Invisible String | Emily Pren...

By emilyprentissbae

81.4K 2.8K 2K

"๐™ƒ๐™š๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™Ÿ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ฎ ๐™—๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™ž๐™ฉ ๐™—๐™ง๐™ค๐™ช๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ ๐™ข๐™š ๐™๐™š๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ" After becoming Unit Chie... More

twenty one
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thirty one
thirty two
thirty four
thirty five
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twenty three

2.5K 87 44
By emilyprentissbae


I SMILED at my phone as I walked into the bullpen on Monday morning. Emily and I had been texting all weekend and I'm pretty sure the smile on my face has become permanent. I was balancing two coffees in my arm because I had just gone to a coffee shop to surprise Emily.

However, when I got to my desk I realized we must have had the same idea because there was an iced coffee on my desk with a small note.

-Good morning! Lunch in my office later? :)

I bit the inside of my cheek to hide the pure happiness exuding from my body. Thankfully I was the first one in the bullpen so no one saw me staring at the coffee like an idiot. I quickly put my stuff down and made my way to her office. I saw that her door was cracked open.

I opened the door slowly and saw her reading over a file intensely as she chewed on the end of a pen in concentration. I couldn't help but stare at her for a second. I wanted nothing more than to feel her lips on mine but I knew we couldn't risk getting caught.

"Good morning!" I said as I walked further into her office not even trying to hide the excitement in my voice. She looked up and smiled, abandoning all of her paperwork. "I see we had the same idea." She laughed softly as she motioned to the coffee in my hand.

"Seems so," I beamed back as I put her coffee with Splenda on her desk. "For the record, I did not take pleasure in ordering you that drink," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"You're one to talk. I think I went into a sugar overdose just by looking at your drink."

I couldn't help but let out a laugh as I took a seat across from her. "So, lunch in your office. You don't think people will get suspicious." I asked changing the topic.

"Just say I'm making you fix some paperwork. I make you guys work during a lunch break all the time." She said with a shrug.

"You're kind of evil sometimes, you know that right?" I said with a small smile.

"Eh, I've heard worse." She teased and now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"The rest of the team will be here soon. Go get some work done, we'll talk later," Emily said with a laugh as she reached across the desk and grabbed my hand. I groaned and squeezed her hand before standing up, "I will see you at lunch then, Unit Chief Prentiss." I said with a wink and I saw Emily bite the inside of her cheek trying to hide a blushed smile.

I walked out of her office and closed her door before returning to my desk. I pulled out some cases I needed to consult on and the rest of the team slowly started to trickle in.

Surprisingly, Monday mornings had become one of my favorite times of the week. The team usually spent most of the morning recapping our weekends and poking fun at each other before getting to work. Monday mornings were also when Emily has budget meetings so she wasn't there to tell us to be quiet.

Matt, Luke, and JJ were arguing over a basketball game while Tara, Reid, and I were in a heated discussion about Deontological ethics. "Happy Monday morning my nerds." I heard Dave mutter as he walked by us.

"Morning Dave!" The three of us said at the same time which earned us a half-hearted wave from the older man.

Spencer eventually headed to grab some coffee which unfortunately left me all alone with Tara.

"So, how were your plans on Friday?" She said with a smirk.

"Uh, they were good," I said praying that Spencer would hurry up and come back. However, I knew that as much as Tara loved to tease me she would never tell anyone or do anything to jeopardize my job or Emily's.

"Hey, in all seriousness. I'm really happy for you... and her. You guys are good for each other." She said softly and I could feel my nerves disappearing. She never said anything outright but we both knew what she was saying.

"Thanks," I said with a genuine smile. She gave me a small nod and changed the topic before Spencer came back. We talked for a couple of minutes before everyone headed back to their desks.

Three hours and four files later it was finally time for lunch. I tried to hide my excitement as I got up from my chair.

"Hey, where are you going?" JJ asked confused as she, Luke, and Spencer started heading to Penelope's office.

"I have to fix some case reports with Emily," I said trying to put a convincing frown on my face.

"Ah, right. Forgot you were in the doghouse." JJ said with a chuckle. I fake glared at her and she just smirked. I watched the three of them leave as I headed to Emily's office. I opened the door quietly and saw Emily furiously typing on her computer. I probably should have been concerned but all I could think about was how cute she looks when her nose gets all scrunched up.

"What did that keyboard ever do to you?" I teased as I walked in. Her head shot up as she stopped typing. "Hey, no judging. You didn't just have to sit through a mind-numbingly boring budget meeting."

I laughed as I took a seat across from her and Emily closed her laptop. She pulled out two takeout containers from her desk. "What's that?" I asked.

"Uh, lunch?" She said raising her eyebrows as she handed me a container.

"You didn't have to buy me anything!" I said as I showed her the lunch I already packed and she barked out a laugh.

"Well you don't have to eat it. I'll just leave you to your sandwich then." She said as she reached for my container which I immediately pulled away from her. "Wait! I never said I wouldn't eat it."

She gave me a proud smirk when I looked open the container. It was Thai food, my favorite. "I guess you're not evil all the time," I said with a big smile.

"Don't tell anyone that." She said with a wink.

We talked and laughed for the next twenty minutes. There is just something about being with Emily that was... easy? I never felt like I had to talk or that I had to listen as I did in past relationships. We just fit together.

"So, what are you doing Friday night?" She asked.

"Well, Spencer is going to Texas to visit his mom, so he asked me to give a guest lecture to all of his classes! I get free reign to talk about whatever I want!" I said excitedly. Spencer asked me a couple of days ago and I'm still trying to narrow my list down.

"Oh, fun! If you're not doing anything after that would you want to come to dinner with me?" Emily asked, obviously a bit more nervous than before.

"You're cute when you get all flustered." I laughed softly as I saw her face turn a light shade of pink, "I'm not flustered."

"Whatever you say," I giggled, "But yes I would love to go to dinner with you."

Emily gave me a big smile.

We talked for a couple more minutes about what I could lecture on before I had to return to my desk and Emily had to go back to her budget reports. Friday couldn't come soon enough.



"...and we see this through Freud's 'penis envy' theory and androcentrism. While it is true that only 15% of serial killers are female, women are just as capable of murder as men, if not better. Any questions? We have a couple more minutes so ask anything you want!" I said as I stood in front of the lecture hall. Researching and lecturing about my findings was honestly so fun. No wonder Spencer loves teaching.

"You're in the BAU, right? How many unsubs have been women?" Someone asked from the back of the classroom.

"There have been two cases that I have worked on with female unsubs, which is absurdly rare and I would calculate the statistics now, but I assume you guys have other questions that are of more importance," I said and earned a nod from everyone.

"What's the craziest thing that's happened to you in the field?" Someone called out.

"Well, I have been held at gunpoint twice. Both times were by women. That's also another absurd statistic but I'll save you all from acting like Dr. Reid today." I said and heard everyone laugh.

"But don't worry being held a gunpoint is not a usual day at the BAU. It's most paperwork, building profiles, and creating new interview techniques." I said with a wink. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 6.

"Alright, you guys are free to go. And don't forget to grab a complimentary donut on your way out!"

Everyone trickled out of their seats and I even talked to a couple of the students that wanted to be in the BAU. I gave them my number and told them to call if they had any questions.

The lecture had been fun but I was more excited for later tonight. I smiled as I checked the clock again, only thirty more minutes-

"Very impressive lecture Dr. Y/l/n." A voice said from behind me causing me to whip my head.

"Emily?!" I said stunned as she walked closer to me with a smile on her face. "What are you doing here?!"

"Well, you were all excited about it so I obviously couldn't miss it." She said and I couldn't stop the excitement radiating from my body. We had been texting and talking all week and she never mentioned coming.

"You've been here the entire time?" I asked surprised. I was stunned that I hadn't seen her and even more stunned that she had left work early for this.

"Of course, I've been here the whole time. And damn, if you had been my professor maybe I would have shown up to class more." She said with a wink.

"That was smooth," I said with a chuckle. She scrunched her nose as she smiled at me and I could feel my heart fluttering.

"I think we have some dinner plans to go to." She said pulling me into a soft kiss.

"I think we do," I said with a smile.


AS SOON as we got into the car I found myself rambling about Y/n's lecture. "You talking about androcentrism opened my eyes to so many things! I mean from a psychological standpoint it's obvious that...." I trailed off when I saw Y/n smiling at me. "What?" I asked trying to hide embarrassment from my face. This side of me was definitely one that had not seen the light of day in years. And for some reason, I was glad it was coming back out again.

"Nothing, I'm just really glad you enjoyed it." She paused for a second. "And I'm really glad you came. Thank you."

I reached over and took her hand in mine. "I saw how much this meant to you. Of course, I came."

"Charmeuse" (Charmer). She said with a smile

"Oh, juste tu attends" (Oh, just you wait). I said before kissing the back of her hand. We talked about her lecture for the rest of the car ride.

"Where are we?" Y/n asks curiously as we pulled into a restaurant. I had gotten us reservations to one of the nicest Italian restaurants in D.C. Well, not really reservations. The owner was a family friend and I may or may not have bribed him to let us have the entire roof dining to ourselves.

"You'll find out," I said as I opened the car door for her. We walked inside and the hostess found our "reservation" before leading us upstairs. I let out an internal sigh of relief that we didn't run into-

"Emily Prentiss!" A voice said from behind Y/n and I. Great. I thought as I pulled a smile to my face. "Steven," I said as I reached out to shake his hand. He still looked the exact same since I last saw him. Tan skin and thick black hair. "This is Y/n. Steven's an old family friend. His dad owns the place." I said as I introduced the two.

"Hi, nice to meet you!" Y/n said happily as she shook his hand. All of a sudden Steven turned to me surprised. "Pensavo che mio padre stesse scherzando quando ha detto che avevi un appuntamento" (I thought my father was joking when he said you had a date.)

"Steven," I warned as I eyed Y/n. But of course, he didn't realize what I was implying, "Porca troia, l'Emily Prentiss si sta finalmente sistemando. E per non parlare di questa bellissima donna..." (Holy shit, is THE Emily Prentiss finally settling down. And not to mention with this beautiful woman-)

"Questa bella donna capisce quello che stai dicendo" (This 'beautiful woman 'understands what you're saying). She interrupted him with a laugh. I joined in with her and thanked the universe that Steven hadn't said anything embarrassing. He looked at me wide-eyed and then let out a chuckle. "She's good."

"Trust me, I know," I said with a small smile before we walked up to the roof. Y/n let out a small gasp when we made it to the top. "Woah," She muttered as she looked at the candles that lined the railing and table. "How did you-"

"I may have pulled some strings," I said with a shrug as I grabbed her hand and led her to the table. "This is beautiful Emily." She said as looked around us in awe. Eventually, our waiter came and our food arrived less than thirty minutes later.

"No offense, but this is so much better than your bolognese." She said with a small laugh as she ate the pasta.

"None taken. Although, I'm pretty sure it helped that the Sioux chef didn't catch the meal on the fire." I teased back and Y/n gave me the cutest glare that made me laugh.

By the time dinner was done the sun starting to set so, of course, Y/n had run over to the railing to look below us. I walked up next to her and couldn't help but admire her. Even in her work clothes, she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

"It's beautiful." She whispered as she looked at the pink clouds and blossoming tree's below us.

"You're beautiful," I said softly as I kissed her cheek. She turned her face to look at me with a small smile, "So, you've never thought of settling down before?" She said completely changing the topic.

I was taken aback at first but was surprised by how easily the truth left my mouth. "Not really. I guess I just never found the right person, and then after everything with Ian Doyle, I kind of just gave up."

"What changed?"

I raised an eyebrow then let out a small laugh, "Do you really need me to answer that question."

"Hmm, I think so." She said with a grin.

"You know, sometimes you're the evil one."

She just stared at me just waiting for me to talk.

"You changed me," I paused for a moment trying to figure out what to say, "You helped me find myself again, Y/n. You make me want everything I thought I missed out on. So after everything I've been through, I think my heart was waiting just for you."

"Well, I am so glad your heart waited for me."She smiled as she wrapped her hands around my waist pulling me closer and brought her lips to mine. "Because my heart was definitely waiting for you." She murmured and I felt myself melt into her, her soft lips and lavender shampoo filling all my senses. My hands were lost in her hair, as I tried to pull myself even closer to her. Everything about her was perfect.

Suddenly I heard my phone ring from the back of my pocket and we groaned at the same time. "Case?" Y/n huffed out as she rested her forehead against mine.

"Yeah," I said I pulled my phone out and answered it. The section chief briefed me and thankfully it wasn't too bad. Although, we would be heading to Florida, which was already a downside on its own.

Y/n and I made our way to my car to take her back to hers. I knew we had to arrive separately or else people would get suspicious. It sucked that we had to hide this, but I don't want Y/n to lose her job because of me.

I know it's selfish, but now that I have her, I am never letting her go.

I sighed as we drove through the city, of course, tonight had to get short due to a case. A case. Oh shit, I completely forgot I suspended Y/n from the field.

"You're not mad that I suspended you, right?" I asked, biting the inside of my cheek. Oh god, I made everything so complicated-

"Annoyed at the situation, yes, but I'm not mad at you. You told me to stand down and I didn't. You have every right to suspend me. Honestly, you probably let me off easily." She said with a small laugh.

"I know, I just, shit, me being your boss just complicate's everything-"

"Hey," She said softly as she grabbed my hand. "I knew what I was getting myself into. You being my boss, isn't exactly ideal but I respect you both as a person and a boss. If you make a call, I trust your judgment."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Feel better, now?" She giggled.

"I do thank you. And knowing that you won't have the chance to be held a gunpoint puts me more at ease."

She rolled her eyes, "Two times," She muttered as I laughed, "Two times too many."

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