Second Chance (a North and So...

By tini_25

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Different take on North and South. It starts when Mr. Thornton leaves Margaret after his disaster of proposal... More

Chapter 1: Roses have Thorns
Chapter 2: Twisted every way
Chapter 3: Revelation
Chapter 4: Walk in the Park
Chapter 5: Going through once more
Chapter 6: First contact with the past
Chapter 7: Hurry to post the letter
Chapter 8: What happened?
Chapter 9: What's her condition?
Chapter 10: Further explaination of present circumstances
Chapter 11: Men's conversations
Chapter 12: Time to blush
Chapter 13: Working out new strategies
Chapter 14: Bessy's letter
Chapter 15: Missing her slightly
Chapter 16: Chasing her
Chapter 17: Keeping her promise
Chapter 19: Frederick Hale
Chapter 20: Flashbacks
Chapter 21: Illuminate forgotten events
Chapter 22: Comparing memories
Chapter 23: A sibling there in hard times
Chapter 24: What father never told
Chapter 25: New way of thinking
Chapter 26: gasping for forgiveness
Chapter 27: Conversations
Chapter 28: Conversations 2
Chapter 29: Secret Happiness
Chapter 30: The shadow of death
Chapter 31: Leaving the country
Chapter 32: The other man
Chapter 33: Last farewell
Chapter 34: Engagement
Chapter 35: The Confrontation
Chapter 36: Wedding bells
Chapter 37: Family tragedy
Chapter 38: Lost children
Chapter 39: One's Despair
Chapter 40: Distrust and Dismissal
Chapter 41: Lullaby
Chapter 42: Trying to mend it
Chapter 43: Dear Fred
Chapter 44: Remembering Oxford
Chapter 45: Being left alone
Chapter 46: Recollection
Chapter 47: Coming home
Chapter 48: A sorrowful message
Chapter 49: How the world collapsed
Chapter 50: Supporting columns
Chapter 51: Back to London
Chapter 52: Confession against Depression
Chapter 53: Helstone
Chapter 54: The Lennox's Philosophy of life
Chapter 55: Ungrateful business
Chapter 56: A very generous gift
Chapter 57: Looking South
Chapter 58: Coming after her
Chapter 60: Spain
Chapter 61: Complicated
Chapter 62: Sincerely, ...

Chapter 18: Cosy little coach ride

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By tini_25


We sat in the carrige, driving slowly towards her home through the already darkened streets. It was quite at first. Margaret looked out of the windows, she eighter seemed to be engrossed by something she saw outside or she was just avoiding my gaze. I took the opportunity to observe her.

When I went after her I expected her to scold me, because I followed her like the obsessive stalker in what I turned to, but instead I was given the greatest gift, holding her in my arms and comforting her. That was something I always longed to do for her.

I wasnt expecting everything turning out so well, even though today wasnt a part of my plan. She was warming up to me, I could feel it. But still, the silence between us now felt akward, so I started braking it.

"I give you my respects, Miss Hale. You're very strong and your courage is impressive. I dont know if I would have done that if I was in your place" I wasnt sure what to expect from her as an answer, but I had to get it out, to tell her, so that she noticed in time how much I admired her for her character.

"Thank you. Nobody ever told me something like that." a smal genuie smile appeared on her face. I felt like I was in heaven. I actually did something right this time, and she didnt seem to want to argue with me about everything anymore. I had to push that further, as long as I had the chance to. We werent alone very often.

"But I am still concerned. Dont get me wrong, Miss Hale, I dont mean to judge. Think of that as a advice of a friend. I see you are suffering. And I see that you keep your emotions hidden from everyone. I understand your motives in not showing any unhappiness towards your parents. But if you always keep closing up everything withing you, one day you will break. And I dont want that to happen. I am sure you can talk to your father openly. He would surely want you to open yourself to him. And you know, you could also talk to me" I noticed her strange facial expression and quickly added "I am sorry, I shouldnt have been so forward." Why did I say she could come to me....When everything is well I have to mess it up. Perfect. I should get an award for messing things up so quickly.

"Mr. Thornton..." There we go again...

After a pause, which felt like forever to me she continued. "Thank you."

Wait, did I hear right???? I felt like I was on top of the world. She made me so happy at this moment.

"Nothing you have to be gratefull for. It would be my honour if I can helpe you in any way"

She gave me a weak smile, her face still wett from all the crying. I was so happy she didnt cutt off my offer to be a crying shoulder for her. If she would agree to talk to me, that would give me a great chance to get to know her better and to ease her pain. I would be gratefull to do that. What ever problems she had, I would be there, happy to help her carry her burden.

When the carrige came to an halt, I opened the door and helped her out. Her hand took mine and I felt tingles on my skinn where she touched me. She must have felt it, too, as she snatched her hand away and quickly went away, her eyes glued to the pavement under her.

I paid the driver and caught up to her at the door. When Richard opened the door he looked relieved to see us.

"What took you so long child? Come on in. Warm up and drink a cup of tea with us." We went inside and I took my coat from Margarets shoulders. I gave it to her earlier as she was shivering. Another action that brought a smile on her face. I was doing really good. Although I had trouble fighting with my conscious because it felt like I shamelessly used the situation to get closer to her. But I helped her that way, so it was alright.

"Father I..." I knew she was about to decline and block her father out of her emotions again, so I gave her a meaningfull look, which said: 'remember our conversation in the carrige?'and she understood. She smiled a little and said: "Yes, thank you father."

I was happy that she was opening up and a little bit proud of myself that I had caused that change in her. It isnt like I wanted to change anything about her, she was perfection itself. I just wanted her to get help, because seeing her so beat up was killing me inside.

We sat at the fire, its comfortable warmth wrapped itself slowly around us. Only now I noticed how I cooled down wihtout my coat outside. I sipped the tea in front of me and listened while Margaret slowly tried to talk to her father about her loss. I was happy for her and her father. Richard was so desperate, as he knew that Margaret had build a wall around herself and he didnt know how to wreck it down. They were coming closer again. I should probably leave, I thought when they started talking, to give them their privacy.

"I think I should leave you alone to talk, I will come next week Richard." I stood up and when I wanted to say my goodbuys to Margaret, her eyes were begging me to stay.

"Please, dont. You can stay. You could help me tell him what happend. Please."

I couldnt believe my happiness. She wanted me with her. Maybe it was only now as she still was under shock of losing her friend, but still, she didnt have to ask me twice. I sat back down.

"Yes, of course. I will stay and help you tell." I gave her an encouraging smile.

Richard looked somehow surprised, but recovered quickly. He gave me a look that said:'you did it!'and I couldnt help but laugh at him inside. He was so eager to see her with me and I was so happy that I wouldnt have any problems to get him to agree to a marriage between me and Margaret. There would only be left her and my mother to convince of our happiness. And I think on account of my mother, this will be a hard and stoney walk to go. But I would do anything to make her exept Margaret. It was actually funny how alike they were. Once she would see that, she would like her. I was sure of it.

She and her father continued conversing, just once in a while I involved myself and told Richard some details, when I felt like Margaret couldnt. But I didnt interfere to often as I wanted them to talk more.

When I said my goodbyes, and this time for good, I was rewarded with Margaret bringing me to the door.

"Thank you for everything. I dont know what to say... I..just thank you."She was overwhealmed again, but this time it was happiness because she opened up to her father. I felt so happy to see her thus. My heart leaped with happiness.

"I am happy that I was able to help you. Promise me you wont cover up anymore. I dont want you to destroy yourself with this." I was telling her letting all my emotions in. Her eyes lit up as she looked at me with... I couldnt really place it... admiration??? No that was to far... Maybe it was gratefullness. But I was content with that. I will wait. One day she will love me as much as I love her. And today was a great day, I achieved a lot. My hope was rising with every meeting with her to call her mine one day.

I just had to be patient and wait for her.

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