay." I said, before sitting in that spot.

"Lyle sits across from you."

"Oh, okay."

I then started eating the pancakes. Like every time, I make pancakes, they were really good.

A few minutes later, Damien came in, with a gigantic stack of pancakes on a plate. He looks like he's eating for four people!

"Who made these?"

"I did." I said.

"Wow. Not only are you a cutie, but you can cook as well. I just may have to make you my wife." Damien said, before sitting down.

I could see Cameron tensing up. Even if I did pick him in the end, I suppose he doesn't like being reminded of Damien's flirting.

"But, isn't that incest?"

"Do you really care?"

"Guess not. I mean, if it's true love, it shouldn't matter, right?"

"What happens if Mathew falls in love with me? Would you let us get married?"

I thought for a moment, before looking over to Cameron. Before he could respond, Mathew responded.

"There's no need. I already have someone I like."

Oh? He does?

"I'll tell you later. Let's resume the story."

"Exactly! And, that's why there's nothing stopping me from making you my wife."

"Please. Damien, you just want (y/n) to be your sex slave."

"Hey Mom, what's sex?"

My face turned red, trying to stumble out a response.

"You'll learn when you're older. Anyway...."

I was quick to resume the story.

"Not true!" Damien said, before standing up.

Henry stood up as well.

"Boys, let's not fight."

They didn't listen to me. Instead, they just gave each other harsh death glares.

"Don't lie to (y/n)!"

"I wouldn't dream of doing such a vile thing. Unlike you."

Just before Damien could lunge forward, Cameron stood up, and held Damien back.

"You shouldn't be so violent. Especially in front of our new sister." Cameron said, in a stern voice.

"You can't tell me what to do. You're not my father."

"But, I am the elder brother."

"So? That doesn't mean I have to listen to you."

I can't stand to see my brothers fight. I stood up, to give them a good scolding. But, before I could start the scolding, I felt someone's hand grab my shoulder. I turned to see Hunter.

"It's best to not interfere."


"Hunter's right, (y/n)." Henry said.

I sighed, before leaving the dining area. I went back to the kitchen, and ate my pancakes in silence. That is, until Lyle came in.

"Pancakes? (y/n), did you-"

"Yes." I said, coldly.

"Ouch, that hurts. What's put you in such a bad mood?"

"Henry and Damien got into an argument. And, then, Damien started talking rudely to Cameron, when he tried to stop a fight."

"Oh, well, that's just what brothers do. They fight."

"Yeah, but, why must they fight?"

"Not sure. Can I have some pancakes?"

"Sure." I said, before handing Lyle a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks!" Lyle said, before taking a bite of a pancake.

"So good!"

"I'm glad you think so."

I then decided to look at the time, to see when we need to leave for school. We need to leave... Five minutes! I put down my plate, and rushed into the dining area. Cameron was still holding Damien back. Hunter and Henry were talking.

"Guys! We have to leave in five minutes!"

Once they heard that, they all ran out of the dining area, pushing past me. I sighed, before walking back into the kitchen. No one was there. Lyle must've heard me. Wait, I need to focus! I grabbed my bag, which had my phone, and everything else I needed.

And, then, I headed outside. I saw everyone getting into a car. Damien got into the driver seat of one car. Hunter and Lyle got in, with him. I saw Cameron driving off, as well. Wait, how am I supposed to get to school!?

"Dad, why didn't you offer Mom a ride to school?"

Cameron thought for a moment, trying to remember the answer.

"I think I was too frustrated with the argument to think about it."

"Need a ride?"

I turned to see Henry.

"Yes, please!"

"Right this way."

Henry then led me to what I assumed was his car. It looked very rich, and fancy. I entered, after Henry unlocked it. Henry then got in, and started the car. And, away we were.

"Are you ready for a new year at school?"

"Not really. I like summer!"

"Yeah. I feel the same exact way."

"So, how does this school work? As in the first day?"

"Well, the welcome was a few days before you arrived. But, when you arrive, you'll go to your locker, then, go to your class."

"Wait, where's my locker? Locker combination? Classes?!"

"It's in your bag. Plus, most of our classes are together. I believe we have class number two, three, lunch, class number five, and, six, together."

"And, how do I find my first class?"

"You share that with Hunter."

"Oh, okay."

We then arrived at Masayume High. And, I must say that it's massive!

Henry then went to a parking spot, and, well, parked.

"Want me to show you around?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Is there a reason you didn't ask for help?"

"I'm not really sure... I probably just didn't want to bother him; I can't really remember if I'm being honest."

"Okay. Well, give me your phone."


"So, I can give you my phone number, silly."

"Oh, okay."

I then handed Henry my phone. Henry took it, and laughed.


"Your phone's such an old model."

I frowned.

"Just put the number in."

"Okay, okay."

Henry then did what I assumed was putting his phone number in. He handed my phone back to me. I looked, to see that he had indeed put his number in, with a smiley face next to it.

"Why'd you put a smiley face next to your name?"

"Because, when I text you, you'll know that it's your favorite brother."

"Please, I don't have a favorite brother."

"We'll see if I can't change that." Henry said, with a wink.

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's just head inside, before we're late."


We both exited the nice car. Well, here I go. New school. New brothers. New friends. Masayume High, (y/n) (y/l/n)'s coming for you!

"I think we can take a break tonight. You two can go play for a bit before going to bed if you want."

Both Scarlet and Mathew eagerly headed off to play whatever they wanted to, leaving me with my loving husband (Brother).

"Want to watch something together?"

I nodded, pulling out my remote and quickly finding something for the both of us to enjoy. Even if these nights are common, they're still wonderful.


Ow, my neck. It feels so stiff. Wait, why is it...? As I sat up, I realized that I was sitting at my table. Did I fall asleep while filling out the papers?

I decided to look at my phone, to see what time it was. It was six-thirty-am. I remember that on the way back from shopping with Emily that school starts at eight-forty-five-am. And, to get there on time, we leave at seven-fifty-am, so we can get everything settled on our first day at school. Once we're settled, we'll start heading out at eight-fifteen am. So, I have over an hour to get ready. Might as well try to make a good impression.

First, I had to get showered. But, since I had a lot to do, I had to make my shower quick.

After my shower, I blow-dried my hair. I then took out my first uniform, and looked at it. It was a navy blue sleeveless top, with a gray button up jacket. I buttoned it up two-thirds of the way. The outfit also included a navy-blue skirt, that's way too short. Grey knee-high socks went on my legs. And, navy-blue flats went on my feet.

Now that I'm dressed, I need to put on some make-up, because, why not? And, then, I need to do my nails, brush my teeth, curl my hair, and accessorize with some jewelry.

So, I started with some light amount of make-up. I put on some foundation, and eyeliner. That's it. Next, I put on some navy-blue nail polish. It was a real pain to wait for the paint to dry...

Okay, it's time for the hard part. Curling my hair. I decided to just do some simple curls. Nothing too fancy, because, I'm sure I'd fail, miserably.

My hair looks amazing! And, now, I just need some jewelry. I searched through my jewelry box, and looked for the perfect thing to wear, on my first day. And, soon, I found it. Matching silver pearl earrings, bracelet, and necklace.

When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked, at my reflection. I looked so beautiful. At least I know I'll make a good impression.

"Wow (Name), your girly side was so cute to see. But that doesn't mean your more mature, sexy look now isn't wonderful as well."

I did my best to stay composed after Damien's compliment.

I then grabbed my bag, and put everything that I needed in the bag. It was so heavy! After grabbing my phone, and earbuds, I put them in my bag. Then, I exited my bedroom.

After walking down the hall, I headed to the kitchen. Hm... What should I eat? What is there to eat? I looked through the cabinets, and eventually found everything I needed to make pancakes. So, why not make pancakes? I do have forty minutes to make the pancakes. Well, let's get cooking!

After a while, I saw Cameron come in. He was dressed in his school uniform. It consisted of a gray t-shirt, with a blue tie, jeans, and fancy gray shoes. I must say, Cameron looks nice. I bet he's going to make some girl fall for him today.

"Dad, your knuckles are turning white. There's no need to get too upset; she chose you after all."

Damien instantly loosened his grip on his shirt, taking a soft sigh.

"You're right Mathew; thanks for pointing that out."

He ruffled Mathew's hair, putting on a bright smile.

"Hey, Cameron!" I said, before turning back to the pancakes.

"Oh, you made pancakes?"

"Yeah. Some of them are already done. You want some?"


I put three pancakes on a plate, and handed it to Cameron.


Cameron then headed to what I assumed was the dining room. Does he eat his pancakes plain? My question was answered, when Cameron came back, and took some syrup into the dining room.

The next one to emerge was Henry. He was wearing the same thing as Cameron.

"Oh, (y/n), you're so sweet to make pancakes for us."

"Thanks!" I said, before smiling.

"Are any done?"

"Yeah, that plate over there." I said, before pointing to a plate of about twenty pancakes.

"How many pancakes do you intend on making?"

"Enough to feed a mini army. Also known as, five teenage boys, plus me."

"Fair enough." Henry said, before grabbing a plate, and putting some pancakes on it.

Cameron came back, and grabbed five pancakes. Then, he left. What the...

"Cameron has a black hole for a stomach."

"I see."

Henry then went into the dining area.

There, all done. I have about forty-five pancakes made. I may have overdone it. But, oh well. Deciding that I should eat myself, I grabbed a plate, put a few pancakes on it, and headed into the dining area. It had a glass chandelier that hung over a rectangular table. It had about fourteen seats. Cameron sat near the end, next to one of the ends. Next to him, sat Henry. I walked up to them.

"Enjoying the pancakes?"

Both boys looked up to me.

"Yes." Cameron said.

"They are delicious." Henry added.

"I'm so glad!" I said, before smiling, again.

"Just to let you know, we all have a certain place where we sit. It's not assigned. It's just something we made up."

"Oh, okay."

"Across from Cameron is Damien. Next to him is Hunter. And, you sit next to him."

"Okay." I said, before sitting in that spot.

"Lyle sits across from you."

"Oh, okay."

I then started eating the pancakes. Like every time, I make pancakes, they were really good.

A few minutes later, Damien came in, with a gigantic stack of pancakes on a plate. He looks like he's eating for four people!

"At the moment I didn't realize how much you worked out, but I'm sure if I had I would've understood why you had so much to eat."

"It's alright; anyone would've been confused as to why someone needed to eat that much."

"Who made these?"

"I did." I said.

"Wow. Not only are you a cutie, but you can cook as well. I just may have to make you my wife." Damien said, before sitting down.

"Wow Dad, you're so confident. I hope to be just like you when I'm older."

Damien smiled widely.

"You're already acting like your old man; I'm sure you'll be a heartbreaker when you grow up."

"But, isn't that incest?"

"Do you really care?"

"Guess not. I mean, if it's true love, it shouldn't matter, right?"

"Exactly! And, that's why there's nothing stopping me from making you my wife."

"Please. Damien, you just want (y/n) to be your sex slave."

"What's sex-"

"That's not something we'll discuss until you're older. Back to the story!"

I was quick to change the subject.

"Not true!" Damien said, before standing up.

Henry stood up as well.

"Boys, let's not fight."

They didn't listen to me. Instead, they just gave each other harsh death glares.

"Don't lie to (y/n)!"

"I wouldn't dream of doing such a vile thing. Unlike you."

Just before Damien could lunge forward, Cameron stood up, and held Damien back.

"You shouldn't be so violent. Especially in front of our new sister." Cameron said, in a stern voice.

"You can't tell me what to do. You're not my father."

"But, I am the elder brother."

"So? That doesn't mean I have to listen to you."

"Even just remembering how bossy Cameron was frustrates me... I'm just glad he's locked up for good..."

I put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. Cameron was easily Damien's least favorite of his brothers, so I'm sure remembering him is the most annoying...

I can't stand to see my brothers fight. I stood up, to give them a good scolding. But, before I could start the scolding, I felt someone's hand grab my shoulder. I turned to see Hunter.

"It's best to not interfere."


"Hunter's right, (y/n)." Henry said.

I sighed, before leaving the dining area. I went back to the kitchen, and ate my pancakes in silence. That is, until Lyle came in.

"Pancakes? (y/n), did you-"

"Yes." I said, coldly.

"Ouch, that hurts. What's put you in such a bad mood?"

"Henry and Damien got into an argument. And, then, Damien started talking rudely to Cameron, when he tried to stop a fight."

"Oh, well, that's just what brothers do. They fight."

"Yeah, but, why must they fight?"

"Not sure. Can I have some pancakes?"

"Sure." I said, before handing Lyle a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks!" Lyle said, before taking a bite of a pancake.

"So good!"

"I'm glad you think so."

I then decided to look at the time, to see when we need to leave for school. We need to leave... Five minutes! I put down my plate, and rushed into the dining area. Cameron was still holding Damien back. Hunter and Henry were talking.

"Guys! We have to leave in five minutes!"

Once they heard that, they all ran out of the dining area, pushing past me. I sighed, before walking back into the kitchen. No one was there. Lyle must've heard me. Wait, I need to focus! I grabbed my bag, which had my phone, and everything else I needed.

And, then, I headed outside. I saw everyone getting into a car. Damien got into the driver seat of one car. Hunter and Lyle got in, with him. I saw Cameron driving off, as well. Wait, how am I supposed to get to school!?

"I'm sorry I didn't end up taking you to school that day. I was in the habit of taking Hunter and Lyle to school and once they were in the car I left without thinking."

"It's alright. No need to apologize."

"Need a ride?"

I turned to see Henry.

"Yes, please!"

"Right this way."

Henry then led me to what I assumed was his car. It looked very rich, and fancy. I entered, after Henry unlocked it. Henry then got in, and started the car. And, away we were.

"Are you ready for a new year at school?"

"Not really. I like summer!"

"Yeah. I feel the same exact way."

"So, how does this school work? As in the first day?"

"Well, the welcome was a few days before you arrived. But, when you arrive, you'll go to your locker, then, go to your class."

"Wait, where's my locker? Locker combination? Classes?!"

"It's in your bag. Plus, most of our classes are together. I believe we have class number two, three, lunch, class number five, and, six, together."

"And, how do I find my first class?"

"You share that with Hunter."

"Oh, okay."

We then arrived at Masayume High. And, I must say that it's massive!

Henry then went to a parking spot, and, well, parked.

"Want me to show you around?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Was there a reason you didn't want to accept his help? As much as I don't like him, he really could've given you help."

"I can't say I remember. It's been too long."

"Fair enough.

"Okay. Well, give me your phone."


"So, I can give you my phone number, silly."

"Oh, okay."

I then handed Henry my phone. Henry took it, and laughed.


"Your phone's such an old model."

I frowned.

"Just put the number in."

"Okay, okay."

Henry then did what I assumed was putting his phone number in. He handed my phone back to me. I looked, to see that he had indeed put his number in, with a smiley face next to it.

"Why'd you put a smiley face next to your name?"

"Because, when I text you, you'll know that it's your favorite brother."

"Please, I don't have a favorite brother."

"We'll see if I can't change that." Henry said, with a wink.

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's just head inside, before we're late."


We both exited the nice car. Well, here I go. New school. New brothers. New friends. Masayume High, (y/n) (y/l/n)'s coming for you!

"I think we can take a break tonight. You two can go play for a bit before going to bed if you want."

Both Scarlet and Mathew eagerly headed off to play whatever they wanted to, leaving me with my loving husband Damien.

"Want to watch something together?"

I nodded, pulling out my remote and quickly finding something for the both of us to enjoy. Even if these nights are common, they're still wonderful.


Ow, my neck. It feels so stiff. Wait, why is it...? As I sat up, I realized that I was sitting at my table. Did I fall asleep while filling out the papers?

I decided to look at my phone, to see what time it was. It was six-thirty-am. I remember that on the way back from shopping with Emily that school starts at eight-forty-five-am. And, to get there on time, we leave at seven-fifty-am, so we can get everything settled on our first day at school. Once we're settled, we'll start heading out at eight-fifteen am. So, I have over an hour to get ready. Might as well try to make a good impression.

First, I had to get showered. But, since I had a lot to do, I had to make my shower quick.

After my shower, I blow-dried my hair. I then took out my first uniform, and looked at it. It was a navy blue sleeveless top, with a gray button up jacket. I buttoned it up two-thirds of the way. The outfit also included a navy-blue skirt, that's way too short. Grey knee-high socks went on my legs. And, navy-blue flats went on my feet.

"Oh yeah, I remember that school uniform. It was a bit overly-girly, but you pulled it off quite well."

"Well thank you..."

"Dad, are compliments the way into a person's heart?"

Henry nodded.

"Absolutely. When you find someone you love I'll be sure to give you all the tips you need to succeed."


Now that I'm dressed, I need to put on some make-up, because, why not? And, then, I need to do my nails, brush my teeth, curl my hair, and accessorize with some jewelry.

So, I started with some light amount of make-up. I put on some foundation, and eyeliner. That's it. Next, I put on some navy-blue nail polish. It was a real pain to wait for the paint to dry...

Okay, it's time for the hard part. Curling my hair. I decided to just do some simple curls. Nothing too fancy, because, I'm sure I'd fail, miserably.

My hair looks amazing! And, now, I just need some jewelry. I searched through my jewelry box, and looked for the perfect thing to wear, on my first day. And, soon, I found it. Matching silver pearl earrings, bracelet, and necklace.

When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked, at my reflection. I looked so beautiful. At least I know I'll make a good impression.

I then grabbed my bag, and put everything that I needed in the bag. It was so heavy! After grabbing my phone, and earbuds, I put them in my bag. Then, I exited my bedroom.

After walking down the hall, I headed to the kitchen. Hm... What should I eat? What is there to eat? I looked through the cabinets, and eventually found everything I needed to make pancakes. So, why not make pancakes? I do have forty minutes to make the pancakes. Well, let's get cooking!

After a while, I saw Cameron come in. He was dressed in his school uniform. It consisted of a gray t-shirt, with a blue tie, jeans, and fancy gray shoes. I must say, Cameron looks nice. I bet he's going to make some girl fall for him today.

"Hey, Cameron!" I said, before turning back to the pancakes.

"Oh, you made pancakes?"

"Yeah. Some of them are already done. You want some?"


I put three pancakes on a plate, and handed it to Cameron.


Cameron then headed to what I assumed was the dining room. Does he eat his pancakes plain? My question was answered, when Cameron came back, and took some syrup into the dining room.

The next one to emerge was Henry. He was wearing the same thing as Cameron.

"Oh, (y/n), you're so sweet to make pancakes for us."

"Thanks!" I said, before smiling.

"Are any done?"

"Yeah, that plate over there." I said, before pointing to a plate of about twenty pancakes.

"How many pancakes do you intend on making?"

"Enough to feed a mini army. Also known as, five teenage boys, plus me."

"Fair enough." Henry said, before grabbing a plate, and putting some pancakes on it.

Cameron came back, and grabbed five pancakes. Then, he left. What the...

"Cameron has a black hole for a stomach."

"I see."

Henry then went into the dining area.

There, all done. I have about forty-five pancakes made. I may have overdone it. But, oh well. Deciding that I should eat myself, I grabbed a plate, put a few pancakes on it, and headed into the dining area. It had a glass chandelier that hung over a rectangular table. It had about fourteen seats. Cameron sat near the end, next to one of the ends. Next to him, sat Henry. I walked up to them.

"Enjoying the pancakes?"

Both boys looked up to me.

"Yes." Cameron said.

"They are delicious." Henry added.

"Just so you know, I wasn't just saying that to get on your good side; your pancakes are really good. There's a reason I want them every year on my birthday."

"I'm glad... Some part of me did wonder if the compliments, at least the ones in the beginning, were just to be nice."

"I'm so glad!" I said, before smiling, again.

"Just to let you know, we all have a certain place where we sit. It's not assigned. It's just something we made up."

"Oh, okay."

"Across from Cameron is Damien. Next to him is Hunter. And, you sit next to him."

"Okay." I said, before sitting in that spot.

"Lyle sits across from you."

"Oh, okay."

"Henry, do you know the reason behind the assigned seats?"

"Uh, yeah. It was a rule our previous dad had set up, and it just sort of stuck with us, I suppose..."

I then started eating the pancakes. Like every time, I make pancakes, they were really good.

A few minutes later, Damien came in, with a gigantic stack of pancakes on a plate. He looks like he's eating for four people!

"Who made these?"

"I did." I said.

"Wow. Not only are you a cutie, but you can cook as well. I just may have to make you my wife." Damien said, before sitting down.

"But, isn't that incest?"

"Do you really care?"

"Guess not. I mean, if it's true love, it shouldn't matter, right?"

"Exactly! And, that's why there's nothing stopping me from making you my wife."

"Please. Damien, you just want (y/n) to be your sex slave."

"I think I remember reading that word in one of our science books at school. Something about making a new life or...?"

"L-Let's talk about that later... Anyway..."

"Not true!" Damien said, before standing up.

Henry stood up as well.

"Boys, let's not fight."

They didn't listen to me. Instead, they just gave each other harsh death glares.

"Don't lie to (y/n)!"

"I wouldn't dream of doing such a vile thing. Unlike you."

Just before Damien could lunge forward, Cameron stood up, and held Damien back.

"You shouldn't be so violent. Especially in front of our new sister." Cameron said, in a stern voice.

"You can't tell me what to do. You're not my father."

"But, I am the elder brother."

"So? That doesn't mean I have to listen to you."

I can't stand to see my brothers fight. I stood up, to give them a good scolding. But, before I could start the scolding, I felt someone's hand grab my shoulder. I turned to see Hunter.

"It's best to not interfere."


"Hunter's right, (y/n)." Henry said.

"Were they always on each other's nerves? Like before I showed up?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. Being the eldest and second oldest I guess it's the perfect set up for tense moments."

I sighed, before leaving the dining area. I went back to the kitchen, and ate my pancakes in silence. That is, until Lyle came in.

"Pancakes? (y/n), did you-"

"Yes." I said, coldly.

"Ouch, that hurts. What's put you in such a bad mood?"

"Henry and Damien got into an argument. And, then, Damien started talking rudely to Cameron, when he tried to stop a fight."

"Oh, well, that's just what brothers do. They fight."

"Yeah, but, why must they fight?"

"Not sure. Can I have some pancakes?"

"Sure." I said, before handing Lyle a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks!" Lyle said, before taking a bite of a pancake.

"So good!"

"I'm glad you think so."

I then decided to look at the time, to see when we need to leave for school. We need to leave... Five minutes! I put down my plate, and rushed into the dining area. Cameron was still holding Damien back. Hunter and Henry were talking.

"Guys! We have to leave in five minutes!"

Once they heard that, they all ran out of the dining area, pushing past me. I sighed, before walking back into the kitchen. No one was there. Lyle must've heard me. Wait, I need to focus! I grabbed my bag, which had my phone, and everything else I needed.

And, then, I headed outside. I saw everyone getting into a car. Damien got into the driver seat of one car. Hunter and Lyle got in, with him. I saw Cameron driving off, as well. Wait, how am I supposed to get to school!?

"Need a ride?"

I turned to see Henry.

"Yes, please!"

"Right this way."

Henry then led me to what I assumed was his car. It looked very rich, and fancy. I entered, after Henry unlocked it. Henry then got in, and started the car. And, away we were.

"That car, was it yours? I don't think I got to ask you that at the time..."

"Yeah, it was. We all had our own vehicle, but we would give each other rides to save on gas money. I'm surprised Hunter got a ride given his main mode of transportation was his motorcycle."

"Are you ready for a new year at school?"

"Not really. I like summer!"

"Yeah. I feel the same exact way."

"So, how does this school work? As in the first day?"

"Well, the welcome was a few days before you arrived. But, when you arrive, you'll go to your locker, then, go to your class."

"Wait, where's my locker? Locker combination? Classes?!"

"It's in your bag. Plus, most of our classes are together. I believe we have class number two, three, lunch, class number five, and, six, together."

"And, how do I find my first class?"

"You share that with Hunter."

"Oh, okay."

We then arrived at Masayume High. And, I must say that it's massive!

Henry then went to a parking spot, and, well, parked.

"Want me to show you around?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Why did you say no? I'm not offended, I promise. I'm just curious; surely you could've benefited from receiving help."

"I really could've. I think I was just afraid of being a burden..."

"(Name), say it isn't so. You could never be a burden."

Henry gave me a quick forehead kiss before letting me continue on with the story.

"Okay. Well, give me your phone."


"So, I can give you my phone number, silly."

"Oh, okay."

I then handed Henry my phone. Henry took it, and laughed.


"Your phone's such an old model."

I frowned.

"Just put the number in."

"You didn't have to make fun of my phone model..."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I think I had planned to get you a new phone as a gift... but I ended up forgetting."

"Wow Dad, you have such a bad memory."

"Come on now Scarlet, no need to be rude to Dad."

"Okay, okay."

Henry then did what I assumed was putting his phone number in. He handed my phone back to me. I looked, to see that he had indeed put his number in, with a smiley face next to it.

"Why'd you put a smiley face next to your name?"

"Because, when I text you, you'll know that it's your favorite brother."

"Please, I don't have a favorite brother."

"We'll see if I can't change that." Henry said, with a wink.

"I guess you were right in the end..."

Henry chuckles.

"I was. What can I say; I'm just that charming."

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's just head inside, before we're late."


We both exited the nice car. Well, here I go. New school. New brothers. New friends. Masayume High, (y/n) (y/l/n)'s coming for you!

"I think we can take a break tonight. You two can go play for a bit before going to bed if you want."

Both Scarlet and Mathew eagerly headed off to play whatever they wanted to, leaving me with my loving husband Henry.

"Want to watch something together?"

I nodded, pulling out my remote and quickly finding something for the both of us to enjoy. Even if these nights are common, they're still wonderful.


Ow, my neck. It feels so stiff. Wait, why is it...? As I sat up, I realized that I was sitting at my table. Did I fall asleep while filling out the papers?

"I appreciate your dedication to filling out my papers, but you didn't have to keep going until you passed out. Your neck must've hurt quite a bit."

"I don't think it was too bad; it didn't really bother me much afterwards from what I can remember."

I decided to look at my phone, to see what time it was. It was six-thirty-am. I remember that on the way back from shopping with Emily that school starts at eight-forty-five-am. And, to get there on time, we leave at seven-fifty-am, so we can get everything settled on our first day at school. Once we're settled, we'll start heading out at eight-fifteen am. So, I have over an hour to get ready. Might as well try to make a good impression.

First, I had to get showered. But, since I had a lot to do, I had to make my shower quick.

After my shower, I blow-dried my hair. I then took out my first uniform, and looked at it. It was a navy blue sleeveless top, with a gray button up jacket. I buttoned it up two-thirds of the way. The outfit also included a navy-blue skirt, that's way too short. Grey knee-high socks went on my legs. And, navy-blue flats went on my feet.

Now that I'm dressed, I need to put on some make-up, because, why not? And, then, I need to do my nails, brush my teeth, curl my hair, and accessorize with some jewelry.

So, I started with some light amount of make-up. I put on some foundation, and eyeliner. That's it. Next, I put on some navy-blue nail polish. It was a real pain to wait for the paint to dry...

Okay, it's time for the hard part. Curling my hair. I decided to just do some simple curls. Nothing too fancy, because, I'm sure I'd fail, miserably.

My hair looks amazing! And, now, I just need some jewelry. I searched through my jewelry box, and looked for the perfect thing to wear, on my first day. And, soon, I found it. Matching silver pearl earrings, bracelet, and necklace.

When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked, at my reflection. I looked so beautiful. At least I know I'll make a good impression.

"Dad, your face is heating up. Is something wrong?"

I turned to Hunter, to see that Scarlet was indeed correct. His face was burning up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am... I suppose I was just able to imagine you going about getting all dressed in your girly uniform... It's cute..."

Now I felt my own face heating up; why do I have to get flustered so easily?

I then grabbed my bag, and put everything that I needed in the bag. It was so heavy! After grabbing my phone, and earbuds, I put them in my bag. Then, I exited my bedroom.

After walking down the hall, I headed to the kitchen. Hm... What should I eat? What is there to eat? I looked through the cabinets, and eventually found everything I needed to make pancakes. So, why not make pancakes? I do have forty minutes to make the pancakes. Well, let's get cooking!

After a while, I saw Cameron come in. He was dressed in his school uniform. It consisted of a gray t-shirt, with a blue tie, jeans, and fancy gray shoes. I must say, Cameron looks nice. I bet he's going to make some girl fall for him today.

Hunter was oddly quiet, and despite feeling awkward I simply resumed reading. I figured he wouldn't be the type to hold grudges; I'm his wife after all...

"Hey, Cameron!" I said, before turning back to the pancakes.

"Oh, you made pancakes?"

"Yeah. Some of them are already done. You want some?"


I put three pancakes on a plate, and handed it to Cameron.


Cameron then headed to what I assumed was the dining room. Does he eat his pancakes plain? My question was answered, when Cameron came back, and took some syrup into the dining room.

The next one to emerge was Henry. He was wearing the same thing as Cameron.

"Oh, (y/n), you're so sweet to make pancakes for us."

"Thanks!" I said, before smiling.

"Are any done?"

"Yeah, that plate over there." I said, before pointing to a plate of about twenty pancakes.

"How many pancakes do you intend on making?"

"Enough to feed a mini army. Also known as, five teenage boys, plus me."

"Fair enough." Henry said, before grabbing a plate, and putting some pancakes on it.

Cameron came back, and grabbed five pancakes. Then, he left. What the...

"Cameron has a black hole for a stomach."

"I see."

Henry then went into the dining area.

There, all done. I have about forty-five pancakes made. I may have overdone it. But, oh well. Deciding that I should eat myself, I grabbed a plate, put a few pancakes on it, and headed into the dining area. It had a glass chandelier that hung over a rectangular table. It had about fourteen seats. Cameron sat near the end, next to one of the ends. Next to him, sat Henry. I walked up to them.

"Enjoying the pancakes?"

Both boys looked up to me.

"Yes." Cameron said.

"They are delicious." Henry added.

"I'm so glad!" I said, before smiling, again.

"Just to let you know, we all have a certain place where we sit. It's not assigned. It's just something we made up."

"Oh, okay."

"Across from Cameron is Damien. Next to him is Hunter. And, you sit next to him."

"How did you feel about sitting next to Damien? I'm just curious, since you two seem like total opposites and all..."

Hunter thought for a moment.

"He could be loud, and as such annoying, but normally I ate in my room so it didn't bother me too much. I only stayed out of my room so I could observe your interactions with the other brothers."

"Ah, that does sound like something you'd say..."

Glancing towards our kids, I could see Mathew writing down... notes? I suppose like father, like son...

"Okay." I said, before sitting in that spot.

"Lyle sits across from you."

"Oh, okay."

I then started eating the pancakes. Like every time, I make pancakes, they were really good.

A few minutes later, Damien came in, with a gigantic stack of pancakes on a plate. He looks like he's eating for four people!

"Who made these?"

"I did." I said.

"Wow. Not only are you a cutie, but you can cook as well. I just may have to make you my wife." Damien said, before sitting down.

"But, isn't that incest?"

"Do you really care?"

"Guess not. I mean, if it's true love, it shouldn't matter, right?"

"Exactly! And, that's why there's nothing stopping me from making you my wife."

"He truly was always so confident... if not a bit overbearing."

"He sounds really annoying, Dad." Mathew stated.

"Really? He sounds dreamy..."

Hunter isn't the type to express his emotions that often, but when Scarlet said that... I could only describe his expression as pure and utter disgust.

"Let's just continue on with the story..."

"Please. Damien, you just want (y/n) to be your sex slave."

"I, uh... take that back."

With relief washing over Hunter's face, I continued.

"Not true!" Damien said, before standing up.

Henry stood up as well.

"Boys, let's not fight."

They didn't listen to me. Instead, they just gave each other harsh death glares.

"Don't lie to (y/n)!"

"I wouldn't dream of doing such a vile thing. Unlike you."

Just before Damien could lunge forward, Cameron stood up, and held Damien back.

"You shouldn't be so violent. Especially in front of our new sister." Cameron said, in a stern voice.

"You can't tell me what to do. You're not my father."

"But, I am the elder brother."

"So? That doesn't mean I have to listen to you."

I can't stand to see my brothers fight. I stood up, to give them a good scolding. But, before I could start the scolding, I felt someone's hand grab my shoulder. I turned to see Hunter.

"It's best to not interfere."


"Hunter's right, (y/n)." Henry said.

"Given how often their arguments turned violent, it truly was the best for you to not interfere. Even with their ... feelings, they could accidentally hurt you."

"I suppose that makes sense. Especially with them being the most violent of the group..."

I sighed, before leaving the dining area. I went back to the kitchen, and ate my pancakes in silence. That is, until Lyle came in.

"Pancakes? (y/n), did you-"

"Yes." I said, coldly.

"Ouch, that hurts. What's put you in such a bad mood?"

"Henry and Damien got into an argument. And, then, Damien started talking rudely to Cameron, when he tried to stop a fight."

"Oh, well, that's just what brothers do. They fight."

"Yeah, but, why must they fight?"

"Not sure. Can I have some pancakes?"

"Sure." I said, before handing Lyle a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks!" Lyle said, before taking a bite of a pancake.

"So good!"

"I'm glad you think so."

I then decided to look at the time, to see when we need to leave for school. We need to leave... Five minutes! I put down my plate, and rushed into the dining area. Cameron was still holding Damien back. Hunter and Henry were talking.

"Guys! We have to leave in five minutes!"

Once they heard that, they all ran out of the dining area, pushing past me. I sighed, before walking back into the kitchen. No one was there. Lyle must've heard me. Wait, I need to focus! I grabbed my bag, which had my phone, and everything else I needed.

And, then, I headed outside. I saw everyone getting into a car. Damien got into the driver seat of one car. Hunter and Lyle got in, with him. I saw Cameron driving off, as well. Wait, how am I supposed to get to school!?

"I know you're going to ask why I didn't take you to school... Truth is my motorcycle was having maintenance work on it, meaning I couldn't take you despite wanting you."

"How did you know I was going to ask that?"

"I know everything about you, remember. Knowing what type of questions you'll ask is child's play."

"Need a ride?"

I turned to see Henry.

"Yes, please!"

"Right this way."

Henry then led me to what I assumed was his car. It looked very rich, and fancy. I entered, after Henry unlocked it. Henry then got in, and started the car. And, away we were.

"Are you ready for a new year at school?"

"Not really. I like summer!"

"Yeah. I feel the same exact way."

"So, how does this school work? As in the first day?"

"Well, the welcome was a few days before you arrived. But, when you arrive, you'll go to your locker, then, go to your class."

"Wait, where's my locker? Locker combination? Classes?!"

"It's in your bag. Plus, most of our classes are together. I believe we have class number two, three, lunch, class number five, and, six, together."

"And, how do I find my first class?"

"You share that with Hunter."

"Oh, okay."

"Hm... How odd that I wasn't told this until later..."

We then arrived at Masayume High. And, I must say that it's massive!

Henry then went to a parking spot, and, well, parked.

"Want me to show you around?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Okay. Well, give me your phone."


"So, I can give you my phone number, silly."

"Oh, okay."

I then handed Henry my phone. Henry took it, and laughed.


"Your phone's such an old model."

I frowned.

"Just put the number in."

"Okay, okay."

Henry then did what I assumed was putting his phone number in. He handed my phone back to me. I looked, to see that he had indeed put his number in, with a smiley face next to it.

"Why'd you put a smiley face next to your name?"

"Because, when I text you, you'll know that it's your favorite brother."

"If there's any brother I dislike more than Damien... It's Henry; perhaps because we're twins, but still..."

"Please, I don't have a favorite brother."

"We'll see if I can't change that." Henry said, with a wink.

"I can see why you dislike him, Dad. He's too flirty with Mom."

But I still ended up with Hunter...?

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's just head inside, before we're late."


We both exited the nice car. Well, here I go. New school. New brothers. New friends. Masayume High, (y/n) (y/l/n)'s coming for you!

"I think we can take a break tonight. You two can go play for a bit before going to bed if you want."

Both Scarlet and Mathew eagerly headed off to play whatever they wanted to, leaving me with my loving husband Hunter.

"Want to watch something together?"

I nodded, pulling out my remote and quickly finding something for the both of us to enjoy. Even if these nights are common, they're still wonderful.


Ow, my neck. It feels so stiff. Wait, why is it...? As I sat up, I realized that I was sitting at my table. Did I fall asleep while filling out the papers?

I decided to look at my phone, to see what time it was. It was six-thirty-am. I remember that on the way back from shopping with Emily that school starts at eight-forty-five-am. And, to get there on time, we leave at seven-fifty-am, so we can get everything settled on our first day at school. Once we're settled, we'll start heading out at eight-fifteen am. So, I have over an hour to get ready. Might as well try to make a good impression.

First, I had to get showered. But, since I had a lot to do, I had to make my shower quick.

After my shower, I blow-dried my hair. I then took out my first uniform, and looked at it. It was a navy blue sleeveless top, with a gray button up jacket. I buttoned it up two-thirds of the way. The outfit also included a navy-blue skirt, that's way too short. Grey knee-high socks went on my legs. And, navy-blue flats went on my feet.

Now that I'm dressed, I need to put on some make-up, because, why not? And, then, I need to do my nails, brush my teeth, curl my hair, and accessorize with some jewelry.

So, I started with some light amount of make-up. I put on some foundation, and eyeliner. That's it. Next, I put on some navy-blue nail polish. It was a real pain to wait for the paint to dry...

Okay, it's time for the hard part. Curling my hair. I decided to just do some simple curls. Nothing too fancy, because, I'm sure I'd fail, miserably.

My hair looks amazing! And, now, I just need some jewelry. I searched through my jewelry box, and looked for the perfect thing to wear, on my first day. And, soon, I found it. Matching silver pearl earrings, bracelet, and necklace.

When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked, at my reflection. I looked so beautiful. At least I know I'll make a good impression.

"You didn't have to be so worried. You could've shown up in sweatpants and a hoodie and made a good impression. You're that awesome!"

"Aw, thanks Lyle... Still, teenagers aren't always that non judgemental."

"Are they really like that? I don't want to be a teenager..."

I can't really say I could blame Scarlet there...

I then grabbed my bag, and put everything that I needed in the bag. It was so heavy! After grabbing my phone, and earbuds, I put them in my bag. Then, I exited my bedroom.

After walking down the hall, I headed to the kitchen. Hm... What should I eat? What is there to eat? I looked through the cabinets, and eventually found everything I needed to make pancakes. So, why not make pancakes? I do have forty minutes to make the pancakes. Well, let's get cooking!

After a while, I saw Cameron come in. He was dressed in his school uniform. It consisted of a gray t-shirt, with a blue tie, jeans, and fancy gray shoes. I must say, Cameron looks nice. I bet he's going to make some girl fall for him today.

"Did you like how I looked in the uniform?"

I smiled softly.

"Of course I did, silly. No need to be jealous."

"I-I'm not jealous..."

"Yeah, you are. Even I can tell." Mathew stated, earning some fake tears from Lyle.

"Hey, Cameron!" I said, before turning back to the pancakes.

"Oh, you made pancakes?"

"Yeah. Some of them are already done. You want some?"


I put three pancakes on a plate, and handed it to Cameron.


Cameron then headed to what I assumed was the dining room. Does he eat his pancakes plain? My question was answered, when Cameron came back, and took some syrup into the dining room.

The next one to emerge was Henry. He was wearing the same thing as Cameron.

"Oh, (y/n), you're so sweet to make pancakes for us."

"Thanks!" I said, before smiling.

"Are any done?"

"Yeah, that plate over there." I said, before pointing to a plate of about twenty pancakes.

"How many pancakes do you intend on making?"

"Enough to feed a mini army. Also known as, five teenage boys, plus me."

"Although in the end Cameron and Damien ate the amount that the rest of us ate combined. Those two are beasts when it comes to eating... Lucky them; I wish I could eat food without worrying about gaining weight."

"Fair enough." Henry said, before grabbing a plate, and putting some pancakes on it.

Cameron came back, and grabbed five pancakes. Then, he left. What the...

"Cameron has a black hole for a stomach."

"I see."

Henry then went into the dining area.

There, all done. I have about forty-five pancakes made. I may have overdone it. But, oh well. Deciding that I should eat myself, I grabbed a plate, put a few pancakes on it, and headed into the dining area. It had a glass chandelier that hung over a rectangular table. It had about fourteen seats. Cameron sat near the end, next to one of the ends. Next to him, sat Henry. I walked up to them.

"Enjoying the pancakes?"

Both boys looked up to me.

"Yes." Cameron said.

"They are delicious." Henry added.

"I'm so glad!" I said, before smiling, again.

"Just to let you know, we all have a certain place where we sit. It's not assigned. It's just something we made up."

"Oh, okay."

"Across from Cameron is Damien. Next to him is Hunter. And, you sit next to him."

"Okay." I said, before sitting in that spot.

"Lyle sits across from you."

"Oh, okay."

I then started eating the pancakes. Like every time, I make pancakes, they were really good.

A few minutes later, Damien came in, with a gigantic stack of pancakes on a plate. He looks like he's eating for four people!

"Who made these?"

"I did." I said.

"Wow. Not only are you a cutie, but you can cook as well. I just may have to make you my wife." Damien said, before sitting down.

"He really was confident, wasn't he? Too bad, she's mine now Damien, ha!"

"Uh, Dad, he can't hear you..."

Lyle 'shhh'ed Scarlet.

"I know that... I still wanted to do it though."

"But, isn't that incest?"

"Do you really care?"

"Guess not. I mean, if it's true love, it shouldn't matter, right?"

"Exactly! And, that's why there's nothing stopping me from making you my wife."

"Please. Damien, you just want (y/n) to be your sex slave."

Both Scarlet and Mathew looked confused.

"What's sex?"

Lyle was just as panicked as I was, trying to think of a good answer. In the end we just continued reading, acting as if nothing happened.

"Not true!" Damien said, before standing up.

Henry stood up as well.

"Boys, let's not fight."

They didn't listen to me. Instead, they just gave each other harsh death glares.

"Don't lie to (y/n)!"

"I wouldn't dream of doing such a vile thing. Unlike you."

Just before Damien could lunge forward, Cameron stood up, and held Damien back.

"You shouldn't be so violent. Especially in front of our new sister." Cameron said, in a stern voice.

"You can't tell me what to do. You're not my father."

"But, I am the elder brother."

"So? That doesn't mean I have to listen to you."

I can't stand to see my brothers fight. I stood up, to give them a good scolding. But, before I could start the scolding, I felt someone's hand grab my shoulder. I turned to see Hunter.

"It's best to not interfere."


"Hunter's right, (y/n)." Henry said.

I sighed, before leaving the dining area. I went back to the kitchen, and ate my pancakes in silence. That is, until Lyle came in.

"Pancakes? (y/n), did you-"

"Yes." I said, coldly.

"Ouch, that hurts. What's put you in such a bad mood?"

"I'm sorry for being that way back then... I was grumpier than I expected after witnessing the argument."

Lyle smiled.

"It's alright. I forgive you!"

Lyle gave me a quick hug before letting me continue.

"Henry and Damien got into an argument. And, then, Damien started talking rudely to Cameron, when he tried to stop a fight."

"Oh, well, that's just what brothers do. They fight."

"Yeah, but, why must they fight?"

"Not sure. Can I have some pancakes?"

"Sure." I said, before handing Lyle a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks!" Lyle said, before taking a bite of a pancake.

"So good!"

"I'm glad you think so."

"If they're anything like the pancakes Mom made, I can see why you liked them so much."

I smiled softly; it's nice to know my kids like my cooking.

I then decided to look at the time, to see when we need to leave for school. We need to leave... Five minutes! I put down my plate, and rushed into the dining area. Cameron was still holding Damien back. Hunter and Henry were talking.

"Guys! We have to leave in five minutes!"

Once they heard that, they all ran out of the dining area, pushing past me. I sighed, before walking back into the kitchen. No one was there. Lyle must've heard me. Wait, I need to focus! I grabbed my bag, which had my phone, and everything else I needed.

And, then, I headed outside. I saw everyone getting into a car. Damien got into the driver seat of one car. Hunter and Lyle got in, with him. I saw Cameron driving off, as well. Wait, how am I supposed to get to school!?

"Need a ride?"

I turned to see Henry.

"Yes, please!"

"Right this way."

Henry then led me to what I assumed was his car. It looked very rich, and fancy. I entered, after Henry unlocked it. Henry then got in, and started the car. And, away we were.

"Are you ready for a new year at school?"

"Not really. I like summer!"

"I can't say I really blame you. I wish we could've gotten to know each other better before school started. A shame, really..."

"Yeah. I feel the same exact way."

"So, how does this school work? As in the first day?"

"Well, the welcome was a few days before you arrived. But, when you arrive, you'll go to your locker, then, go to your class."

"Wait, where's my locker? Locker combination? Classes?!"

"It's in your bag. Plus, most of our classes are together. I believe we have class number two, three, lunch, class number five, and, six, together."

"And, how do I find my first class?"

"You share that with Hunter."

"Oh, okay."

We then arrived at Masayume High. And, I must say that it's massive!

Henry then went to a parking spot, and, well, parked.

"Want me to show you around?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Okay. Well, give me your phone."


"So, I can give you my phone number, silly."

"Oh, okay."

I then handed Henry my phone. Henry took it, and laughed.


"Your phone's such an old model."

I frowned.

"Just put the number in."

"Okay, okay."

Henry then did what I assumed was putting his phone number in. He handed my phone back to me. I looked, to see that he had indeed put his number in, with a smiley face next to it.

"Why'd you put a smiley face next to your name?"

"Because, when I text you, you'll know that it's your favorite brother."

"Ha, take that Henry! I'm (Name)'s favorite brother!"

I couldn't help but laugh at Lyle's enthusiasm. He really was an adorable dork sometimes.

"Please, I don't have a favorite brother."

"We'll see if I can't change that." Henry said, with a wink.

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's just head inside, before we're late."


We both exited the nice car. Well, here I go. New school. New brothers. New friends. Masayume High, (y/n) (y/l/n)'s coming for you!

"I think we can take a break tonight. You two can go play for a bit before going to bed if you want."

Both Scarlet and Mathew eagerly headed off to play whatever they wanted to, leaving me with my loving husband Lyle.

"Want to watch something together?"

I nodded, pulling out my remote and quickly finding something for the both of us to enjoy. Even if these nights are common, they're still wonderful.

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